The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

How Is This Possible?

[OCR room - 5PM -Third Person POV]

At the occult research club the atmosphere was always peaceful, and while that's mostly because they have an entire separate building for themselves, that's isolated from the main school buildings, it's also because Rias herself doesn't like noise, especially when she's here in Japan playing human. She much prefers to keep to herself and her peerage, with the exception of her best friend Sona of course.

And today, it's no different. Schools all over Japan as a whole make club activities after school hours for some reason, and thus all club members are to stay at school until approximately 5, maybe 5.30 in the afternoon.

Rias has her club and they are naturally not an exception, so here they all are, scattered across the club room, each one doing something different to keep himself/herself from getting bored.

Issei, who was literally sprawled across the room floor due to some not so kind stuff that he was subjected to by his club president and vice president, moaned aloud in annoyance.

No, not because he was dissatisfied about something, quite the contrary in fact, he enjoyed his new life as a devil, of course minus the fact that he had yet to get a familiar and was doing the flyer handouts by himself, but that's just a minor detail.

But now Issei was in fact bored, he wasn't used to staying at the school until early in the evening, hell, that's exactly the reason why he avoided clubs all together in the first place, at least until he was forced to enter one after becoming a devil.

*tap* *tap*

But suddenly with the distinct sound of leather shoes tapping across the floor and making their way over to the club room, the boring atmosphere was instantly dispersed, and all devils present straightened their backs, it seems that their guest has finally arrived.

They were indeed correct, and the door opened revealing Xeron, who took one look at all of them and calmly walked towards one of two sofas in the middle of the room.

And after sitting down and crossing his legs like he owned the place, he turned his eyes to the reason he was here in the first place.

“I’m quite curious about the reason that made the spoiled princess Gremory ask me for a favor, tell me little girl, does your brother know about this?”

He asked with a palpable amusement and a hint of ridicule, it wasn't like he had anything against the little girl, he just found her spoiled attitude a little pathetic for such an important figure in the supernatural world, but he won't be the one to complain if it brings him more benefits in the end.

And so, no-one spoke a word, and their individual reactions differed significantly in the face of Xeron's plainly disrespectful words.

Kiba and Koneko, as Rias's knight and rook respectively, didn't like when their own king was insulted, but like it or not, they couldn't do anything about it, so they just stayed silent.

Issei, was also annoyed but he wasn't stupid and also knew that Xeron wasn't telling his king that just to insult her, and because he didn't know much about Rias to judge if she was indeed spoiled or not, he also stayed silent.

Akeno however was a different story, she was always by her king's side and they were both considered childhood friends, and she can say with certainty that Rias in indeed very spoiled, in fact, it was her laziness and spoiled attitude that got her in this situation in the first place, but Akenk can't ultimately say anything because Rias is her king and she can't be disrespectful to her.

And lastly Rias was to no one's surprise, quite annoyed by the jab at her pride, and she was about to verbally lash out at him, and demand that he apologizes to her instantly, she wasn't used to being ridiculed and when in fact someone dare to do so, he/she was simply annihilated no questions asked, no-one can afford to insult the House Gremory, and by extension their Heiress.

But...she didn't do anything, and the fact very much angered her to no end, coupled with the fact that she wasn't a fan of Xeron in the first place was honestly quite nerve racking to the young and naïve Gremory Heiress.

'I…*sigh* I have no choice’

So, after mentally reminding herself to be in check, she finally asked the question that plagued her mind since her brother told her the news he found out about.

“Teacher Xeron, can you tell me what happened to Issei's sacred gear, and how come my brother told me that the literal Red Dragon Emperor himself has revived and was sighted in Sweden this morning?”

As predicted, the dragon emperor didn't like being imprisoned for long, and when he got the chance to be free and instantly grasped it, it's no wonder that news about his revival spread far and wide, Xeron was honestly impressed it took this long to do so.

“He's in Sweden? He sure is having fun, I wonder what he's doing there”

Contrary to what someone does when he hears that there is a literal Heavenly Dragon currently roaming free in another country, Xeron here was wondering about what said dragon was doing there instead, and that annoyed the young heiress even more, if that was even possible.

“Can you please tell me what will happen to Issei's gear? I asked my brother and he had no idea”

She's basically making sure that Issei is still indeed the Red Dragon Emperor, despite him not possessing the Ddraig anymore, the gear was still functioning perfectly, which not only puzzled her, but also was an enigma to both her brother and also the smartest devil alive, Satan Ajuka Beelzebub.

But instead of answering her question, Xeron instead showed a bored face, while calmly sipping the tea that Akeno prepared for him after he arrived into the clubroom.

“Thank you for the delicious tea little Akeno, how is your mother by the way”

After being suddenly addressed, Akeno found herself replying truthfully while blushing slightly, she was used to lustful and arrogant looks being directed her way, and being looked at with such gentleness and sweetness from such a dangerous individual was a new experience to the devil fallen hybrid.

So, she bowed slightly to hide her blush, and answered while smiling brightly, she was happy her mother was finally home after all.

“Thank you for the compliment Teacher, and my mother is doing perfectly fine, thank you again for bringing her back to me again”

He just shook his hand in the air, to both get her to straighten her back, and to say that helping her wasn't something difficult.

So she complied and straightened her back, but there was a question that was stuck at the back of her throat that she couldn't bring herself to mutter.

….Why me? What was the reason that made him help me without something in return? What's so special about a worthless servant that has him treating her with such gentleness?

It may be harsh, but it was undoubtedly the truth.

Compared to him, she was less than an ant, and she had nothing to offer when she asked him to revive her mother and she knew it. It was basically just a last ditch effort in the hopes of being reunited by her mother, so why?

…She couldn't bring herself to ask, and like the weak woman she always was, she'll just live her life in the hopeful facade, praying that her new life along with her revived mother wasn't just a cruel dream all along.

“....Can you please answer my question?”

Akeno couldn't think for long, and she was immediately pulled back to reality when her king asked yet again, which brought out an irritated sigh from the demon in question.

“There's nothing to say, I had Ddraig revived in exchange of him being my familiar and for the sacred gear to continue working as intended, just with him not guiding the user that's all”

He said plainly while putting down the finished tea cup while he himself stood up, preparing to leave.

“W-Wait!! Is the Red Dragon Emperor now your familiar?! And how will Issei train without Ddraig helping him to do so?!”

Seeing the demon get up in preparation for leaving, she also stood up and asked pleadingly, Issei was her only hope in the Rating game that will decide her marriage after all, so she can't afford to let him be crippled even before the match even started.

But reality was often cruel, and the demon didn't stop to listen to her rambling.

“He just has to train harder, maybe even ask Ddraig himself for advice, I don't know”

He said dismissively while going towards the door, and after opening it and going half way out, he looked back towards them and spoke while smirking.

“What I do know is that you all should get prepared, because it's about to get more interesting”

He shut the door behind him and left, and as Rias was about to sit down again to contemplate the situation, the door was suddenly slammed open.

“Rias!! there's multiple stray devils wreaking havoc at the edge of the town, come quickly!”

Sona Sitri, adorning a stone cold face along with an urgent voice, came in and dropped another bomb onto the honestly despairing Rias.

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