That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Fresh Start

Scarlett laid down right where she stood, succumbing to the overwhelming urge to sleep. Hours passed, yet she remained in a deep slumber, appearing as if she had collapsed from sheer exhaustion.

As time went on, a figure emerged from the dense foliage nearby. It was a young demon girl, no more than 12 or 13 years old, her tiny horns hinting at her demonic heritage. Despite the ominous trait, she exuded an aura of innocence. Clad in tattered garments crafted from animal skins, she resembled a member of an ancient aboriginal tribe.

Spotting Scarlett lying motionless on the ground, the young demon girl's heart raced with concern. Fearing something had befallen the sleeping figure, she hurried back to the village to alert the others. Soon, the entire community had gathered around Scarlett. Though the settlement was more of a rudimentary encampment, it boasted a population of around 40 to 50 individuals.

Taking charge, the little demon girl stepped forward, bravely approaching Scarlett and gently shaking her. Scarlett, stirred by her keen senses, awoke abruptly. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of the villagers encircling her, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

Pushing through the crowd, Cryptus emerged, his presence commanding attention. As he laid eyes on Scarlett, realization dawned, and he stepped into the center of the encircling crowd, proclaiming her as the new ruler. Gasps of astonishment rippled through the gathering, whispers swirling with intrigue and speculation. Among the most concerned were the females, their worried expressions betraying fears of potential infidelity among their husbands due to Scarlett's presence.

Curious about what Cryptus had revealed to the villagers in her absence, Scarlett prepared to inquire, only to be interrupted by the presence of the young demon girl at her side. Cryptus proceeded to relay the events that unfolded while she slept, leaving Scarlett impressed by the girl's kindness. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she wrapped the girl in a tight embrace, her cheeks flushing crimson as her face rubbed against Scarlett's breasts.

However, Scarlett's moment of affection was abruptly interrupted by a startling realization. Her dragon senses tingled with an alarming revelation. Trembling, she mustered the courage to voice her suspicions, turning to the girl with a quivering voice, "A-are... y-y-you a boy?"

Evadne Emberwing stood before Scarlett, his cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment, his hands fidgeting nervously as he introduced himself. "Um, hi there," he began with a charming smile, "I'm Evadne Emberwing, and, uh, I'm an orphan from the village."

Scarlett couldn't help but notice his nervous demeanor and girlish mannerisms. With a mixture of fear and exasperation, she started shaking him relentlessly. "Come on now, don't act like a girl," she yelled, "Be a man! Say you like girls, not boys."

"Y-yes, of course! I like girls!" Evadne stammered, his voice tinged with desperation. "Please, stop shaking me."

Relenting, Scarlett let out a relieved sigh and ceased her shaking. "Phew," she muttered, "Seeing him reminds me of my old self, but I wasn't as girlish as him. Just my appearance was girlish."

Chuckling to herself, she couldn't help but imagine Aoto's reaction. "If Aoto sees him," she mused, "He'll definitely say, 'Looks female enough,' and add him to his harem."

Scarlett rose without a word, her movements commanding attention as she made her way towards the village. The villagers followed suit, trailing behind her in curious anticipation. Coming to a halt just outside the village perimeter, Scarlett spotted a large flat stone and seated herself upon it, crossing her legs with regal poise.

Clearing her throat, she addressed the gathered crowd with authority. "Ahem... I am Scarlett Nova, the new ruler of this village. Can anyone tell me the name of this village?"

Silence met her query, but one brave villager dared to speak up. "We never saw fit to give the village a name," the voice replied. The speaker, a humanoid creature with elongated ears and green skin, was unmistakably a goblin.

Scarlett's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sight of the monster among the villagers. However, the others quickly clarified that he was not a goblin but a hobgoblin—a more intelligent and capable counterpart to their lesser kin. In this world, various races of monsters existed, some possessing intelligence and the ability to form societies, while others remained driven solely by instinct, much like wild animals.

As Scarlett surveyed the village, she realized that there was still much for her to learn about this world. She observed the diverse inhabitants, noting the presence of three distinct races: hobgoblins, pig-like monsters, and lesser demons.

Determined to transform the village into a thriving nation, Scarlett addressed the gathered villagers. "Forget about race for now," she began, "My goal is to unite this village and build a self-sufficient community."

She proceeded to inquire about the villagers' skills, asking if anyone was a carpenter or possessed knowledge of cooking, tailoring, or other essential tasks. To her disappointment, not a single hand was raised in response. The villagers seemed to lack even basic skills like constructing proper shelters.

However, Scarlett's spirits lifted slightly when Cryptus stepped forward, offering his expertise in shelter-building. Though his knowledge was limited, it was a start. Despite the villagers' illiteracy and lack of intelligence compared to humans, Scarlett remained determined to guide them towards progress.

Scarlett let out a frustrated sigh, feeling the weight of her responsibility bearing down on her. "Okay, then tell me, what is the most important thing in the world?"

A female hobgoblin eagerly raised her hand, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I know, I know! I once heard from humans, it's love, right?"

Scarlett's disappointment boiled over into rage as she yelled, "No! It's money, you idiots!"

As the villagers recoiled from her outburst, Scarlett couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. "How the hell am I supposed to turn this dumb village into a nation?" she muttered to herself, her frustration palpable.

She knew she wasn't some genius protagonist with a sky-high IQ; she was just a 17-year-old with slightly more knowledge about the world than most teenagers. Avion had given her a thousand gold coins for a fresh start, which might seem like a lot for one person, but for an entire village, it was barely enough.

Scarlett was at a loss. She had no experience in investment or trading, having missed out on school camps due to budget constraints. Her only knowledge came from what she had seen on television and the internet. Now, faced with the daunting task of building a nation, she realized just how unprepared she truly was.

Scarlett realized that to achieve her goals, she needed to start by teaching the villagers basic skills and then gradually move on to more important tasks, step by step.

"Okay, let's start by identifying our problems. What is the biggest issue in this village?" she asked.

This time, Evadne spoke up, explaining that villagers had to travel several kilometers to the river to fetch water, risking encounters with monsters and demons along the way.

While water wasn't a concern for Scarlett, she understood its crucial importance to the villagers. Standing up, she began to concentrate, sensing something beneath her feet. With purpose in her stride, she walked a little further and then, to the villagers' confusion, she punched the ground.

The air cracked and the ground trembled under Scarlett's overwhelming power. A massive, deep hole appeared in the ground, and water began to gush out of it. The villagers watched in awe and disbelief as Scarlett had miraculously created a well for them.

Cheers of joy erupted from the villagers as they realized their water problem had been solved. Scarlett smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction in her ability to make a positive impact on their lives.


"If I can't do anything the right way, then I'll just play dirty and use my strength to solve anything," Scarlett declared with determination.

"Now, tell me, what are we?" she asked the villagers.

Confusion filled the air, but eventually, they managed to reply, "Um... monsters and demons?"

"No, you idiots, we are villains!" Scarlett exclaimed.

She laid out three rules for their newfound identity.

 "First, no fighting amoung yourselves and never betray each other because real villains never betray their subordinates. 

Second, never attack humans first. And third, if a human tries to attack or invade this village, give them a last warning. If they don't listen, then you're free to do whatever you want, but try to keep them alive – they'll be useful as free labor."

Scarlett then posed her last question, "What race am I from?"

Unlike the previous questions, this time the entire village chimed in with various answers.

"A succubus!"

"A high-ranking succubus, perhaps even a succubus queen!"

Though the answers were what Scarlett expected, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger.

"I'm... not... a succubus..." she muttered, her frustration evident.

She raised her head proudly, her voice brimming with self-confidence. "I'm a dragonoid."

"And here's the fourth rule," she continued, her tone unwavering, "if anyone calls me a succubus, even in their mind, I'll execute them immediately."

It was the first time they had heard of something like a dragonoid, but Scarlett's words were more terrifying than enlightening. Her tone left no room for doubt – she wasn't joking. She would definitely carry out her threat against anyone who dared to label her as a succubus.


Scarlett didn't allow anyone to take a break as she immediately began guiding everyone. She instructed Cryptus to lead a team in constructing shelters with the help of additional manpower.

Utilizing her wind-type magic, she swiftly cut down surrounding trees to clear space for building houses. She then directed a few other villagers to gather small stones near the hole she had created with her punch, intending to prevent anyone from accidentally falling into it.

When it came to cooking, Scarlett found that the villagers were accustomed to hunting and consuming raw meat, as they could produce larva more efficiently than humans. Despite the uncooked nature of the meat, it still held a certain appeal.

However, Scarlett knew that this wouldn't suffice in the long run. She tasked the remaining men with finding seeds of fruits and vegetables so that they could begin cultivating their own food sources. Additionally, she organized the creation of a large bone fire in the center of the village, intending to establish a communal cooking area.

Scarlett sat with Evadne by her side, overlooking the ongoing construction of the village. With a gentle tone laced with curiosity, she asked him about his origins and who had named him, considering he was an orphan.

Evadne replied thoughtfully, "I don't really know who my parents are, and I'm not sure of my race either, but I look like a lesser demon, so I just consider myself as one for now." His gaze shifted slightly as he delved deeper into his past. "I was left here in the village with only a nameplate. My name, Evadne Emberwing, was inscribed on it. The villagers, kind souls, took me in and raised me as one of their own."

He continued, explaining his living situation, "I live with Elder Semiath, the village's vice-leader. His wisdom and experience are key to our survival here. He's like a grandfather to me."

As Scarlett listened, she contemplated inviting Evadne to stay in her new, larger shelter, which was nearly completed and significantly more spacious than most homes in the village. However, she hesitated, considering her own habits. In the end she decided to not take him because, she have habit of undressing while sleeping, that will cause problems for Evadne.

deciding against it to avoid any awkward situations for Evadne.

Their conversation highlighted the simple yet profound connections within the village, underpinned by shared struggles and communal support.

As the night descended and darkness enveloped the abandoned village, it transformed into a bustling camp reminiscent of a group of explorers settling in for the night. The once desolate landscape now teemed with activity, with makeshift shelters dotting the area like tents in a campground.

The hunting party returned triumphant, bearing the spoils of their hunt in the form of animal-like monsters. Meanwhile, the seed-collecting group also made their way back to the village, their arms laden with the promise of future harvests.

Gathered around the roaring bone fire, the villagers formed a circle, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. Evadne found himself seated in Scarlett's lap, an unexpected privilege that elevated him to the status of a VIP among the children. As they cooked their food over the open flame, the tantalizing aroma of roasted meat filled the air, a welcome departure from their usual raw fare.

However, Scarlett abstained from eating herself, instead choosing to feed Evadne with her own hands. The sight of her tender gestures made him the envy of all, with everyone secretly wishing they were in his place.


As the night wore on and the flames of the bone fire danced higher, the atmosphere grew more relaxed, and the villagers began to chat and enjoy the warmth of the evening. However, Scarlett's announcement brought a sudden hush over the gathering.

"Listen everyone," she began, her voice carrying a weight of solemnity, "I want each of you to make a pact with me."

The villagers exchanged uneasy glances, sensing that something significant was about to transpire. Scarlett continued, her tone resolute yet compassionate.

"I have already bestowed my blessings upon Cryptus," she explained, "and now I want each of you to become more powerful in the shortest time possible."

A heavy silence settled over the group as they absorbed her words. They were well aware that Cryptus had pledged his soul to Scarlett in exchange for her blessings, effectively placing his life in her hands. Now, it seemed that she was extending the same offer to them.

Scarlett clarified the terms of the pact, explaining that in lieu of material possessions, the villagers would offer their souls to her. With a soul, she explained, one could achieve two things: first, the ability to reincarnate a person even after death, ensuring that no life would be lost in vain. Second, by devouring souls, one could ascend to the ranks of a demon king, angel, or even a goddess, depending on how the world perceived them.

But her goal is first, to preserve everyone's souls to keep them safe.

The weight of Scarlett's proposal hung heavy in the air, and the villagers exchanged uncertain looks, grappling with the gravity of the decision before them.

As tension hung thick in the air, Evadne's voice broke through the uncertainty with a declaration of trust in Scarlett. His words resonated with the others, one by one, as each villager voiced their allegiance to their new leader. In that moment, a sense of camaraderie and trust blossomed among them, unlike anything they had experienced among humans who often looked down upon them.

Scarlett, sensing the collective resolve of her newfound companions, took charge. With a chant of magic, an ethereal aura began to envelop the gathering, signaling the commencement of their pact. 

"Everyone," she called out, her voice firm yet reassuring, "say your name one by one."

In unison, the villagers began to speak, each utterance carrying the weight of their commitment. "Saya... Kortase... Carrera..." Their names echoed through the night, mingling with the crackle of the bone fire and the rustle of the forest beyond.

With each name spoken, Scarlett fulfilled her end of the pact, bestowing her blessings upon them. A surge of newfound power coursed through their veins, igniting a sense of invincibility within them. But Scarlett's words served as a sobering reminder.

"The blessings alone are not enough," she declared. "You must also train and become strong."

Turning to Cryptus, she entrusted him with the task of training the villagers until she could find someone suitable to instruct them further. With determination etched upon their faces, the villagers embraced their newfound empowerment, ready to embark on the journey towards strength and self-reliance.

Scarlett rose to her feet, her voice commanding attention as she made her final announcement. "Tomorrow, I will journey to the human realm," she declared, her words carrying a weight of determination. "I will seek out teachers for you and make arrangements for our village. Consider this a brief excursion."

Though no one voiced dissent, concern lingered in their expressions. Scarlett herself harbored uncertainties about her destination. The village lay far from the Kingdom of Darwitz, making it impossible for her to arrive there. Instead, she would find herself in an unfamiliar kingdom, a prospect that both intrigued and amused her.

Despite the unknowns that lay ahead, Scarlett's resolve remained unwavering. With a sense of adventure burning within her.

As the communal meal concluded, each villager dispersed towards their newly constructed shelters, fashioned from a combination of animal skins, grass, and sturdy sticks. The makeshift dwellings were arranged in a rough circle, encircling the central bonfire that served as the heart of the village. Some shelters were small and rudimentary, while others showed signs of careful craftsmanship, indicating the varying levels of skill among the villagers.

Scarlett navigated her way through the village, her feet treading softly over the earthen ground. Eventually, she reached a larger shelter situated towards the outskirts, distinct from the others in both size and design. Constructed with more care and attention to detail, it boasted a sturdy frame adorned with intricate carvings, a testament to the respect and reverence the villagers held for their newly appointed ruler.

Entering her shelter, Scarlett found herself enveloped in a sense of quiet solitude. The interior was modest yet comfortable, with furs strewn across the floor serving as makeshift bedding. A small hearth in one corner emitted a warm glow, casting flickering shadows against the walls. Despite the simplicity of her surroundings, Scarlett felt a sense of peace wash over her as she prepared to retire for the night.

As Scarlett was about to sleep, Ready to retire for the night, she was intercepted by a couple of villagers. An elderly man stepped forward, clutching a rectangular box in his weathered hands.

"Scarlett-sama, I'm Semiath, we have something to present to you," he declared, his voice filled with reverence. "We have waited to give this treasure to our official ruler."

Scarlett's excitement bubbled to the surface at the mention of treasure, her anticipation evident even beneath her blindfold. However, as the box was opened before her, her elation quickly turned to disappointment. Inside lay a pair of black stockings.

"We found these with an adventurer," Elder Semiath explained earnestly, oblivious to Scarlett's reaction. "They are our most prized possession."

Though Scarlett's initial reaction was one of frustration, she quelled her emotions. Understanding the villagers' sincerity and the scarcity of clothe resources in the village, she graciously accepted the gift. With a nod of thanks, she retreated into her shelter, ready to rest for the night.

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