TF Amethyst

TFA1 3.15 – Incoming Trouble

TFA1 3.15 - Incoming Trouble

During Harley Quinn's pre-construction, General O'Neil had sent heavy cavalry elements consisting of: 

16 units M1A3 Abrams

48 ​​units M2A5 Bradley Shorads

10 units Engineer Vehicle-01 Rhino.

When it was finally known that the potential threat from the local military could be overcome without MBT, the heavy cavalry elements were then tasked to guard Harley Quinn.

Two hours after Rocky Hill was occupied, Vex changed its name to Terry Hill, and then sent security elements consisting of:

1   Light Infantry Company

1   Mortar Platoon

1   Stinger Platoon

42 Various Humvee

1   Mechanized Infantry Platoon

18 M2A5 Bradley Shorad

6   M1A3 Abrams

4   EV-01 Rhino

Three days later, support elements and MCG’s personnel who would carry out the construction at Terry Hill followed the deployment.

From General O'Neil's office, Vex watched the convoy of support elements and MCG’s personnel passed through the main gate before turning north.

'If only the damn gold mine doesn't pop up.' After taking a deep breath, Vex then approached the display table where TF Amethyst's higher-ups gathered. The main subject of today meeting was to listen to the results of the survey conducted by Carlos.

After General O'Neil gave him the signal, Carlos immediately displayed Terry Hill on the display table. "Initial estimates suggest that the gold ore under Terry Hill reaches a depth of 300-400 meters, with a radius of 5 km to the east, 18 km to the south, 110 km to the west, and 150 km to the north."


With a smile on his face Carlos then added, "In short, TF Amethyst is now super rich."

However, the excitement and surprise that Carlos had hoped for did not appear on the faces of TF Amethyst’s higher-ups.

General O'Neil and Brigadier General Rayden looked casual as usual, some others sighed deeply, while Vex looked at Terry Hill with an expression as if he had just been forced to swallow a glass of cold vinegar.

A big question mark immediately appeared on Carlos' face. "XO, is there a problem? With Brigadier General Rayden the Marauder on our side, I don’t think we have something to worry about even if the whole Amstell Continent tries to snatch this gold mine from our hand.”

Seeing Vex just silent, Brigadier General Rayden immediately said, "If there's a place I need to visit and level up to the ground, I'll gladly do it. Even if I can only use a small number of assets, at least I still have the initiative and element of surprise.”

“I know you can do it,” Carlos excitedly expressed his agreement.

“However,” Brigadier General Rayden continued in bitter tone. “Establish and maintain a line of defense is a different whole beast. Moreover, at this time we do not have the luxury to expand our line of defense beyond 30 km, let alone beyond 100 km and reach the front yard of the two closest Regions."

"I don't get it. Don't we have a land slide edge on firepower?"

Seeing Carlos was truly confused, General O'Neil took over the explanation. "Well, let's assume Lionnel and Rowane Region find out about the gold mines and decide to attack us.

Latest intel shows both Regions can deploy 200 thousand combatants at the age of 18 years, and more if they also deploy younger combatants. Meanwhile, our big caliber assets and ammunition are still very limited.

If the two Regions send all their combatants in one big wave, then we can eliminate as many as possible using the big caliber before switching to the small caliber to sweep the rest.

However, if they sending their combatants in four waves from two directions. Then, we will ward the first wave off using big arm, followed by small arm in the second, and bayonet in the third."

General O'Neil's explanation made Carlos gulp hard, but a possibility popped into his mind. "There is still a possibility that they will withdraw after tasting our artillery."

Nate, the CO of IDG, decided to add some of his view, "Stopping the attack after the defeat in the first wave is very possible. But most likely, it’s only because they want to rethink their strategy.

Also, from our experience at Terry Hill, we found that there is a drug that makes combatants become fierce and lose their sense of fear. So, as long as both of the Regions still have combatants to spare, they will most likely continue the attack."

Vex, who had been silent for a while, finally said, "Besides, there is still the worst possibility, where it is not only two closest Regions that attack us, but two Kingdoms capable of mobilizing the entire Amstell Continent and bringing more than 200 million combatants.

Even if TF Amethyst is already at full strength, wiping out 200 million combatants is not an easy task, both technically and morally.

Therefore, from the start we decided to avoid any actions and policies that could unify the whole Amstell Continent. But now, the thing we most want to avoid is in our side yard."

Awkward silence instantly filled every corner of the room, before finally Lt. Colonel Slane turned to Vex and asked, "XO, how much security we can provide for Terry Hill?"

"With the Terry Hill's distance of 28 km, air cover is not a big problem. But for ground security, we can only send a small number of elements to hinder the opponent's advance so that non-combatant personnel have time to retreat here."

"In that case we should just focus on what we can effort to, and move any gold bars that we manage to produce here."

Vex looked at Lt. Colonel Slane deeply before asking, "Are you sure?"

“I’m,” Lt. Colonel Slane firmly replied. "Keep in mind that gold was never on TF Amethyst's priority list. Getting additional ammunition for the economic supremacy that Amethyst Merchant will unleash is ideal. But if the price is too high, I'd rather ignore it.

Besides, even without additional ammunition, Amethyst Merchant can still meet the timetable."

General O'Neil immediately nodded. "Well, now we just need to find out the previous owner of Terry Hill and determine our next move."

After taking a deep breath, Nate then said, "Major Maxwell managed to get intel that the platoon who attacked Captain Stark and his unit, is waiting for 20 Cloud Hawks that will conduct the first airlifting for the gold bar.

Radar records showed there was a Cloud Hawk flight 400 km east of the versus contact location, and once contact occurred, the flight instantly took a reversed course. Reapers have been dispatched as far as to east coast of Amstell Continent, but so far we got nothing."

Just as Nate finished his words, Major Maxwell suddenly came into the room.  "I deeply apologize for my rude intrusion, but I have something urgent to report."

"Report it then, Major."


As soon as General O'Neil gave him the permission, Major Maxwell immediately approached the display table and plugged a USB stick into one of the slots. In an instant, the display table displayed thousands of ships are making their landing on east coast of Amstell Continent.

"Reaper got this feed a few minutes ago. Initial tally is 260,000 combatants, along with construction materials and supplies.

East coast is no man's land. They will be able establish a base freely if they have effective means to ward off the Dangerous Wildlife."

"Fuck me." Colonel Montana let out a long sigh before saying, "They have a Cloud Hawk capable of ferry flying for 1800 km back and forth. Their airlift capability for logistics is a serious concern for us."

General O'Neil tapped his fingers before saying, "Well, at least now we know who we're dealing with. Also, to form a solid corridor from east coast to here they will have to build dozens of forward base. So, we still have some time to prepare."

General O'Neil then turned to Nate before continuing, "Keep an eye on their movements. And for now make sure only the observation team and everyone in this room knows about this uninvited guest."


After some small talk, General O'Neil then closed the meeting.


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