TF Amethyst

TFA1 2.3 – Dawn of Resurrection

TFA1 2.3 - Dawn of Resurrection


South Magwurt City

07:25, 13 Feb 2025

Once every two days, Tuscan Region’s authority would distribute porridge to its residents, and today was the day for porridge distribution.

Usually, Sia would rush to the porridge distribution post while carrying two bowls. One bowl was for herself and the other one for her sick grandmother. However, at this time Sia had no interest to leave the house.

A few days ago, Sia received soft and sweet bread from a stranger, who for unknown reason stood not far from the hut where she and her grandmother lived. The bread was very delicious. However, after enjoying it her grandmother muttered, "Ah... so delicious, this is must be the bread the gods in heaven enjoys. Now I can go in peace."

And last night, her grandmother once again muttered, "Sia, forgive me, grandma can no longer accompany you."

Her grandmother then sobbed all night while Sia panicked. She knew that the grandmother who had raised her had no blood ties to her, but she was very kind to her. Even though they never had an adequate food, she never hesitated to give a portion of her food so that Sia could get a little extra intake.

That's why, even if Sia was hungry and weak most of the time, her heart was always comforted whenever she remembered she had a grandmother who loved her so much.

That's why, the thought that her Grandmother would leave her made Sia felt that the whole world suddenly went dark, and she was worried that if she left the hut, she would not see her grandmother again when she comes back.


Then, suddenly the hut’s door opened and Sia turned her gaze to check who open it. There were three people. They wore clothes similar to strangers who gave her bread a few days ago, with one of them wore an additional white robe.

The man in white robe softly smiled before saying, "Sweetie, good morning. We were told that a grandmother who lived here needs medical attention."

The man in white robe then turned to the rickety bed, where the grandmother was lying under the shabby cloth. Then, without hesitation he walked over to the bed and grabbed Grandma's wrist before sighing.

"Thankfully we are not too late, but we must immediately transfer her to medical tent."

“Aye Sir.”

Sia tried her best to try to understand what was happening, and was dumbfounded when the man in white robe walked over to her.

"Sweetie, does anyone else live here?"

Sia shook her head three times and the man in white robe asked another question.

"Apart from your grandmother, is there anyone else who can look after you?"

Sia shook her small head once again.

"It seems we can't leave you here."

The man in white robe nodded slightly before continuing, "Sweetie, your grandmother is seriously malnourished. So we have to take her to medical tent. Will you come along to accompany her?"

"Can Grandma be healed?"

With a face full of hope Sia asked, and the man in white robe answered with a small nod.

Tears immediately flooded Sia's face, then with a sobbing voice she begged, "Ser Benefactor, please heal Sia's grandmother. Sia will work hard to repay your kindness."

"Don't worry. Your grandmother will be fine in a few days."

The man in white robe then carried Sia and rubbed her head gently. He wasn’t uncomfortable even though Sia's hair and clothes were worn out, and who knows how long it had been since the child took a bath. At the same time, one of the men who had previously moved the Grandmother to the iron carriage came over.

"Major Shade, we're ready to go back to medical tent."

"Then we'd better get going."

The man in white robe replied before getting into the iron carriage while carrying Sia, who was still sobbing.


South Magwurt City

08:15, 13 Feb 2025

With feeble steps, Rutim walked with Lucca, her eight-years-old son. On her back, she carried her only belonging, a bundle of several worn clothes. Yesterday, she heard a convoy of iron carriage was setting a camp near the east wall, and this morning she saw dozens of green iron carriages pacing back and forth the south side of the city to pick up the sick residents.

Surprisingly, the iron carriage moved without being pulled by a horse and the roads it passed on had collapsed. However, Tuscan Guards who were guarding the road ignored it. They instead helped the foreigners who were riding the iron carriage.

Not long after that, several Centurions came and asked the residents to move into campsite on the southeast of the city, because the southern part of the city would undergo major renovations.

At first, Rutim didn't bother with the relocation, but when she heard the Centurions said that starting today they will no longer be hungry, Rutim's heart immediately tightened.

'First they got rid of the sick, and now it's our turn.'

Rutim took a deep breath before kneeling and hugging Lucca tightly. Even though he was born to a commoner couple, Lucca had a handsome face and was smart enough for a child of his age.

"My poor son, because your parents are useless you had to suffer at such an early age."

"Mom, don't cry. Lucca will become a strong mercenary and come home with lots of bread for you."

Lucca hugged her mother as he tried to calm her down. However, Rutim became even sadder because she remembered her husband, a Centurion who died when Tuscan Guard was hired by Kingdom of Makai in the war against Kingdom of Horrep.

Even though her husband died in the war, things weren't that bad as long as someone hired Tuscan Guard. At least, the residents of Magwurt City could eat once a day and even twice a day if victory was won.

Unfortunately, during the past year there had been no major conflict requiring the services of Tuscan Guard. Therefore, Tuscan Region’s condition went nose dive to the lowest point.

Rutim and the residents of Magwurt City did not blame Viscount Rattel for the plight that had befallen them. Instead, they were very grateful because when other nobles abandoned their titles and left secretly with their wealth, Viscount Rattel who came from the smallest Noble Family decided to stay behind, took over the leadership, and did his best to fix the situation.

"Lucca, we should have gone with your uncle when he asked us, but because of my decision you have to suffer."

"Mom, I heard that uncle and his group were captured by slave hunters."

"Those things might be just a rumor."

Rutim rubbed Lucca's head gently before rising to her feet and continuing the journey with thousands of other residents.


Dining Tent A2, Amethyst Merchant Camp.

Rutim was dumbfounded when the monk from Nemo Temple handed her a tray of thick red bean soup, a piece of bread freshly out of the oven, jelly with sliced ​​fruit, boiled egg, and a glass of warm barley tea, while Lucca got a glass of warm soy milk for his drink.

"Uncle Monk, can we really eat this food?" Rutim asked doubtfully, while Lucca repeatedly swallowed his saliva.

"You can. After that, you can go to the tent on the east side. There, you will receive instructions on where to stay and how to use the other facilities. You will also get new clothes and tools for personal hygiene."

Rutim tilted her head before asking again, "Is all of this from Viscount Rattel?"

"I don't know the details. I only heard that last night the Abbot received a request from Viscount Rattel, for the Nemo Temple's monk to help Amethyst Merchant take care of the residents who were transferred here."

Rutim instantly breathed a sigh of relief. If Nemo Temple was involved, it was unlikely that she and the other residents would receive ill-treatment such as mass slaughter or enslavement.

"Hurry up, don't get in the line!"

Rutim immediately gave a deep bow before approaching an empty table with Lucca. Ear to ear smiles graced the faces of the two. It had been very long time since they had a proper meal.


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