That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Entrance Ceremony

They came out of the palace, and in front of them was a horse carriage. However, instead of a horse, there was a mix of a creature, part horse and part dragon.

"Wohh, what is this creature? A dragon?" Aoto inquired.

"No, hero-sama, it is an earth-type wyvern. It is a lesser species of dragons, mostly used for carriages, and some wyverns can fly too," Care explained.

"That's so cool, this is what we call an actual fantasy," Aoto remarked, clearly impressed.

They all boarded the carriage, and it started moving. Its speed was faster than a horse's, but not as speedy as a car or motorbike.

"Since we are already in the royal capital, it'll take less than two hours to arrive at the hero academy," Care informed them.

"Hey, Care-san, are you a student also?" Scarlett asked.

"No, I already graduated, and my future is already decided that I have to join a hero's party in the future," Care replied.

'Aww man, she's already ready to join the harem. What a dedicated lady,' Scarlett thought inwordly.

"So... what are you, a summoner? Since you summoned us from the otherworld," Aoto inquired.

"Of course not. I am a healer. I was excellent at healing magic from when I was a child," Care answered."

They continued their chatting and They didn't even realize that They reached the academy.

"We have arrived at The hero academy."

they got out of that carriage and As they entered the hero academy towering spires adorned with intricate carvings greeted them. The academy's structure, a blend of majestic Gothic architecture and whimsical elements, seemed to dance in harmony with the surrounding enchanted forest. 

Massive oak doors swung open to reveal vast halls or you can say that ground for duels and practice fights and training.Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns across marble floors polished to a mirror-like sheen.

A giant library of the academy whispered tales of heroes past and present, tales of legendary battles and ancient spells, normal spells almost every knowledge of the world.

There were already many 2nd year students walking, training and studing. Some of them chatting to each other, giving an normal highschool vibe.

As they entered the main hall where the entrance ceremony was about to happen, Clare stopped them, saying, "It's not time to go yet."

"Why?" Aoto inquired.

"What do you mean why? You are most likely be the future hero, so you're going to be the first year's representative," Clare explained.

"Me? Class representative? Hell nah! Being monitor is a pain in the ass," Aoto protested, shaking his head faster than light speed.

Egnoring his words Clare continued,"Yes, one more thing, don't use such a third-rate way of speaking. Try speaking more like a noble person because you have to give a speech too," Clare advised.

"What speech? I've never given a speech in my life," Aoto exclaimed.

"Don't worry, there are two other representatives too. Just listen to them, and when your turn comes, just speak something similar to them. In the end, just say you are the strongest and think before challenging you so you can make a tough impression in the academy. Easy-peasy, right?"Clare reassured.

"Fighting demon lord is way easier than this," Aoto murmured to himself with a half-dead look.

"Don't worry, man, you were good at studying, right? Just try remembering key words from them,"Scarlett started giving him a motivational speech.

Then suddenly, they heard the sound of a mic from the stage saying, "It is time to introduce you to our 1st year representatives," it was a girl's voice.

"Our first representative is the summoned hero of DARWITZ, Aoto Takahashi."

Upon hearing this, Aoto's world was on the brink of destruction. They never thought of this possibility, that he have to go first but now there was nothing they could do about it.

"Why are you worried? You've played so many RPG games, so you must have remembered some dialogues," Scarlett reassured him.

"Well, the thing is, I always skipped this kind of parts in games," Aoto admitted with a laugh.

"Sigh, that's why you should never skip story scenes in games."

"Okay then, I'll go with you. If you feel that you can't speak further, then hand me the mic," Scarlett offered.

"Uhhh, Mr. Aoto, please come to the stage." The voice called him again.

"Let's go, screw them with your bullshit speech,"Scarlett said excitedly. But Aoto was confused whether Scarlett was motivating him or demotivating him.

They entered the stage from behind, and in front of them was a crowd of 1st-year students, around 200 in total, seated in their designated areas. As the students laid their eyes on them, curiosity filled the air, and a chant began to rise:

"Long live hero! Long live hero!"

The chant halted abruptly as Scarlett also stepped onto the stage. The contrast between Scarlett's dark attire and the luminous aura of the academy's halls only served to highlight their mesmerizing beauty, drawing gazes like moths to a flame. With each step, Scarlett exuded an aura of confidence and resilience, capturing the attention of everyone present.

However, soon all eyes returned to Aoto as he took hold of the microphone and began his speech.

Uhh mic testing.... mic testing... Cough cough...

As you already know my name is uhh aoto Takahashi. I came from the another world.

I don't know much about this world's history or culture but I hope we get along well.

'Hmm he is actually doing good, now just tell them you are going to defeat demon king.' Scarlett impressed that he was actually doing well. But she didn't know that, aoto was eventually going to ruin it.

Umm The one standing behind me is scarlett nova, so to say she is my slave but we were together since childhood and I think of her as a companion of mine, so she also have the right to give some lines.

'You idiot! You were almost finished, I don't care anymore, I going to speak bullshit too, screw this speech.' She holded the mic while cursing aoto inwordly.

I am Scarlett nova, An succubus from an royal family bloodline, I just want say that my master

is the strongest in 1st year and don't consider my master weak because of his kindness. If you want to duel with master, you have to defeat me first.

My master don't have to waste his time on weaklings. He will surpass all heroes of the past even the first hero and defeat all demon kings.

After thier speech, there was a moment of complete silence in the hall, as the students processed Scarlett's words. Of course, many of them were offended by Scarlett's attitude.

But Scarlett glanced toward the back of the stage, where the Saintess stood, and gave a thumbs-up as if to ask, "How was my speech?" However, the tension on the Saintess's face revealed the gravity of what Scarlett had done.

Exiting the stage, Scarlett approached the Saintess. "How was the speech, Saintess?" Scarlett inquired, seemingly oblivious to the repercussions.

The Saintess's response was swift and filled with frustration. "What have you done?" she exclaimed, attempting to hit Scarlett on the head, but her hand failed to reach due to the height difference, since she was just 158cm and Scarlett was more than 178cm.

Perplexed, Scarlett questioned, "What did I do?"

The Saintess explained, expressing her concern about the potential backlash Scarlett's behavior might provoke. She warned Scarlett about the sons and daughters of nobles and royals attending the academy and the possibility of being bullied.

Unfazed, Scarlett laughed off the concern. "Bully me? Hahaha, don't worry, Saintess. I've had plenty of experience handling bullies. Besides, as a hero's slave, I won't be easily ignored. If need be, I'll turn the entire kingdom against me'," Scarlett declared confidently.

The Saintess pleaded with Scarlett's urging restraint. "Please, Nova-san, don't do anything reckless. I don't want you to get hurt," she implored, genuine concern evident in her voice.

With a chuckle, Scarlett reassured her, "Hahaha, I was just joking... joking. Don't worry so much, Saintess."

Then another announcement made..

Second representative is hero of ALMEIDA. 

Chiyoko hiiro.

A boy around 165-6cm in hieght, With eyes as dark as the midnight sky and hair as black as the deepest abyss, he possessed an enigmatic charm that drew the gaze of all who beheld him. A typicall protagonist type from every anime, manga.

Good afternoon, I am chiyoko hiiro, you can call me hero.i am novice at swordmanship and magic since in my world there was no magic and not much people used sword. 

But I will train day and night and improve myself to become worthy of a hero. 

—thank you.

Unlike their speech this all students started shouting and cheering hero of ALMEIDA.

'Hmm? Some thing feels of about his aura like he attracting everyone.'it was Scarlett with anixious feeling about Chiyoko hiiro".

'Well he does seem like a good guy and he also looks like perfect protagonist type boy.'

"And the last representative is..."

Princess of DARWITZ: Ingrassia S. Darwitz.

the spotlight illuminated as the princess gracefully stepped onto the stage, her presence captivating the audience. With cascading locks of golden hair and eyes sparkling like sapphires, she embodied elegance and regality.

In her speech, she stood tall around 165cm just a little shorter than aoto, her voice resounding with determination and hope. "Fellow students, we stand at the threshold of greatness. We will train and become strong.

Together, we shall vanquish the darkness, defy the odds, and rise victorious against the demon king's tyranny. Let courage be our armor and unity our strength. For in the face of adversity, we shall shine as beacons of light, guiding our world to a brighter tomorrow."

Scarlett realized that,this is what they call noble way of speaking.But as always who cares! Aoto was only cared about the princess's beauty.

"One more waifu that will become part of my harem."aoto with his perverted eye locked on princess.

'Tsk tsk all he cares about is girl. When will i find my dream girl."Scarlett hoping that he will find some yuri girl".

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