That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Who will win?

There's still one and half hour left.let's get inside and chill.

After 1 and half hour later.....

In Hero Academy, the rules strictly prohibit student violence, prompting disputes to be settled through sanctioned duels. These duels unfold within a specially designated arena, spanning approximately 1.5 times the size of a standard volleyball court.

 The dueling ground is characterized by its meticulously groomed surface, flanked by sturdy barriers adorned with intricate designs symbolizing honor and discipline.

Prior to engaging in combat, the contenders must agree upon a wager, wherein the loser is obligated to concede a single demand from the victor. This system adds a layer of intensity and strategic calculation to the duels, as students weigh the potential consequences against their confidence in emerging triumphant. 

Within this framework, the dueling ground becomes not only a battleground for physical prowess but also a stage for negotiation and consequence.

In the magical duels between two students, it's the spectators who reap the greatest rewards. These encounters serve as a window into the power dynamics among the student body, offering invaluable insights into the prowess and capabilities of each participant. As shimmering spells clash and arcane energies intermingle, onlookers witness firsthand the depths of skill and talent possessed by their peers.

In the bustling dueling ground, students typically gather on the ground floor to witness the exhilarating clashes of magical prowess. 

However, towering above the fray, a regal gallery offers an exclusive vantage point for high-class nobles and esteemed royalty to observe the spectacle in luxurious comfort.

The gallery, adorned with opulent draperies and adorned with intricate carvings, exudes an air of grandeur and sophistication. From their elevated perch, the distinguished spectators enjoy unobstructed views of the duel below, ensconced in plush seats that provide both opulence and reprieve from the clamor of the arena floor.

In the arena/dueling ground Many first years were standing ready to watch the duel on the very first day of the academy.

And then Emilia Hausburg enters the dueling ground and as soon as she has a big luxury wand in her hands.The wand, adorned with intricate filigree and adorned with rare gemstones. Its weight is a familiar comfort, a conduit through which her magic flows with unparalleled precision and finesse.

Her teammate embodies the essence of a barbarian, standing tall at a formidable 194 centimeters. His highly build body and ripped

Muscles, like he was not a student at all but a grown up man.Framed by a cascade of fawn hair, Brown eyes, and a delinquent looking face.There was no doubt that he is also a spoiled brat just like elminia.

And then what everyone was waiting for enters, the Hero of Darwitz Kingdom – aoto Takahashi and his slave Scarlet Nova. 

Everyone realized that the time they had been waiting for had arrived.

As they entered dueling ground Aoto energetically but softly spoke to Scarlett

"Are you ready for what we practiced for 1.5 hours?"

Scarlett spoke with lingered in the downturn of her gaze and the subdued tone of her/his voice."yeah, yeah..... anything for friend".

Then Elminia pointed her finger towards asta and said "I thought you wouldn't come here out of fear".her tone laced with a palpable sense of superiority and disdain.But befor starting the duel We should decide our terms beforehand".

"And my condition is that you fall at my feet and apologize, that too in front of everyone". With each syllable, she exuded an aura of overconfidence.

Scarlett was also not one to back down. A mischievous smile appeared on her face,

"okay then think the same for me".

After announcing thier conditions a refree appeared out of nowhere for managing the duel.

"ahem ahem I am Evion, a refree appointed by academy". It was an old man about his 40s wearing a complete sky blue t-shirt and pants. It was not befitting his age, so it more looked like a cringe outfit of some third-rate refree.

He explained, "you are allowed to use any magic and skills but you are not allowed to do lethal injuries to your opponent".his voice was without without any emotions, Just like a referee should not be on anyone's side.

"Since unexpectedly, this is the first day of the academy, both parties can introduce themselves and if they have anything to say before the duel, they can say so".

Apon hearing this the Barbarian student comes forward with his heavy and high spirited

voice boomed across the training ground, "You don't know me, do you? I am a Barbarian, and my name is Aynar, Vanon's third son."

Scarlett stifled a chuckle, finding his introduction more amusing than intimidating. 'Hehe, what a cringe-worthy name,' she thought, eyeing his muscular physique skeptically. 'Is this guy really just a student?'

"Well, I normally refrain from using violence against a beauty like you," Aynar continued, his tone a blend of condescension and bravado, "but I have no choice."

Scarlett exhaled deeply, her mood dampened by his arrogance. 'Ah, this guy just ruined my whole mood.'

"My! My!" ♡♡ Elminia taunted, her smirk widening. "Are you scared already? If you want, you can back off now. Fufufu."

Scarlett's fists clenched tightly, her knuckles turning white with suppressed anger. "You little girl, you're awfully confident," she retorted sharply, ready to put his bravado to the test in the upcoming duel.

Scarlett raised her voice, ensuring every spectator in the arena could hear her challenge clearly. "Then how about this," she began, her tone unwavering, "I won't dodge any attacks from you or that Aynar guy. I'll take them all head-on, and while I'm at it, I'll advance towards you slowly. During that time, you can attack me as much as you like."

Her proposal hung in the air, bold and defiant. "But even after all this, if I manage to reach you, then you must promise not to run away from your spot, not out of fear."

The sneer was evident in the opponent's voice as she underestimated her, her words laced with contempt. 'Fufufu... Me? Afraid? All this women know is, how to expose her skin and breasts so that she can attract all the boys in her clutches'.

"Fine by me," Elminia replied sharply, her confidence piercing the tense atmosphere. "Just don't regret it later if it hurts more than you expected." Her stance was solid, her eyes gleaming with the promise of proving everyone wrong.

High above the dueling grounds, unbeknownst to those below, they were being observed from a secluded balcony. It was Chiyoko Hiiro, the hero summoned from another world by the Kingdom of Almeida, his gaze fixed intently on the unfolding scene below.

"Hero from another world and his alleged slave, both unversed in magic, against a barbarian and a count's daughter," Chiyoko mused aloud, his interest piqued. "Who will win this unusual matchup?"

Before he could further ponder, he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a young woman beside him. Her golden hair and eyes sparkled under the sun, her beauty unmistakable and her presence commanding.

"May I offer an answer?" she asked with a light smile, her voice as melodious as it was clear.

"Princess-san, have you also come to watch the duel?" Chiyoko inquired, acknowledging her royal status with a respectful nod.

The young woman's expression shifted slightly, a hint of annoyance flickering across her features. "I've told you before, please don't call me princess here. We're at the academy; status doesn't matter. Call me by my name," she insisted firmly yet gently.

"Ha, if you insist, Ingrassia-san," Chiyoko replied with a chuckle, adjusting quickly to her preference, a smile playing on his lips as he turned his attention back to the duel, now with royal company to join his speculation.

 Chiyoko leaned against the balcony railing, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watched the preparations for the duel below. The atmosphere around the arena was thick with anticipation.

"What do you think, who will win?" he repeated, turning to Ingrassia with a curious glance.

Ingrassia's eyes reflected a deep understanding of the competitors. "As you can see, his opponent is a Barbarian, not just any but from the direct lineage of the Barbarian King. He possesses strength akin to a giant's offspring; his physical prowess is truly formidable," she explained, her gaze never wavering from the scene below.

"But the real threat here is the Count's daughter, Elminia Houseburge. Her rare skill, 'Imaginary Pain,' allows her to inflict pain through in opponent's mind, coupled with her mastery over three elements in magic. She's not to be underestimated."

She then glanced at the duo they were discussing, "On the other side, we have a Level One hero and his companion, who, although powerful in her own right, hails from a royal succubus lineage. But they both din know how to use magic".

Chiyoko nodded thoughtfully, absorbing Ingrassia's insights. "That means they're just small fry?

The pair watched intently as the competitors took their positions, the duel about to begin, the outcome hanging uncertainly in the cool air.

"when did i say this?" Princess replies.

Chiyoko's expression grew more intrigued as Ingrassia continued to unveil the intricacies behind the blindfold and the implications of Scarlett's training.

"That means she's not just a small fry?" he questioned, his tone reflecting a mix of surprise and newfound respect.

Ingrassia nodded, her gaze analyzing Scarlett's posture and movements. "Exactly. While it may seem that they're at a disadvantage, that's not entirely accurate. This blindfold isn't just for show. It's typically used on criminals who are high-level magicians to constrain their vision.

She pointed subtly towards Scarlett, who moved with ease despite the apparent handicap. "For mages, wearing such a blindfold usually means complete loss of sight. However, she navigates as if her vision is merely reduced. This suggests she's compensating with either an exceptional sense of her surroundings or an alternative form of perception—possibly magical."

"And her physique," she added, observing Scarlett's muscular build that was powerful yet not overly bulky, "indicates a specialized training regimen designed to enhance physical strength without the typical increase in muscle mass you'd expect from a warrior or a Barbarian."

Chiyoko absorbed her explanation, his earlier doubts giving way to a dawning realization of the complexity of their abilities. "So, they might actually stand a chance against the Barbarian and the Count's daughter?"

"I am not done yet, look properly at her breasts".

Chiyoko's face burned hot, betraying his discomfort as embarrassment prickled across his skin. "ahem ahem... How should i say it, they are big and I'm pretty sure they would be soft too".

On hearing this, Ingressia hit Chionko on the head."You pervert, I'm not talking about her breasts".

Chiyoko rubbed the spot where Ingrassia had smacked him, his expression sheepish as he tried to recover his dignity. "I see, that makes more sense," he mumbled, now paying closer attention to the details Ingrassia pointed out.

Ingrassia, with a more serious tone, leaned closer, indicating the intricate markings on Scarlett's chest visible just below the edge of her bandages"See, this seal is known as the 'Curtail Mark.' It's used to suppress one's inherent power. If she's this formidable with the seal, imagine her true capabilities once it's removed."

Chiyoko nodded, his interest piqued by the tactical implications. "That's intriguing. So, her current display is just a fraction of what she can actually do?"

"Exactly," Ingrassia confirmed, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully as she watched the duel preparations below. "This duel isn't just about physical strength or magical prowess. It's a test of endurance and strategy under constraints."

"So, who do you think will win?" Chiyoko asked again, looking for a definitive answer.

Ingrassia paused, considering the competitors' strengths and weaknesses. "It's difficult to predict. The Barbarian and the Count's daughter are strong, but they're probably underestimating Scarlett and her companion. Misjudging an opponent can lead to downfall, especially in magical duels."

"Underestimation could indeed turn the tides," Chiyoko agreed, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene.

"Let's just watch," Ingrassia suggested, her voice tinged with anticipation. "Sometimes, the best way to predict an outcome is to witness it unfold firsthand. No matter what happens, it promises to be an enlightening display."

Both turned their attention back to the arena, ready to observe the duel, their conversation adding a layer of intrigue to the already charged atmosphere.

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