That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Obsessive Love

I'm Irish Heartfilia, hailing from a low-class noble family. From a young age, my parents insisted that I befriend high-class nobles and royals, hoping to leverage those connections for their own gain. Despite my genuine desire for friendship, my attempts were met with disdain. Instead of companionship, I was treated as a servant or a mere plaything for their entertainment.

In my normal state, communication was a struggle. Every word I uttered seemed to invite ridicule, fostering a deep-seated doubt in my ability to speak properly. This doubt eventually morphed into fear, rendering me unable to make eye contact with others.

Amongst the tormentors, Princess Ingrassia stood out as the worst. Whether she's changed since our kindergarten days remains to be seen, but back then, she led the charge in bullying me relentlessly.

Despite the pain and humiliation, I had no choice but to comply with my parents' wishes and forge friendships with those who mistreated me. It was a bitter reality I couldn't escape.

As I reached the age of nine, the realization of how my parents were using me began to dawn upon me. To Princess and her entourage of lackeys, I was nothing more than a plaything for their entertainment.

With each passing day, my resentment towards them deepened, fueling a growing hatred within me. This hatred manifested itself in the darkness of my mana, awakening an affinity for dark and soul magic within me.

I dedicated myself to training both my body and magic, determined to grow stronger. However, I soon realized that my efforts were futile. Unlike me, Princess and her cohorts had been bathed in elixirs since childhood, their mana capacity and physical strength far surpassing that of a mere child.

But everything changed one fateful day when Princess Ingrassia, her voice dripping with arrogance and cruelty.

"Hey Outcast girl, Take this sword and go hunt uba for us." 

(Uba is a pig monster in this world, they just like wild boar in our world.)

With a heavy heart and a voice barely above a whisper, I protested, "I... I'm only nine years old. I c-an't hunt monsters."

Princess's glare pierced through me, her eyes ablaze with anger as she retorted, "You're a pig too. You can't even hunt your own race hahaha. Do you want to be with us or not?"

That time I was angry enough to kill them but It was actually the turning point of my life. I sought solace in the nearby forest, the Azure Tempest, seeking refuge from the turmoil within me.

Venturing only a short distance into the woods, I found myself perched atop a tree, my heart pounding with fear and anticipation. I waited in silence, hoping for an Uba to wander into my path, unsuspecting of the danger lurking above.

Fortune smiled upon me that day, as an Uba approached directly beneath my hiding place. Without hesitation, I leaped from my perch, my sword poised to strike with deadly precision.

Princess's sword was as sharp as her tongue, effortlessly slicing through the Uba's neck like a hot knife through butter. There was no time for the creature to react, no chance for it to utter a sound.

As I witnessed the life drain from the Uba's eyes, a peculiar sensation washed over me. It was not sorrow or remorse that filled my heart, but rather a perverse sense of pleasure. The act of taking a life, of asserting dominance over another being, ignited a primal thrill within me.

Driven by this newfound sensation, I descended upon the Uba's lifeless form, stabbing and mutilating its corpse with reckless abandon. With each strike, the rush of pleasure intensified, consuming me in a frenzy of bloodlust and euphoria.

<Notification: Unique skill: "Predation"Obtain>

I couldn't comprehend the meaning behind it, but my body seemed to move of its own accord, instinctively responding to some primal urge. It was as if this newfound ability was guiding my actions, compelling me to act in a certain way.

Driven by this mysterious force, I continued to assail the monster's body with relentless strikes, each blow fueled by a surge of dark energy. It wasn't long before the creature's mana stone was dislodged from its flesh, shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

With trembling hands, I reached out and grasped the mana stone, a sense of anticipation coursing through me. As I made contact, a dark aura enveloped my hand, swirling and pulsating with an ominous energy. Without hesitation, I allowed the darkness to consume the mana stone, its power merging with my own in an unsettling fusion.

<Notification: Overall stats increased by 2>

<Notification: Skill : Dash Acquired>

After that pivotal moment, my path became clear. I abandoned any notion of befriending Princess and her cohorts, instead dedicating myself to hunting monsters whenever the opportunity arose.

Despite facing harsh criticism and physical punishment from my parents, I remained resolute in my decision. Their disapproval only fueled my determination further, until eventually they ceased to acknowledge my existence altogether, deeming me a lost cause.

But to me, their abandonment was a form of liberation. Freed from their expectations and constraints, I flourished, honing my skills with each passing day. I became adept at dispatching B-rank monsters with nothing but my bare hands, a testament to my growing strength and resilience.

And then, at long last, the moment I had been eagerly anticipating arrived: admission to Hero Academy. It was here that I knew I would have the opportunity to exact my revenge on Princess Ingrassia and all those who had wronged me.

As I stepped into the academy and made my way to my dorm room, whispers about a 2v2 duel between Darwitz hero and Princess and Elminia echoed through the corridors. Anticipation filled the air, but as I approached the duel ground, I soon realized that this was no ordinary match.

What unfolded before me was not a fair contest, but a cruel display of power and privilege. It was a duel between Elminia and her accomplice against a slave, someone who had been brought with hero to the academy without even the basic knowledge of magic. It was a glaring example of the inequality and injustice that pervaded the high-class noble society.

Determined to intervene and stand up for the oppressed, I prepared to take the side of the slave and defeat Elminia myself. But my resolve wavered as I laid eyes on the unexpected participant.

Scarlett Nova—a figure of unparalleled beauty, her radiant white skin seemed to glow as she entered the arena. Clad in bandages and a jacket draped over her shoulder, she exuded an aura of confidence and defiance. Her blindfold made her more erotic, accentuating her allure and making her presence all the more captivating.

In a matter of moments, Nova not only defeated but utterly dominated Elminia with her raw physical strength. Unlike me, who had endured bullying in silence, Nova fearlessly confronted her adversaries, unafraid of the consequences. 

As I watched her, a rush of emotions flooded through me—admiration, envy, and something else I couldn't quite place. In that moment, I realized that I was drawn to her in a way I had never experienced before. Nova embodied everything I admired and aspired to be, and without realizing it, I had developed a deep crush on her. She was the epitome of my ideal girl, and I couldn't help but want to emulate her strength and courage.

As the early morning light filtered through the corridors, the bustling of students heading to their classes filled the air. Amidst the crowd, I spotted a familiar figure—a young girl with golden hair and eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. It was Princess.

With a surge of determination fueled by years of resentment, I approached her from behind and deliberately bumped into her, causing our books to crash to the floor with a loud thud.

"O-oh, I'm sorry," I stammered, feigning contrition. This was my chance for revenge. I expected her to react with anger, perhaps even retaliate physically, giving me the opportunity to strike back in self-defense.

But to my astonishment, Princess responded with a charming smile and a gentle voice, offering to help me collect the scattered books. This wasn't the Princess I remembered from our childhood. She had transformed from a spoiled brat into a well-mannered girl, and it was difficult for my heart to accept this sudden change.

As she handed me my book, she inquired, "What's your name?"

Her question hit me like a ton of bricks. How could she not recognize me after all the torment she and her companions had subjected me to? It felt like she was mocking the hardships I had endured. Unable to bear it, I fled from the scene without uttering a word.

Taking refuge in the corner of the classroom, I activated my Suppression skill, ensuring that no one could sense my presence. My mind swirled with conflicting emotions. Had Princess truly become a different person? How could I exact my revenge if she had turned over a new leaf?

As I sat there waiting for class to commence, I seethed with anger at the sight of Richard abusing his authority, my fists clenched in frustration.

 As I waited for class to commence, my senses heightened, attuned to any wrongdoing that might occur. Unfortunately, I soon found myself witnessing an abuse of authority perpetrated by Richard, the Prince of Almeida. My blood boiled with anger as I watched him threaten Nova-san, the woman I harbored a crush on, with enslavement.

I decided that I'll that bastard Richard, but

To my relief, Nova-san didn't cower in the face of Richard's threats. Instead, she boldly stood her ground and even mocked him, demonstrating her resilience and strength of character. Her defiance served to quell the flames of my anger, reminding me of the admiration I held for her.

As I immersed myself in my reading, attempting to distract myself from the troubling scene, I suddenly felt a presence approaching me, undeterred by my Suppressing skill. Before I could react, the person addressed me directly.

"Hello, I'm Scarlett Nova. What's your name?"

My eyes widened in disbelief, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. It was as if my crush had descended from the heavens to grace me with her presence.

"M-m-me?" I stammered, my voice betraying my inner turmoil and frustration.

I couldn't believe it was happening - I had made my first real friend, and to my astonishment, it turned out to be my crush. It felt like fate had intervened, weaving our paths together in an unexpected twist of destiny.

As the days passed, Nova-san and I grew closer, exchanging conversations and sharing moments together. With her encouragement, I found myself able to speak a little more freely, breaking through the barriers of my past insecurities.

But the surprises didn't end there. Nova-san invited me to hang out, signaling what could only be described as a date - my very first one. Excitement and nervousness mingled within me as I anticipated our time together.

Our date progressed smoothly until an unexpected incident occurred - I inadvertently killed an adventurer in front of Nova-san. Fear gripped me as I awaited her reaction, fearing her condemnation. However, to my relief, she didn't express anger or disappointment. Instead, she showed understanding and compassion, easing my anxieties.

Later, as we walked outside, I decided to take a risk. I deliberately stumbled, knowing that Nova-san would catch me. As she did, our faces drew close, our proximity igniting a longing within me. Despite the temptation to kiss her, I restrained myself, unsure of her feelings towards me.

Determined to confront my emotions, I resolved to confess my feelings to her. Yet, a nagging doubt lingered - what if she rejects me?, There's no way a succubus can be satisfied with a girl, Right? The uncertainty gnawed at me, casting a shadow over my newfound courage.

Irish's heart overflowed with happiness as she reflected on the events of the day. Once again, Nova-san had come to her rescue, saving her from what seemed like certain death. Was it fate that continually brought them together?

Entering her dorm room, Irish's joy bubbled over, prompting her to dance with unabashed delight. But her room was unlike any other - every inch was adorned with magical paintings of Asta, each depicting him in various poses and attire.

Approaching her bed, Irish noticed even her pillow adorned with a painting of Asta. Gazing at the images surrounding her, she couldn't help but feel a rush of affection.

"This room is perfect," she exclaimed, her voice filled with adoration. "Everywhere I look, all I see is Nova-san."

Lost in her fantasies, Irish's thoughts grew increasingly passionate. "♡Ah, the mere thought of you," she murmured, her fingers tracing imaginary shapes in the air.

With a shuddering breath, she continued, her voice filled with desire. "♡Bite me, bruise me... My body, my soul, everything belongs to you, Nova-san♡ ."

As her fantasies reached their climax, Irish's breathing quickened, her body trembling with pleasure. "I'm... I'm cumming♡♡," she gasped, succumbing to the ecstasy of her imagination.

Exhausted from her intense daydreams, Irish collapsed onto her bed, panting heavily. "Phew, that's the third time I've indulged myself today," she muttered, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Tomorrow marks Richard's birthday party, and I've made up my mind – I will finally confess my feelings to Nova-san."

"This time, I'm sure I'll confess," she reassuring herself, determination burning in her heart.

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