That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

First Day

As they reached the hall where numerous classrooms were lined up, Scarlett's curiosity bubbled up. "What kind of class is this?" She questioned, her gazes darting around in wonder.

Inside the room, the clash of steel resonated, merging seamlessly with the echoes of magical incantations. Swordsmanship and spells intertwined, emphasizing the fusion of combat prowess and arcane mastery. The air crackled with raw energy, pulsating with untapped magical potential, while the lingering scent of incense heightened the senses, enveloping the room in an aura of mystique and wonder.

"This is sparring class, but it's not our destination for now," Deviath explained, guiding them towards their intended classroom. "We're headed to Class A-1, where we'll delve into the intricacies of magic before engaging in sparring sessions."

Excitedly, Scarlett exclaimed, "Oooo! Let's go to our class then!"

Upon entering Class A-1, they were greeted by a grand hall adorned with intricate runes and shimmering crystals, casting an ethereal light that danced across the room. Rows of wooden desks filled the spacious chamber, each equipped with parchment and quills, ready for diligent note-taking. The class could easily accommodate 70 to 100 students comfortably.

At the front of the room, a raised platform served as the instructor's stage, where a venerable mage or seasoned warrior stood, ready to impart their wisdom upon the eager pupils. Mystical diagrams and runes adorned the chalkboards, illustrating the complex theories of spellcasting and the precise techniques of swordplay, setting the stage for an enlightening and empowering educational journey.

Scarlett and Aoto get lost in their thoughts after seeing such a nice classroom but as soon as they remember that this is just a school where they have to study, they went to sad mode.

As the students filled the classroom, Scarlett found herself immediately surrounded by boys eager to introduce themselves.

"Nova-san, I'm Scardial, son of the Duke. Pleasure to meet you," one boy began before being interrupted by another.

"I'm Eddard, son of a renowned merchant in the kingdom," another boy interjected.

Scarlett couldn't help but sigh inwardly. 'Why are they all clamoring to talk to me?'she wondered.

To her surprise, the attention wasn't limited to the boys. Girls, abandoning their desks, approached the Chiyoko hiiro with fervor.

"Chiyoko-kun, remember me from yesterday?"

"Do you have a girlfriend, Chiyoko-kun? Maybe I could be yours."

"Count me in too," another girl chimed in eagerly.

Amidst the commotion, Chiyoko attempted to diffuse the situation. "Stop, girls. We're here to study. Let's return to our seats and discuss this later."

Aoto watched the scene unfold, his dream of building a harem seeming to crumble before his eyes. 'What the...? I thought I became popular after the duel. What's going on?'

He thought he'll be the most popular student in whole academy after showing a display of false strength but the reality was quite unexpected but to his relief, Princess Ingrassia and Elminia approached Aoto, with Elminia too flustered to speak.

The princess took the lead. "This is our first meeting. I am Princess Ingrassia of Darwitz, but you can call me Ingrassia."

Aoto responded with a nervous laugh. "I'm Aoto Takahashi. Nice to meet you."

Relieved to have at least two girls on his side, Aoto's attention turned back to Chiyoko.

"Ingrassia-san, why are all these girls chasing Chiyoko?" he inquired.

"I believe he's become quite popular," Princess Ingrassia replied.

Aoto couldn't shake the feeling that something peculiar was going on. 'Popular? I'm not so sure about that. There must be something strange.'

On the other side, Scarlett trying her best so she can escape from the boys, Then a striking figure suddenly emerged and his voice comes from behind the boys.

" Move aside pests, clear the way." The voice was filled with boldness and attitude.

As the boys parted at the prince's command, Scarlett found herself face to face with royalty.

The newcomer bore an air of regality, standing tall with an aura of authority. His attire exuded elegance, adorned with fine fabrics and intricate detailing befitting his royal status. With chiseled features and piercing eyes, the prince of ALMEIDA, Richard Windsor, commanded attention effortlessly.

Prince Richard gracefully knelt before Scarlett, his gesture of respect accompanied by a gentle kiss upon Scarlett's hand. "I am Prince Richard Windsor of ALMEIDA. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he spoke with a tone of refined courtesy.

However, Scarlett's reaction was far from welcoming. A look of disdain flashed across his features, his eyebrows furrowing in evident disgust. 'Ackkk! Creep!? Another eccentric boy,'Scarlett muttered under her breath.

Scarlett's voice trembled slightly as she spoke, attempting to maintain composure in the face of the prince's unexpected actions. "Y-yeah, it's nice to meet you. But why are you on your knees in front of a slave? Does it befit your stature?" Her tone carried a mix of confusion and mockery.

Prince Richard's response was nonchalant, brushing off Asta's question with ease. "Don't worry, Darling, it's alright," he replied casually.

'What the hell? Darling? Who's darling?'Scarlett fumed inwardly, struggling to comprehend the prince's audacity.

"Hey boy! Cut the crap, I'm not someone's Darling." Scarlett's tone changed to her usual demeanor, indicating she has already pissed of.

However, Scarlett's attempt to assert her independence was swiftly met with the prince's assertion of power. "No,I declare that from now on, you are my slave" Prince Richard declared boldly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Turning to Aoto, the prince inquired about Scarlett's worth as if discussing mere merchandise."10,000 gold, 20,000 or you want some women's in exchange for her, I'll give you best girl's possible."

Aoto's glare conveyed his vehement opposition to treating Scarlett as a commodity. "She is not an object to be sold or traded. She is a slave in name only," Aoto retorted firmly, emphasizing Asta's true worth was beyond his status.

" In fact, she is my future companion for defeating demon king." Aoto restored firmly, emphasizing

However, Prince Richard's response dripped with arrogance and ambition. "Companion? Hahaha, I'm the one who's going to become the hero, I'm the one who is blessed by queen of spirits, Wind." he proclaimed proudly, boasting of his purported blessing by the queen of spirits, Wind.

Whispers swirled among the onlookers, acknowledging the significance of the Wind Spirit's favor. "Seriously, the Wind Spirit, the strongest among spirits," they murmured, their voices tinged with awe and anticipation. "That means he will truly become the hero," they concluded, recognizing the potential behind the prince's claims.

Interrupting the tense exchange, the princess intervened with a mixture of concern and aggression. "Stop it, Richard. You cannot misuse your authority like this," she admonished, her tone carrying the weight of familial responsibility. "If you go any further, I will tell my father."

Unfazed by the princess's warning, Prince Richard remained steadfast in his demands. "Okay, tell him. But does he also want good relations with our kingdom or not?" he countered, his words tinged with manipulation. "Of course, you have to give me something to build a healthy relationship in the future as well."

Once more, the prince's words took a dark turn, his threats turning to coercion. "Scarlett Nova, you have no choice but to become my slave," he declared with chilling authority. "I have the authority, and no one can go against me. Do you accept it now, or how about I will undress you here in front of everyone?"

of course, he can't do anything like that in the academy even if he is a royal or prince but Scarlett's fury ignited within her, her fists clenching tightly at his sides. "Prince? Authority? I don't give a shit," she seethed, her voice trembling with rage as she refused to yield to the prince's tyranny.

Scarlett's actions were swift and decisive as she pushed Prince Richard forcefully against the wall, her movements fueled by a blazing fury. With a fluid motion, she lifted her left leg and positioned it beside the prince's head, effectively pinning him in place. Placing her right hand on the other side of the prince's head, Scarlett asserted her dominance with a menacing glare.

"Undress me? Let's see how you fare," Asta challenged, his voice dripping with defiance as he dared the prince to carry out his vile threat. "Take off your clothes in front of everyone and let us see how big your tiny Excalibur is."

Prince Richard's facade of arrogance faltered, his trembling form betraying his inner turmoil. "Hahaha.., Nova-san, I don't want to humiliate you in front of everyone," he stuttered, his breaths shallow and rapid.

"What will people say if they see you without clothes in just panties?"he jeered, his words laced with scorn.

 A sinister grin appeared on Scarlett face as she found an opening to humiliate the prince"you don't have to worry about me, becouse I don't wear any panties." 

To Scarlett's surprise, the prince's embarrassment was palpable as his cheeks flushed crimson. "W-what? You don't wear any?" he stammered, his embarrassment evident for all to see.

With a smirk of triumph, Scarlett's revealed her unorthodox attire, reveling in the prince's discomfort. "Yep! I bind my breasts with bandages, and I don't like wearing panties,"she declared boldly, her words punctuated by the prince's growing humiliation.

Scarlett's mischievous grin widened as she seized the opportunity to strike a final blow. "But why are your cheeks burning red? In the end, you're just a freaking virgin, right?" She taunted mercilessly, her words echoing through the crowd as she humiliated the prince in front of all.

" This time I let you go, consider this mercy. " Scarlett's tone filled with mockery.

Prince Richard, consumed by fury, issued a warning through clenched teeth. "I will remember this, Scarlett Nova,"he threatened, though his words fell upon deaf ears as Scarlett remained unfazed by his futile attempts at intimidation.

Silence hung heavy in the air, no one daring to speak after witnessing the tense confrontation.

As the tension dissipated and normalcy returned to the classroom, students gradually resumed their seats. Scarlett and Aoto made their way to the front, intending to settle in for the lesson ahead.

However, Scarlett's attention was drawn to a solitary figure tucked away in the corner of the room. A girl sat alone, her presence unnoticed by the rest of the class.

Pale skin and Her short dark blue hair which covering her right eye and So short that, they didn't even fully covered her neck, framing her delicate features with a soft, ethereal glow. With sky-blue eyes as deep and mesmerizing as the ocean itself, they shimmered with a cerulean brilliance, betraying hints of hidden depths within.

Despite her petite frame, standing at around 175cm, there was an undeniable strength to her presence. Her muscles, though not prominently defined but there was no doubt that she also trained her body.

Alone in her corner, she sat with an air of quiet introspection, Her sky blue eyes with long eyelashes, her gaze fixed on the pages of a book or perhaps lost in thought. Yet, there was a sense of solitude about her, as if she carried the weight of the world upon her shoulders, even in the midst of a bustling classroom.

"Aoto, you sit here. I'll join you in a minute," Scarlett instructed, her curiosity piqued by the sight of the lone girl.

"Okay," Aoto agreed, albeit with a hint of confusion, as Scarlett made her way towards the girl in the corner.

Scarlett approached the girl with gentle reassurance, her voice soft and comforting. "Hello, I'm Scarlett Nova. What's your name?" She inquired kindly, seeking to ease her nervousness.

"M-m-me?" she stammered, her breathing becoming heavy with anxiety.

"Easy, easy... girl, I'm not going to eat you, okay?" Scarlett offered a lighthearted remark, hoping to lighten the mood.

"N-no, that's not the case," she began, gradually calming herself. "I've been like this since childhood."

Understanding dawned on Scarlett's features as she recognized her struggle. "Ohhh! Which means you're an introvert. Don't worry, you want to get rid of this personality, right?"

"Y-yeah," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Well then, how about we become friends?" Scarlett suggested with puppy-like enthusiasm. "Come on, tell me your name."

"I-Irish Heartfilia. I'm a low-class noble," she revealed, her eyes flickering with vulnerability.

"Who cares about your status?" Scarlett responded earnestly. "What I'm saying is that you have such muscles and a beautiful face too. So why don't you have any friends?"

Irish hesitated before sharing her painful truth. "The thing is, I've always been bad at communicating. My parents encouraged me to mingle with high-class nobles and build relationships through their children."

Scarlett's expression softened with empathy as he listened to her story. "So, I often became a victim of their bullying. I trained my body with my magic so that no one would bully me anymore."

"That's so cool," Scarlett remarked, admiration evident in her tone. "Instead of sitting idle, you did something."

"Yeah, but I couldn't change my behavior," Irish admitted, her voice tinged with regret.

"Don't worry, now you've got me, your friend, and I will help fix your personality. Just count on me," Scarlett assured her, extending a hand of friendship.

"Till then, I'll call you Introvert-chan," she added with a warm smile, eager to support Irish on her journey of self-discovery and growth.

As the instructor entered the classroom, a hush fell over the students, their attention shifting towards the front of the room. With a flick of his wrist, he invoked the power of the wind, allowing his voice to carry effortlessly throughout the room.

"Everyone, go back to your seats respectively. Class is about to begin," his authoritative voice echoed, commanding obedience from the students.

Scarlett's, mindful of the teacher's instruction, made her way back to her seat, offering a reassuring wave to Irish heartfilia.

"Class is about to begin. Let's meet after class," she whispered, her voice filled with anticipation for their continued conversation.

But irish couldn't stop seeing Scarlett after she went her seat.

Her inner thoughts:

[ I made a friend, a real friend, friend friend friend,friend,friend,friend,friend,friend, frie–]

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