That time I was reborn as a…


'Well I survived to my 10th birthday, well the day before, don't want to jinx it. I now stand about 51in(130cm) tall, it looks like I missed out on my Dad's height. My tail is about 24in(61cm) long, the orange scales now look like molten metal is flowing under them. My scales have hardened, feeling about the same as a fingernail now. My hair has reached my waist, I can faintly see orange highlights in it. My body lost most of my baby fat revealing a fit body, due to the skill my Dad made me get I seem stuck at the stage where I just started to get abs formed.'

As Alex is lost in thought, A mousekin darts around her putting the final touches on a dress that Alex is wearing. The dress in question is a purple sundress, this makes the orange on her stand out nicely. Molly stands off to one side, keeping an eye on everything going on. Liz sat on a bench nearby, already dressed in a gray sundress that makes the blue in her eyes pop.

The mousekin steps back nodding her head that is level with Alex's. “Everything looks good, Anything else I can do for ya?”

Molly shook her head, “not now, we have more to get ready for their awakening. Come on little ones, your parent's should hopefully be done with what they where working on.”

Alex nods to Molly, as Liz stands. “Thank you Kim, the dresses are beautiful,” the girls speak in unison, making Liz blush. Alex then moves over to Liz, grabbing Liz's hand gently guiding the blushing girl after Molly. As they walk Alex recalls the lessons they had on the awakenings. It is held once a year in summer, happening the same day every year and it happens to be the same day as the girls birthday. All of the 10yr old's from the town and surrounding villages will show up for it. The ceremony is hosted by the adventurers guild due to them having the equipment needed. During the ceremony a spell will be cast that activates the system in everyone. It is a much more basic version of what the twins have, her system said that it would be used to fully activate their systems. Then everyone goes through several tests to see where they stand with everything. At the end you will get to pick a starting class, this can be upgraded later once a high enough level is reached.

The rest of the day passed in a flash, both girls could not wait until the tomorrow. They fell asleep holding hands while talking about the next day.

They both woke up early and started to get ready. Molly was surprised when she looked in to see both of them awake, Liz's love of sleeping through the morning is very well know at this point. “breakfast is ready you two, come done once you are ready.”

They both entered the kitchen only to be ambushed by their parents as they came down, getting dragged into a family hug. “You two have grown up to fast, we know you are amazing, now it is time to show everyone else the same thing.”

The hug lasted a few minutes, both the girls clinging to their parents. Alex looked up at them, “we will do our best!” Liz nodded along with this.

Once everyone settled down and ate, they got ready to leave, joining everyone in heading towards the town square. Along the way they saw several enterprising individuals had stands set up, offering food to trinkets and viewing glasses. When they got there the girls separated from their parents join the couple dozen kids in the middle of the crowd and in front of the stage that was set up there. This is the first time Alex had seen so many different races all in one place. After some time as more kids joined the group, soon a orc Stepped up to the podium on the stage, he waited for the crowd's voice to die down. “Welcome everyone to the yearly awakening ceremony. For those who are new here or that just do not know, my name is Oddrick the guild master for this guild outpost. In order to aid our youth in getting stronger we have done this ceremony yearly for time immortal. Now I am not one for big speeches and even if I was, today is for a future generation so let us get started. Erra, the magic teacher at the school here will do the spell. Erra if you do not mind, please start.

A woman dressed in simple robes moved up from the seats behind Oddrick. As she lowered her hood, her features became visible you could hear the inhale. A phoenix stood in front of them all, Her hair the most vivid feature due to it resembling liquid fire flowing down her back. She started chanting in an ancient language, the language of magic. Magic circles surrounded every single child, then as one they lifted off the ground. Once past the child's head it would vanish.

Ding, many system unlocks, will go over them after full awakening.

Erra made a short bow before walking back to her seat, Oddrick stepped forward. “Now when you see a light above your head, step forward so we can go over your attributes.”

Alex waited for her turn or for something interesting to show itself. Most of the kids had solid Fs in their scoring, maybe an E or two. She got confused about why they where not using numbers. They used a basic ranking system due to how hard it is to reveal an exact number, F 1-10, E 11-30, D 31-60, C 61-100, B 101-150, A 151-210 and S 211-280. It does go higher however the chance we will see someone with a B rank is next to nothing. Oh Who is that? “Sarah, STR:D+, DEX:D, CON:C, INT:E, WIS:E, CHA:E-.” A cute wolfkin just had her stats called out, Alex made a mental note to seek her out, she seems made to be a tank. Others that caught her eye as she is waiting, Momo and Ariza, demonkin. Then she jumped a little as a light popped into existence above her. She moved up to the stage, “Alexandria, STR:C-, DEX:D+, CON:C, INT:E+, WIS:E+, CHA:E+” She was then handed a gold token and sent back.

More time passed with nothing really interesting happen, Liz is now cuddling with Alex, trying to stay awake when a light showed up over her head. She walked up to the stage yawning cutely. “Elizabeth, STR:E+, DEX:E+, CON:E+, INT:C, WIS:C-, CHA:D” Liz soon rejoined Alex waiting. Two more caught her attention, Fyre, birdkin and Emi, catkin. The first part ended, “now that is the end of the first part. For the second please pay attention to the color of light that shows up above your head, then line up behind the pillar of the same color.” The pillars light up in front of several tents that had been set up near the stage, the crowd shifted, giving them the room they would need in order to line up.

The light over Alex's head is purple while Liz's is yellow, so they line up in there line. A voice from inside the tent spoke, “first one in line please enter.” Alex is third in line so she looks around to see if any of the ones who caught her eye are in this line or are nearby. Sadly it was not to be, though her sister seems to be talking to the foxkin. After a bit of time it was her turn, she stepped inside and saw a redhead rabbitkin sitting at a table with a cloudy orb sitting in front of her. “Please sit down little one, this test is to see your potential growth. In both an evolution and level sense. Once you are ready, please place your hand on the orb.” Alex sat down and took a breath, then set her hand on the orb. A faint humming sound and glow started to come from the orb. It got brighter and louder until the rabbitkin stepped in gently removing Alex's hand from the orb. “Your growth seems to be massive, at least a rank A, though I lack the skill needed to tell the exact rank. If you go to the guild academy they should be able to tell you.” She then passed over a gold token to her. “Please head back out and wait at the end of the line.” Alex nodded and did so, After waiting for a time the pillars changed color.

“Line up again at the correct color.” She did so, this time she is second in line. In a bit it was her turn, she stepped in to see a male wolfkin. He also sat at a table with a crystal on it, this time it is clear. “Sit, we will be testing to see what affinities you have.” Alex did so, “now, set your hand on the crystal and relax, let some of your energy flow into it.” She nodded and did so, first it looks like a small yellow fire springs up in it. Then a pure silver light, a flowing orange light, a bubbling green light, and a sparking blue light. As it dimmed after the last one, “impressive, five affinities yang, metal, lava, acid, lighting. You have a bright future ahead of you. Head out and wait at the back of the line, the pillars will change once it is time” He hands her a gold token. Alex smiles at him and walks out.

Soon the lights changed again, she is first this time. When she enters she sees a cat catkin, she sits at a table with a bronze square in front of her. “Hello there little one, this one is to see exactly what race you are and if you have a bloodline. Please sit, this should be quick.” Alex does so, “ok please hold your hand on the plate, you will feel a small prick. Good, just hold it there for a bit longer. Done, let us see what you are little one. Excellent, you are a molten yang lizardkin. A duel element variant is rare, having it be an advanced element and one of the core ones.” She grins at Alex, “being female with the yang element means you might have something extra at your waist. That will make you very popular and sought after. If you do, grow strong fast so you can protect yourself. Well be careful little one you have a great future ahead of you. Same drill as before, follow the glowing pillar. Wait, almost forgot about your bloodline, and you have one, be extra careful.” She passes two gold tokens to her.

Soon the lights changed and Alex waited again, once it was her turn she walked into the tent. A Lamia waited with a glowing orb. “touch the orb and pick out your fate.” Nervously she approached the orb and touched it, a screen popped up in front of her.

Swordwoman, a warrior that carries a sword. Growth, C. Advancement options, A.

Mage, A magic user. Growth, C. Advancement options, A.

Magic Swordwoman, a warrior that wield both magic and blade in battle. Growth, B. Advancement options, B

Combat Smith, both a fighter and smith. Growth, B. Advancement options, B

Magic Combat Smith, both a magic swordwoman and smith. Growth, A. Advancement options, C

Yang fighter, Embrace the inferno with magic and blade. Growth, A. Advancement options, A

Molten Guardian. An unstoppable wall of lava and anger. Growth, A. Advancement options, A

Elemental Yang Fighter. Embrace the inferno with magic and blade. Embrace chaos by mixing other elements into it. Growth, EX. Advancement options, A

As soon as she read the last one she picked it, EX is one of the highest rankings something could have. It also sounded really fun and powerful. She suddenly felt like she was on fire for a time then it passed. Alex would have fallen if not for the Lamia catching her. It seems you have chosen a powerful fate, take this token and wait a bit more. It is almost the end of this.” Alex gets one more gold token.

Alex yawns as she waits for the final part. Finally she hears a call, “please gather at the stage for the final part.” Once everyone was there, “good, now for the last time line up at the correct pillar and have your tokens ready.” Once it was done. “Now for what the tokens mean, depending on what you got you will receive offers from several groups including the adventurers guild, noble houses and even the crown. You can then choose what offer to receive, you will also receive your Ids in the next few days.” The lines moved slowly, once she got to the front of the line she saw a familiar redhead. Alex gave over her five gold tokens. Smiling at you. “Alex it looks like your future will not be boring, go get some rest, the following days will be busy for you.” Alex nods and looks for her sister only to see her in Dad's arms already, fast asleep, She made her way over. Her Mom picked me up without prompting. “Rest we will talk tomorrow about your results.” Alex then fell asleep, safe and warm.

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