TF Amethyst

TFA1 3.4 – Departure

TFA1 3.4 - Departure

Shooting range on the outskirts of San Francisco

09:20, 16 Dec 2023

Claire lowered Sig Sauer P226 she had just used, and then turned her gaze towards General O'Neil. "I understand why Uncle chose TF Amethyst, but I'm not sure Vex will accept the offer to become your XO."

"I'm sure you will succeed in persuading him."

Claire nodded slightly. "I'll do my best. But if I succeed, some people in Pentagon and White House will inevitably react negatively."

Seeing Claire pouted her lips General O'Neil instantly smiled. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

"Aye Sir!"

Claire then inserted the second magazine before shooting at second paper target that had just been installed. Apart from persuading Vex, Claire also had to discuss a few things with him. For example, USMC was not willing to lease the AV-8B Harrier II, so Vex had to find a replacement.

Also, for assault rifles she had to persuade Vex to use HK products, because she had already bought the company.

'I have to hurry.'

Claire muttered silently as she emptied the second magazine.


Apartment 2304, Royal Crown Tower.

14:05, 19 Dec 2023

Vex stared at Claire for a long time, while inwardly he contemplating on the offer he had just heard. Claire would not only choose TF Amethyst, but also wanted him to become Executive Officer for it. Meanwhile, General O'Neil would become the Commanding Officer.

In return Claire would help him get Nicole's custody, in addition to helping his ex-wife's company get out of the crisis.

Vex took a deep breath before he finally answered, "I accept your offer, in exchange for salary as large as possible.”

Surprise was clearly visible at Claire’s eyes as she asked, “What about your daughter custody?” 

“I have no intention to take over Nicole’s custody from Yumiko. I only intended to leave as much money as possible for her." Seeing Claire staring at him as if he was a rare animal, Vex sighed silently before adding, “Miss Claire, let me explain a few things so you understand my situation."

"Yes, please."

Wasting no time, Vex started telling his story. It started on the day he was kicked out of Delta. Vex instinctively realized he had to stay away from home for a while. However, somehow he returned home in a state of utter chaos.

Knowing that Vex had return from overseas mission, Nicole who had just come home from school, immediately ran in with a puppy she had just bought a few days earlier.

Nicole cheerfully walked over to Vex who was sitting in the living room. Smiling as bright as the morning sun, she showed Vex a German shepherd puppy she named Lily. She was a cute puppy, and very friendly with Nicole.

Then, Vex himself didn't remember why he did it. Without a word, he grabbed Lily and threw her against the wall as hard as he could, and when Lily was teetering trying to get up, he shot her twice.

Until this day, Vex still vividly remembered the horror reflected in Nicole's eyes. Meanwhile, in a half-hysterical state Yumiko hugged Nicole before running out of home. A few minutes later the Military Police came and arrested Vex, and the next day Yumiko's lawyer came to deliver a divorce papers.

"The last time I met Nicole, she was hiding behind Yumiko, and was crying so hard when I tried to approach her."

Claire stared deeply at Vex before asking, "Is that why you went to deep rural Louisiana to punish yourself?"

"Maybe, at that time I only wanted to get out of this world. However, the longing to meet Nicole made me come back to the world again."

While complicated expression flashed in his eyes Vex continued, "When I found Yumiko and Nicole living happily I was devastated, but not stupid enough to disturb them."

Claire nodded slightly. Then, she said in half whisper, "Something that is lost can be recovered, but something you threw away will forever be lost even if you can find it."


"Now, I understand your goal. So work as hard as you can for me until your bones are broken into pieces if necessary. In return, I will give you unimaginable wealth." Still with a serious tone and expression, Claire added, “I'll also make sure your ex-wife's company thrives. Of course without hinting that it has anything to do with you."

Vex gave a small bow before saying with all sincerity. "Understood, Ma'am."


Apartment 2304, Royal Crown Tower.

21:05, 20 Dec 2023

Beeeep! Beeeep!

On reflex, Vex looked at the door while frowning. Today he gave Bob a day off. He also had no appointments with Claire. So he wondered who the guest had visited him so late at. Wasting no time Vex opened the door, and he was stunned for a while.

"Long time no see, Vex."


Vex immediately invited General O'Neil in and led him into living room. With great curiosity, he then asked.

"What's your relationship with Ms. Claire, Sir?"

"She is my niece, but not many people know about it and I want you to keep it that way."


General O'Neil nodded in satisfaction before saying, "I come to discuss the realization of TF Amethyst."

Vex nodded, while inwardly he recalled the curiosity that had been bothering him for the past few days.

The ability to shift a Battalion Combat Team to a radius of 1,000 km in 20 hours, the ability to operate in rainforests, deserts, savanna, marshes, snowy field and mountains, and highlands.

In the dry season 85% of the operating area could be explored by wheeled armored vehicles, while in the wet season the percentage drops to 55%.

Vex had a hard time imagining which African country had such a complex area of ​​operation. In addition, TF Amethyst was also projected to be able to carry out ten non-war military operations.

"Sir, in which countries TF Amethyst’s area of ​​operation is located?"

General O'Neil casually replied, "TF Amethyst area of operation is not a country, but a continent. There is also a potential it will become an intercontinental area of operation."

Seeing Vex staring at him wide-eyed, General O'Neil immediately continued.

"In a few days we will visit it so you can understand the field conditions better. After that we will think of a quiet means to transport the equipment and personnel. Then, start recruiting personnel and purchasing assets.

"For now, make me a cup of barley tea and serve it with whiskey. There are a lot of details we need to talk about."

"Roger," Vex answered briefly before walking into the kitchen.


Louis Cafe, Baltimore, Maryland.

09:10, 21 Dec 2023

Today Vex looked different from any other day. He did not only trim the beards that filled his face to the brim, but also wore a new and expensive suit. One hour before the appointed time he even had arrived at Louis Cafe, a small cafe near his ex-wife's company.

A smile instantly bloomed on Vex's lips, as he saw Yumiko pass through the front door and went straight to his table. Yumiko still looked the same as when the last time he saw her, long shiny black hair, a distinctive oriental face, and a well-tuned body.

"Thank you for coming."

Yumiko nodded before sitting in front of Vex, and then in a flat tone she said, "For six months, I was desperately fighting the forced acquisition launched by Katsunori Holding without any progress.

Then, last week they suddenly retreated when their victory was only a half-step away. Strangely, a few days later you asked to see me."

In a calm tone Vex answered, "I have nothing to do with it."

Yumiko took a deep breath while scorn filled her face for a moment. "Even though we haven't seen each other in the last few years, I can still tell when you're lying."

Since Vex didn't respond, while cold sweat started to appear on his forehead, Yumiko immediately continued.

"Tell me what you want. As long as it has nothing to do with Nicole's custody or my marriage, I'll accept it."

A bitter regret gripped Vex's heart for a moment, before he calmed it down and said. "Can you give me Nicole's pictures, from the moment of her birth until recently?”

"Give me your smartphone."

Without a word, Vex handed over his smartphone, and Yumiko was pondering for a while when she found that apart from two anonym numbers, there was nothing else on Vex’s smartphone. What's more, it was the smartphone she gave to Vex when they were together. Vex was also still using his old number and email.

"When there's a new photo I'll email it to you, but you shouldn't meet Nicole in person." Yumiko stared deeply at Vex before continuing in a super-serious tone. "Until now she still can't see shooting scenes in a movie, hear the sound of firecrackers that are too close, or anything similar, and you must be aware the cause of all that."

"Understood," Vex answered in a weak tone

Yumiko then looked at Vex deeply, and she immediately sensed that deep down Vex kept a desire to return and live together with her and Nicole. However, she realized that it was literaly impossible.

After heaved a sigh in silent Yumiko then said, "I don't want to interfere with your life, but just a suggestion. You better find a new partner and start rebuilding your life."

Vex smiled slightly before answering, "I'm working on it."

Yumiko realized Vex was lying, but she chose not to say further. After nodding slightly, she then got up and walked towards the exit.


Up to two hours after Yumiko left, Vex was still sitting in his chair, dumbfounded, feeling the turmoil in his heart that never subsided.

General O'Neil who was sitting in a corner finally decided to approach Vex. "We can delay the departure to Amstelll Continent for a day or two."

"No, we better get going. My goal in coming here has been accomplished."

Vex sounded very steady. However, General O'Neil caught the regret and bitterness in his words.

"Are you sure?"


Vex then called the waiter to pay the bill. Not long after that, he and General O'Neil walked out of Louis Cafe, and a luxury and bullet-proof SUV approached the two.


Some Airspace, 150 km north of Antarctica.

01:30, 24 Dec 2023

In the cabin of CH-47 Chinook, Vex studied the technical data regarding Nouel. It was a type of plant that were similar to barley, very easy to grow, and could produce 2-3 harvests in a year.

Nouel grains could be processed into dry biogas or liquid biogas, with a chemical structure similar to natural gas but having greater efficiency and higher combustion potential, as well as far more environmentally friendly.

Vex put down the document in his hand before turning his gaze to General O'Neil. "Nouel has economic value above petroleum and natural gas. We also have US of A as a potential consumer. So, are you sure we won't use military means as a shortcut?"

General O'Neil calmly replied, "If military power is TF Amethyst's primary means, I wouldn't recruit you as an XO but a trigger happy idiot."

Vex pondered for a while before saying, "Well, I know how to build ground and aerial assets and help you operate them. But I'm blind to naval assets."

General O'Neil nodded and replied, "Don't worry, someone is already taking care of the planning for Amphibious Strike Group. Besides, for the first two years we'll just be sitting around on Amstell Continent."


Vex then leaned back his head to the chair before closing his eyes.


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