That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid



At the forefront strode two figures, Dr.No.1 tall and imposing, possessed an air of brooding intensity that seemed to envelop him like a cloak. His piercing gaze held the weight of untold secrets, while his chiseled features spoke of a mind as sharp as the scalpel like he could read my mind.

Beside him, cut a leaner figure, his sharp intellect concealed beneath a veneer of malice and charisma. With his disarming smile and piercing blue eyes.

Behind them, a trio of bodyguards moved with silent precision, their stoic expressions betraying nothing of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. Clad in tailored suits that hugged their formidable frames, they exuded an aura of unyielding loyalty, their vigilant gaze sweeping the surroundings for any hint of danger.

Asta stared in disbelief, his confusion palpable. "What the... there wasn't a door here before. How did they even get in?"

The taller of the two scientists, stepping forward, filled the room with a palpable seriousness, the air thickening as if it became harder to breathe. His voice, calm yet authoritative, broke the silence.

"Are you the only one awake right now? Quite the resilient one, aren't you?" he mused, adjusting his glasses with a slight nod. "Perhaps we should start with introductions."

"I am Dr. Raki," he continued, gesturing to himself, then pointed to his colleague, "and this is Dr. Magi. The individuals behind us," he waved dismissively towards the trio of bodyguards, "are just our security. No need to bother with names for them."

Asta's thoughts raced as he processed Dr. Raki's words. 'What the hell... He treats them like they're just objects. Is this guy some kind of royalty or something?' His skepticism and wariness grew with each passing moment.

Dr. Raki paused, ensuring he had everyone's full attention before continuing. "The primary reason we brought you here is quite significant. You, along with others here, are intersexual."

Asta's expression turned to one of confusion as he repeated the term uncertainly, " what?"

He explained," In the realm of human biology, there exists a phenomenon known as intersexuality. It's a condition where an individual embodies characteristics of both genders simultaneously. They possess the physical attributes typically associated with both males and females, including genitalia."

"These remarkable individuals navigate a unique existence, residing in the intersection of gender norms. In essence, they encompass the essence of both masculinity and femininity within a single being."

"What's more, despite possessing male and female reproductive organs, intersex individuals can conceive and bear children, akin to their female counterparts."

Dr. Raki chuckled, his voice filled with a mix of fascination and clinical detachment, "The complexity and diversity of human biology are truly astounding, aren't they? It weaves intricate narratives of identity that defy conventional understanding."

Asta, bewildered and increasingly frustrated, thought to himself, "What the heck is this guy talking about? How can I be both a girl and a boy at the same time? Has he not seen my hard and thick thing inside me?"

His internal monologue was cut short as Dr. Magi handed him a document. "Here, take a look at this,"he said. "This is your medical report confirming you're intersex. But there's more you need to understand. Being intersex carries health risks, including a higher probability of certain cancers due to hormonal imbalances if not managed properly."

He paused for a moment to let the information sink in before adding, "If you choose to, we can perform a procedure to align your physical traits with the gender that your body is most compatible with, essentially reducing your health risks. We're offering this as a free service."

He smiled reassuringly, "Sounds beneficial, doesn't it?"

The scientist's laughter turned maniacal, filling the room with a chilling echo. "Hahahaha, HELL NO," he cackled wildly. "Before you get any ideas, take a good look at your medical report."

Asta, puzzled by the scientist's sudden outburst, snatched the report from his hand. His eyes widened as he read the results. "Female? More compatible with female?" he muttered in disbelief. The details were painstakingly thorough, confirming without a doubt his intersex condition.

A wave of frustration washed over him. "Ahh, damn it, I knew school was just a waste, robbing us of our money and teaching nothing of real importance," he grumbled under his breath.

The scientist clapped his hands together, a creepy smile plastered on his face. "Congratulations," he announced with a disturbing cheerfulness. "Your body is more aligned with the female spectrum. So, congratulations, you're on your way to becoming a female."

A storm of anger and disbelief raged in Asta's eyes. He shot back fiercely, "There's no way I'm agreeing to that. I'm a freaking virgin, you idiot!"

"Sorry, boy," the scientist replied dismissively, his tone dripping with condescension. "But it's not up to you to decide. Our boss has plans for an experiment. He wants to see if by transforming you all into girls, your minds will start thinking like females. He's curious to see if you'll be capable of engaging in boyfriend-girlfriend relationships."

Asta's mind reeled at the audacity of their plans, a mix of shock and defiance etched deeply across his face.

The weight of the situation bore down on him, his resistance futile against the whims of those in control.

'These guys have a boss?'Asta's mind raced with incredulity. 'If they're like this, what kind of psychopath could their boss be?

"And what was the other reason for kidnapping us?" Asta demanded, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and confusion.

"Hmm," the response came, dripping with sinister nonchalance. "The thing is, we've been experimenting on living humans for years here, and we're short on bodies."

"We received orders to experiment on you before you transition," the explanation continued, chilling Asta to his core. "The body of an intersexual is unique, you see. You must have noticed at some point in your life, feeling a strength within you that belied your appearance."

"The endurance, durability, and power of intersexual muscles surpass those of normal humans," the explanation continued, sending shivers down Asta's spine. "But for our experiment, that's not enough."

"What kind of experiment?" Asta's voice quivered with fear and disbelief.

"We're going to inject you with true dragon blood," the reply came, sending Asta's mind reeling. "But you won't bear the pain it will cause. So, we have to torture you to the brink of death, ensuring you beg for release. But don't worry, we'll heal you so you can't die, even if you want to."

Asta's expression twisted with horror and incredulity as he tried to wrap his head around the scientists' plan. "Inject me with what? Are you delusional? Dragons are mythical, not some lab rats you can just harvest!"

Dr. Raki chuckled darkly, the sound echoing ominously in the stark white room. "Oh, but you see, in the realms of advanced genetic research, the lines between myth and reality blur.

Asta shuddered at the thought. "You're talking about genetic modification? That's not just risky; it's unethical!"

Dr. Magi stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a fanatic's fervor. "Ethics, my dear boy, are subjective. Here, we redefine the possible. The potential for scientific advancement outweighs conventional morality. And you, Asta, are a key part of this new frontier."

"Besides," Dr. Raki added with a sinister smile, "our 'healing potion' isn't some fanciful elixir. It's a regenerative serum, potent enough to revive damaged tissues almost instantaneously. You won't die; you'll evolve."

'True dragon blood? Healing potion?' Asta's mind raced with disbelief. 'They're truly insane. Does this guy even realized dragons don't exist? And what kind of healing potion is he talking about? Is he some kind of otaku?'

His thoughts were interrupted as the man produced a peculiar bottle, promising solace and restoration.

"This is a high-quality healing potion," the man explained, his demeanor chillingly calm.

Suddenly, Asta felt a searing pain in his stomach as the man's hand pierced through him. Blood spilled onto the floor as Asta collapsed, the agony overwhelming his senses.

As Asta writhed in agony on the cold, sterile floor of the laboratory, the piercing pain clouded his vision, rendering the bright lights overhead a blur. The man, devoid of any visible emotion, withdrew his blood-coated hand, his clinical gaze fixed on Asta's trembling form.

"This potion," he continued, holding up the vial with an air of detached fascination, "will accelerate your cellular regeneration. It's quite fascinating, really. You'll heal rapidly, and the process will enhance your resilience for the next phase of our experiments."

Asta gasped for breath, clutching his wounded stomach, the blood warm and slick between his fingers. His mind raced with disbelief and horror. "How could this be real?". He was just a high school student a day ago, and now he was ensnared in a nightmare of pain and perverse scientific endeavors.

"No... please..." Asta managed to stammer, the pain skewing his voice into a whimper. "Don't do this. I don't want to be part of your experiments. I just want to go home."

The man tilted his head slightly, considering Asta with a curiosity that was almost inhuman. "Pain is necessary, young man. It teaches us about our limits, and more importantly, how to exceed them. You're not just going to survive; you'll emerge stronger."

With a swift motion, the man administered the potion, forcing the liquid down Asta's throat. Almost instantly, the intense pain began to subside as the potion took effect, knitting the torn flesh back together with a tingling sensation that spread through his body.

Lying there, his body healing but his spirit breaking, Asta realized the full gravity of his situation. He was trapped in a web woven by madmen, and his ordeal was only just beginning.

Couldn't handle the pain, Asta faints...

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