That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Merchant Queen : Liorra

 Lórien, the prince had a noble mission: to attend the Warrior Academy and safeguard Yumi. However, the looming threat of Scarlett's Ouroboros Mark hung over them like a dark cloud. The mere thought of displeasing Scarlett enough to activate the mark and blast the king's head like a balloon sent shivers down their spines.

Despite their desire to act, the prince and others found themselves at the mercy of Scarlett's whims. They had no choice but to comply with her demands before they could even begin to strategize.

Within the walls of the academy, Scarlett's attempts at fake motivational speeches were as convincing as a squirrel trying to impersonate a lion. Yet, somehow, Yumi found herself nodding along, caught in Scarlett's web of persuasive gibberish.

As they emerged from the academy, Yumi couldn't help but voice her curiosity. "How on earth did you manage to procure that Order letter with the king's stamp?"

Scarlett's response was as ludicrous as it was unexpected. "Ah, well, you see, it's all thanks to our dear troublemaker, Yushiro. The lad not only caused chaos in the prison but also had the audacity to break my engagement ring! So, naturally, I did what any insane person would do—I casually killed a few palace guards, stormed the palace, and voilà! You were mine, dear President." She finished with a nonchalant shrug, as if orchestrating a palace invasion was just another day in her eventful life.

Yumi's disbelief was palpable as she questioned Scarlett's daring solo palace invasion. "Did you really just storm the palace alone? Are you that powerful?"

Instead of offering a direct answer, Scarlett simply presented the broken ring, prompting Yumi to showcase her own with a muttered incantation, "Repair fire." As the rings melded together seamlessly and then Scarlett joined the both parts of ring, and made it like a new ring and Wore it on her ring finger, Yumi's eyes widened in realization.

"You can effortlessly repair the ring. Does that mean you swindled the king?" Yumi probed.

A mischievous smirk danced across Scarlett's lips as she shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, it's not my fault they're gullible. And now, onto my interrogation: What's the kingdom's main strength? They seemed pretty feeble to me. I mean, I dispatched a grandmaster swordsman without breaking a sweat. How on earth did they survive demon and monster attacks for so long?"

Yumi pondered for a moment before offering an explanation. "You see, the kingdom's prowess lies not in swordsmanship or magic, but rather in transformation and summoning rituals. Remember when you witnessed Renji? That was a fusion of human and spirit."

Intrigued, Scarlett leaned in. "And what about summoning? That seems to be their go-to move."

"Their most formidable summons are only brought forth in times of war. I believe they're called 'Warlords' or something," Yumi replied.

Scarlett's eyebrows shot up in interest. "Warlords, huh? Sounds like quite the challenge. I wouldn't mind going toe-to-toe with them."

In the early morning in city, Scarlett and Yumi found themselves at a quaint restaurant that had opened its doors in the early hours. While Scarlett opted to wait outside, refusing any food, she urged Yumi to indulge to her heart's content. Yumi, puzzled by Scarlett's insistence, couldn't fathom why her companion wanted her to eat so much. 

Scarlett already possessed thousand gold coins from Avion and managed to procure everything they needed without spending a single coin,.She can now use this money somewhere else.

As Yumi emerged from the restaurant, her stomach heavy with regret, she confronted Scarlett. "Why on earth did you make me eat so early? And why didn't you join me? You even left me alone. What if I had decided to run away?"

Scarlett's mischievous grin spoke volumes. "Escape from me? President, you couldn't even if you tried. And why the sudden chatter? You used to be so reserved and serious."

Yumi's response carried a weight of melancholy. "Well, as the student council president, I was bound by responsibilities. Everyone looked up to me, so I had to maintain a composed facade. But with you, it's like I've been freed from those chains."

In the tranquil hush of the city's dawn, Scarlett stumbled upon a narrow alley devoid of any souls. With a subtle flourish, she unfurled her wings, signaling her readiness to depart.

Yumi, taken aback by the sight of Scarlett's enchanting wings, was unable to contain her astonishment. "You have wings?" she gasped, her mouth agape. "That must be incredible, transforming from human to something like that!"

Without a word, Scarlett seized Yumi around the waist and soared into the sky, maintaining a height that shielded them from prying human eyes. Initially exhilarated by the sensation of flight, Yumi soon found herself overwhelmed by the speed, her screams piercing the tranquility of the air.

Halting mid-air to address Yumi's distress, Scarlett's irritation was palpable. "What now?" she snapped, visibly annoyed.

Struggling to catch her breath like a mere mortal, Yumi implored Scarlett to slow down, prompting Scarlett to begrudgingly reduce their pace to a more manageable speed, akin to that of a common bird. Despite Yumi's exuberance and playful shouts, Scarlett pressed on, mindful of the tasks awaiting them.

Their journey to the imposing Walls of the Kingdom of Gwarga was swift, the fortress looming ahead as a bastion against the encroaching monsters. With Scarlett's summons ensuring their unhindered passage, they soared over the protective ramparts undetected by the vigilant soldiers below.

And so, with stealth and determination, Scarlett and Yumi ventured forth into the heart of the kingdom, their mission shrouded in secrecy and intrigue.

As Scarlett soared through the sky, her pace was deliberate, ensuring she didn't draw undue attention. Despite her leisurely flight, she reached the imposing frontline Walls of the Kingdom of Gwarga sooner than expected. These colossal walls stood as the kingdom's first line of defense, safeguarding its inhabitants from the menacing creatures beyond. Only those possessing valid identity cards were permitted entry, a measure to keep out any potential threats.

Summoned by Carl, Scarlett bypassed the scrutiny typically reserved for newcomers. Flying at a height that shielded her from the view of soldiers below, she effortlessly glided over the colossal walls, her passage unhindered, she set her course towards the Demon realm, back to her village.

After a long flight, it was almost 10 AM. Scarlett and Yumi were flying over the region between Gwarga and the Border of the Demon Realm. Scarlett was growing increasingly irritable due to Yumi's relentless questioning. Yumi, full of curiosity, kept firing questions one after another.

"C'mon tell me, you reincarnated as a dragonoid or what?" Yumi asked eagerly.

"Something like that," Scarlett replied, her annoyance clear.

"Then what were you before? Were you from my class or did you go to my school?"

"I prefer not to say anything about my past," Scarlett said, shutting down the inquiry.

Despite Scarlett's clear disinterest, Yumi didn't stop her questioning. She was about to ask another question when she spotted something alarming on the ground below.

A luxurious carriage was under attack by a group of bandits. The guards assigned to protect the carriage were outnumbered and struggling to fend off the attackers.

"Stop Dragonoid-san, did you see that? Those people need our help!" Yumi exclaimed, concerned.

But Scarlett dismissed the plea without any emotion. "I don't care, it's not my problem."

"What? How can you say that? I'm a hero; we have to save them!" Yumi protested.

Scarlett replied with cool indifference. "I'm not a hero, and right now, neither are you."

This exchange starkly highlighted their differing views: Yumi's unwavering commitment to heroism against Scarlett's detached pragmatism.

Scarlett had no desire to intervene in the attack on the carriage, but Yumi's pleading look, those irresistible puppy eyes full of innocence, eventually swayed her. With a resigned sigh, Scarlett descended to the ground to assist.

Both the soldiers and the bandits were taken aback when the two girls appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Yumi, bubbling with excitement, urged Scarlett on, "Go! Show me how powerful you are, Dragonoid-san."

"...." Scarlett remained where she stood, unflinching.

Yumi, puzzled, pointed at the bandits, "What happened? Go defeat them!"

"I already did," Scarlett replied nonchalantly.

"Already did?" Yumi turned to look at the bandits, her eyes widening in horror. The scene before her was gruesome; all the bandits lay dead. Some had their heads obliterated, others had limbs broken. Not one was spared.

Seeing the carnage, Yumi's excitement turned to tremors of fear. This moment made her realize the gravity of whom she had been pestering with questions. Scarlett said that she was used to be a human, So she had been casual with Scarlett, believing her to be a fellow human and possibly a schoolmate, which made her relentless in her questioning despite Scarlett's evident annoyance. Now, understanding the lethal force Scarlett wielded and that she could be just as decisive with her, Yumi recognized the peril she was in.

Yumi's thoughts spiraled into panic as she realized the lethal efficiency with which Scarlett had handled the bandits. Sweat began to bead on her forehead as fear took over. "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck... I wanna go home, I wanna go back to the Warrior Academy," she muttered under her breath, desperate to escape the situation.

Trying to regain her composure, Yumi turned to Scarlett. Despite her trembling words, she managed to force a smile onto her face. "Hahaha... you were just so fast, I didn't see, hahaha..." she laughed nervously, attempting to lighten the grim atmosphere.

The guards, equally stunned by the swift and brutal resolution of the attack, soon realized that the two girls were allies. The leader of the guards approached them, gratitude evident on his face as he knelt down. "Thank you so much, adventurers," he said, clearly mistaking them for high-ranking adventurers due to Yumi's armor and their formidable display.

"No need, it was our pleasure," Yumi replied casually, hiding her inner turmoil and trying to emulate the confident adventurers she believed they were perceived to be.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the carriage, a woman dressed in a merchant's robe. As she stepped out, all the soldiers instinctively bowed their heads in respect.

Approaching Scarlett and Yumi, the woman spoke with a mild reproach, "It's not polite to just sit in the carriage and not even greet my saviors."

"I'm Liorra Quickgold, a very popular merchant. I was on my way to the kingdom of Gwarga to open a new branch of my business when we were attacked by bandits."

Upon hearing her name, Yumi couldn't contain her excitement. "Liorra? The Merchant Queen? I'm a huge fan of yours! Your business spans three kingdoms; it's a pleasure to meet you! My name is Yumi Yamamoto."

"Yumi Yamamoto? That's quite an unusual name." Liorra then turned to Scarlett, mistaking her for a different type due to her attire. "And what's your name, Amazoness?"

Although Yumi idolized Liorra, seeing her as a role model in business, Scarlett felt differently. To Scarlett, Liorra was just another person, not a figure of influence or interest. However, she decided to respond politely, "I'm Scarlett Nova."

'Ohh so her name is Scarlett, I didn't even asked her name.' Yumi thinked.

"Wow, that's a heavy name. Since you've done me a favor by saving me, is there something I can do in return?"

Before Yumi could decline the offer, stating that helping was their duty, Scarlett interjected sharply, "Give me five thousand gold coins then!"

Yumi facepalmed at Scarlett's blunt request.

Liorra smiled gracefully, "I deeply apologize, but I don't have that much money on me right now. However, here's my business card. You can contact me if you need to buy or sell anything; I'll ensure you get the best price possible."

As Liorra pulled out a business card from her pocket and extended her hand to Scarlett, it seemed Scarlett was about to reject it. But, understanding Liorra's intentions and the opportunity, Yumi quickly stepped in and took the business card herself.

Yumi, caught up in the excitement of meeting her idol, eagerly got an autograph from Liorra on the business card. As they waved goodbye, their gestures were warm, as if they were long-time friends. Overcome with joy, Yumi couldn't resist kissing the spot where Liorra had signed her name.

Meanwhile, Scarlett was ready to take off and fly away, but she suddenly felt something was off. Her powers were surging uncontrollably, despite her attempts to suppress them. Yumi, puzzled, watched Scarlett stand motionless, wondering what was wrong.

Scarlett then removed her blindfold and discovered it had been scorched by the intensity of her gaze. This alarming discovery indicated that the blindfold was no longer capable of suppressing the power of her eyes. Having trained recently without her blindfold, Scarlett hadn't realized just how much stronger her powers had grown.

Yumi, ever curious about why Scarlett always wore a blindfold, couldn't hold back her questions any longer. She stepped in front of Scarlett, not realizing the danger of making eye contact. As Scarlett turned to her, Yumi inadvertently caught a glimpse of Scarlett's glowing red eye.

"Ohh shit," Scarlett exclaimed, quickly closing her eyes. But it was too late. Even that brief contact was enough to have a profound effect on Yumi. Her heart began to pound wildly, racing as if she were on the verge of a heart attack. She fell to the ground, trembling in terror and drenched in sweat as if she had just stepped out of a bath. Fortunately, the encounter lasted only a moment. Any longer, and Yumi might not have survived.

Gasping for breath and overwhelmed by the encounter, Yumi stammered, "Huff... huff... What was that? Damn, am I going to die?" The power of Scarlett's cursed gaze had left her shaken and fearful.

"You're not going to die," Scarlett reassured Yumi, though she kept her eyes tightly shut to avoid any further accidents. "It was my killing intent in my red eyes. My other eyes exert mana pressure with a vibrant blue color. Don't worry, everything is under control now."

Scarlett continued to explain her situation as Yumi sat up, still coughing from the shock. "Every time I take my blindfold off, everything around me seems to slow down, almost like time has stopped. This blindfold helps suppress the power of my eyes, but now it seems I need something stronger."

Yumi, bewildered by the concept, asked, "It's my first time seeing someone struggle because they're too powerful. Why don't you just close your eyes then?"

Scarlett elaborated on her dilemma. "Simply closing my eyes doesn't solve the problem. I can still see through my eyelids unless I'm asleep. That's why I always wear my blindfold, even when I sleep." She added, "I have the habit of taking off my clothes for comfort, but never my blindfold. I wear it constantly, every hour of the day."

For the moment, Scarlett had managed to suppress her powers, but she knew the potential dangers if they were to spiral out of control again in the future. She was aware that without proper control, her powers could cause serious harm to others.

Scarlett extended her hand to Yumi. "Stand up, we're going. Don't worry, it happened out of nowhere, but I can control my eyes at will," she reassured her.

Carefully, Scarlett opened her eyes, revealing one crimson red and the other vibrant blue, both with cat-like pupils that seemed almost monstrous. Yumi initially shut her eyes in fear, but trusting Scarlett's words, she slowly opened them again. To her astonishment, she saw Scarlett's mesmerizing eyes glowing intensely, their colors vivid even in the bright morning light.

With Scarlett's help, Yumi stood up. Scarlett then put on her half-burned blindfold again and gently lifted Yumi in her arms, cradling her like a princess. She unfurled her wings and soared upwards, heading towards her village, Dreadhaven.

Back in the kingdom of Gwarga, news spread like wildfire about the incident. Rumors flew that a demon had invaded the royal palace alone and abducted one of the summoned heroes. Stories of Scarlett's powers and her striking appearance grew increasingly exaggerated. Painters who had never even seen Scarlett began to create images of her, depicting her as a blue-skinned, long-horned succubus. These paintings became wildly popular, and soon, almost all the citizens believed that Scarlett truly looked like the fantastical figure portrayed in the artwork. 

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