The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 157 - Villa Master

Chapter 157 - Villa Master

TL-Checked by Sassystrawberry; Edited by Animeart

If that was indeed true.

Then Xiao Xuan had intentions to assassinate the Great Wizard, and had already some inkling of what he intended to do.

Given Xiao Xuan’s status as a royal prince... he was even the Crown Prince of the Northern Xia Dynasty, why would he want to kill the Great Wizard?

The Great Wizard had united all the wizards to oppose the Southern Xia Dynasty, and was a strong backing for the Northern Xia Royal family. If the Northern Xia Dynasty wanted to unite the entire country under its rule, it would definitely require the assistance of the Great Wizard.

Although... These two powers may have some internal conflicts, after all a mountain could not accommodate two tigers, and a country could not have two masters.

If this was truly the situation, Xiao Xuan wanting to get rid of the Great Wizard, was reasonable.

But why would Xiao Xuan look for them, and how was he able to locate them?

Ling Fengxiao picked up the blue-green rare bird from the ground. It had a long and flat beak, but it’s head greatly resembled that of a large duck.

After being raised up by Ling Fengxiao, it stirred from its stupor and cried out loudly: “Gaaa –”

Lin Shu: “...”

He remembered.

Ling Fengxiao also thought of it and said, “Tracked by the scent of the incense..”

Whilst at the Academy, they had attended the classes and one of the topics was “Identification and Classification of Spiritual Beasts”, the course content had been about the various magical and mysterious birds and beasts which populated the Sea of Eight Wilderness.

This “scent-seeker” was one of these. There was a record in “The Great Wilderness” noting that its colors were variable, its beak was that of a duck, its sound was like that made by a goose, and it could track by scent for a thousand miles.

Ling Fengxiao said, “I have changed the incense on my body several times due to changing of status, but in order for the Phoenix Butterfly to be able to find me, several components of the fragrance have been left unchanged.”

This could explain why Xiao Xuan was able to locate them. In the past, they had spent a long time with this prince in Northern Xia. If he had the intention, it would have been simple to collect a bit of Ling Fengxiao’s fragrance, and then he could use this “scent-seeking” to seek them in the future.

At the Sorcerers Gathering, when Yue Ruohe was in danger, he and Ling Fengxiao came to his aid. Both had demonstrated their cultivation power which had been at Crossing the Tribulations level. From this incident, Xiao Xuan would have understood that Danzhu and Yusu were not against Northern Xia, and were highly skilled. If at this time, he was really as the letter described “ I’m dying”, and was isolated and helpless, desperately seeking their aid as a last resort, it was indeed possible.

This was a possibility.

And, if the situation was truly like this, it could be the perfect god-sent opportunity to get rid of the Great Wizard!

As for Xiao Xuan...

Although he was not as reliable as Ling Fengxiao, but he was also not as useless and incapable as Xiao Lingyang. He was someone capable of strategic planning.

However there also existed some risk, what if this was a trap set by someone?

Lin Shu looked towards Ling Fengxiao.

Ling Fengxiao said: “It’s unlikely that the Great Wizard is behind this. The Great Wizard...can utilize his phantom self to travel anywhere within heaven and earth, if he really wanted to kill us, he would just kill us in person.”

Lin Shu nodded.

The phantom body ability was the most fearsome aspect of the Great Wizard.

He had encountered the Great Wizard twice now, by his estimates that this person was at least at the peak of Crossing the Tribulation. And... it was not even his real body, but the phantom body that exhibited the peak of Crossing the Tribulation cultivation levels. Legend had it that the Great Wizard had obtained the inheritance of an Ancient Great Demon, and could transform into thousands or tens of thousands —that is to say, killing the phantom would not cause major damage to his true self. And they have never yet... seen the true self of the Great Wizard, nor have they encountered his true strength.

“Do we go?” he asked

Ling Fengxiao said, “First to Jubei City, then we head towards the royal capital of Northern Xia.”

Lin Shu nodded.

They had originally intended to head to the border defense at Jubei City, and it was coincidentally on the same route to the capital.

The Five Thousand strong team lead by Ling Fengxiao’s team all consisted of elite light cavalry, already able to march at an unusually quick pace, if they sped up and traveled day and night, within 2 days they would be able to reach Jubei City, after which they could leave from Jubei City, using magical arts to sprint towards the royal capital, would not require much time at all.

And...previously when they had been at Northern Xia, Xiao Xuan had given Danzhu and Yusu a full set of identity documents, allowing the both of them to travel unimpeded within Northern Xia.

After sorting out the plan, they still had to meet the parents.

Whilst passing the lotus pond outside the temple, Lin Shu deliberately looked into the water again to confirm that there was nothing amiss with his appearance.

Along the way, he felt the weight of the stares of the girls of the Phoenix Mountain Villa.

There were admiring gazes, looks that were sizing him up, and even hostile glares, probably because they felt that this outsider male had abducted their own Big Miss.

Lin Shu felt that it was not right.

It was he who had been cheated by meaningless nonsense yesterday night, and later had been subjected to round after round of torment, yet today it was he who had to face the stares of condemnation.

The one to bear the heavy psychological pressure of “meeting the mother-in-law” was also him.

Ling Fengxiao coughed gently and held his hand.

They walked together into the main hall where the Phoenix Mountain Villa master was.

In that deadly battle a few days ago, the situation was critical, Lin Shu had had no contact with the Phoenix Villa Master, and it was only at this time that he saw the real face of the Villa Master up close.

As a descendant of the Phoenix Mountain Villa, her appearance was naturally impeccable. In spite of being over forty years of age, she did not show any signs of aging, and it had only added to her already formidable aura.

The Master of the Phoenix Villa, was just this sort of indomitable female.

Based on what Xiao Shao had described, the villa master was very strict, with a severe character.

Ling Fengxiao came forward formally to pay his respects: “Mother.”

Lin Shu also followed in accordance with their earlier arrangement, he had even practiced to make sure it was executed smoothly, made obeisance to the Villa Master: “ Villa Master”.

Several girls behind the master tittered amongst themselves, one could vaguely hear words such as “Gu Ye”.

The Villa Master dismissed them, and all the young ladies left the room.

Lin Shu looked at the villa master and saw the expression in her eyes.

The Villa Master was looking at him, this sort of unquestioning sort of stare — and this manner of very thorough examination, and seemed to be deep in thought, just like how the Empress had behaved when meeting him for the first time.

Lin Shu didn’t know how to describe this feeling.

If forced to put it in words, it was as if the Villa Master had seen him in the past, and was currently recollecting that incident.


The author has something to say:

That...female dress or double female dress play (Shhh!)

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