That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

One Vs Four

[Captain Lórien, we have been exposed!]" One of the subordinates called through the Etharan, a magical device that allowed them to communicate telepathically. Although true telepathy was difficult and rare, this device bridged that gap effectively.

Hearing this, Lórien's face turned pale. He immediately shouted back, "[What? Already? It's not even ten minutes yet!]" His mind echoed with anger and frustration. He had trained his team for months for this exact situation, and now, when the moment had come, this was the result.

But how could he know that they had deliberately exposed their presence to provoke a fight?

Lórien sighed deeply, rubbing his temples to calm himself. "[Hold out for a few more minutes. I'm coming after checking the castle. Call the north team for backup until then,]" he ordered, his voice firm despite his inner turmoil.

The north team, consisting of one elven girl and two human boys, was assigned to check the farm area. As the message came through, all three of them exchanged looks of disbelief. One of the boys, Karva, stood with his mouth agape, overwhelmed by greed and astonishment.

In front of them lay a golden farm with trees bearing golden apples. The sight was breathtaking, surreal, and beyond their wildest dreams. Golden trees shimmered in the sunlight, their branches heavy with countless golden apples that glowed like treasure.

"Is this heaven?" Karva muttered, his voice filled with awe. His mouth hung open, drool beginning to form at the corners. The sheer opulence of the scene dazzled them, making it hard to think of anything else.

Without a second thought, driven by greed, Karva rushed toward the golden farm. His eyes were wide with anticipation, his heart pounding with the prospect of unimaginable wealth.


Just as he was about to enter, he collided with an invisible wall, a magical barrier that stopped him in his tracks. The impact was jarring, and he stumbled back, clutching his nose in pain.

"What the—" he exclaimed, his voice muffled by the pain. His shock was palpable, his earlier excitement replaced by confusion and frustration.

The elven girl, Lyra, approached cautiously, her keen eyes scanning the invisible barrier before them. She reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against the unseen wall. "It's a barrier," she said softly, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and concern. "A powerful one, a very powerful one."

The other boy, Jorin, glanced at Lyra and then at Karva, whose face was now a mix of pain and embarrassment. "We should have known it wouldn't be this easy," he said, his tone more resigned than surprised.

They all took a deep breath, steeling themselves for the challenge ahead. Karva's expression hardened with determination. With a roar, he charged towards the barrier, his fists engulfed in flames. The heat radiated from him as he unleashed his fiery assault against the barrier.

Simultaneously, Jorin muttered an incantation under his breath, his fingers weaving through the air. Sharp crystals materialized out of thin air and shot towards the barrier at incredible speed, each shard glinting ominously in the sunlight.

Lyra, feeling the urgency of the moment, tightened her grip on her bow. Channeling her wind magic, she nocked an arrow and drew it back, her eyes narrowing in focus. With a swift release, the arrow soared through the air, cloaked in a swirling vortex of wind.

All three attacks converged on the barrier simultaneously, resulting in a massive explosion. The force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing trees to sway violently and a great wind to roar across the landscape. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring their vision.

As the wind began to die down and the dust settled, the three of them squinted through the haze to see the result of their combined efforts. Their eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the barrier stood untouched, not even a single scratch marring its surface.

"Tch... Not even a dent!" Lyra bit her lip in frustration, her earlier determination now mingled with a sense of futility. Anger and helplessness flickered in her eyes.

This barrier had been placed by Scarlett when she had seen children holding the golden apples. It was a protective measure, ensuring that no one could enter without her permission. The might of such a barrier was beyond the capabilities of Lyra, Jorin, and Karva. How could these three hope to make even a dent in something so formidable?

[Lyra, can you hear me?] Renji's voice came through the Etharan, breaking through her frustration. As the vice-captain, his voice carried authority and urgency. [Go towards the south team and help them.]

[They are already exposed. Don't say a single word and back them up,] he ordered before ending the communication.

Lyra turned to her companions, her expression serious. "Guys, it's an emergency. We have to go where the south team is," she called out immediately, wasting no time. The urgency in her voice spurred them into action.

Jorin nodded, his face set with resolve. "Let's move quickly."

Meanwhile, amidst the chaotic battleground, Kenya's voice rang out, cutting through the din of combat. "Hey guys, Captain said to hold on till he returns!" he shouted, grabbing everyone's attention. His grin widened, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "You know what that means, right? That means we can kill anyone till the captain comes back. Hahaha..." His laughter echoed, dark and foreboding.


Yushiro swung his sword with practiced precision, cutting down a lesser demon female with ease. He allowed himself a brief moment of relief, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Any stronger monster or demon has regenerative abilities," he said, his voice carrying over the battlefield. "Physical attacks alone aren't enough to fully kill them. It's thanks to Captain Lórien that we know how to attack their souls too. With that, we can damage their souls and kill them more easily!"

He took a deep breath, his mind replaying the lessons Lórien had imparted. The sight of monsters still moving even after their organs were cut out had been haunting. "Just cutting them isn't enough," he thought, his eyes hardening. "They still manage to stay alive for too long, even the low-level ones."

Humans had adapted, merging mana with their swords and using a bit of soul magic. This allowed them to strike both the physical body and the astral form, hitting their souls directly. It was a technique that had revolutionized their battles, all thanks to Lórien's teachings.

As the minutes ticked by, more than two had passed, and they had killed over a hundred females and dozens of children without mercy. Their swords were slick with blood, their breaths coming in harsh gasps. The battlefield was a grim testament to their relentless assault.

In the midst of this carnage, a voice rang out, clear and defiant. "Hey, stop right there!" It was sweet, undeniably feminine, and it cut through the chaos like a blade.

All eyes turned towards the provocateur. Standing before them was a female hobgoblin with a smooth, mean green body and short dark brown hair styled like a tomboy. Her lips were a striking slippery red. She wore a crop top and varsity shorts that barely covered half of her thighs, giving her a fierce yet captivating appearance. Despite being a goblin, she was undeniably beautiful, enough to have caught even Scarlett's eye.

In her hand, she held a sword made of gemstone and other elements, its bright and intricate design gleaming under the harsh light of battle. It was a weapon of exquisite craftsmanship, befitting someone of her stature. She was none other than Sierra, one of Scarlett's closest confidantes.

Sierra stood tall and defiant, her eyes burning with a mixture of anger and determination. She had always avoided the battlefield, detesting violence and bloodshed. But now, here she was, alone and vulnerable, her strength sapped by the barrier, facing four ruthless opponents.

Kenya's grin widened as he took in her appearance. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he sneered, his eyes roving over her. "A pretty little goblin trying to play hero?"

Sierra's grip tightened on her sword, her knuckles turning white. "You will not harm any more innocents," she declared, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides. "Not while I'm here."

Yushiro stepped forward, his sword at the ready. "Too bad. I really like tomboy girls, but what would the world say if they heard that I f*cked a filthy goblin," he said, his tone almost respectful, but laced with contempt. "That's a shame, but you are going to die today."

The tension in the air was palpable as they squared off. Sierra's heart pounded in her chest, but she stood her ground. She knew she was at a disadvantage, feeling weak from the effects of the barrier. Yet, she couldn't back down. Not now.

"You're outnumbered and outmatched," A certain one said, his voice cold and detached. "You should have stayed out of this."

Sierra's eyes flashed with defiance. "I don't need to be stronger than you. I just need to be strong enough to protect those I care about."

With that, Sierra placed her hand on the ground. "Earth magic," she called out.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shifted. The entire area became slippery, not quite a swamp, but more like a river. She was using her magic in a unique way, creating an unstable surface that would hinder her enemies while conserving her mana. A sudden wave erupted beneath Sierra's feet, propelling her toward Yushiro at rapid speed.

Yushiro braced himself, ready to take her attack head-on. He thought she was already weakened by the barrier, but as their swords collided, he felt a tremendous force bearing down on him. It was as if an invisible weight pressed upon him, driving him back.

"How is she so strong, despite the barrier?" he thought, as the impact forced him ten steps away from where he was standing.

Before he could catch his breath, Sierra disappeared into the ground like a diver into water. The next moment, she reappeared behind Yushiro, her sword poised to strike. It was a perfect opportunity. Yushiro hadn't anticipated such a move; it was a checkmate.

Sierra swung her sword, aiming to cut Yushiro down, but before the blade could connect, Kenya intervened with his spear.


Kenya's spear blocked Sierra's attack just in time, the force of the collision sending a shockwave through the air. Her golden chance slipped away.

"Heh... Can't even kill a mere goblin," Kenya chuckled, his voice dripping with mockery.

Sierra's frustration was palpable. She had been so close. Her eyes narrowed, anger and determination burning in them. "I'll make you pay for that," she vowed, her voice low and fierce.

Kenya smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I'd like to see you try."

The battlefield seemed to freeze for a moment, the tension almost unbearable. Sierra's mind raced, trying to find a way to turn the tide. But before she could think of anything—

Bang! Bang!

Two bullets came directly at her, hitting one in her right leg and one in her back. She gasped in pain and immediately looked up. On the rooftop of a nearby house stood a human girl, her eyes cold and steady, a pistol aimed directly at Sierra's head.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four mana bullets shot toward Sierra. "Warp!" she cried, her body flickering as she teleported rapidly. She dodged all four bullets, but each warp sapped a significant amount of her mana. She was now in even more trouble.

The girl on the roof had only six bullets in her pistol. Four had missed, and the first two had hit. As the girl started reloading, Sierra bent down, her hand pressed to the ground. "Earth magic, Water magic!"

A wave of water emerged and mixed with the dirt, creating a muddy torrent. Due to her waning mana, it wasn't as powerful as she had hoped, but it served her purpose. The wave of mud crashed over the girl, most of it forcing its way into her pistol, rendering it useless.

"The warp used a lot of my mana. I'm getting exhausted. I don't have much time," Sierra panted heavily, assessing her dire situation.

But just as she thought this, a broadsword plunged into her abdomen from behind. She coughed up blood and turned to see her attacker. It was Maker, known for his rare skill: Sword Prison.

Sierra stumbled back a few steps, her vision blurring. Before she could catch her breath, a spear came flying toward her. With a sharp glance, she managed to deflect it, but the reprieve was short-lived. Yushiro was behind her, his grin widening. "You are dead now!"

He swung his sword, but Sierra's instincts kicked in. She shifted her position, but it was too late. The blade missed her vitals but severed her left hand. Her hand went flying through the air, blood pouring out like a river. Sierra didn't even take a clear glance at it; she retreated dozens of steps away, her mind racing to find a way out.

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