The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

Chapter 39: The Champion

Chapter 39: The Champion

For Karyl, this was a gamble. Using the badge in such a way, one that he had received from Kuwell for safe passage within the empire, was a risk. If Dushala grew even more suspicious and decided to investigate his identity, it would be problematic.

Their gazes met. In a trade where some sacrifices were necessary to gain others, what would she be willing to let go and what to seize? She must be rapidly considering her options.

This badge is only given to those undertaking secret missions within the empire. I could guess he wasn't just any kid, but this...

Dushala quickly concealed her surprise. "Indeed... If we can control the mining site as you suggest, then dreaming of Tatur's prosperity might not be so far-fetched. But how can we even acquire it? Even if it's abandoned land, legally it still belongs to someone. Though Tatur may lack laws, the continent does not."

This was her last card to play. If only there was a way to solve this too...

She casually pushed aside the badge Karyl had placed on the map, pointing instead to a location beneath it. "If we don’t obtain this land legally, the three kingdoms won't just stand by idly."

Karyl had been waiting for this moment, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Don't worry. You are well acquainted with the noble who owns that land."

Dushala’s face stiffened once more.

The owner of that place was... Baron Beryl, a sorcerer from the Kingdom of Istan, one of the three kingdoms.

A promising young man who could have become a great sorcerer but wasted his talent chasing after women. Even a so-called genius from a young age couldn't control his desires as an adult.

He called it love, but unfortunately, the women he entangled himself with were the daughters of a duke from the allied Kingdom of Tevanel and another from a count's family in the Kingdom of Fenria.

It was clear he was simply playing the field. Who would call that love?

He's lucky to be alive. The scandal could have led to his ruin, given his potential.

Yet, as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining. Despite everything, every battlefield he entered led to victory. Especially when defending the three kingdoms from the principality's attacks. Thanks to that, he barely managed to survive and was even awarded such a territory.

Now, nearing the age of sixty, he no longer partook in battles and had become nothing more than a hedonistic old sorcerer.

"What drives a man who lives neither for honor nor conviction?"

"...Women?" Dushala remarked, her expression one of disgust.

Karyl chuckled at her response. "Well, that's not entirely wrong for Beryl, but at his age, he's unlikely to fall in love again..."

Karyl said, making a circle with his thumb and index finger, "It's money."

He then opened a heavy pouch he had brought with him, spilling all of its contents onto the desk. "To deceive, we'll need to win over a few people besides Beryl. But they're all insignificant, so bribing them shouldn’t be hard."

A moment of silence followed as they took in the sight before them. "We'll spread rumors about the mining rights solely to Baron Beryl. Despite his age, he's not senile yet. As a sorcerer, he can't resist the allure of elemental stones."

Once hailed as a prodigy, he still harbored ambitions of making a name for himself in the central regions.

Dushala looked at Karyl with a serious gaze. "Honestly, this is nerve-wracking. But what if you're being sponsored by the empire? What if this is all a ploy to bring Tatur under imperial control?

"The gold coins I showed you are indeed from the empire, but they do not belong to the empire. Not even the royal family possesses such ancient coins."

Karyl displayed the gold coins before her. "At best, a few may exist in the black markets across the continent. If you want to verify their authenticity, feel free to do so."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "But I've shown all the evidence I can. I swear this has nothing to do with the empire. It is solely my doing."

Dushala mulled over Karyl's earlier mention of The Invisible Empire.

"Honestly..." She shook her head, as if surrendering.

"A badge followed by ancient imperial gold coins... Are you a dragon or something?"

"If it puts your mind at ease, then yes. It'll be a good excuse if things go south. “It was just a dragon's prank,” you can say."

"Stop joking. I'm being serious here."

"And so am I. It's no small matter to say I'll establish a new nation above the empire."

Dushala threw her hands up in exasperation. "Honestly, asking for more proof of your capabilities would be absurd at this point."

"Trust me. Tatur will become a city no one can overlook."

She felt as if she was being drawn into the depths of the boy's unfathomable eyes. Though it was said in jest, the notion that he might truly be a dragon crossed her mind.

Time seemed to stand still.

For the first time, a shudder ran through her body as she contemplated not just the fate of Tatur but her own as well. It felt like a gamble she was willing to take.

"And while I may not have powers to show off, I have something else."


"Find me at dawn. I'll show you something interesting." Karyl chuckled. "The secret of Tatur."

Dushala now found his smile almost frightening.


"Alright. So, is everything settled for now? Such a hectic day, wasn’t it?"

Leaving Dushala's base, the two walked through the dimly lit alleyways.

Suan asked, gazing at Karyl's back, "How were you so sure that Dushala would accept the proposal?"

"To be honest, I wasn't."


"I was prepared to kill her if things went south," Karyl said as he glanced at Suan's astonished face, his lips curling into a wry smile.

"Kamma is easy to deal with. He’s old and wants to cling to life for as long as he can, swaying with the shifting tides of power. He doesn't significantly influence the grand scheme of things. But Dushala, she's different."

As they continued their conversation, news came in. As expected, the deal with Beryl, as well as the lucrative sale of the barren land at such a high price, was met with unanimous approval.

"Even now, as things are progressing smoothly, she's still plotting. The annual black market is the only time when nobles from the empire, the principality, and the three kingdoms all gather in Tatur. Do you understand what that means?"

"I'm not sure..." Suan still seemed puzzled by Karyl's words.

Though he had gained some confidence from handling the contract with Dushala, Karyl's relentless demeanor made him feel like he wanted to return to the arena.

Karyl laughed lightly at him. "It means that Dushala, the sole organizer of the black market in Tatur, has connections with these nobles. And what we’re doing now goes directly against their interests. Just because she can put on a smile in front of me doesn’t mean she won't wear a stern face in front of them."

Suan’s eyes widened with realization. "You mean... she might betray us?"

"Not immediately. She'll weigh the advantages of stabbing us in the back through them. However, inviting the nobles here is also a burden for her. If any of the three balanced powers shift, it could easily become a pretext for war."

"I see..."

"Think about it, Suan. To be an information merchant, being fast isn't enough."

Suan nodded at Karyl's words.

In that regard, Dushala is far better. Both as a merchant and an information broker.

The problem was her inscrutable cunning.

But that's fine too. It just means she's pragmatic. Considering the survival of Tatur and her own safety, following me would seem like the best option to her.

That's probably why she agreed to his proposal as well. The surface won't change much. Tatur will remain a free city, managed by its administrators.

"There's much work to be done. Even now, people are still dying due to the Extermination Decree of Heresy. You want to save them, right?"

"Can we bring them here?"

"You, alone?" Karyl shook his head. "Impossible. Even if you can steer a boat, you’d only be able to save a few dozen people by crossing the river."

"Then..." "We just spread the word. Rumors fly faster than wyverns, sometimes turning lizards into dragons." Karyl knew that Suan Hazer was the only one who could do this job. "The name “King of Slaves” was more famous in the north than any other king.

“Use everything at your disposal to entice them to come on their own."

"Make them come on their own..."

"Your job isn't to ferry them directly, but to prepare a place for them to settle."

Suan’s brow furrowed slightly as he listened to Karyl's words. "But Tatur is already overcrowded. Even if the barbarians come, where will we...?"

"Aren't there plenty of vacancies?"


"Who else but you can freely navigate the Fonein River here? It's not like those places are going to be used for something else."

"Oh...!" Suan's eyes widened with realization.

"Right, the lawless port," Karyl affirmed. "We didn’t touch upon it since we were in a hurry, but you should be more than capable of managing it."


"Yes, who else but you to manage the lawless port in Tatur?" Karyl replied. "When Kamma first saw us, he must have been quite troubled, unsure whether to open the black market or not and whether he should acknowledge your identity."

"What do you mean...?"

"I told you, didn’t I? I'd give Tatur to you. So, how can you truly own this free city? I've already killed one of the four administrators. Should I kill the rest?"


"Killing them only gives rise to new administrators. This place isn't just for barbarians but also for those abandoned by the empire and the principality. Integration is a difficult task." Karyl slowly pointed at Suan's face. "Just like your two eyes."

Suan's expression hardened.

Suan Hazer was an integral part of Karyl’s grand plan, as he was the most suitable person for it, with a cause that could unite both the barbarians and the imperial citizens.

But that was not enough.


Karyl flicked a coin he had found in a building in the lawless port from his pocket and tossed it to Suan.

"That tattoo on your wrist when we crossed the river..."


"The Red-eyed Tribe doesn't bear such tattoos," Karyl stated, looking at Suan.

I had something similar myself.

When the Oracle was revealed, and Karyl was first summoned to the imperial palace, everyone doubted him because of his immigrant background. As a result, he had to prove his worth.

At that time, Olivurn made him an offer in front of the nobles—if he became the champion of the arena, he would gain their acknowledgment.

Looking back, maybe I hoped I'd die there...

Karyl had fought in seventy-five battles and emerged victorious in every single one. He made a record that was unparalleled.

As the youngest champion, Karyl had earned a tattoo similar to the one now on Suan Hazer's wrist.

The mark of a victor. Karyl continued walking.

"I didn't plan to deceive, but you have a great deal of work ahead. I'm counting on you, Champion of the Arena."


Suan Hazer watched Karyl’s departing figure in a daze. He slowly opened his hand, which held the coin, and stared at it intently. The coin rested on his palm, showing heads up.

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