TF Amethyst

TFA1 3.9 – Finally, Let’s Roll

TFA1 3.9 - Finally, Let's Roll

Sergeant Adams looked at the slave workers who were sitting against the tunnel’s wall. Then, he knelt before one of them. He wanted to offer a cigarette, but after seeing the slave worker’s lips were very dry, he then chose to offer his water canteen.

The slave worker unhesitatingly accepted the water canteen, took a sip and then passed it to slave worker next to him.

"What is your name?" Sergeant Adams started a conversation.

"Emil from Lionel Region."

"Emil, are you slave worker in this mine?"


"Then, we're not a threat to you. We're here to hunt the guards."

A question mark instantly appeared on Emil's forehead. "Hunting the guards?"

"Yeah, and we can offer water, food, and medical treatment if you are willing to help us."

"I'm willing, but right now I'm too weak to fight."

In an instant, a smile spread across Sergeant Adams' lips. "No problem, we just need information and some guides."

Without hesitation Emil nodded. "I'll help."

An attempt to coax the slave workers then launched. At first, they hesitated when Sergeant Adams said he would take them out. The slave workers also didn't budge when Emil coaxed them.

The slave workers' doubts only began to fade when food and water were mentioned. Then, completely collapsed when Sergeant Adams said they didn't need to carry wooden crates containing gold bars.

After they were sure Sergeant Adams did not intend to use them to move the gold bars and then finish them off, the slave workers were then willing to follow Sergeant Adams to entry point which was now widely open.

Under illumination of carbide lamp, the slave workers then happily enjoyed the fresh breeze that for a long time they didn't felt.


When carrying out missions outside of Harley Quinn, the logistics units would provide each personnel with a carton of 12 packs MRE and a carton of 12 cups pickled fruit. If the mission was scheduled for more than four days, each personnel would receive two cartons of MRE and pickled fruit. As for freshwater, every four personnel would have a 20-liter jerry can.

Therefore, East Raider was able to feed 100 slave workers with ease. Swiftly, four East Raider’s personnel warmed 10 cartons of MRE using a flameless heater. Then, they distributed it to slave workers along with 10 cartons of pickled fruit and five jerry cans of freshwater.

Dinner went fast. Then, the session to dig information up was started and slave workers who were already full, happily answered every question. 

The underground tunnel structure turned out to be simple as previous intel suggested. The problem was, to enter the operational center they had to pass a 20 meters special design tunnels that had five blocking walls.

Sersan Adams turned his gaze to Emil before asking, "Emil, how fast the guards can deploy this blocking wall?"

"Very fast. It’s inserted it in the ceiling. The guard only need to remove the pillar that supports it using a lever and the blocking wall will instantly fall to block the entrance."

Sersan Adams then turned to Combat Engineer Collins, "Five concrete walls, each one are 50 cm thick with solid iron frame. Can you destroy it without making the tunnel collapse?"

"With the right equipment and adequate explosives, it's a piece of pie. We have what we need in one of M1152, but to bring it we need four people."

Emil enthusiastically said, "I and my friends can help. We can also bring food and water to calm slave workers at Slave Hall."

In an instant a smile spread on Sergeant Adams's lips, "Problem solved, let's finish this job." 

New intel was immediately sent to Camp Terry, and while the rest of the slave workers waited for transportation to move them to Camp Terry, East Raider continued to sweep the underground tunnel along with 14 slave workers.

The slave workers would take turns to become guides and push three carts. One of the carts was carrying explosives and equipment to destroy the blocking walls, while the other two carried MRE, pickle fruits, freshwater, and spare ammunition.


Command Center Tent, Camp Terry.

As soon as intel from East Raider came in, IDG immediately processed it. At the same time, a suggestion to persuade the slave workers to help was sent to other teams. Not long after that, new intel was sent by Utah One, North Raider, and West Raider.

And after dinner, Vex received an update from Major Maxwell. "A slave worker named Emil said the guard bought supplies from a merchant in Lionel Region. But so far, IDG’s elements in the Lionel City don’t see any reaction from Lionel Guard.”

Vex nodded slightly before turning to Colonel Meyer, "How about the sweeping in the tunnel?”

"Main Raider, East Raider, West Raider, and North Raider are ready to break the Blocking Wall. As for Sierra and Utah, they don't carry equipment and enough explosives. So they have to wait until demolition team arrive and help them."

"Well, let's starts breaching the blocking wall then.”


Without delay, Colonel Meyer grabbed his radio and sent the raid order.


8.5 km north of Camp Terry, stood a rocky hill. Its peak was 150 meters, with a total area of ​​​​16 square kilometers.

Reaper on patrol had detected the activities inside of the rocky hill months ago, including the cave on the east side of the hill which was the only entrance.  Every eight days there was also a small convoy of supplies that visited the rocky hill.

However, IDG’s officers concluded the people who established the base inside of rocky hill were Gray Wolf hunters, and the option to eliminate them was crossed out. TF Amethyst ground patrols also kept their distance from rocky hill to avoid contact. In short, no one had thought that under the rocky hill was actually an illegal gold mine.

At exactly 1905 hours, Main Raider arrived at the cave's mouth on the east side of rocky hill, and immediately set up a defensive perimeter to prevent interference from Gray Wolf. Twenty personnel then climbed the rocky hill to find an entrance from above. Meanwhile, 80 others were on standby in front of the cave's mouth.

Major Jansen looked at the Blocking Wall which was already standing still when the Main Raider arrived, then turning to Combat Engineer Phillips.

"Can you destroy it?"

"The data of Blocking Wall seems to be exactly the same as the intel from East Raider, but since this Blocking Wall is much wider, it will be easier to destroy it."

"Good, but I wonder how they built this damn wall and inserted it into ceiling."

Combat Engineer Phillips pulled out a pocketbook before explaining, "At Amstell Continent, the technology for making a blocking wall and insert them into ceiling of a city or castle gate has been carefully researched and developed over the last thousand years.

As a result, almost all Regions on Amstell Continent were able to construct extremely sturdy Blocking Walls and simple pulleys capable of lifting loads up to several tons."

"Thank you for the explanation."

With a half run Major Jansen then walked away, before Combat Engineer Phillips had time to read the next page. At the same time, a radio call came in.

[Charlie Tango to All Raider, party is a go.]


[I say again, party is a go, good luck.]

An ear-to-ear grin instantly appeared on Major Jansen's lips.  

'Finally, let's roll.'



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