That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Bullied Wrong Person

As I waltzed back into my dorm room, the echoes of laughter and joy from my date with Irish still reverberating in my soul, I couldn't contain the euphoria that danced within me. 

With each step, I shed the constraints of societal norms, discarding my garments with reckless abandon until I stood liberated and unburdened, the cool air caressing my skin like a gentle embrace.

 I took off the clothes that I was wearing and threw them in the corner of the room. Because being naked is better then wearing feminine clothes as a man's prospective.

It was raining outside, i didn't know it was rainy season, I thought they just use water and growth magic to grow plants. Well it's been more than 1 week since I arrived in this world but rain is happening right now so I can assume that this is the start of rainy season.

As Scarlett approached Aoto, who stood pensively by the window, his gaze lost in the rhythmic cadence of raindrops against the glass, he broke the silence with a casual greeting.

"Yo! Do you like rain, Aoto?"

Aoto's attention snapped back to the present, his features registering a hint of surprise at the interruption. "Ohh! You came back," he responded, a note of relief evident in his voice. "Well yeah, I like rain."

Scarlett's response, however, was laced with a cutting edge of mockery. "Really? Because it covers up the sound of you masturbating, right?" Her chuckle dripped with disdain, casting a shadow over the moment.

Aoto's discomfort was palpable as he shifted uneasily, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Cough... cough... I-I was talking about my childhood. Now I don't like rain," he stammered, his attempt to deflect the teasing falling flat.

But Scarlett was relentless in her mockery, her words like barbs aimed at Aoto's vulnerability. "Ohh! Because you're unable to hear the sound of other people's footsteps, so you can't relax and masturbate, right?" Each word was a dagger, piercing through Aoto's defenses and laying bare his insecurities.

In that moment, Aoto's inner turmoil reached a boiling point as he cursed inwardly.

'Ugh! Fuck he is exposing me.'

As the debate reached an impasse, he resorted to deflecting the conversation.

"Why are you naked? What happened to the date?" he inquired, attempting to steer the dialogue away from the unresolved argument.

"It was great, I almost kissed her," I replied, a subtle evasion of the truth lurking beneath my words. (There was no mention of the events that transpired earlier, the confrontation that had left two adventurers lying lifeless in the wake of her and irish's encounter.)

Aoto, sensing my reluctance to delve further into the matter, let out a heavy yawn, his voice tinged with laziness as he redirected the conversation. "Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow is magic class, and you have to come as well."

I was free for 1 week because they kicked me out of weapon training sessions, But tomorrow and I think for 1 week is magic classes Soni have to go in classroom like first day of academy, I don't really care much about any classes, because I can learn magic by simply reading books in the library and using them in practical in the back of garden of academy,No one seeing you there no matter what you are doing.

Again we both slept in same bed, I was so lazy to wear clothes again, so I just slept naked, I have habit of taking off my clothes in sleep, so what's the difference.

I didn't even realize and it was morning.

Like always I woke up and saw a letter was kept under the door. Prince Richard was written on it, I don't fucking know why he sends me love letter everyday.

As always Without even reading 1st line, I burned the letter with fire magic, I think I should thank him for helping me practice fire magic on this kind of weak things, it increases my magic control and accuracy.

Most Scary thing in the academy is girl's bath, I have to bath everyday there, only I know what goes through me. After bathing and wearing the same clothes, we departed to magic class.

Past one weeks Aoto have already made 4 girlfriends,Princess, Elminia and a beastwomen (I don't know what her name is, who cares anyway?), and another girl from Class B-1. In our previous world Aoto had 8 girlfriends so I'm not even shock, fucking womanizer.

I don't know how he made a girlfriend from different class, should I also give it a try?

But that's not the main point, main point is that Chiyoko guy, he also made 2 girlfriends, Even her one of the girl with red-hair was so lovey-dovey to him.

'But How?!, Fuck, Am i loosing to a hardcore otaku?'

As Scarlett entered the magic class and made her way to her usual seat, she was met with a sight that left her bewildered.

"Huh?... What happened to my seat?" She muttered incredulously, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Her seat, once a sanctuary of study and contemplation, now stood defiled by a crude display of vandalism. Bold strokes of random colors adorned its surface, while remnants of milk, soda, and various other refuse littered its once pristine exterior. Even his magic books lay torn asunder, their pages scattered like fallen leaves in the wind.

"Darn, what kind of prank is this," she grumbled inwardly, though outwardly maintaining a façade of indifference. "Well, I've already read those books, so I don't care if they're torn apart or not."

With a nonchalant shrug, she made his way to a different seat.unfazed by the inconvenience. After all, the spacious confines of the classroom easily accommodated the sparse number of students present, rendering the antics of his fellow classmates nothing more than a petty nuisance.

She sat on different seat, waiting for the class to start, Aoto also entered the class and after seeing her seat, he was kinda confused what happened but as soon he saw her on diffrent seat, he gave her handsign that he is going seat on his seat.

As Scarlett waited for the class to commence, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by the arrival of two girls, their chatter filled with an air of superiority. Without warning, one of them feigned clumsiness, deliberately spilling milk onto Asta's person.

"Oops, I accidentally spilled milk over you," she remarked with feigned innocence, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Her companion joined in the mockery, her voice laced with arrogance. "My! my!♡♡, Nova-san, I think the milk liked you so much, fufufu."

Despite the obvious intent behind their actions, Asta chose to remain composed, her thoughts briefly flitting over the fleeting memory of the girl's name. Resolving to let the incident slide for the time being, she remained stoic, unwilling to dignify their juvenile behavior with a response.

With a charming smile adorning his features, Asta responded to the girls' mockery with a gracious gesture. "Don't worry about it, girls. It's okay," she assured them, her tone tinged with sincerity.

But instead of expressing gratitude, the girl's response dripped with arrogance, dismissing his goodwill with a disdainful click of her tongue. "Tsk, let's go, Pandra. Don't fall for her acting," she remarked, her words a sharp rebuke.

Scarlett watched them retreat to their seats with a mixture of bemusement and irritation. "Acting? What was the acting in that?" She mused to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "Tch, girls these days are so rough."

As the class commenced and the teacher began the lesson, Scarlett found herself unable to focus. Small objects, like erasers and pencils, began to rain down upon her from different directions, disrupting the tranquility of the classroom.

"The fuck? Why are so many pranks happening to me today?" She muttered under her breath, her frustration mounting with each unwelcome interruption.

But then, like a bolt of lightning illuminating the darkness, a realization struck Scarlett with sudden clarity. "Wait a minute, isn't this what we call... Bullying?" he thought, a menacing grin spreading across his lips.

Her eyes gleaming with newfound determination, Scarlett embraced the revelation with a sense of vindication. 'I knew it. Something was wrong,'she chuckled darkly, relishing the opportunity to turn the tables on her tormentors. 'These little fragile girls trying to bully me? Hahaha!'

'How long has it been since I last bullied?'



It was the first day of my high school, I was just sleeping on my seat Yet, my tranquility was shattered by an unexpected disturbance.

"Hey, girl, what are you doing on the boys' row?"

Startled from my half-conscious state, I blinked groggily at the source of the interruption—a random boy accompanied by three others, their unruly hair and towering stature casting a stark contrast to my own diminutive frame.

In my drowsy haze, I mumbled a response. "Ima... -oy."

Confusion clouded the boy's features as he leaned in, prompting me to repeat myself


"I'm a boy, Asta Kugarasi."I clarified, my words met with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

With a flush of amusement coloring his cheeks, the boy erupted into mocking laughter, his voice ringing out in the classroom. "Hahahaha! What are you, a femboy?"

His laughter reverberated through the room as he seized the opportunity to publicly ridicule me. "Hey, everyone! This girlish-looking girl is actually a boy, hahaha!"

I felt a surge of anger rising within me, fueling my quick retort. "Hey, are you trying to make fun of me?"

The boy's demeanor shifted, his tone taking on a veiled threat as he made a demand. "Hahaha! Silly me, of course not. I will not hurt you, if only you do as I say."

He extended a paltry sum of money towards me, instructing me to fetch his lunch from the school cafeteria during the upcoming lunch break.

Confusion mingled with indignation as I balked at his audacity. "Huh? Why should I? Didn't God give you a pair of hands and feet? Go fetch it yourself."

My defiance stoked the boy's ire, sending his temper skyrocketing. "You little, do you know who I am?"

I met his glare with a cool indifference. "Nope! No idea."

With an air of arrogance permeating his words, asserted his dominance with unwavering confidence. "I'm Izumi Yamakara. My father is a martial arts trainer, and I've trained in various martial arts. I'm the strongest in this school."

Undeterred by Izumi's boastful claims, Asta retorted with fierce determination, his voice laced with confidence. "So what? I don't give a shit."

As tensions escalated and Izumi's frustration grew, he moved to strike Asta, his fist poised to deliver a punishing blow. "You little, I think I have to give you a taste of my punch," he threatened, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

Asta, prepared to defend himself, squared his shoulders and braced for the impending confrontation. But before the clash could erupt into violence, the sudden arrival of the teacher interrupted the escalating conflict.

As the students rose in unison to greet the teacher, their voices echoing in harmonious chorus, the potential for a physical altercation dissipated like smoke in the wind. Asta and Izumi, momentarily deflated by the teacher's presence, stood down, their conflict relegated to the realm of unfulfilled threats.

With a parting warning, Izumi vowed retribution. "Just you wait till tomorrow," he muttered, his voice tinged with a promise of future conflict. 


As Asta entered the classroom and approached his usual seat, a wave of disbelief washed over him at the sight that greeted him. His seat, once a place of quiet refuge, was now defiled by a grotesque assortment of garbage, old socks, and shattered eggs. The laughter of Izumi and his friend filled the air, mocking his discomfort and fueling his growing sense of outrage.

Throughout the class, Asta found himself under siege, targeted by a relentless barrage of projectiles hurled from all directions. It quickly became apparent that Izumi and his cohorts were behind the onslaught, their malicious intent evident in every spiteful gesture.

Realization dawned on Asta as he connected the dots, understanding the true source of his torment. Determined to seek justice, he approached the teacher to lodge a complaint, only to be met with dismissal and derision. The teacher waved off his concerns, labeling the harassment as mere pranks and refusing to intervene.

During lunch time, I didn't had money to buy a meal, so I just walking in the garden and after coming back, I checked my locker and my shoes was torn apart and whole locker was covered colour and "gay" word was written all over with paints and so many Dildos were placed on there.

For me who comes from an low-class family background, loosing my pair of shoes who I was wearing since middle schools.What if my current shoes get spoiled, there's no way I can afford a new shoes.

My anger became uncontrollable, I rushed to the class and saw that izumi guy there.He was holding my notebooks and as soon as he saw me he torned my notebooks in front of me while laughing with no guilt.

Blinded by anger and desperation, Asta confronted Izumi, his trembling voice betraying the storm of emotions raging within him. "Why are you doing this?" he demanded, his fists clenched in impotent rage.

Izumi's response was callous, his laughter a cruel echo of Asta's suffering. "For fun, of course. What are you going to do, cry?" he taunted, his words dripping with disdain. "I'll let you go if you suck my dick, femboy."

In that moment, Asta's resolve hardened into a steely resolve as a single thought consumed his mind—I'll kill him. The simmering fury that had lain dormant within him erupted into a raging inferno, driving him to the brink of violence in his quest for retribution.

That time I realised, it doesn't matter if you are weak or strong, If you look like a weak person other start mistaking your patience as a sign of weakness and start bullying you.

If you don't want to be bullied then just show them that you are not like what your appearance says.

With this newfound understanding burning like a flame in my chest, I resolved to defy the expectations imposed upon me by my outward appearance. I knew that to combat the scourge of bullying, I had to demonstrate unequivocally that I was not to be trifled with

He said that he is a son of martial trainer so he would knew about martial art as well. If I just jump into him to fight, he'll defeat me in 2 seconds.

But I have ways more experience in actual combat than he have and when it comes to knowledge vs experience, experience always wins.

You can win a fight with just three steps. First block thier vision , Second before they can see you again deliver a blow to their vital points and Third keep punching or kicking them until they accept defeat.

With a quick and decisive motion, I seized a nearby notebook and hurled it at Izumi's face, using it as a makeshift shield to obscure his vision. Before he could react, I closed the distance between us, my movements swift and precise. With calculated precision, I unleashed a punch aimed squarely at his eyes, intent on reducing his visual acuity and gaining the upper hand in our impending confrontation.

And kicked him in his private part, Now you say, this is a dirty way to fight but No! How can this be dirty, he was around double weight of mine there's no way I could defeat him in fare fight.

 Before he could even think what was happening, I unleashed a barrage of punches upon him with a ferocity I had never before experienced.

Each blow landed with a satisfying thud, the rhythmic impact echoing through the classroom as I relentlessly pummeled my adversary. Though I had often found myself embroiled in unnecessary fights since childhood, this was the first time I had unleashed such unbridled aggression upon another human being.

It was an intoxicating sensation, a rush of euphoria coursing through my veins as I savored the feeling of power coursing through my every limb. The sheer pleasure of dominating another individual, reducing them to nothing more than a lifeless object under my relentless assault, surpassed any fleeting joy I had ever experienced.

A menacing grin crept across my features, a stark contrast to the delicate and feminine appearance that had invited mockery and scorn. In that moment, no one could dare to say that I resembled a girl. With a chilling smile stretching across my face, only two words escaped my lips.

"Marvelous. Magnificent."

Even Izumi's so-called friends, who had always stood by his side, remained silent witnesses to the brutal spectacle unfolding before them.

By the time the teacher arrived on the scene, I had already inflicted significant damage upon Izumi, leaving him bloodied and few broken teeths, his cries of pain echoing through the classroom like the wails of a wounded animal.

As I sat outside the principal's office, my mind raced with a whirlwind of apprehension and fear. The aftermath of the one-sided altercation weighed heavily upon me, and I braced myself for the inevitable consequences of my actions.

Inside the office, the class teacher voiced his concerns to the principal, his words dripping with disapproval and disdain. "Principal Sir, what are we going to do? That brat had a bloody fight on his second day of high school."

The principal's response was measured, his tone reflecting a sense of pragmatism tinged with reluctance. "We can't expel him. His marks are above average, but more importantly, he is a friend of Aoto Takahashi."

The mention of Aoto Takahashi's name sent a shiver down in his spine, as he realized the weight of his influence within the school's hierarchy. The teacher's gulp of apprehension spoke volumes, signaling the understanding that expelling me would tarnish the school's reputation.

Instead, the principal opted for a different course of action. "Let's just call the victim student's parents. He will administer punishment instead of us," he suggested, seeking to absolve the school of direct responsibility.

After a tense wait, I was called into the principal's office, where I was greeted by an imposing figure standing beside him. The man stood at an imposing height of 6.2 feet, his middle-aged frame adorned with a heavy beard and a muscular physique that spoke volumes of his expertise as a martial trainer. My instincts screamed that he was Izumi's father, and I braced myself for the impending confrontation.

As the imposing figure approached me, a sense of dread enveloped me, anticipating the wrathful retribution I believed was inevitable. But to my astonishment, his demeanor was unexpectedly calm, devoid of the expected fury and violence. Instead, he posed a simple question: why did I do it?

Confusion momentarily clouded my thoughts, but I found myself compelled to speak, recounting the events from start to finish with unflinching honesty.

Upon hearing my account, he delivered a stinging slap across my cheek, the impact jolting me to attention. With a solemn tone, he posed a rhetorical question. "Do you know why I slapped you?"

"B-because I injured your son," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

"No," he replied firmly. "Because you went too far. You could have controlled yourself in the fight, but you didn't."

His words struck me like a thunderbolt, the weight of his disappointment palpable in the air. Yet, unexpectedly, he shifted the blame to his own son, acknowledging his role in the altercation. "But most likely it's my son's fault. He became a little too spoiled after learning some cheap martial arts. I'll have to educate my son so he doesn't do something reckless like this in the future."

In a surprising turn of events, he extended an olive branch, offering me an opportunity to learn martial arts at his club. Overwhelmed by his unexpected generosity, I hesitated, citing my financial struggles as a deterrent.

But he brushed aside my concerns with a dismissive wave, insisting that money was no object. He even offered to reimburse me for the damages to my shoes and notebook.

In that moment, I realized that the devil's father had turned out to be an angel in disguise. Unable to refuse such a genuine offer of redemption, I accepted his invitation to learn martial arts, grateful for the unexpected opportunity that had been extended to me.



In class a tale of envy and resilience unfolds, centered around the radiant presence of Scarlett, As the sun casts its golden rays upon the marble pillars Enter Scarlett, a vision of ethereal beauty whose presence commands attention like a radiant star amidst the firmament. Yet, her allure becomes a double-edged sword as jealousy festers in the hearts of someone.

Miranda, with a sneer curling her lips, remarks to her cohorts, "Did you see Scarlett today? She prances around like she owns the place, flaunting that insufferable beauty of hers."

Isabelle, her eyes ablaze with envy, adds, "It's sickening! That filthy succubus, We must put her in her place."

Vivian, the ringleader of their clique, nods in agreement, her voice dripping with disdain. "Agreed."

As always, Scarlett approached her usual seat, bracing himself for the familiar sight of it being more akin to a garbage heap than a place of learning. But this time, Scarlett came prepared.

With a deft pinch of her fingers, she invoked her magic. "Clean" she commanded cleaning all of the junk on her seat in seconds, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. 'Hehehe! I've learned many useful magics related to defending against bullying. Just try me!'

Just like last time, As Scarlett waited for the class to commence, the tranquility of the moment was shattered by the arrival of two girls, their chatter filled with an air of superiority.

 Without warning, one of them feigned clumsiness, deliberately spilling a glass of milk onto Scarlett's clothes. Almost half of the glass spilled over him before he could react.

"Oops, I accidentally spilled milk over you, Agai–"

"Fire Magic" Scarlett interjected calmly, her words cutting through the air like a knife. In an instant, the spilled milk ignited, burning brightly before disappearing into thin air, leaving no trace of its presence.

Again, with a charming voice, Scarlett remarked, "How are you holding that hot glass of milk with your bare hands?"

Confusion clouded the girl's expression as she furrowed her brow, scratching her head in bewilderment. "What? It's not ho–"

"Temprature Magic" Scarlett muttered under her breath, her words barely audible. With a subtle gesture, she cast the spell, causing the temperature of the glass to skyrocket. In an instant, the girl's grip faltered, and she spilled the scalding hot milk over her own body, eliciting a piercing scream of pain.

Before the agony could fully take hold, her partner swiftly intervened, casting a healing spell to alleviate her suffering.

As the class commenced and the teacher began the lesson, Scarlett found herself once again unable to focus. Small objects, like erasers and pencils, rained down upon her from different directions, disrupting the tranquility of the classroom.

But this time, Scarlett was prepared. Before any object could make contact, she channeled his mana into his finger and cast "Return" Instantly, the objects reversed direction, hurtling back towards their origin with double the speed, striking their owners with satisfying precision.

A triumphant laughter bubbled up within Scarlett as she reveled in her retaliation. 'Hahaha! How did you like it, puny brats? Finally, I've had my revenge.'

But beneath the veneer of satisfaction lay a deeper Scarlett knew that the true source of her torment lay hidden, manipulating others to do their bidding. Her desire for revenge was not solely directed at his bullies, but at the mastermind orchestrating their actions.

'Now do you understand why I'm not confronting them directly?' Scarlett mused to herself. ' Because I know there is someone else behind all this. I just want to find that person and exact my perfect revenge.'

Soon, it was lunch break, and Aoto approached me with an invitation. "Hey Asta, let's grab something to eat."

Though my body didn't require sustenance, I still relished the act of eating, so I readily agreed. "Yep, let's go."

Entering the academy's cafeteria felt like stepping into a banquet fit for royalty. A long table stretched before us, laden with a plethora of dishes to choose from—more than a hundred options to satisfy any palate.

Aoto and I wasted no time in indulging our carnivorous cravings, opting for plates piled high with meat upon meat upon meat. As we shared in laughter and conversation, our camaraderie was suddenly shattered by an unwelcome interruption.

A girl with fiery red hair and piercing brown eyes approached Asta, deliberately spilling his food without remorse. "Ohh! I accidentally spilled on you, hahaha!" Her voice dripped with arrogance and overconfidence, a thinly veiled facade masking her true intentions.

As Scarlett locked eyes with her, an instinctual realization washed over her. 'Isn't she one of Chiyoko Hiiro's girlfriends? The one who's always so lovey-dovey with him.'

But beneath her facade of innocence, Scarlett sensed a darker truth. Her eyes betrayed her, confirming his suspicions—she was the mastermind behind the relentless bullying he had endured.

Suddenly, a realization dawned upon her like a bolt of lightning. "What the fuck, Aoto is here too."

Her face turned to aoto and after seeing his face Scarlett realises that he too realised that one behind all of the bullying is this red hair girl.

'Yep! Now I don't even need to do something.'

This girl gonna get fucked!

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