That Scumbag is Going To Heaven

Chapter 1595

Chapter 1595: End (5)

Chapter 1595 is over (5)

Below, the hotel bodyguard saw the police coming over, thinking it was coming to protect them, and hurriedly greeted them, and hurriedly led them to the front desk.

The entrance and exit of the hotel have been controlled. If anyone goes out, solve it directly.

When they arrived at the front desk, the first thing these people did was to inquire about the floors and rooms where the researchers participating in the academic conference were staying, and stated that they were here to protect all the researchers.

At this time, it was natural to be a policeman who was a city guardian. The staff quickly provided all the check-in information. The police put away the light source to illuminate the registration book and told colleagues around him, “Please go downstairs and tell them that we will send them Take it to a safe place.”

After finishing the order, he turned to thank the staff who provided check-in information, “Madam, you are great, thank you for your cooperation.”

“You’re welcome.” The front desk was very tense. However, facing the police, she was much more relaxed than before, and asked another question, “Mr. Police, what happened outside? When can we restore the power supply?”

“Well, this is a problem, maybe it will be fast, maybe it will take a long time.”

“I really hope to recover right away. It feels like there is no electricity, it’s too bad.”

“Yes, it’s too bad. Okay, let’s continue working, madam, I wish you a happy job.” The police did not want to talk too much with the other party, did not bring down those’bargaining chips’ that could be used for negotiation, they still need some The obtrusive guy is just a little polite.

In front of   , there was a push, and some people questioned loudly, “Who are you! Let me go! Don’t…”


Screams suddenly came up, followed by fighting and gunfire. The front desk was frightened, and he subconsciously looked at the policeman standing in front of him, “Mr. Policeman, in front…”

It seems that something has happened in front of her, she hasn’t finished her words yet, and the sound is soft and stuffy, it seems that something has been punctured

The voice sounded, and the front desk did not speak. For a few seconds, she slowly fell back, and there was a faint blood rust in the air.

The guests who touched down the stairs disappeared silently.

At the entrance of the fire stairway, Shi Ning followed Bai Ze and the others, and went to the roof of the hotel. It was no longer possible to go down below.

Around the hotel, the internal structure, escape routes, etc., Bai Ze and the others stayed for a few days, and they all figured out where they can leave quickly, where is the best hidden escape route, and where is the best sniper spot, they all know.

And now, it is necessary to leave the hotel.

Shining had already clenched the pistol, her eyes were cold and not panicked. Together with Bai Ze, she protected Professor Zhuang in the middle. Now, Shining is not a protected person. With her strength, she is a guardian.

Professor Zhuang wanted to ask Shi Ning several times. He was not afraid. He heard Shi Ning’s breathing from the darkness. It was steady, long and rhythmic, without a trace of disorder. Professor Zhuang knew that Shi Ning was not afraid.

She turned out to be more calm than him and Professor Gong.

It was half a story high from the rooftop. Outside, shelling came from the direction of the temple. At the same time, the two first take-off fighters suddenly bend, one dived, and the other shells shot straight towards a certain part of the city.

Long tongues of flame dragged, like death falling at night, covering the whole city with despair with nowhere to escape.

“Quick, stop!”

A certain base, as the shells hit the city, the air interception was activated, and then everything was in place, and the shells still shot down the city.

(End of this chapter)

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