That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Grand Scheme

As the early morning light bathed the Kingdom of Gwarga, Leonidas arrived back using the teleportation crystal. Without wasting a moment, he set his plan into motion, determined to push Prince Lórien into returning to Dreadhaven to face Scarlett Nova, no matter the cost.

The method Leonidas chose was both cruel and simple—he poisoned the breakfast meant for all the students of the Warrior Academy. As the morning unfolded and the students gathered in the cafeteria for their meal, the effects began to show. One by one, students started feeling sick, clutching their stomachs in pain. Panic spread like wildfire, and before anyone could fully comprehend the severity of the situation, many of the weaker students succumbed to the poison.

Their bodies turned a sickly shade of blue, victims of the high toxicity. To everyone's horror, even the healers, masters of magic and medicine, were powerless to reverse the damage. By the time any measures could be taken, more than two hundred students lay dead, their lives stolen in the blink of an eye. The academy, stricken with fear, tried desperately to suppress the news, hoping to prevent the kingdom's people from discovering the tragedy.

The professors rushed to Prince Lórien, their faces pale with dread. When the prince learned of the catastrophe, fury surged through him. His hands balled into fists, trembling with rage. "Who did this?" he roared, his voice echoing through the halls as he slammed his fist into the wall, cracking the stone.

A voice, familiar and seemingly innocent, answered from behind. "Who else? This is the wrath of that succubus, Scarlett Nova. She's avenging her comrades." Leonidas stood there, the very image of calm deceit, his face betraying none of the guilt that weighed on his heart. Despite being the true culprit, he spoke as though he had no part in the tragedy.

As soon as the professor finished delivering the news, Leonidas made a dismissive gesture. "Now that you've done your part, shoo! Go!" he waved the professor off, eager to be alone with Prince Lórien. Once the door closed behind them, the prince's frustration and fear were palpable.

Leonidas clicked his tongue, pacing with a dramatic sigh. "Tch, tch... If you go back to your father now and admit this disaster was your fault, he'll be utterly disappointed in you," he said, his voice dripping with mock concern. 

Lórien's face lost all color as dread settled in. He clenched his fists. "You're right... What should I do? Two hundred innocent students died because of me!" His voice cracked under the weight of his guilt, every word thick with regret.

Leonidas's lips curled into a wicked smile, revealing sharp teeth as he activated his unique skill—**Silent Manipulation**. His voice took on a persuasive edge. "How about I offer you some advice, again?" He paused for a moment, watching Lórien squirm under the guilt. "End this once and for all. Return to Dreadhaven. Challenge her—Scarlett Nova—to a one-on-one duel. Prove your strength and put this all behind you."

For Lórien, who had never truly faced the battle-hardened warriors of Dreadhaven, like Li Feng, Reiza, or Xao Feng, the only real threat in his mind was Scarlett. His arrogance clouded his judgment, for him other villagers were just cannon fodder and only Scarlett might give some tough time. 

He exhaled deeply, his grip tightening around the hilt of his sword, his resolve hardening. "Okay," he muttered, determination flashing in his eyes. "I'll confront her directly." 

Without another word, Lórien stormed out of the room, his steps echoing through the hallways as he departed for Dreadhaven, unaware that he was walking straight into Leonidas's trap.


Leonidas dashed into the grand hall of the royal palace, breathless as he called out urgently, "Lord Lysander… Lord Lysander!"

The king, seated on his throne, immediately turned his attention to the sudden commotion. Though Leonidas was his brother, there was no sign of familial familiarity in Lysander's eyes. At this moment, he was a king above all, and his gaze reflected both authority and concern.

Seeing his twin brother stumble forward, collapsing onto his knees before the throne, the air in the hall grew tense. Leonidas pressed his forehead to the cold floor, his body shaking as tears poured from his eyes uncontrollably. "Kill me… Please, kill me! I deserve death!" he cried out, his voice cracking, startling not just Lysander but the nobles and royal courtiers who had gathered around.

Lysander's face shifted from concern to outright alarm. "What is this about? Speak now!" he ordered, the firmness of his command betraying his inner worry.

Leonidas raised his tear-streaked face, looking up at his brother in utter misery. "I made a terrible mistake. Prince Lórien… he's gone to Dreadhaven… to face that succubus, Scarlett Nova. He didn't want me to tell you or anyone else, but I couldn't hold it back any longer!"

A collective gasp swept through the hall as everyone's eyes widened in disbelief. Some nobles clutched their chests in shock, while others exchanged frightened looks. The memory of Scarlett Nova still haunted them—a monstrous, powerful being who had once hijacked their kingdom for two hours, Effortlessly. For Lórien to challenge her alone seemed like a death sentence.

"We are doomed! She'll destroy us all!" one nobleman cried out, his face pale with terror as he recalled the day Scarlett had taken control, sitting on the throne like an tyrant queen. The fear in the hall was palpable; it was as if the shadow of that dark day had returned.

Lysander's hands gripped the sides of his throne, his expression both fearful and furious. "When did he leave? How long has it been?" he demanded, his voice barely steady as his mind raced with possibilities.

Leonidas, still trembling, wiped at his face. "A few hours… their battle could have already started by now."

The weight of those words settled over the entire hall like a dark cloud. Everyone knew what this could mean—not just for Prince Lórien, but for the entire kingdom of Gwarga. 

Lysander swallowed hard, his throat dry as the full weight of the situation began to crush him. He turned to his advisors, his voice cracking slightly. "Send a messenger immediately… Write that we are deeply sorry for any trouble my son has caused. Offer them any compensation they want, In return they'll have to send my son back safely."

His knuckles turned white as he clenched his fist, dreading what he had to say next. "Or else… there will be war. A war between Dreadhaven and the Kingdom of Gwarga."

The tension in the room thickened, fear spreading like wildfire. Whispers of dread and panic echoed among the nobles. The mere thought of going to war with Dreadhaven sent shivers down their spines. They all knew the power that Scarlett Nova commanded, and none doubted that she could wipe them out if provoked.

But amidst the fear and chaos, there was one person who wasn't scared at all—Leonidas. In fact, he was smiling.

A dark grin spread across his face as he watched his brother, the king, fall into his carefully laid trap. Everyone, including the king himself, was nothing more than a pawn in his grand scheme. His heart raced with excitement as he envisioned the chaos that was about to unfold.

"Hehehe… This is perfect," Leonidas whispered to himself, his lips curling into an evil smile. "That's exactly what I wanted… a war. A war where you all lose."

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