The Abyssal Lord (DxD)


When Shuri's soul first possesed the demon's body, it didn't do much.

But when Xeron fused them permanently the body underwent some physical changes.

The hair stayed and horns stayed the same but the eyes changed from golden red to golden brown, and her face completely changed to resemble a more mature Akeno, which is Shuri's original look. Her body however, retained its curvy allure.

It didn't mean she wasn't attractive before dying, but that simply doesn't compare to her current looks.

With a huge set of boobs, about the size a small melon each, followed by a small waist that perfectly compliments her wide hips, that sports a pair of mouth watering milky white legs, that end with her two feet standing bare on the ground.

It's safe to say the Shuri now may compete for the title of the most beautiful woman there is…or well demoness there is.

“Shuri, get up” 

Xeron says lightly while snapping his fingers and dressing the naked demoness in a long black robe that perfectly hugs her curves in all the right places.

Shuri didn't seem bothered by her nakedness and doesn't seem surprised when he seemingly dressed her out of thin air.

She just does as he commands and gets up from kneeling slowly, albeit while swaying in place a bit.

“You are dizzy, it's probably because you haven't adapted to it yet”

He goes silent and continues again.

“You should sleep and let your soul assimilate completely with the body, and tomorrow come with me to the school and I'll let you meet Akeno”

Shuri nods slowly while looking both joyed and saddened. The former because of eventually meeting her daughter and the latter because she first has to wait.

But as she has waited for who knows how long already, a day more won't make a difference.

Xeron nods slowly and turns to Grayfia.

“Grayfia, prepare Shuri a small meal and then guide her to a room to sleep in”

The maid bows then goes outside the room, accompanied by an awkwardly walking Shuri.


While watching Shuri and Grayfia leave, a voice pulls the attention of Xeron, and he turns his head to his servant goddess while waiting for her to speak.

“May you permit me to ask two questions?”

Xeron just nodded and Izanami lowerd her head while speaking.

“...Master, do you intend to conquer this world? I can sense your immeasurable strength through our bond and it eclipses the energy of this whole world combined”

He doesn't respond but extends his hands to her forehead and touches it, and as he did to Shuri, he transfers all the events that transpired since his arrival directly to her brain.

The goddess doesn't move for a while, seemingly processing the information given to her, and after about five minutes she speaks again.

“I see, but that brings me to my next question”

She lowers her head even lower and speaks quietly and with no hint of malice or disrespect.

“My master, please tell me. What changed you so much?”

The small that Xeron always has on his face instantly vanishes, replaced by a deep emotionless look.

A look that the goddess didn't see, but she felt it. It made her body tremble like never before, it remained her of the time she first met Xeron all these years ago when she was still a young spirit.

But she didn't back down, and pressed on despite the silent warning.

“...You were cruel, dominating and cunning. You seeked destruction wherever you went, brought despare to whoever you met and spread chaos and conquest on whatever you picked”

“Master, I can not disobey you and won't pursue if you refuse to answer me. But I ask of you to please, clear up my confusion”

The woman stares at the ground while muttering to herself.

“How can the cruelest being there is, born to the cruelest race their is, come to help a maiden, just he finds her situation pitiable”

She then gets on her knees and bows in front of him on the ground, and with her face still pointed at the ground she continues speaking.

“...Why? How can this be? Didn't this world reject your kind? Didn't that arrogant god and the two dragonic gods deny your race the chance to even speak? Didn't they slaughter your population in a war that spanned over a century? Then WHY?”

She asks every question with maddening intensity while still slumped on the ground, and by the end of it all, she was literally screaming but it didn't seem to be the end as she lifts her head, and reveals her crying face.

She suddenly grins savagely and while the tears are streaming down her face she almost growls.

“Didn't this world take who you love most? Your precious Zeedeus was fatally wounded that you were forced to r-”

She didn't get to finish her little monologue when Xeron flashed in front of her kneeling form and stomped her head to the ground.


The woman groaned in pain but still looked up to him with her eyes, just to find Xeron with his horns out and his hair turned into black flame while glaring with silent rage at her.

His eyes turned pitch black with blood red irises, glaring at her soul.

But instead of looking scared as one should normally, the goddess instead looked ecstatic, as her body trembles slightly while she screamed frantically.


He kicks in the stomach, and she flies across the room slamming into the fireplace and destroying the bricks.


She then drops to the ground and lays on her knees while clutching her stomach and coughing.

She turns her head slowly to the now approaching Xeron whose body now completely covered in dark scales, and radiates a smell of burning sulphur.

The goddess smiles again and speaks to her master, who now could kill a being by just looking at him.

“*cough* *cough* We should destroy the world the denied us our happiness my master, now that you have the power we can finally d-”

<That's enough>

She didn't get to continue speaking because suddenly Xeron spoke, and out from his mouth came incomprehensible screeching that shook the goddess to her core.

She instantly stopped talking and stayed silent, not daring to look at her master. 

And seeing her not speaking anymore, Xeron breathed out a sigh to try to calm himself down and after a while he succeeded and reverted back to his human form again.

He then seated himself back on his sofa, while massaging his forehead and sighing.

“Izanami, I know that this world has wronged you a lot in the past that you wish to extinguish it whole. But do not, I repeat DO NOT try to manipulate me into doing your bidding again, am I understood?”

The woman who was still sprawled on the ground beside the fireplace, just nodded repeatedly while trembling, it seems that what just happened truly scared the life out of her.

“The heavenly father, the one who wounded Zeedeus is dead. And I have no need for a dead world, so I shan't pursue it”

The woman looks down to the ground and silently shakes, upon closer looking at her figure, you can see tear drops dripping down at the floor beneath her. Which Xeron sees which makes him sigh sadly.

He then snaps his fingers healing Izanami instantly, and teleporting her in front of him.

“Izanami, as your Master and a person who went through something similar to what you went through, you should move on. One can't let themselves wallow in misery for eternity”

The goddess doesn't look at his face and just keeps silently crying, to which the demon just sighs while adding sadly.

“You may go and be alone, I shall call for you when I need you again or you can come at anytime my doors are always open for you”

“Also say hello to little Amaterasu for me, you have to introduce her to me sometime. She's your daughter after all”

Izanami nods weakly, while getting up and after she wipes the tears off her face, she then teleports out, leaving Xeron alone in room with bricks all over it due to a destroyed fireplace.

He then turns his head towards the room's doors and stares directly through it, while his signature smile is back on his face.

“Grayfia, spying isn't polite. Didn't they teach you that in maid school?”

The door suddenly bursts open, revealing a leaning Grayfia, that was apparently spying on Xeron's previous encounter.

With a sigh, Xeron massages his head again while speaking tiredly.

“Come here”

The maid just shudders, then approaches her master slowly while trembling. and when she arrives next to him he holds her shoulders and calms her down with magic.

“I am called the Prince of Despair for a reason. My true presence induces unconfrontable despair, that only spirals out of control if your mind isn't strong enough, you should be more careful next time”

The maid, seemingly restored to her previous confident demeanor nodded while bowing in apology, which Xeron just chuckled at while responding.

“As for the other things that you've heard, I'll leave them to time. Which will eventually have you discover more things about me”

‘Meaning he won't explain, Huh'

Grayfia thought to herself as she bowed again, it seems her new master is someone she didn't even scratch the surface of yet.

Xeron looks at the clock that hangs on the wall and finds it to be one o'clock past midnight.

“Grayfia, I'm heading to sleep. You sleep as well, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow”

Nodding slightly she looks up to find her master already leaving the room.

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