TF Amethyst

TFA2 26.2 – Arrive in Jack Sparrow

TFA2 26.2 – Arrive in Jack Sparrow

On the northern foot of Heron Mountain Ranges, 28 km south of Magwurt City, Namba Valley stretched peacefully for 42 km long. In this fertile valley, Agriculture Development Group planned to build theirs headquarter and main research facility. As for now, TF Amethyst’s facility in this valley was only Woodpecker MOB.

After TF Amethyst made the decision to launch Tiger Leap on Makai Royal City, three-in-one depot in Woodpecker immediately received logistic, ammunition, and fuel to its fullest capacity. Super Hornet, Poseidon, Osprey, and other assets that would participate in Tiger Leap also arrived at Woodpecker one by one.

Around 19 hours later, a flight of eight C-130J Super Hercules made a landing on Woodpecker. As soon as the ramp door on the lead Hercules opened, Colonel Meyer immediately stepped out, and the first thing that entered his vision was Herron Mountain that stood majestically in the distance. Then, a lieutenant came over and gave him a salute.

“Sir, welcome to Woodpecker.”

“At ease LT,” Colonel Meyer casually said. “Do you have a message for me?”

“Yes Sir, General Rayden is waiting for you in Command Center.”

“Take me to him then.”

“At once, Sir.”

Colonel Meyer then followed the lieutenant to a Humvee. As for his men, Major Alfred would make sure they were settling down while waiting for the detail of the mission. So, Colonel Meyer went to meet Brigadier General Rayden in a calm mood.


On the Command Center, Colonel Meyer was welcomed by latest aerial footage of Makai Royal City. After observing it with great attention, he turned his gaze towards Brigadier General Rayden.

“General, are we going to take an offensive action on Makai Royal City?”

“To be precise, we will neutralize immediate threat from Kingdom of Makai for once and all before welcoming the Guest From East.”

“Do we have intel on Kingdom of Makai’s intention?”

“King Makai XXII decided to launch retaliatory invasion on Kingdom of Buriek.”

“Where will we establish our forward base?”

“Here.” Brigadier General Rayden said as he pointed at Penna Hill, a big limestone hill 7 km east of Makai Royal City.

After observing Penna Hill for a moment, Colonel Meyer with ease concluded that the hill was easy to defend, very ideal to be used as firebase for mortar or howitzer, and also could be used as launching pad for an air assault. However, it had one big problem.

“General, this hill is in the middle of opposing side’s territory. Unless we build the forward base little by little for a few months, it will definitely invite unwanted attention.”

After a smile Brigadier General Rayden said, “We have already established Foc Jack Sparrow on Penna Hill.”

A deep shock instantly flashed on Colonel Meyer’s eyes. He knew IDG ran a clandestine operation in Makai Royal City currently, but he never imagine that Ground Combat Group also had already established a forward operating base only few kilometers from Makai Royal Palace.

“What combat assets do we have on Jack Sparrow?”

“A company of infantry under Captain Tiffany. They are part of 3rd Mountain Brigade and have been stationed in Jack Sparrow for the past few months. For the next six months, I will put them under your command.”

“Understood,” Colonel Meyer firmly replied. Inter and intra units operation was not a new thing for him, so Colonel Meyer had no problem with the arrangement.

“Other than infantry element,” General Rayden calmly continued his explanation. ”Jack Sparrow also has 18 engineers from MCG, 12 personnel from IDG, a platoon of air defense, and 10 men from Settlement 116 who had graduated from Clandestine Course.”

“Does Major Petrov lead the IDG’s element in Jack Sparrow?”

“No, they are under Lieutenant Reznik. As for Major Petrov, he uses a tavern in Makai Royal City as his base.”

“I see.”

“Also,” After heaving a deep sigh Brigadier General Rayden continued in a bitter tone, “We already suffered two KIA from a brawl with locals a few weeks ago.”

Big question mark filled Colonel Meyer’s face to the brim as he asked, “Two KIA from a brawl with locals?”

“Yes, the tension has cooling down, but Major Petrov asked me to release Captain Tiffany from chain of command.”

“Why does Major Petrov ask it?”

“He accused Captain Tiffany ignored his warning and it led to the brawl with the locals.” Brigadier General Rayden lowered his voice as he continued, “But I will let you to make the final call. This is your first objective in Jack Sparrow.

If you think the combination of Major Petrov and Captain Tiffany is not a good recipe for Tiger Leap, feel free to replace one of them or both.”


A moment later, Brigadier General Rayden and Colonel Meyer started drawing the operation plan. This was not the first time the two drew an operation plan together. They had done it for more than a dozen times when they served in 101st Airborne Division so everything went smoothly.


FOC Jack Sparrow, Penna Hill.

00:30, 1 Oct 2025

The only opening in Penna Hill was a rocky field in middle of it. It was long and wide enough to receive an air drop. Unfortunately, its surface was not only hard and rugged, but most of it also had been covered by stones as big as mini SUV.

Parachuting equipment to Rocky Filed at night was not a problem, but parachuting personnel was a whole different beast. It could lead into fatal accident unless it was done in a free fall by highly-expert jumper.

The only way to transport personnel from Woodpecker to Jack Sparrow was by using Osprey, as it was the only aerial asset that could flew for 800 km to reach and land in Penna Hill, and then returned to Woodpecker. The airlift also had to be done under heavy rain to hide the roar of Osprey’s engine and rotor.  

Fortunately, Colonel Meyer didn’t have to wait long for the first airlift. He just completed the operational plan with Brigadier General Rayden when IDG confirmed that a heavy rain would hit Penna Hill at midnight. 

Without hesitation, Colonel Meyer took the chance to go to Jack Sparrow. Other than Major Alfred, he chose to bring personnel from mortar platoon, howitzer platoon, and air defense platoon. As for their equipment, Hercules would drop them in a few batches later.

It was rough and dangerous flight, but all Ospreys managed to arrive at Jack Sparrow.  Carefully and simultaneously, four Ospreys made an attempt to land on small landing pad on Rocky Field. 

Under the heavy rain, pilots would have a very limited visibility. Even with the help of NVG, they barely could see IR strobe that marked the landing pad. Not to mention, the fierce wind made them had to work extra hard to stabilize their Osprey. Even so, each Osprey managed to land safely.

Then, 74 personnel from 2nd Air Assault Brigade stepped out from ramp door in steady steps. Under their raincoat, they carried a big ruck-sack on their back and hold their assault rifle in the chest. They ignored the heavy rain and fierce wind that hit them, and neatly lined up at a small opening 75 meter from the landing pad. Then, they calmly watched as the Ospreys took off and flew to east in full speed.

Wasting no time, Captain Tiffany and two Lieutenants under her command approached Colonel Meyer.

“Colonel, Major, welcome to Jack Sparrow,” Captain Tiffany said in a half-shout. After looking at the neatly line up troops two dozen meters before her she added, “Sir, you have a well-trained breed under your command.”

“Yeah.” Colonel Meyer smiled and then said, “But I bet they will curse me, if we don’t spare them from this rainstorm.”

“Understood, Sir.”

Wasting no time, Captain Tiffany led Colonel Meyer and his men to underground barracks.


The underground barrack in Jack Sparrow was located right bellow Rocky Field. To be precise, it was carved out of giant black stone that became the core of Penna Hill. The interior was simple. The wall, floor, and ceiling were rough and un-plastered. 

However, it was very clean and had enough lighting, clean water, hygienic bathrooms. Most of all, it had good air circulation. Therefore, personnel who lived in it could sleep on the floor without being worry of getting pleurisy or other lungs disease.

After Colonel Meyer and Major Alfred put their belonging in their personal quarter, Captain Tiffany took them to chow hall. When they arrived, they found that most of the newcomers had been already there. They were enjoying hot coffee and snack while chatting with personnel who had been lived in Jack Sparrow for a while.

After taking a cup of hot coffee and cupcake from buffet table, Colonel Meyer, Major Alfred, and Captain Tiffany sat in a table on a corner.

“Sir,” Captain Tiffany calmly said, “Just a little reminder, other than hidden sentry, when leaving underground barrack all personnel can’t carry their assault rifle. They also have to wear local clothes and conceal their sidearm and dagger.”

Colonel Meyer nodded and said, “Got it.”

A moment later, Captain Tiffany invited Colonel Meyer and Major Alfred to check three-in-one depot, hangar, garage, and other underground facilities in Jack Sparrow. The underground tour then ended up in Command Center which was located next to Colonel Meyer’s personal quarter.


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