The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path

Chapter 201 - Lovesickness

Chapter 201 - Lovesickness

Edited by Animeart

Senior Martial brother found a wall in a side hall in the cave.

There was a pale golden seal engraved on the wall.

In the process of trying to solve the chick’s illness, Lin Shu learned the engraving method of the Divine Soul Seal. He could see that this was a special imprint, leaving a divine soul mark with a fixed pattern — triggered by something, the divine soul could return no matter how far it was.

Senior Martial brother started to do the method and lit an incense before the mark. He nodded and said, “Junior Martial brother, the dog thief will come out later. The dog’s eyebrows can be seen, his eyes can be seen, and his nose and mouth can also be seen, but when put together, it makes people want to fight.”

About a quarter of an hour later, a soft light enveloped the whole room, making people feel like a spring breeze blowing in the room.

Not long after, a man stepped out of the light.

The visitor was wearing white clothes with light golden patterns, a jade crown on his ink-black tied hair, handsome eyebrows and eyes, tall and straight posture, as bright as the sun and the moon.

However, the blood stains on his face that seemed to be drawn by a sharp weapon were still fresh.

With a gentle touch, the traces healed as if it had never existed.

There was a little smile on the corner of the man’s mouth, which was initially looking very gentle, but when he saw his Senior Brother, his smile instantly widened, and spoke with a sense of debauchery and teasing: “Apprentice, did you miss me?”

Senior Martial Brother: “Go away.”

Then he looked at Lin Shu: “Junior Martial brother, this is Yuehua dog son.”

Immortal Lord Yuehua looked at Lin Shu and met him solemnly: “I’ve heard your name for a long time.”

Lin Shu: “This younger generation also have heard a lot about my predecessor.”

It’s true that he had heard the name ‘Yuehua’ for a long time, but it was always followed by the word “dog thief”.

Immortal Lord Yuehua smiled gently: “Presumably, it must not be very pleasant.”

Lin Shu naturally couldn’t tell the truth, but only said, “The elder’s demeanor is detached, and this younger generation admires him.”

Senior Martial Brother: “Bah.”

Although Senior Martial Brother and Qingming Demon Lord kept saying that Immortal Lord Yuehua is a “dog thief”, now he could see that this Immortal Lord didn’t look like a dog at all. On the contrary, this Immortal’s demeanor was really splendorous and brilliant, like that of the bright moon.

Immortal Lord Yuehua sat opposite him on the jade table.

“Some time ago, Young Master Chen came down to the mortal world and said that the world might already be filled with grievances and demons. Now you called me to come down, but for what reason?” asked the Immortal Lord.

“The ghosts of resentments and grievances have been resolved.” Lin Shu thought over his words: “I have something else to ask you – hence requested your presence today in the mortal world.”

Immortal Lord Yuehua smiled: “Just say it. Since you are a disciple of Qingming, I will try my best to help you.”

Lin Shu told the truth and started from the beginning, “There is a chick in my soul.”

He saw the question mark in Immortal Lord Yuehua’s eyes.

To remedy it, he took out the feather.

“This is a Phoenix feather.” Immortal Lord Yuehua looked at the feather: “There is an aura of the Phoenix soul.”

Then Lin Shu told the whole story, including the emergence of the chick and the weakening of the chick.

Immortal Lord Yuehua pondered for a long time: “To tell you the truth...”

In Lin Shu’s experience, once the phrase “to tell you the truth” comes out, things will be bad.

Sure enough.

“I have a deep feud with the Phoenix Clan and have no chance to get in touch with the news of the Phoenix Clan.” the Immortal Lord said, “But I think its aura is related to Nirvana.”

After that, he looked at Lin Shu: “The origin of this feather... Really just appeared out of thin air?”

Lin Shu’s heart jumped.

He said, “Don’t you know how to save it?”

“I really don’t know. The habits of the Phoenix have always been a secret of their clan. According to what you said, the existing peerless manuals of the Phoenix Clan couldn’t be found. It’s a difficult matter,” said Immortal Lord Yuehua.

Lin Shu was very disappointed.

Just then, the cause and effect mirror jumped out of his brocade bag and floated in the air.

Immortal Lord Yuehua looked at the mirror: “Was it in your hand?”

Lin Shu: “En.”

Immortal Lord Yuehua waved, and the mirror flew obediently into his hand.

At a glance, the Immortal Lord saw the cracks all over the back of the mirror. The words “Separation and reunion, are all pre-determined fate.” were almost invisible.

Lin Shu heard the Immortal Lord say, “The seal is crumbling. There are eight peerless manuals&#k2026; You have already collected seven.”

Lin Shu: “Yes.”

He wanted to explain why he hadn’t burned them, but he saw that Immortal Lord Yuehua had a little smile in his eyes and looked at the opposite side of the mirror: “This mirror was refined by Qingming&#k2026; This seal was made by me, killing divine beasts and cutting the Dragon Vein thousands of years ago, taking infinite Fortune Luck”

Lin Shu: “?”

You killed divine beasts?

You cut the Dragon Vein?

No, let’s not mention this first.

He continued to listen.

However, Immortal Lord Yuehua continued, “You said that the ancient books of the Phoenix were destroyed in recent years... In that case, this mirror can help you take a look at the ancient books from a few years ago.”

Lin Shu: “What should I do?”

Immortal Lord Yuehua did not answer directly, but slowly said, “Under the Cause and Effect Mirror, there is a secret about the Fortune Luck of heaven and earth. You open the seal with the Qi from the gathering of the eight peerless manuals. When the positive and the negative sides appear at the same time, you will understand what to do.”

Lin Shu: “Don’t you... Want me to destroy the eight peerless manuals?”

“You have fully understood 《Extinction》. Those who thoroughly understand “Extinction” are close to not having any desire. I’m not afraid of you having evil intentions in your heart.” Immortal Lord Yuehua said lightly: “Just remember, burn the peerless manuals immediately after the event is completed, and don’t let it fall into the hands of those who want to covet it.”

Lin Shu: “Okay.”

Speaking of this, Immortal Lord Yuehua smiled: “Just recently, your master is in a bad mood. Today I can help you once, I can also go to him to ask for credit.”

Lin Shu tilted his head.

Senior Martial Brother interrupted: “You mad dog! Did you bite my master again?!”

Immortal Lord Yuehua said coldly, “The method for regaining a human body. Don’t you want it anymore?”

Senior Martial Brother shut his mouth.

“The time has come.” Immortal Lord Yuehua looked at Lin Shu again, his figure gradually fading, and his voice gradually growing faint: “Time is infinite, and the manpower is poor. I have seen the strength of your soul. Remember, you have three opportunities, and you can’t stay for too long, otherwise your soul will be destroyed and you will be doomed.”

The light faded away.

Lin Shu said goodbye to Immortal Lord Yuehua and thought of his words.

The Immortal Lord meant to gather the eight peerless manuals by himself. At that time, he would naturally know what to do.

Of the eight peerless manuals, only 《Everlasting Yearning》 has not been found.

The chick was dying, and his time was running out.

In this world, no one had seen the traces of 《Everlasting Yearning》 except Lord Taoyuan, and Lord Taoyuan had disappeared.

After leaving Qingming cave, he began to search for Lord Taoyuan. The Phoenix Mountain Villa, the Sword Pavilion, and even the Dragon Guards had used all their strength, but there was still no progress.

Lord Taoyuan, who seemed to live only in Xiao Shao’s memory, was an ethereal and imaginary figure who seemed to has never walked in the world.

Previously when he asked the elders of the Sword Pavilion, they only said that there was no such person as Lord Taoyuan, and 《Everlasting Yearning》 was even more illusory. For thousands of years, everyone has only known that the Sword Pavilion was the most secure place in the world and that 《Everlasting Yearning》 was safe and hidden from the world. However, they had not heard of the whereabouts of the Old Master who had used the 《Everlasting Yearning》 to save the world and kept the manual hidden.

Finally, Lin Shu returned to the Sword Pavilion.

The snow fell all year round in the Sword Pavilion, and was still floating like clouds when he left.

The main hall on the top of the snow mountain was lit with bright lights, and he spread out a piece of paper.

The words and sentences in his memory were too long to be traced back. He recalled the time when he was learning the sword skills in the dark, he wrote it down on paper one stroke at a time.

“Heavens were always constant, not for the Yao to survive, not for Jie to perish. To not comprehend such matters, would not understand a Sage’s indifference to sentiments.”


He changed a piece of paper.

‘Heavens were always constant, not for Yao, not for Jie....’

Still not.

The peerless secret manual involved the use of Qi, and he didn’t feel it now. The writing on the paper seemed to be just the most ordinary words.

By the middle of the month, he was still making no progress.

The north wind began to whistle. He looked out of the window at the blizzard and was in a daze for a moment.

In the middle of the night, the past would always come to his mind.

For a moment, he thought of the sentence of Immortal Lord Yuehua, “Did this feather really just appear out of thin air?”

And the sentence “seemed to be related to Phoenix Nirvana”.

On that day, Xiao Shao was killed in a Lightning Tribulation. The feather fell from the air and was caught by him.

But that day, except for Guiltless, Xiao Shao didn’t bring anything with him — all his things were given to Lin Shu.

Lin Shu took out the feather and held it in his hand.

In the open hall, in the boundless solitude and snow, the feather suddenly exuded a warm red light, as if it was going to flow in from the palm of his hand and warm his whole body.

He heard himself whisper, “Is that you?”

The sound touched the cold stone wall, echoed multi-fold, and finally dissipated in the north wind outside the window.

No one answered.

Lin Shu didn’t dare to expect. He was afraid that he would be disappointed. He would rather treat it as an ordinary feather and an ordinary chick living in it.

He put the feather in front of the case and picked up the pen again, only to feel very frustrated. He thought that he was trapped in lovesickness, and had broken away from the original intent of the Heartless Dao in 《Everlasting Yearning》. He was afraid that even if he wrote down the whole book without feeling indifference, he would not be able to reproduce the peerless secret manual that could instinctively arouse the spirit of heaven and earth.

But...Why was the technique that records the Heartless Dao called 《Everlasting Yearning》?

Everlasting yearning, for whom was the everlasting yearning?

He has no way of knowing.

He discarded another page of paper with the words written “Heaven’s actions are constant”. Thinking that his understanding of Taoism was still insufficient, he decided not to write this page.

He wrote the first form “Linger in the Empty Valley”.

He looked out of the window at the snow.

A solitary lamp was like a beam, reflecting the distant mountains and the vast snow valley.

In his previous life, his memory began from this snowy valley, day after day, year after year. At night, during the day, his life seemed to be integrated with it.

In the snow, he always forgot to go back to his room, he would close his eyes, meditate on the mental method, and forget to return.

He wrote it.

He couldn’t remember the original description in 《Everlasting Yearning》. He only relied on his own insights to write out this move and the state of the move. It was difficult at first, and then the words flowed through like clouds and water, as if naturally flowing from the tip of the pen, and out on the paper.

Finally, there was a faint thunder in the sky.

Lin Shu thought, it seemed that he had a deep understanding of this move.

The second form, “Unseeing Tianhe”.

At that time, he was far away from the Sword Pavilion and far away from the surging Tianhe River at the foot of Sword Pavilion mountain. He was in the midst of a chaotic crowd. The world was so big that he had nowhere to go.

The third form, “The Towering Cliffs”....

Somehow, it seemed that there was something guiding him, one after another. He seemed to be in the original scene and he has walked through his life for more than 20 years again. In the process of reliving this life, all kinds of moods and feelings flowed out of his pen and were getting out of control. At the end, he felt drawn by the words on the paper. His heart was beating fast and seemed empty.

——It was the memory of his life that controlled his pen. He couldn’t stop, or even pause.

And time flew and it was already many years in an instant.

On that day, Ling Fengxiao, dressed in red, was blurred by the fog and rain on the riverbank. He stood at the bow of the boat, watching at the boundless blue sky and the endless flowing of the river.

After leaving Ling Fengxiao, he seemed to have cut off the only tie between this life and the world and came to a clean land — but when he stood on the boat and when the river breeze blew on his clothes, he felt very lonely. He was lonely like a small boat on the boundless water and swaying like a boat on the waves.

It was the form “A Solitary Boat”.

If you were really heartless, would you still feel lonely?

Lin Shu didn’t know if there was any deviation between his understanding and Everlasting Yearning’s original intention, but he couldn’t help writing.

His memory went back along the past. On that day, the Great Wizard’s knife pointed to the back of Xiao Shao’s heart, and the only reaction he made, under his intuition, was to stand in front of the blade.

Because every concept in his life and his own heart was tied to the man behind him, he couldn’t do anything else at that moment.

Because of this, love had taken root. When the person is dead, Yin and Yang are separated——

Those who were overwhelmed with sadness of parting, had nothing but farewell.

The past — what he was willing to recall, and unwilling to recall, all uncovered and presented in front of him. He was in a trance, as if he was not writing with ink, but with his life.

When the word “parting” fell on the paper, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

There was a loud thunder in his ear, and lightning crossed the night sky, which shone through the whole room. The strong wind broke the windows, and the pages on the case fell to the ground.

He wiped the blood and gathered the papers one by one. No matter how the sand and stones were flying outside and no matter how the wind howled, he only took them back on the table and bound them.

No matter what the original intention of 《Everlasting Yearning》 was, he thought, he didn’t care.

Heartless, affectionate, a solitary boat, overwhelming sadness.

He was born in an empty silence, unaware and without knowledge, so he was ignorant and was heartless. The snow in his eyes covered everything in the world.

Skin, color, temperament and taste seemed to be ordinary.

But in this world of ordinary, when all the appearance was just outer skin, he still thought Ling Fengxiao was beautiful. When he forgot all the wonderful sounds and tastes in the world, the aroma of cold plum would still come in his dreams.

Therefore, this man became his heartless affection, and this lovesickness was like a medicine, from which he saw other feelings in the world.

For Lin Shu, this was 《Everlasting Yearning》.

He gently stroked the pen on the cover and wrote the words 《Everlasting Yearning》 with great emphasis. Unexpectedly, looking at the cover, he felt a touch of distant familiarity.

The cold wind howling outside of the window suddenly stopped.

The whole world was quiet. An unspeakable Qi activity rose from this thin book and filled the whole room and even the entire top of the mountain. There seemed to be a vision between heaven and earth, but he had no time to see it.

He lined up the eight peerless manuals, and the Qi activity became more and more powerful and vigorous like the powerful might of heaven and earth.

The cause and effect mirror floated spontaneously in the hall. When the last peerless manual was also put on the book case, he heard a click. The pattern on the back of the mirror was completely broken and copper rusts fell one after another.

Under the copper rust was another smooth mirror.

Lin Shu walked into the hall and looked up at this mirror.

There seemed to be infinite space and scenes in the new mirror. In a blink of an eye, he seemed to see his past life again.

——Thinking about his Senior Martial Brother’s description of the mirror. One side was the past and the other side was the future. In the past, what he saw in the mirror was the future, and now this side reflected the past.

According to Senior Martial Brother, the cause and effect mirror has another serious name, which was called “Evil Karma Platform”.

The Evil Karma Platform was a double-sided mirror.


His eyes widened suddenly. The scene in the mirror turned and stopped at the scene three years ago.

In the Great Wizard’s ‘Elysium’ or the Kingdom of Bliss, there was a Buddhist temple. In the center of the Buddhist temple, enshrined a dual-faced Buddha, one was the Past Buddha and the other was the Future Buddha. This Buddha statue did indeed connect the past and the future and was the core of the entire ‘Elysium’. The Past Buddha could trace the past, and the future Buddha could see the future.

When a person mastered the dual-faced Buddha, all causes and effects of the whole ‘Elysium’ and any changes at any time were under his control — it was Xiao Shao who accelerated the passage of time of the whole ‘Elysium’ and made it collapse, which broke the puzzle laid by the Great Wizard.

So, this double-sided mirror.....

He stretched out his hand in a daze and touched the mirror.

Immortal Lord Yuehua said that time was infinite and manpower was poor. He had three opportunities.

If time went back 20 years, could he see the secret peerless manual of Phoenix Mountain Villa?

Guiltless, who had been staying silently in the temple, grabbed his clothes.

Lin Shu acquiesced in his action.

The moment his finger touched the mirror, the sky whirled and he was in an infinite space.

Hundreds of millions of cause and effect lines were intertwined with each other and moving forward slowly, which was ten thousand times larger than the ‘Elysium’ of the Great Wizard. Too grand and complicated scenes were enough to shock the hearts and minds of all comers.

And this was also the river of time of the whole world — he could overlook all living beings from a higher dimension.

Lin Shu closed his eyes and deduced.

Twenty four years ago, in this river of time, which node was it.....

——He wanted to go back before Ling Fengxiao was born.


The author has something to say: There is no infinite reincarnation, and I don’t like ‘W’. I like high-dimensional attacks.

Points form a line, lines form surfaces. The two-sided Buddhas are related – Chapter 166. If you forget, you can review it, chirp, chirp.

Zaki~~we already had been given a small peek on who really is Lin Shu.

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