That Time an American was Reincarnated into Another World

Chapter 18: Letter

The Magisterium. 

It was the second largest property besides the royal palace. It was a college with dozens of buildings and even more facilities where all manner of upcoming Magi learned to grow and wield their powers. 

It was the sole factory that pumped out competent magical soldiers to fight against the Scourge. They also supposedly had a monopoly on the spell formations that cultivated Authorities, but that was less so for the lower level authorities.

Tradition dictated that those with Crests were Activated at around the age of 16. Then they would go on to receive a few years of magical education before hopefully reaching Authority 4 or 5 and be released into the military around the age of 19 or 20. 

Basically, I was way past the ordinary age. Even as I stood in front of the gates, I could see plenty of teens with bright faces practically skipping onto the grounds. 

It was this place that was pulling me from my work in the markets. I felt it was good to start something new, but something in me also wanted to stay where I was. After all, I had been making something of myself. I had renown. 

With a sigh, I strolled onto the grounds. Since it was the middle of summer, I could feel the heat bear down from above, a foreign feeling since I had worked in the cool night for five months. 

But my new coat kept my temperature just right. I didn’t sweat even though it had to be at least 90 degrees out. 

As I walked onto the grounds though, I suddenly heard a ring in my head. I lifted my Aerial.

“I see you. Stay there.”

It was Maxwell’s voice, something I hadn’t heard in almost a week. 

A minute or so later, I saw him walk over to me. He was dressed in his luxurious navy blue robes accentuated with gold and a few jewels, clearly displaying his rich disposition. 

His sharp face eyed me before nodding. 

“The coat fits you well. A worthwhile purchase.”

“I hear I have you to thank for it. So thank you, Maxwell. I hope I can pay you back.”

“That would take a while. Don’t worry about it and follow me.”

He waved, and I followed with a smile. 

He led me onto the grounds where we entered one of the first buildings within the central plaza. An Administration building. 

Bypassing the clerk, we found an elevator and rose a few floors before stopping at an office. 

He entered, greeting a man. 

“Berman. This is John, the one I was telling you about.”

Maxwell brought me forward as I observed this Berman. 

He was a stout man with a thick beard and glasses. Besides the robes, he looked like a normal office man. 

But within his body I could sense a thick aura of power, one I only recognized in Knights. It seemed he was really strong, at least an Authority 8 like Rayla. 

He nodded to me. 

“So you’re the student. Definitely different from the ordinary students we get every year.”

“He’s already faced plenty of adversity, and is an Authority 3. I’d like to directly place him within the fourth year class, particularly the Elites.”

“Hah! That’s too much, Maxwell. The fourth year class I can do. But he’ll have to earn a place in the Elites naturally. Well, at least his age won’t raise any questions. Though, his Authority is a bit low.”

“His power makes up for it. Just get him in the fourth year.”

“Sure, sure.”

With that, Berman retrieved a few sheets of paper and started writing. As he did, he stuck his hand out. 


“Oh, here.”

Pulling out my Card, I tilted it and retrieved my citizenship ID that I received a long while ago. 

However, the sight of my Platinum Card made Berman’s eyes bulge a little as he took my ID. 

“...Heh, you’re something else, huh? I guess Maxwell isn’t totally out of his mind.”

He shook his head while planting the ID against the papers, copying it in some magical way. 

He then stamped my ID card, marking it, before doing the same on the papers. With that, he was finished. 

Maxwell took one sheet while Berman kept the rest. 

“There, that’s the entry form. He’s been given residence and the classes you asked for. His ID is also that of a fourth year’s. No questions will be asked about his Authority, but his power still needs to be tested. So go ahead and head to the grounds. Just show them that paper.”

“Sure. Thank you, Berman.”

“Eh, it’s nothing. At least I got to see something interesting.”

He smirked at me while I was dragged out by Maxwell. 

Then, I was taken past the plaza and onto some training grounds. They were large fields of what seemed like soft stone. 

There were also plenty of kids already getting tested, including a line. Maxwell sighed and pointed. 

“Just go wait in line and show them this paper when you need to.”

“Alright. And should I be showing off everything?”

“No. You have multiple weapons, so just take out one and use it. Don’t worry about looking good. Just get your power logged and finish.”


With that, I stepped into the line. 

I was surrounded by young kids, some as young as the minimum age of 16. The oldest one I saw might have been 18. 

I was 22, and while I wasn’t much older, I felt far older. Hell, I felt years older than when I had first come to this world. The black market had changed me greatly. 

I waited in line for a while as Maxwell stood to the side lazily. 

When it was close to my turn, a kid nearby suddenly spoke. 

“I like your coat.”


I turned, seeing a boy who looked to be around 17 or 18. He seemed extroverted, so I just nodded. 

“Thanks. You look pretty powerful.”

“Heh, I’m already Authority 2. My family had the spell formations for it.”

“Is that right. What family?”

“I’m not sure you’d know.”

“Try me.”

I casually went along as his voice turned low. But I didn’t expect the answer.

“They’re kind of hidden. We’re called the Tavera Family.”

“Oh? I see.”

“You know about us? So you’ve been to the black market?”

“Something like that.”

I chuckled at the coincidence. At the same time, it was my turn. 

I waved to the boy.

“Tell your Patriarch that John said hello.”


He seemed a bit baffled as I stepped toward a man behind a desk. 

I handed him the papers. 

“What type of Magus?”


“Hm. And what type of summoner?”



He seemed disappointed, perhaps a bit pitying, as he pointed. 

“Go up to the target dummies and utilize your power against them. You have one minute to attack the dummy.”


With that, I moved over. There were a dozen target dummies that looked metal, so I casually picked one. 

In my hand appeared a revolver. Specifically, it was the Colt Peacemaker, one of the most famous revolvers that symbolized the American West chambered in .45 Colt.

In the past when I had communed with this gun, I had recieved the memories of an outlaw who was a particularly good shot. He wasn’t known for his quickdraws, but he made up for it with sheer accuracy, especially when riding a horse. 

I had gained his skills that I found to be fitting since I was usually running away from something in the Trenches. 

I could wield this Peacemaker like a pro. 

Spinning it in my hand, I silently took aim at one of the dummies. My time had started. 

I pulled back the hammer, and fired. 


An explosion rang out, startling everyone around me.

Looking past the gun, I saw my bullet hit the dummy in the head, yet off to the side a bit. Not quite a perfect shot, but still a killing blow. 

Since I had five more bullets, I let them loose. 

*Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!*

One more to the head and three to the chest. After that, I started ejecting cartridges and replacing them with new ones. 

Once it was fully loaded, I decided to have fun and tape down the trigger while fanning the hammer.

*Bang Bang Bang!*

Shorts went out in rapid succession, smoke rising from the barrel of my gun. After the last round, I found that most of my shots hit center mass. Only one had grazed the side of its body. 

All my bullets left deep depressions on the dummy. It seemed to be normal iron or the like. 

I clicked my tongue.

“Decent accuracy. I’ll take it.”

With that, I let the revolver return to the dimension, walking back to the clerk.

“Is that all?”

“Uh, yes. Wait a moment.”

Hurriedly writing things down on the paper, he seemed to describe my ability in detail. 

And he got many things right. I wielded a weapon that fired small projectiles at high speeds. And I could fire 6 projectiles before reloading each projectile individually into the weapon. 

At the end, he rated my power as ‘exceptionally lethal’, but containing no supportive or defensive utility. 

With that, he handed my sheet back to me. I walked over to Maxwell with it. 

He nodded. 

“Very well. We have skipped most of the troublesome work. You will receive all your academic materials during your first day, so for now, we must settle you into your new residence. Come.”

He waved me along. 

Leaving the training grounds, we entered deeper into the college. 

The place we arrived was the residential building for all fourth year students. It was smaller but more luxurious than the buildings for any of the other years. 

It was basically two massive mansions squished together. On the inside, there were plenty of rooms that resembled small suites. All of these students were well cared for. 

On the way in I only saw a few other students. They all seemed to be around my age, perhaps with a year of difference. 

I was observed with curiosity when I walked to my new room with Maxwell. 

It was when we arrived at the top floor that he finally stop.

“Here. Room 312. This shall be your home for the next year at minimum.”

He unlocked it with a key and beckoned me in. 

I strolled through the doorway and saw the moderately luxurious interior. It wasn’t anything compared to my room at the hotel, but I would still be comfortable here. 

I bobbed my head. 

“Alright. Is there any more business to take care of?”

“I took care of everything already. I have assigned your classes and arranged your cultivation materials. You will receive everything tomorrow. Remember, you now begin in the morning, not end.”

“Yea, I’m already working on my sleep schedule.”

“Good. A letter will be delivered to you tomorrow morning containing directions for the day. And remember, you will still be having lessons with me. Three days a week to start. There is still much to teach you before you inevitably leave.”


I sighed. It seemed like I would still be forking out money for him. Not that I didn’t have more than enough to last me a while. 

“Also, your bill has gone up to 10 gold bullion a week. Since I’ll be teaching more core material.”


With that bombshell, the man finally took his leave. I was left groaning in financial pain. 


“Oh god… Why is there a delivery here…”

A younger kid was skittish as he ventured deep into the academy grounds.

It was a place only the elites of the Magisterium would normally go, a place that he had no right being near. 

The year four residences. 

It was a legendary place that everyone sought to rise toward, to be placed in. To be there was an honor that earned you renown for years to come. 

All the great legends of the school were located here. 

He was only supposed to be delivering first day letters to all the new freshmen. It was supposed to be a simple and easy job. 

But then, he found one letter that was addressed to room 312 of the year four residence. 

At first he thought it was a great opportunity to sneak a peek at the place. Everyone dreamed of going over there, so he quickly took the letter and rushed over. 

But the closer he got, the more the pressure mounted. Just walking through the year three residential area was nerve wracking enough. Those guys were psychos that fought tooth and nail to rise higher. He felt like he would be challenged if he so much as looked at someone. 

And the silence of the year four area only made it worse. 

He looked at the entrance to the building. It was luxurious, fitted with gold and artistic pillars that symbolized greatness. 

And on the inside, he saw the hall walls that were lined of portraits of those legendary names who had come and gone with great prestige. There were even weapons, all of them giving off daunting auras. 

The young man didn’t want to be there, even if it were a chance of a lifetime. But he trudged through, taking the elevator to the top floor. 

“This is the fourth year residence. So why are one of these letters going here…”

He muttered while searching. And looking at the golden numbers on each door, he found himself going the right way. 

But then, he turned a corner and was startled. 

A large man stood before him, one whose gaze made him shake in anxiety. 

He was tall, a longsword on his back that radiated the light of glory and ferocity. 

This young man, like all others who were fans of those renown figures at the top of the rankings, knew who it was. 

But he didn’t so much as make a peep when the man took the letter from his hand, glancing at it curiously. 

“So I was right. Some newbie managed to sneak his way to the top. Hm, I’ll take care of this.”

With that, he turned and slowly walked off with heavy steps. 

The young man stared until he disappeared. Finally, he caught his breath and turned, running out of the residence. 

“That was the Severing Blade, Ravon… I just met the rank 20 Elite! And lived!”


*Knock Knock*


After waking up to banging on the door, I sat up groggily. 

I was not handling this sleep schedule change well. 

*Knock Knock*

“Two seconds! Damn!”

I shouted to the impatient person at the door. Wiping my eyes, I sighed and walked over in nothing but a pair of loose pants. 


I opened the door and looked through with squinted eyes. But the sight wasn’t one I was expecting. 

A man, perhaps as tall as I was, stood across from me with a large sword on his back. At first glance he gave off the feeling of a Knight, so my guard instinctually went up. 

He looked me over with silence. During that time, I started to realize that he was rather powerful. At the least, he was on another level compared to those Psychos in the Trenches. 

I asked. 

“Seems the delivery boys here are rather amazing.”

“...Excuse me?”

His masculine voice came out, seemingly not pleased by my remark. 

I just nodded toward the letter in his hand. 

“That is for me, isn’t it?”


He hummed before handing it to me. 

Then, I shut the door. 



He stopped the door with his hand, pushing it back open with strength I couldn’t resist. 

After all, he was a Knight. No matter how fit or strong I got, Knights would always surpass me. I could only contend with low level ones, and higher level ones forced me to keep a distance. 

I frowned. 

“If there’s nothing else, please take your leave. Otherwise I’ll be removing your hand from my door personally.”

“Heh, at least you’ve got balls. What’s your name?”

He leaned forward threateningly, making me wary.

“None of your concern, otherwise you’d know it. Now get your face out of my doorway before I tear you a third eye socket.”


My revolver appeared, the barrel rising to his eye level. 

This caused him to smile. 

“A Cold Summoner. How underwhelming. I’ll be speaking with whoever decided that throwing you into our residence was a good idea.”

“Go ahead, dipshit. So long as you stop interrupting my morning.”


I slammed the door as he finally backed away. I then heard his footsteps grow distant. 

My guard went down as I took a deep breath. 

“Sheesh. I am not a morning person.”

After that, I cleaned myself up and got dressed. 

I opened the letter as I walked out of my room.

It was the day of the opening ceremony for the Magisterium.

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