That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Pact And Blessings

As a child, I once sat through a movie, one of those typical tales where the villain wreaks havoc, destroying lives and leaving devastation in their wake. The hero, of course, suffers greatly—losing family, friends, and even his beloved. But in the end, the hero emerges victorious, saving the day and defeating the villain.

But you know what? That ending didn't sit right with me. It felt wrong, incomplete. Because in these movies, the hero never truly wins. Sure, they defeat the villain, but they never truly pay for their crimes. Instead, they're forgiven, redeemed, and the hero somehow finds it in their heart to move on, to forgive and forget.

Well, not me.

I couldn't stomach it, even as a child. How could someone forgive a person who had torn their life apart, who had caused so much pain and suffering? It made me sick to my stomach. If I were in the hero's shoes, I wouldn't be so forgiving. No, I'd make the villain pay for what they'd done. I'd have become gay and fucked them until they die.

That's why I don't believe in the classic hero archetype. It's why I don't aspire to be like them. Because sometimes, being the villain seems like the better option—better to embrace the darkness than to live a life of ruin and regret.

"If someone respects you, then respect them back; if someone is rude to you, you should become ten times ruder than that." It was a creed she had adopted in a world where survival often depended on strength and ruthlessness.

The recent attack by the humans only reinforced her resolve. They had tried their best to kill her, but Scarlett was not one to forgive easily. She was a seeker of revenge, determined to make them pay for their actions.

But to exact that revenge, she needed to survive. As her eyelids grew heavy and refused to open, she sensed movement around her. Someone was carrying her, their steps slow and deliberate. Despite their efforts, Scarlett could feel her lower half dragging along the ground, the rough surface scraping against her skin.

In her weakened state, Scarlett couldn't muster the strength to fully open her eyes, but she could sense the presence of her unlikely rescuer. Though small in stature, their determination was palpable as they labored to carry her to safety. And in that moment, Scarlett knew that she had found an unexpected ally in her quest for vengeance.

As Scarlett summoned the last reserves of her strength, she exerted herself to pry her heavy eyelids open just a fraction. Through the haze of fatigue and pain, she caught a glimpse of her unlikely savior: the same skeleton she had encountered moments before, now laboring to carry her on his back.

The memory of the skeleton's earlier appearance flooded back to Scarlett—the eerie figure brandishing a rusty sword, poised to strike. Yet here he was now, a skeletal frame struggling under the weight of her tall and heavy body.

With each step, Scarlett felt her body scrape against the ground, the rough terrain chafing against her skin. Despite the skeleton's best efforts, his gait was slow and unsteady, the burden of his load evident in every movement.

But even in the face of adversity, the skeleton persisted, pushing forward with dogged determination. Scarlett couldn't help but feel a glimmer of gratitude toward her unexpected rescuer, knowing that his steadfast resolve might just be her lifeline in this dire moment.

Scarlett's voice dizzling slightly as she spoke, her words barely above a whisper, "Are we in hell?"

In response, the skeleton turned his face towards her, his eye sockets seeming to fixate on her with a curious gaze. "You're up?" His voice, despite his skeletal appearance, carried a surprising cuteness that caught Scarlett off guard. Even amidst her pain and confusion, she couldn't help but be impressed by the sweetness of his voice.

A soft mutter escaped Scarlett's lips as she thought to herself, "Owww!... So cute." It reminded her of her mother's gentle voice, a comforting memory in the midst of uncertainty.

Realizing that she wasn't in hell and that she needed answers, Scarlett mustered the strength to question, "Who are you? And where are we heading?"

Cryptus, with his cute voice and an enthusiasm that seemed almost infectious, replied that his name was Cryptus. He explained that they were heading to a castle belonging to a demon, someone he had never visited before, but he believed whoever lived there might be able to help her.

Scarlett, feeling dizzy but curious, questioned Cryptus further, "So, Cryptus, why are you saving me?"

His tone shifted, carrying a hint of sadness as he began to recount his story. "Actually, about a year ago, I was summoned by my master, a succubus. She always told me that it took her more than three years to summon me and that I was special.

She said We will made pact when I grow stronger in future and she was kind to me, teaching me many things. But six months ago, humans brutally killed her, and I was powerless to stop it."

Cryptus's voice quivered with emotion as he continued, "Even as she lay dying, she teleported me away, telling me to live because I was special. But in the time since then, I've realized that I'm nothing but a weak skeleton, easily killed at any moment. When I saw you, another succubus, on the verge of death, I was reminded of my master and decided to save you."

Scarlett couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at Cryptus's story. "What the hell... even monsters mistake me for a succubus? Is my face that... slutty?" she muttered to herself. 

Seeing Cryptus's sadness, Scarlett couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to him. With a somber tone, she remarked, "Yeah, humans sure are cruel."

Cryptus quickly shifted his demeanor, his enthusiasm returning as he assured her, "Don't worry! I may be slow, but skeletons have infinite stamina. We'll reach there in about half an hour."

He continued, reflecting on their encounter, "Unlike skeletons, who are undead, it's the first time I've seen a demon who can live even after their heart has been crushed. You weren't breathing, and I thought you were dead, but your eyes were still tingling a little."

Scarlett pondered his words for a moment, acknowledging, "Yeah, technically, I don't need to breathe, so it doesn't matter if my heart is safe or not."

But then a question arose in her mind, prompting her to ask, "Hey, skeleton kid, what's a pact?"

Cryptus explained, "A pact is made between an inferior species and a superior species for gaining more powers or having them do something for them. In return, they also have to offer something valuable. The higher the wish, the greater the sacrifice required. Humans make pacts with demons or dragons, and demons make pacts with Archdemons. When a pact is made, the superior being gives their last name to the inferior being, and the pact is sealed."

"Ah, I see. It sounds like a complicated thing," Scarlett remarked, absorbing the information.

As they made their way toward the castle, misfortune struck them like a thunderbolt. A dog-like monster, about double the size of a regular dog, crashed into them from behind with ferocious force.

The impact sent Scarlett crashing into a tree while Cryptus was thrown a little further away, his determined but trembling form landing on the ground. Scarlett, in her broken state, struggled to even move her hand properly as she sat with the support of the tree.

But it was Cryptus's moment to shine. Despite his fear, he pointed his rusty sword at the monster, his determination unwavering. Though the monster was only of B-rank, for Cryptus, it might as well have been a high-ranking demon.

With a charge and a swing of his sword, Cryptus attacked the monster. However, his feeble strike barely made a scratch on the creature, which instinctively countered with a powerful blow that sent Cryptus collapsing to the ground.

Mercilessly, the monster continued its assault, crushing Cryptus into the ground with its feet. Then, with a swift motion, it caught Cryptus in its jaws and ripped him into two parts, one of which remained in its mouth while the other flew towards Scarlett's right side.

As his body lay torn apart, only his head and one hand and leg intact, Cryptus cursed softly to himself. "Damn... as always, I'm weak! Those days were so good when I was with my master."

He began to reminisce about the first day he was summoned, but his flashback was abruptly interrupted by Scarlett's voice.

"Cut!...cut...!...cut.... No flashbacks for side characters," Scarlett interjected.

"And you, Cryptus, it's not your fault that we are dying. It's the writer's fault that he didn't give us a cheat ability like Wisdom King or Great Sage, etc... etc..."

She let out a heavy, weary sigh. "Huff... I guess you're dying first then. I'll meet you in hell in a few minutes."

As the menacing figure of the monster drew closer, Cryptus's mind raced with a daring plan. "Ms. Succubus, let's make a pact with me!" he proposed, his voice tinged with urgency and determination.

Understanding his intent, Scarlett nodded in agreement, though uncertainty flickered in her eyes. "Okay, but how?" she inquired, her voice betraying a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Without a moment's hesitation, Cryptus extended his hand towards Scarlett, his hollow sockets fixed on her. With a solemn tone, he began the incantation, his words resonating with ancient power. "With this sacred vow, my soul I bind, to wield the magic that lies entwined. Grant me strength, from darkness drawn, in exchange for my soul, until the dawn."

She couldn't help but wonder in confusion,' Soul?, What's the points in taking his soul?, 

Isn't he a undead, how he even have a soul then?'

Scarlett's mind buzzed with questions and doubts, but amidst the confusion but a sense of clarity emerged. Instinctively, she understood the gravity of the moment and the choice before her. "I, Scarlett Nova, accept your pact by giving my last name. You shall now be known as Cryptus Nova," she declared, her voice unwavering despite the uncertainty lingering in her mind.

As Scarlett's consciousness waned, she couldn't help but marvel at Cryptus's unexpected resilience. Despite his frail appearance, he possessed a remarkable ability to communicate and strategize—She defeated an A+ rank monster before but even that monster was barely able to talk.

In that fleeting moment of acceptance, Scarlett's remaining mana surged forth, flowing into Cryptus like a lifeline. With a soft sigh, she succumbed to unconsciousness, her form slumping against the ground.

Meanwhile, Cryptus's skeletal frame began to glow faintly as mysterious notifications appeared before him, illuminating his status window with newfound revelations.

<Notification: User received Demonic Angel's blessings>

<All stats increased by 600%> 

Desclaimer: The one who gets powers from pact, for them its called blessing. And the blessing implies Title of the one gave blessings not his/her name. 

Stunned by the unexpected boon, Cryptus couldn't suppress his wonder. Even in her weakened state, Scarlett had bestowed upon him a tremendous gift—one that amplified his abilities beyond imagination.

As he gazed upon Scarlett's unconscious form, a sense of awe and gratitude washed over him. "600%?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with wonder. "Just how powerful is she, to grant such blessings even in her darkest hour?"

As the blessings coursed through his skeletal frame, Cryptus felt a surge of newfound vitality pulsating within him. With each step, his bones knit themselves together, regenerating his form and imbuing him with renewed strength.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Cryptus wasted no time in confronting the approaching monster. Channeling his mana into his rusty sword, he honed its edge to a razor-sharp point, ready to face the impending threat.

With fast reflexes, he darted forward, slashing at the monster's legs with precision and agility. As the creature stumbled, Cryptus seized the opportunity, leaping onto a nearby tree before launching himself towards his adversary.

Descending upon the monster with relentless determination, Cryptus drove his sword towards its head with deadly accuracy, piercing through its defenses and delivering a fatal blow.

Yet, amid the chaos of battle and the triumph of his first hunt, Cryptus remained focused on his true mission. Sensing the urgency of Scarlett's condition, he wasted no time in rushing to her side.

Gently lifting her unconscious form onto his back, Cryptus set off at a breakneck pace, his movements fueled by the newfound speed granted by the blessings. With each stride, he raced towards the safety of their destination, determined to ensure Scarlett's swift recovery.

As Cryptus approached the imposing castle, its dark, foreboding presence loomed over him like a specter of doom. The structure, shrouded in an eerie black aura, stood tall against the backdrop of the night sky, its spires reaching towards the heavens like skeletal fingers clawing at the stars. The walls, cracked and weathered with age, seemed to whisper tales of long-forgotten secrets and ancient sorrows.

As he gazed upon the castle, Cryptus felt a chill creep down his spine, the very air around him tinged with an unsettling energy that sent shivers coursing through his bones. Yet, undeterred by the ominous atmosphere, he pressed on, determined to reach his destination and deliver Scarlett to safety.

However, their journey was soon met with a new challenge as a disembodied voice echoed through the air, reverberating from all directions with a commanding presence that sent tremors through Cryptus's very being.

"Who are you?"

The voice carried with it a weighty authority, its power palpable in the dense air that surrounded them. Despite the overwhelming pressure, Cryptus stood firm, his skeletal form trembling under the force of the unseen presence. With sword in hand, he dared to challenge the unknown entity, his voice steady with determination.

"Who are you? Come forward."

In response, the voice echoed once more, its tone tinged with amusement at Cryptus's bold defiance.

"Kufufufu... A mere skeleton bearing my presence's force? How amusing!"


As Scarlett stirred from her slumber with a drawn-out yawn, the heavy fog of sleep slowly lifted from her mind. With a final stretch, she fully opened her eyes, half-expecting to find herself in the afterlife's embrace.

Instead, she found herself nestled in a grand chamber reminiscent of a castle's quarters, the opulent furnishings starkly contrasting with the eerie sight that greeted her. Blood adorned every inch of the room, painting the walls in macabre hues and casting a sinister pall over the surroundings.

But the unsettling tableau didn't end there. Scarlett's gaze fell upon herself, and her heart skipped a beat at the sight that greeted her. Clad in attire far more revealing than she was accustomed to, she couldn't suppress a surge of indignation at her scantily clad form.

She was wearing a way too revealing attire, consisting of a single red-orange piece of cloth around her neck that barely covers her breasts or so to say only covering her nipples.

 And a matching pareo around her waist that reaches down to her ankles and was barefoot.

scant material doing little to preserve her dignity.

her skin adorned with golden bracelets that glimmered in the dim light of the chamber. Bracelets encircled her wrists, anklets adorned her ankles, and necklaces graced her throat, with several jewels in the center. Each piece serving as a testament to her apparent status.

Scarlett's initial reaction to her attire was one of incredulous annoyance. "Isn't being naked better than this?" she muttered, a hint of anger tinging her words as she surveyed the revealing garments that adorned her form.

As she contemplated her situation, notifications began to populate her status window one by one, each announcement bringing a new revelation. With a mix of curiosity and bemusement, she read through the notifications:

<Notification: Unique skill: Soul regeneration acquired>

<Notification: Rare skill: Bloodlust acquired>

Explanation: The User can heal and recover stamina, strength, and mana by drinking blood.

Perplexed by the newfound abilities bestowed upon her, Scarlett couldn't help but voice her thoughts aloud. "I understand about regeneration, but Bloodlust skill? Did I become a vampire?" she pondered, a wry chuckle escaping her lips as she contemplated the implications of her newfound powers. 

As Scarlett closed the status window, her attention shifted to the figure standing before her, prompting a gasp of surprise to escape her lips. "Aackkk... Who are you?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with astonishment and a hint of apprehension.

Before her stood an old man, his white hair a testament to his advanced age. Despite his diminutive stature of about 5'3 feet, there was an undeniable air of authority about him. His face bore the marks of years gone by, yet it carried a rugged charm, accentuated by a distinguished moustache that added to his aura of wisdom. 

With a subtle yet confident demeanor, the old man stood before Scarlett, rubbing his hands together with an air of amusement. Despite her keen senses, she hadn't sensed his presence until he appeared before her, adding to the mystique surrounding his identity.


As Scarlett observed the old man before her, a sense of confusion washed over her. "I can sense he is a demon, but where is his horn?" she wondered, her eyes scanning his form in search of the telltale sign of his demonic heritage.

However, her scrutiny soon shifted to his face, where she detected a lustful glint in his eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. 'Ughh! A pervert old man?' she muttered under her breath, her distaste evident in her expression.

Yet, amidst her disdain, a thought flickered in her mind. 'An old man with this lustrous look in his eyes, and a perverted face... Isn't this a common archetype in every anime or novel?' 

"The one who gives answers of your every questions?"

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