That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid


Scarlett casually brushed the dirt off her shoulders, patting away the mud and grime from the battle. "I guess," she said, her voice carrying a dangerous edge, "you've finally made me serious."

Lunatic stood frozen, her eyes wide in disbelief. "How... how is she still standing after taking so much damage?" The question left her lips in a whisper, her mind spinning. Her opponent had taken blow after blow, but Scarlett barely seemed fazed.

Before Lunatic could react, Scarlett raised her hand, extending her index finger with a deliberate motion, as if beckoning. With a swift gesture, Scarlett pulled her finger backward, and in an instant, an invisible force gripped Lunatic. She gasped, her body lifting off the ground without her control.

Scarlett was using **psychokinesis**.

It was as if Lunatic's body was nothing more than metal, drawn helplessly toward Scarlett like iron to a magnet. The fear and confusion in Lunatic's heart escalated, her muscles tensing as she floated, defenseless, toward Scarlett.

The moment Lunatic was within reach, BAM! A punch exploded into her face with terrifying force. She was flung through the air like a rag doll, her body slamming into the ground with a sickening thud. She rolled, bounced, and tumbled across the battlefield, her bones aching with every impact.

Scarlett, unfazed, closed the distance in a blink.

Before Lunatic could even process the pain, BAM! BANG! BAM!—another barrage of punches rained down on her. Scarlett's fists were relentless, each hit forcing Lunatic's body to slam into the ground, only to bounce up again, as though the earth itself was rejecting her.

Lunatic's thoughts raced, panic surging through her veins. "How is she so fast? I can't even keep up... I'm already exhausted... I can't take much more of this!"

Just as the last punch connected, Lunatic's body was launched into the air. Her vision blurred, and everything around her seemed to slow. The world spun out of control, and for a moment, all she could feel was the sharp sting of fear deep in her chest.

"Nuclear magic!" Scarlett's voice rang out, filled with power and determination.

Below Lunatic, a glowing pentagram with strange, intricate markings formed, bathing the battlefield in an eerie light. Above her, a triangle inscribed within a circle appeared, humming with energy. The shapes weren't as massive as the ones Scarlett had used earlier in the battle, but their power was undeniable. Even this "small" spell had enough destructive force to strike fear into anyone.

And then, **BOOM**!

A column of raging flames erupted from the ground, dwarfing Lunatic's earlier fire tornado. It wasn't just fire—it was like molten lava, roaring upwards, piercing the sky and scorching everything in its path. The heat was unbearable, and Lunatic's scream tore through the air as her body was engulfed in the inferno.

Even her pain-nullification ability failed, overwhelmed by the intensity. Her skin and muscles melted away, only to painfully regenerate over and over. Her limbs disintegrated, but then they grew back in a nightmarish cycle. Every time she thought the agony would end, the fire scorched her anew.

But Lunatic's spirit was unyielding. She wasn't ready to give up. She couldn't lose. Not yet.

Despite the firestorm and the unrelenting heat, her will to survive kept her clinging to life. Scarlett's magic may have been smaller in scale than before, but it was still nuclear magic, and it was wreaking havoc on Lunatic's body. The air crackled with radiation, invisible but deadly, slowing her regeneration. The very atmosphere seemed to burn with toxic energy, and yet Lunatic fought on, refusing to be defeated. 

Her body trembled, but her eyes remained fierce, filled with a determination that wouldn't allow her to fall and eventually she survives the nuclear magic. 

Scarlett gritted her teeth, frustration boiling inside her. "Ugh! No matter how many times I burn her or slice her, she regenerates every time!" Her mind raced as she watched Lunatic continue to rise, unrelenting, as if she couldn't be stopped.

Lunatic, having barely survived Scarlett's brutal attacks, floated in the air, her wings spread wide, flapping slowly as she gasped for breath. Her body trembled, but the determination in her eyes had only grown stronger. "One last attack… I'll pour everything into this!" she thought, her mind set on one final move.

Her body began to glow a menacing black, the sheer intensity of her mana causing the air around her to shimmer. Desperately, she squeezed out every last drop of power from within herself. Dark chains erupted from her back with an otherworldly crack, their length stretching further and further until they pierced deep into the ground below.

Scarlett narrowed her eyes, watching this with a mix of curiosity and concern. She didn't know what Lunatic was planning, but something about the intensity of the attack told her this was it—Lunatic's final gamble.

"I guess I have no choice but to use my sword!" Scarlett thought, steeling herself. With a sharp breath, she reached into her spatial inventory, her hand closing around the hilt of her "Virtual Weighted Sword". The moment it appeared in her grasp, the sword glowed a dangerous, deathly red, its aura pulsating with a cold, chilling energy. Scarlett could feel the icy power emanating from it, the weight of the weapon making her fingers tingle.

Meanwhile, Lunatic's chains continued to burrow deeper into the earth, as if they were searching for something. The ground rumbled ominously beneath Scarlett's feet, sending small shockwaves through the battlefield. 

And then, with a deafening roar, Lunatic's chains ripped a massive chunk of the earth free, yanking it high into the sky. The sheer size of the landmass was staggering, casting a dark shadow over the battlefield. It was so enormous, so terrifyingly vast, that the sight of it could make anyone's heart race with fear—it was like an entire small city floating in the air, suspended by Lunatic's power.

Scarlett's eyes widened slightly, but her expression remained calm. She gripped her sword tighter, bracing herself for what was to come.

With a determined shout, Lunatic activated her **<Unique Skill: Shape Shifting>**. The massive chunk of land began to morph, twisting and reshaping itself with a loud grinding sound until it took the form of a massive arrow, its sharp, deadly tip pointing directly at Scarlett below. 

Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle in the middle of the chaotic battlefield. "Hey, hey, hey... Hold on a second, lemme fix the output of my sword first!" she said, injecting some humor despite the intensity of the moment. Her voice, calm yet playful, echoed across the desolate land as if the danger surrounding them was nothing more than an inconvenience.

But her words weren't just for show. Scarlett was actually adjusting the output of her sword—a weapon with terrifying power. It was said to weigh as much as thirty Earths, and its full potential could slice through an entire planet like butter, turning it into two floating halves. She needed to be careful with this kind of strength.

Lunatic, however, wasn't interested in Scarlett's adjustments. With a fierce roar, she launched the massive arrow she had formed, speeding toward Scarlett like a missile, ready to obliterate everything in its path.

Realizing the urgency, Scarlett quickly refocused. Her fingers tightened around the hilt of her "Virtual Weighted Sword" as she swiftly adjusted the output down to "10%," a more manageable level. Her eyes flicked toward the incoming arrow, and for a moment, time seemed to slow. Every detail of the battlefield sharpened—the whistling wind, the debris floating in the air, and the massive arrow hurtling toward her like a force of nature.

Without hesitation, she gripped her sword with both hands and raised it high above her head. In one fluid motion, she brought it down.

"Behold my sagattoru's power", she yelled, Her sword's unique yet funny name. 


A brilliant red slash erupted from her sword—a devastating wave of pure death energy. The wave soared forward with unstoppable force, meeting the arrow head-on. As the two powers collided, it became clear that Scarlett's slash was no ordinary attack. The massive arrow, so carefully crafted by Lunatic's mana, was cut clean in half like it was nothing more than a stick of butter.

But it didn't stop there.

Scarlett's slash continued forward, relentless and infinite. In the blink of an eye, it reached Lunatic, slicing through her with terrifying precision, cutting her into two before she even had a chance to react. The slash didn't slow—it pierced the very sky, tearing it apart as if the heavens themselves were being split. For a moment, the stars above became visible, twinkling through the massive tear Scarlett had created.

The battlefield stood still, the aftermath of Scarlett's power leaving everyone in awe.

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