That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Reunion Of Two Idiots

From now on he/she owns the title...


Place ???

" I really turned into a girl?,Even my voice is like a women and kinda older women's voice like tough and uhh... hot I guess.'"

'And this two balloons hanging in my chest is my breasssttt?

"Woooow damn! they are so soft."

She smacked her head with her hand.

'"This is not the time to touch my breasts, I was fainted so how did i survived?"

Why do I look like this?" She muttered to herself, each word tinged with disbelief. Her eyes roved over his reflection, taking in the long, silky strands of purple hair that cascaded down his shoulders, so starkly different from his previous short cut.

She paused, her fingers gingerly touching the smooth, soft skin of her face, noting the delicate features that replaced his once more angular jaw. Her gaze dropped lower, to the breasts that were now part of his body. 

Asta paced back and forth, her new hair swishing with each step, reflecting on the irony of her situation. She tried to catch his reflection on the glossy white walls, squinting and tilting his head, but to no avail.

"Great, even the walls are conspiring against me. Can't even check if I look decent as a girl," she muttered under her breath, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

She imagined his best friend's reaction and couldn't help but let out a begrudging chuckle. "Oh man, if he sees me now... I'll never hear the end of it. 'Hey, Asta, you finally matched your looks!' He'd kill me with those jokes."

"And the classmates!" She threw his hands up in mock despair. "I always told them, 'I'm not a girl!' And now this? They'll think I've been playing the long game."

She attempted to muster tears, a dramatic gesture more than anything, but found himself weirdly dry-eyed. "Why can't I even cry properly? Is that part of the package? No tears for the new girl on the block?"

Sighing, She slumped against the wall, her mind wandering to her dashed dreams. "Was supposed to be the man of the house, not the... other way around. Wanted a wife, kids running around, being called 'Dad'... Now what? 'Mom'?"

She shook her head, chuckling despite herself. "Guess it's time to set new goals. Step one: learn how to walk in heels?" Her laughter echoed in the empty room, a mix of resignation and amusement coloring his tone. 

Asta straightened up, wiping away the non-existent tears with a newfound resolve etching across her features. She clenched his fists, determination burning in her eyes as she pieced together the murky depths of his situation.

"Now that all the crying is done, it's time for some action. I've got a new target," she muttered to herself, the walls of the room seeming to close in with the gravity of his words.

She paced back and forth, laying out her plan with meticulous care. "It's obvious these scientists are just puppets. They report to a boss, sure, but he can't be the big fish. No way."

She paused, running her hands through her newly long, purple hair in frustration. "Potions, dragon blood—it all reeks of a power not of this earth. My gut tells me the real string-puller is from another world."

A fiery look took over her expression, one of cold calculation mixed with a burning thirst for vengeance. "So, the mastermind is hiding in another dimension? Fine. I'll just have to take a little trip then. I'll hunt him down, end his game, and while I'm at it, find a way to revert this... transformation."

She nodded firmly, almost able to see the path laid out before him. "It's settled. I'll destroy this leader, dismantle their twisted experiments, and maybe, just maybe, find my way back to who I was. And hey," a sly grin appeared.

With her plan taking shape in her mind, Asta felt a spark of excitement—a flicker of the old thrill that came with facing a challenge. "Watch out, otherworldly overlord, here I come. Asta the girl—no, the warrior—is on her way!"

"Now the first plan is to escape."

As Asta assessed her predicament, her attention fell upon the chains that bound her, their length extending roughly 10 feet. However, they bore an unmistakable aura of power, hinting at their unconventional nature.

Asta shifted her weight, testing the chains' resistance. Each clink and clatter echoed in the stark room, a reminder of her captivity. Her fingers traced the cool metal, feeling for any sign of weakness or enchantment that she might exploit.

"These aren't just for show," she whispered, her voice a mix of awe and frustration. "There's magic here, alright. But what kind? Enforced durability? Pain amplification?"

She closed her eyes, focusing her newfound senses on the chains. The energy pulsing through them was dark, potent with an aura that seemed to feed on her discomfort. Yet, as she concentrated, Asta could feel an internal strength bubbling up from deep within, a power that hadn't been there before the injections.

"I don't fully understand this transformation yet," Asta admitted, opening her eyes with renewed fire. "But if my body is adapting to this... dragon blood, maybe it's time to test out just how much I've changed."

With a deep breath, Asta began channeling all her focus into her limbs, her muscles tensing, her heart pounding with the rush of adrenaline and raw power. She pictured the chains as mere threads, obstacles she was destined to overcome.

"Alright, let's see if the legend of the true dragon's resilience holds any truth," Asta declared, her voice steady and confident. With a sudden, explosive movement, she pulled at the chains with all her might, the air around her crackling with the energy of her effort. The sound of metal straining under her grip filled the room, a testament to her growing power and determination to be free.

"Come on," Asta gritted her teeth, the chains beginning to groan under the force. "Break!"

"I can feel it... my senses, my strength, they're increasing every second," Asta observed, determination shining in her eyes. "These chains won't hold me for long."

Patience became her strategy as she waited, feeling the gradual but steady surge of power within her. As time dragged on, her frustration mounted.

"Uhhhh, man, I'm bored," she grumbled, the monotony of waiting wearing thin on her patience. "The strength is increasing, but it's taking far too long.", she muttered, shifting uncomfortably. "Come on, strength, kick in already."

Asta's discomfort heightened as she realized her state of undress, the absence of clothing a stark reminder of her vulnerability.

"At least give me some clothes," Asta implored, frustration tinting her voice. "I'm stark naked here. Didn't anyone teach these people it's rude to strip your test subjects? What kind of mad scientist convention doesn't even provide a bathrobe?"

Recognizing the futility of her outburst, Asta resigned herself to the chilly reality of her situation.

"I guess yelling for pants isn't going to magically dress me," she conceded, the absurdity of her predicament coaxing a wry smile onto her face. "Might as well nap and hope for a wardrobe miracle."

"Don't worry, Asta," she whispered to herself, curling up as best she could. "When I wake up, I'll be strong enough to break these chains and march out of here. Hopefully, by then, I'll at least find a curtain to wear."

Asta yawned and stretched, feeling surprisingly refreshed. "Ahh, man, that was a good sleep," she mumbled, still groggy.

But as his eyes snapped open, confusion clouded her features. Instead of the stark, white walls of his previous cell, she found herself in a lavishly decorated chamber, replete with opulent furnishings that screamed of wealth and excess.

"Ehhhhhhhh? What the hell? What happened? How am I here?" Asta exclaimed, scrambling to her feet, her voice laced with disbelief and a rising panic.

She pinched herself, hard. "OMG, OMG, I can't believe it. This is not a dream, right?" She muttered to herself, the pain confirming the reality of her new surroundings.

Rubbing herarm, she winced, "Aauchh... Yep, definitely not a dream. But where on earth am I?" Asta pondered aloud, her voice echoing slightly in the spacious room, the opulence around her only deepening his bewilderment.

Taking in her surroundings, Asta's gaze fell upon a large mirror adorning one wall of the room. With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, he approached the mirror, her heart pounding in her chest.

As Asta stepped closer to the large ornate mirror that dominated one wall of the room, her heart raced with a mix of nerves and curiosity. Tentatively, she approached, her steps hesitant as if she might change her mind at any moment.

Catching her reflection, Asta's eyes widened in shock, and a blush tinted her cheeks. "Purple hair? One red eye and one blue eye?, And what's with this cat like monstrous pupils?" 

Well, they look more like dragon's eyes tho!, she whispered to herself, her voice trembling slightly with the shock of her transformed appearance. "I look just exactly my type of girl, an older women in her mid-30s, in short a mommy character!."

She turned from side to side, observing the changes. Her body was leaner, more muscular, with well-defined abs that made her look like she'd spent years in the gym rather than hours in a mysterious lab. "Wow, I even have six-pack abs now. At least one good thing, I'm muscular ," she admitted, a reluctant smile tugging at her lips despite the surreal situation.

Frowning slightly, Asta leaned closer to the mirror, scrutinizing her features. "Why does my face look... so seductive? As if I have a harem of boys?" She chuckled dryly, the sound echoing in the opulent chamber. "No one would guess I'm a virgin. But, man, I have to admit, I do look pretty stunning."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Asta stepped back from the mirror. "Well, if I'm stuck looking like this, I might as well make the most of it," she declared, her voice gaining a hint of determined confidence as she started to plan her next move.

With newfound resolve, Asta dashed out of the room and into the gallery to see surrounding area.

As he caught sight of her surroundings, a wave of familiarity washed over her. It was Shibuya, Japan, a place he knew well. The beauty of the area enveloped her, its vibrant energy and bustling streets painting a vivid picture of urban life.

Descending the stairs to the ground floor, Asta found herself confronted with a sight beyond belief.

Fake photos adorned the walls, portraying not only her but also a fabricated family, a surreal semblance of a life she never lived. Among them hung a picture of Asta and her purported family, further cementing the illusion.

"This means I'm still caught by them?" Asta wondered aloud, his voice tinged with disbelief and apprehension.

Her attention was drawn to a table, upon which lay a piece of paper.

"What is this? An ID card... but whose?" Asta questioned, his heart pounding with anticipation and dread.

Shock coursed through her as she beheld her own image emblazoned upon the ID card.

<Name : Scarlett Nova>


<Citizenship : Japanese-American>

"Scarlett Nova?" Asta muttered incredulously, his disbelief palpable. "Me? They fucking changed my name too."

As she scrutinized the details on the ID card – her purported date of birth, gender, and Japanese – a sense of indignation welled within him.

"Blah... blah... blah..." Asta muttered dismissively, her disdain evident.

Yet, her curiosity was piqued by the presence of a smartphone and a blindfold nearby.

"Wait, there's a smartphone here too... and a blindfold? What use will this be?" Asta pondered, her mind racing with questions and suspicions.

As she reached for the smartphone, her fingers brushed against something beneath it.

"Huh? A letter..." Asta sighed, resignation coloring her tone. "Now, whose letter is this?"

If you are receiving this letter then you would know by now that there no point in informing police you can't prove anything, we will provide every living expenses of yours and live freely till we have some business with you.

But keep this in mind we are always watching you.

Asta's fingers hovered over the sleek surface of the phone, her expression a mixture of resolve and trepidation. The letter's ominous warning echoed in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts. "Always watching, huh?" she murmured, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Even when I'm trying to take a private moment? Creeps."

Shaking off her discomfort, she focused on the more pressing need for communication. "Now what I want now is this phone, Let's see if this thing can actually get a signal out," she mused aloud, her fingers deftly entering the numbers she knew by heart.


Ring! Ring! Ring!...

She held the phone to her ear, the ringing tone punctuating the silence of the opulent room. Each ring seemed to stretch on, amplifying her anxiety and anticipation.

"Come on, pick up," she whispered under her breath, a mix of hope and urgency making her heart race. The number she had dialed was her one sure connection back to a semblance of normalcy, the one person she hoped could help her make sense of her surreal predicament.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end belonged to a young person.

"Uhhhh, Aoto?" Asta replies, her voice just above a whisper.

Aoto replies with cool indifference.

"Yeah, but who are you?" 

Asta's heart skipped a beat at the disbelief in Aoto's voice. Her attempt to maintain her composure faltered as tears threatened to overwhelm her. But it didn't take her long enough to calm herself down.

"Ahem, ahem, it's me, Asta," she managed to say, her voice trembling with emotion.

"You bitch! Like hell I would believe that, do you think I can't recognize my best friend's voice?" His voice laced with angerness.

She smacked her head in Realisation, 'Ohhh shit! I forgot that I am a girl now,' Asta cursed inwardly, realizing her mistake.

Asta cleared her throat, trying to inject a familiar lilt into her voice. "Really, it's me. Look, I know it sounds different, but something... happened. I'm not joking."

Aoto's skepticism was palpable even through the phone. "Something happened? What does that even mean? You sound like a girl, man."

A wave of frustration washed over Asta. How could she explain her unbelievable situation without sounding insane? "I know, I know, it's crazy. I've been transformed, Aoto. It's a long story, but I need you to believe me."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Asta could almost picture Aoto's baffled expression. "Transformed? Are you in some kind of trouble? This isn't some prank, right?"

"Absolutely not a prank," Asta rushed to assure him. "I'm serious. I was kidnapped, experimented on... it's been a nightmare. I don't fully understand it myself, but now I'm... different."

Aoto sighed heavily. "This is a lot to take in, man. If it's really you, then tell me something only Asta would know."

Grasping at the lifeline, Asta quickly recounted a shared secret from their past, hoping it would be enough to convince her skeptical friend.

Asta braced himself for Aoto's inevitable inquiry, knowing all too well the nature of his friend's probing questions.

"So here's the question, what type of girl do you like?"

'This bitch, he always asks me these kinds of questions. Just let me meet you once; I will beat you to death,' Asta seethed internally, his irritation mounting.

'But for that, I have to give the answer.'

Her voice trembled with embarrassment,"Well, you know, it's kinda embarrassing, umm I guess, a tall, bit older and m-i-l-"

"Asta? Is that really you? Where were you? Are you okay? Where are you?" His voice laced with worry and concern.

"You son of a bitch, At least let me finish!" Asta snapped, her irritation clear. She took a deep breath to calm herself, reminding herself that Aoto's concern was genuine.

"Well, a lot has happened, Aoto. It's kind of a long story," she finally said, trying to steady her voice.

"Okay, how about we meet and you can tell me everything? Are you up for that at 4:00 PM?" Aoto asked, his tone eager.

"Sure, that sounds good. Let's meet at our usual spot," Asta agreed, feeling a wave of nostalgia and comfort at the thought of their familiar meeting place.

"Alright, see you then. And hey, don't tell anyone else about this just yet, okay?" Aoto added.

"Got it," Asta confirmed, then ended the call, a slight smile playing on her lips despite the chaos of her situation. Talking to Aoto, even under these bizarre circumstances, had a way of grounding her.

Beep! Beep! Beep! The call disconnected, leaving Asta with a mixture of relief and anticipation for their impending reunion.

"Huff..., talking to friends is always refreshing."

With a sigh of relief after ending the call, Asta's attention suddenly snapped back to her immediate problem.

"Wait a minute... I'm still naked," she muttered, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she realized her predicament.

Determined to find something to wear, Asta remembered spotting a large closet upstairs during her initial exploration of the room. "Right, there was a big closet on the second floor," she recalled, making her way there.

Opening the closet, she was greeted by an assortment of women's clothing. "Oh no, they're all so girly... not my style," Asta grumbled, her frustration evident as she sifted through the clothes.

After a few moments of rummaging, she finally found something more to her liking: a simple sports bra and track pants. Slipping into them, she nodded in approval at her reflection in the mirror.

"There, that's more like it. Plus, these clothes actually show off my six-pack," she said with a smirk, appreciating how the outfit highlighted her new, unexpectedly muscular physique.

With the wardrobe situation sorted, Asta found herself contemplating how to spend her time until the planned evening meeting.

Having resolved the issue with clothes, Asta started to consider how to make use of her time until she met Aoto later that day.

"What day is it anyway?" She wondered aloud, eyeing the calendar on the wall. Her eyes widened in surprise as she realized that seven months had passed. "I guess that means I've turned 17. Should I throw myself a birthday party or something?"

Her attention was then drawn to a shimmering golden card next to the calendar—a VVIP gym membership card. "Wow, these guys really don't hold back with the spending, huh? A fancy house, designer gear, and now a gym membership?" Asta shook her head in disbelief.

With her curiosity about her physical abilities growing, she decided to head to the gym to test out her new strength. Before leaving, she remembered something about her distinctive appearance that could attract unwanted attention.

"Oh yeah, there was a blindfold here somewhere," Asta recalled, searching through the drawers until she found it. With a mix of skepticism and hope, she tied the blindfold over her eyes and was astonished to discover she could still see through it perfectly.

"Whoa, I can actually see through this blindfold! That's pretty wild," she exclaimed, impressed with the unexpected functionality of the accessory. Feeling more equipped to blend in without hiding her striking features, Asta set out to explore her new abilities at the gym.

With her makeshift disguise in place, Asta felt emboldened to venture outside, ready to explore her capabilities and confront the world with his transformed appearance. If questioned about her unique features, she resolved to pass them off as deliberate choices, adding a touch of intrigue to his new persona.

"Time to head outside, yeeeeeeee."

Excitement fueled Asta's steps as she ventured into the open air, but her enthusiasm was short-lived.

'Why is everyone looking at me?' I don't look bad, do I? And what are they whispering?'

Amidst the whispers, Asta couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations around her.

"Damn, that woman is so hot. Where is she from? But why is she wearing a blindfold, is this new fashion or new technology?"

"Her face looks very slutty; she definitely has 4-5 boyfriends. Shit, should I confess to her? I don't mind if she has 4-5 boyfriends or not, as long as I can have my way with her."

Anotheran joined,"No, bitch, I am the first one gonna confess to her."

"No, me, no me..." They ended up fighting each other, leaving Asta bewildered and unnoticed.

Upon reaching the gym, Asta approached the reception desk to sign in. "Hello, I'd like to register, please," she said.

The receptionist, taken aback by Asta's striking appearance and the mysterious allure of the blindfold, momentarily lost her composure.

'I'm straight, but why does my heart skip a beat looking at her? Could this be love at first sight? But wait, why is she wearing a blindfold?' the receptionist thought, puzzled.

"Hello? Hello? Anyone there?" Asta waved her hand slightly, trying to recapture the receptionist's attention.

Snapping out of her daze, the receptionist quickly responded, "Oh, I'm so sorry. Could you please show me your membership card?"

Asta handed over the shiny VVIP gym card, and she could see the receptionist's eyes widen in surprise.

'A VVIP member? She must be someone important and wealthy,' the receptionist mused, impressed.

"Ma'am, did you zone out again?" Asta asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"No, no, it's just that it's rare to see a VVIP member here," the receptionist explained, regaining her professionalism.

"Okay, now could I see your ID card, please?"

"Sure, here you go!" Asta handed over her ID.

The receptionist glanced at the card. 'Scarlett Nova? Sounds American... Oh, it says here she's a citizen of Japan. She must have been living here for over a year. It's surprising we've never crossed paths before. The world really is vast.'

"Please follow me, ma'am. The gym is pretty quiet right now since it's the afternoon," the gym instructor said, leading the way. She couldn't help but notice Asta's well-defined muscles and toned physique, clearly the marks of someone familiar with intense physical training.

'Wow, my first time in a gym. I'm actually pretty excited,' Asta thought to herself, her anticipation growing. Despite this being her first gym visit, her enhanced physical abilities had already far surpassed ordinary human standards, her strength quietly growing stronger by the moment. What she didn't yet realize was just how formidable she was becoming.

As Asta started running on the treadmill, her speed swiftly increased, much to the astonishment of the receptionist.

"She's already at 28 km/h without even breaking a sweat," the receptionist muttered, her voice shaking.

"30 km/h now."

"Wow, 34 km/h!"

"What in the world... 36 km/h?"

With each incremental increase, the receptionist's surprise turned to shock as she watched Asta effortlessly shatter gym records.

"Now she's hit 38 km/h. She might actually set a new world record at this rate."

"Oh my goodness! 42 km/h? She just surpassed the fastest sprint record held by Thompson-Herah, which was 39.7 km/h. Who is this woman?" the receptionist wondered, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Realizing she might be drawing too much attention, Asta thought, 'Maybe I should dial it back a bit. I can see the worry on her face; she looks like she might pass out from shock. Yet, I don't even feel tired,' reflecting on her astonishing physical capacity with a mix of pride and concern for the startled staff.

"M-ma'am, would you like to try some weightlifting next?" the receptionist suggested, her voice still quivering from witnessing Asta's incredible speed.

"Sure, let's go for weightlifting," Asta responded with enthusiasm.

"Maybe start with 200 kg," the receptionist recommended cautiously.

"200 kg? Alright." Asta lifted the weight with ease, barely feeling it. "This feels too light. Do you have something heavier?"

The receptionist, a mix of awe and nervousness on her face, replied, "Um, this is 300 kg, and over here we have the heaviest one available—500 kg."

"Forget the 300. Let me try the 500 kg," Asta said confidently, stepping over to the heavier weight.

To the shock of everyone in the gym, she hoisted the 500 kg weight with just one hand, as if it were no heavier than a backpack.

Whispers filled the gym as onlookers exchanged stunned glances. "Is she even human? What kind of strength is that?" they murmured among themselves, struggling to comprehend the sight before them.

As Asta effortlessly lifted the 200 kg, 300 kg, and finally the 500 kg weights simultaneously, she unintentionally set another world record, astounding the receptionist and everyone else in the gym.

"Hey, miss receptionist, you okay? Oh no, she fainted. Guess I really overdid it," Asta muttered, looking down at the unconscious receptionist with a mixture of concern and embarrassment.

Realizing the time was nearing 4:00 PM, Asta knew it was almost time to meet Aoto. "Better get going; Aoto is waiting," she thought, setting down the weights and preparing to leave the gym, still processing the sheer extent of her newfound capabilities.

As Asta waited at the designated spot, she couldn't help but notice the drastic changes in the surroundings. What used to be a karaoke shop was now a KFC restaurant—a stark reminder of the passage of time.

Sitting on the public bench, Asta felt the weight of curious eyes upon him, igniting a sense of frustration within.

"It's already 4 o'clock. Where is Aoto? he always comes late," Asta muttered impatiently, scanning the area for any sign of her friend.

Suddenly, a striking figure caught Asta's attention—a handsome young man with lustrous blonde hair and piercing, natural green eyes. His confident stride exuded an aura of charm and extroversion.

'Aoto? He recognized me even if I became a girl? Is this what it means to be a best friend?' Asta wondered, surprised by his friend's prompt recognition.

Before Asta could utter a word, Aoto knelt before him, presenting a red rose with an air of romance.

"Hey, miss beauty, I've fallen in love with you at first sight. Will you marry me?" Aoto declared, his bold proposal hanging in the air, leaving Asta speechless.



Since her name is changed now, so from now on I'll call her as Scarlett or Nova instead of Asta.

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