That time I was reborn as a…


Hello, I am your system. Your memories might be a little foggy due to being reborn, this is mainly so you can live a new life. However it is set up so past skills will not be lost, you will need to learn the basics though before you can awaken this knowledge. It looks like you where trained in unarmed combat so that did increase. If any of your old memories will ever aid you then they will come back, like in the case of Devi, due to her giving you a blessing you will keep the memories of meeting her, but what exactly happened will stay a mystery. I would suggest looking at your status, everything should be finalized for now. More will come once you undergo the awakening at ten years of age.

'Ok, time to look at everything I got. Status'

loading status...










Health: 600/600[10]

Energy: 300/300[10]









PASSIVE: Claymore Proficiency (lvl:1), Ambidextrous Weapon Handling (lvl:1) Unarmed Fighting (lvl:5)

ACTIVE:Cleave (lvl:1), Power Slash (lvl:1)

AFFINITIES: Yang, Metal, Lava, Acid, lighting


PASSIVE: Energy Regeneration (lvl:1), Health Regeneration (lvl:1), Elemental Proficiency (lvl:1)

ACTIVE: Identify (lvl:1), Elemental Manipulation (lvl:1)

RACIAL ABILITES: Elemental breath (lvl:1), Reinforced skin (lvl:1), Yang mastery (lvl:1)




Starting from the top Alex read what each one was.

MOLTAN YANG LIZARDKIN: a rare variant of the normal lizardkin, altered by the presence of metal, lava and yang energies, normally only found in very volcanic areas. This variant can come about form a child having the affinities at an evolution point or being born with them. Like most lizardkin boosts all physical traits, however this variant does not suffer from the normal mental stat drop that happens.

'This is a solid starting point, hope sis got something as good. Onward and downward!'

PRIMORDIAL BEASTKIN: An ancient mix of bloodlines, currently to diluted to be of any use, will greatly boost the chances of rare or higher quality evolution options. Can be refined by collecting primordial blood.

'Hmm, while not great right now, it will be worth it once it is time to evolve.'

FUTA: ...Error, age range is to low to access this information. It will be available once you reach sixteen years in age, or if someone else tells you.

'...not sure how I feel about this, well better move on'

N/A: currently in the womb, please be born for something to show up here.

'Not sure what I expected, at least I know I am safe and not just blind,'

LOCKED: A status that means you do not meet the requirements to access it. Main requirements are age and level, look at your quests in order to find out what is needed in order to unlock everything.

'Good to know, will look into after finishing with my status.'

HEALTH: If it hits zero you die, increase CON if you want more. CON x 10=HEALTH

'...moving on'

ENERGY: Used for magic and abilities, if it hits zero, no more moving. To get more increase WIS. WIS x 10=ENERGY

'good to know'

ATTRIBUTES: Numbers that represent your power, how to read.

Attribute: base + racial value (bonuses from titles) {gear bonuses} [current value]

'makes sense, skipping the individual attributes, they seem straight forward.'

Claymore Proficiency: boosts skill with a claymore, 10% extra damage per level.

Ambidextrous Weapon Handling: reduces the penalty from using your off hand. 5% reduction per level.

Unarmed Fighting: boosts skill when fighting unarmed. 10% damage boost per level. Boosted by past life.

'Nice, the level boost will be useful'

Cleave: deal damage to everyone in front of you with a simple cleave. 5% damage boost and 5% energy consumption per level.

Power Slash: Fast powerful energy infused attack, can infuse an element into it for extra energy cost. 5% damage boost and 5% energy consumption per level.

AFFINITIES: All the elements you can use easily.

Energy Regeneration: How fast your energy is restored. WIS x .1= e regen (30 x .1=3)

Health Regeneration: How fast your health is restored. CON x .1= h regen (60 x .1=6)

Elemental Proficiency: boosts the ease of using elements. 5% damage boost and 5% energy consumption per level.

Identify: lets you see other peoples status, higher level means more information you get and the harder it is to block and detect.

Elemental Manipulation: Allows you to use elements outside of your body, needed if you want to cast spells. Higher levels boost the ease of that manipulation.

RACIAL ABILITES: abilities granted by ones race, are not lost on evolution.

Elemental breath: Grants a breath weapon, deals damage in a cone in front of user. Damage boosts on level up.

Reinforced skin(passive): boosts the defensive properties of the skin, no change in skin softness.

Yang mastery(passive):Boosts the effects of yang energy, rest of information LOCKED

'That is interesting...moving on!'

HONORABLE WARRIOR: A title granted by a God or war, they have recognized your strength and honor shown in a past life. Boosts the leveling speed of combat skills. Warriors will recognize what you are, a god of war is watching you.

DEVI'S BLESSING: A blessing from a Demigoddess, boosts CHA growth and overall beauty of the holder's person. Will continue to watch you and brag to others about you.

GEMINI'S BLESSING: A blessing form the one who watches over all twins. They are grateful for what you did. Greatly boosts all form of xp earned when near twin. Other twins will know when you come near and will lead aid.

******* BLESSING: A powerful entity has taken notice of you, they have blessed you while choosing to remain hidden. 50% boost to all stats.

Alex takes a moment after seeing the blessings, 'damn, they are strong. Well time to look at the quest thing that was mentioned before'

Opening questlog...

  1. Be Born: stick your head into a new world

Reward: Can start unlocking things

  1. Reach 1yr old: you can do it


learn to walk

learn to speak

learn to read

learn to write

Rewards: depends on what in completed

3.Reach 10yrs old: 1st step on the path to power

Reward: class, subclass and job unlock

'Well it looks like I have some work ahead of me, time to rest until it is time then'

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