That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Golden Apple

Scarlett found herself in a bit of a pickle. Her trusty blindfold, which had seen better days, was now nothing more than a pile of ash—thanks to her not-so-well-planned magic using, of all things, purple fire. Realizing she couldn't hide her eyes anymore, she pressed them shut, hoping no one would notice that she mistakenly burned her blindfold and Sulfurion's remaining corpse. She got to her feet slowly, furrowing her brow as she tried to piece together her next move. Absentmindedly scratching her head, she muttered, "I guess, I messed up?"

Her voice was so soft it was almost like she was having a private chat with herself. Thankfully, it seemed like everyone else was too caught up in their own thoughts to catch her little confession. They were all scratching their heads too, wondering what on earth Scarlett had been aiming for with her fiery spectacle. In their minds, she was paying homage to Sulfurion by giving his leftover bits a flaming send-off. They shrugged off the choice of purple fire as just another one of Scarlett's attributes—maybe she just liked the color? They decided it wasn't worth puzzling over too much.

Meanwhile, Scarlett kept her eyes clamped shut, pretending to be deep in some solemn ritual to avoid any awkward questions. She really didn't need everyone realizing she might have just toasted her blindfold by mistake!, Even burned the Sulfurion's remaining corpse.

Doomthunder watched intently and saw Scarlett's mistake as respects towards Sulfurion, despite his aggressive acts. Such grace under pressure did not go unnoticed, and Doomthunder's admiration for Scarlett soared. He began wagging his tail, a clear sign of his growing esteem, and his tongue lolled out in a dog-like display of affection and approval.

Approaching the trio of adventurers—Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan—Scarlett moved with a confidence that seemed to quiet the chaotic air around them. The events of the day had been anything but ordinary, and Vermillion, bewildered by the spectacle, opened his mouth to voice his confusion.


He barely started when Scarlett, sensing his perplexity, cut in with an explanation. Her voice was calm and matter-of-fact, slicing through the tension and mystery with ease. "It's called a psychic-barrier," she began, her closed eyes locking onto Vermillion's in a direct and steady gaze. "You can learn to do it too. Unlike traditional shields that block elemental attacks like fire or water, this barrier works differently. It repels attacks, guiding them away instead of stopping them outright. Think of it like building a pathway for the attack to redirect itself. So, when Sulfurion hit me with his fire breath, the barrier didn't block it. Instead, it redirected the fire, allowing it to pass harmlessly by me."

Scarlett gave a proud chuckle, brushing her nose with a flourish as she beamed at her companions. "I can easily block that kind of attack without magic; my body alone can handle this level of attacks. But like I told you, I wanted to show off!" Her smile was wide and brimming with confidence, clearly proud of her abilities.

The other adventurers stared at her in stunned silence. The idea that she could fend off such powerful attacks without any magical aid was nothing short of astounding. However, what really took them by surprise was not just her physical resilience but also her acute perception.

Vermillion's voice wavered with disbelief as he managed to ask, "How did you know I was going to ask about the barrier?"

Scarlett sighed, a slight click of annoyance escaping her lips. She had mastered many skills, including using her unique eyes to perceive the world in slow motion, but she had yet to learn how to fully control this ability. "Tch! It's my eyes," she admitted, her tone a mix of frustration and reluctance. "Even when they're closed, I see everything so slowly that I can even predict what's going to happen next. And my eyes also monsterous looking, it catches unwanted attention —and more importantly, I have to be careful not to fully activate them. If I do, it could be deadly."

Now that her blindfold was off, it was as if her eyes were unleashed, teetering on the brink of going berserk.  

"Why don't you use the stealth method?" Jenessa suggested casually as they discussed tactics.

"The stealth method?" Scarlett echoed, clearly intrigued.

"Yes, just pull all your mana inside your body, condense it into a ball, and hold it in your heart or abdomen," Jenessa explained. This technique was about concealing one's presence by preventing any mana from leaking out, rendering oneself undetectable.

Scarlett, who had always been more confrontational than evasive, found the idea unexpectedly appealing. Not only would it help her hide when necessary, but it might also serve as a temporary measure to control the overwhelming power of her eyes without suppressing them permanently.

Eager to try it, Scarlett nodded and prepared herself. She lowered her stance slightly and clenched her fists, her fingers tightening as she focused. Drawing in her mana, a colossal blue aura began to form around her. Her mana was a brilliant shade of blue, and as she gathered it, the aura grew so vast it seemed endless.

The air around them seemed to crack, the ground beneath their feet trembled. Despite Scarlett not directly exerting any pressure, the sheer intensity of her power forced her companions to their knees. They began to regret suggesting the exercise, overwhelmed by the raw force being displayed.

But the tumultuous display lasted only a few seconds. Scarlett managed to suppress her mana, drawing it inwards until it settled silently within her. As the mana stilled, a heavy, eerie silence fell over the group. The sudden calm was disorienting, leaving her companions speechless, feeling as if they were in the presence of a force far more formidable than even the demon kings.

"Phew... This will do until I find something more permanent to control my eyes," Scarlett exhaled, relieved yet aware of the temporary nature of this solution. 

As Scarlett slowly opened her eyes, the entire crowd fixated on her, mesmerized. One eye was a deep crimson red, while the other gleamed with a vibrant blue, each with cat-like pupils that seemed to peer into their souls. Despite the afternoon sun, her eyes appeared to glow, captivating everyone's attention.

Mouths hung open in astonishment, even the villagers who were accustomed to Scarlett's habit of always wearing a blindfold. None had ever glimpsed her eyes before, and the sight left them spellbound.

"Marvelous," the collective gasp escaped from the onlookers, echoing their awe.

Vermillion's expression shifted uneasily as he fidgeted with his fingers, attempting to regain composure. "Now that everything's settled, we'll take our leave," he stammered, attempting to mask his surprise. "We won't breathe a word about your village, I assure you."

Scarlett, with a serene smile, stepped forward to confront Vermillion directly. "What about payment?" she inquired, her tone polite yet firm.

"Payment?" Vermillion sputtered, caught off guard by the unexpected request.

"I shielded you from those hounds," Scarlett reminded him calmly. "That doesn't come for free."

As the tension hung in the air, Scarlett's unwavering gaze held Vermillion's, demanding acknowledgment of her services. 

In the dimly lit tavern, tension hung heavy in the air as Vermillion chuckled nervously, admitting they were short on cash. Scarlett, however, diverted the conversation with a simple question, her words slicing through the tension like a knife. "I'm not talking about money," she said, her voice firm yet curious. "Instead of money, does any of you know how to cook?"

Surprise rippled through the group as Vermillion eagerly raised his hand, followed by the unexpected addition of Jenessa. Scarlett, had assumed that culinary skills came with the territory of being an adventurer, but Jenessa's revelation caught her off guard. "Whoa, this half-gyaru girl can cook too?" Scarlett mused, her eyebrows arching in genuine surprise.

With newfound enthusiasm, Scarlett wasted no time in laying out her proposition. "Okay then, follow me!" she declared, her voice carrying a note of determination. "My payment is simple: you'll teach my villagers how to cook and share some recipes." The weight of her words hung in the air, a promise of collaboration and exchange that could bridge the gap between their worlds.

As Scarlett led the group through the village, a hush fell over the inhabitants as they caught sight of the newcomers. Monsters and demons lurked in every corner, instilling fear in the Adventurer's hearts, yet they chose to place their trust in Scarlett.

Though the villagers had already welcomed Yumi and the other humans, their gaze was drawn to Scarlett with a mix of curiosity and awe. For the first time, they beheld their ruler's eyes, their mesmerizing glow illuminating her path as she walked.

In the midst of their journey, an unexpected encounter halted their progress. "Nova-san, where's your blindfold?"Yumi's voice cut through the air, surprising the group.

Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan couldn't contain their shock, their voices ringing out in accidental screams. "Ms. Yumi? You're here? Weren't you kidnapped?"

Turning to Scarlett for answers, they bombarded her with questions. "That means you were the demon who kidnapped and summoned Hero Yuki?"

Yumi's confusion was palpable as she denied the accusations. "Kidnapped who? I think there's a misunderstanding," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Yumi seamlessly integrated into the group, walking alongside them towards the area stocked with cooking supplies. Amidst their journey, she took the opportunity to clarify the misunderstandings surrounding her presence, while simultaneously airing her grievances about her life and how she ended up there. In exchange, Vermillion recounted their journey to the village, sharing their own tales and experiences.

As they conversed, Scarlett opted to remain a silent observer, her lips curved into a gentle smile. She chose not to interject, content to listen to the exchange of words between her companions.

Their conversation carried them to a spacious tent, meticulously organized with vegetables, ingredients, and an array of utensils. Not only were there standard-sized tools, but also larger ones, surpassing the average human's size. Scarlett had anticipated their future utility for festivals or parties, though she hadn't foreseen their immediate usefulness.

With a sense of urgency, they dove into the task of preparing food for the entire village, a daunting feat given the population of over five hundred. Despite their human appearance, they possessed stamina far beyond the norm, allowing them to work tirelessly.

Each of them wielded their knives with precision and speed, slicing through vegetables with the skill of seasoned chefs. Yumi, too, rolled up her sleeves and joined in the effort, her presence rallying the villagers to assist in various tasks.

As the day progressed into evening, the sun's rays softened, casting a warm glow over the village. With their combined efforts, they managed to prepare enough food for the entire population.

Since meat was not an option, they concocted a hearty vegetable soup, blending various ingredients to create a nourishing meal. Vermillion took charge of distributing the soup, setting up a stall where villagers lined up with bowls or plates in hand, reminiscent of an average school canteen.

Meanwhile, back at Scarlett's shelter, bowls of soup were delivered to the group. Yumi couldn't contain her excitement as she eagerly took a spoonful, tears of joy streaming down her face at the first taste of food in over a month. Jenessa and Kaelan, too, marveled at the surprisingly delicious flavors of the vegetable soup. Scarlett remained aloof, her mind already occupied with future plans.  

As the villagers savored the fully prepared meal, they found themselves unable to resist its deliciousness. A wave of cheer swept through the crowd, chants of gratitude echoing through the village square. They showered Scarlett with thanks, their voices filled with a newfound sense of appreciation and joy, as if they had discovered a new purpose in life.

Meanwhile, Vermillion remained occupied with the task of distributing food, leaving the group at the shelter to bask in the aftermath of their successful endeavor. Among them were Scarlett, Evadne, Yumi, Jenessa, Kaelan, and Seiira, the goblin girl.

Yumi's tears of happiness continued to flow as she indulged in her meal, prompting playful teasing from Jenessa and Kaelan, who couldn't resist poking fun at her emotional display.

Scarlett, however, remained focused on caring for Evadne, cradling him in her lap as she fed him soup with her own hands. Seiira, sitting beside Scarlett, couldn't help but notice her lack of appetite and questioned her about it.

"You're not eating, Scarlett-sama?" Seiira inquired, her curiosity piqued.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Scarlett leaned in close to Seiira, her warm breath sending shivers down the goblin girl's spine as she whispered her response. "You know, I don't need to eat," Scarlett declared, a playful smile tugging at her lips. Then, with a sudden twist of mischief, she added, "But I might consider it if you feed me from your mouth."

Seiira's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment at the proposition, her fingers fidgeting nervously as she mulled over Scarlett's suggestion. "Um... if it's for you, Scarlett-sama, I suppose I wouldn't mind," she stammered, her embarrassment palpable. "But... in front of everyone?"

 Yumi's keen eye didn't miss Scarlett's mischievous behavior, prompting her to intervene with a hint of anger. "Hey, were you saying something inappropriate to our innocent Seiira?" she demanded, pointing accusingly at Scarlett.

Scarlett, caught off guard, quickly deflected the accusation. "Me? No way! Why would I do that?" she responded, avoiding Yumi's gaze while Seiira squirmed uncomfortably at being labeled "innocent."

As the days passed like a swift river, Vermillion and Jenessa diligently taught the women of the village how to cook. To their delight, the villagers proved to be quick learners, mastering various recipes in no time. The camaraderie between the adventurers and the villagers grew stronger with each passing day, dispelling any lingering fears the villagers had harbored.

With their task successfully completed, the time came to bid farewell to Dreadhaven village. The sun cast a bright glow over the landscape, though the lack of pollution kept the air pleasantly cool. Yumi, clad in attire made of cotton and leather, eschewed her armor in favor of blending in with the villagers

Standing on the outskirts of the village, Scarlett and Yumi faced Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan. Just as they were about to bid farewell, Scarlett took charge, her voice commanding attention. "I have to show you something. Just follow me without question," she declared with a sense of determination.

Though her companions were already taken aback by her previous displays of power, they complied with her request and followed silently. Soon, they found themselves in the village's farming area, surrounded by rows of vegetables and ingredients.

Without uttering a word, Scarlett stepped forward and placed her hands on the ground. Among the group lay a single apple seed, and as she began channeling her mana, her companions watched in astonishment. With each passing moment, Scarlett poured more and more mana into the seed, causing it to sprout and grow at an unprecedented rate.

In a matter of seconds, what was once a tiny seed transformed into a towering tree, reminiscent of a century-old apple tree. Yet, this tree was unlike any other; its entire form shimmered with a golden hue, and clusters of golden apples hung from its branches. The sight left Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan speechless, their mouths agape in awe.

Previously, Scarlett had only applied a limited amount of mana to preserve vegetables, but this time, she unleashed her power without restraint, transforming the entire tree into a golden spectacle.

 Yumi handed Scarlett a box, and with a wave of her hand, Scarlett used her psychokinetic powers to pluck several golden apples from the tree, carefully placing them in the container.

Approaching Vermillion with the box in hand, Scarlett spoke casually, her demeanor confident. "I don't think I even need to explain what these golden apples can do," she remarked, her tone understated yet filled with significance.

Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan remained in a state of shock, overwhelmed by Scarlett's incredible display of power and her unexpected gift of golden apples. Their eyes sparkled with excitement, resembling children presented with their favorite treats.

With utmost respect, Vermillion addressed Scarlett, his voice tinged with awe. "Aren't these a rare thing? We've never even seen golden apples in real life. Are you sure they're not costly?"

A smile played on Scarlett's lips as she reassured them. "No, you've done more than enough. You definitely deserve it."

Bowing repeatedly, Vermillion expressed his gratitude. "Thank you so much... thank you so much... We won't tell anyone about this. We won't open our mouths until we die."

Scarlett quickly interjected, her tone firm yet gentle. "No, no! You have to do the opposite. I want you to spread the word about this village and these golden apples."

Vermillion was taken aback by the unexpected request. Scarlett leaned in closer, her gaze locking with his. "Yes! Remember, only take small bites of the apple at a time, and share the taste with others. Will you do it?"

Blushing at Scarlett's proximity, Vermillion responded proudly, "Of course... of course. If it's for you, we'll definitely spread the word of your good deeds to everyone."

Scarlett's expression softened into a playful smile as she thanked them. "Oh, thank you," she cooed, her cute demeanor causing them all to blush with embarrassment.

As they bid farewell, Scarlett and Yumi waved with smiles on their faces. However, once they were out of sight, Yumi's smile faded, replaced by a look of doubt as she questioned Scarlett's motives.

"What were you planning? You're not the type to form attachments like that," Yumi remarked, her tone laced with skepticism.

Scarlett let out a mischievous chuckle. "They're the talkative type. They'll definitely spread the word about our little gift to the peoples, Even to those they don't even know

Yumi raised an eyebrow, still unconvinced. "So what?" she pressed, seeking clarification.

"I told you, I have a business idea," Scarlett replied, her grin widening mischievously. "This is just one of them." 

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