The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Too Many Deals

[Xeron's Mainson - Third Person POV]

The mansion didn't seem to get a rest since Xeron got it a couple of days ago.

First, there were the devils, then demons, now fallen angels, going down this route, Xeron's house will slowly but surely house all races, judging by the way things are going at the moment.

But, let's leave that topic for later, and get back to the one currently at hand.

Azazel, the first fallen angel and leader to the entire fallen angel organisation called Grigori, was currently sitting next to another fallen angel, they were both drinking tea and relaxing. Well, at least they should have, if not for the visibly tense Raynare and the less visibly tense Azazel.

The first fallen was particularly unnerved by how easily the demon unraveled the blood ties between him and Raynare. But after a couple of seconds thinking, he found it fairly logical.

How do you ask? Simple, it is simply because of their souls. Any living being powerful enough can sense or even interact with souls at a certain level, and a being as powerful as Xeron will surely since the similarities between Azazel and Raynare.

So, he grabbed his teacup and gestured for Raynare to do the same, and they both sat down on the sofa directly in front of the demon.

And after sensing that the demon didn't have any I'll intentions in his actions, and that he just wanted to talk, the first fallen relaxed a little, which allowed him to look around and see explore a little, and imagine his surprise when he saw the goddamn ‘Silver Queen of Annihilation' next to the demon.

Seemingly noticing that, Xeron smiled slightly but didn't make any comments, it seems he doesn't want to say anything for now.

“Before we begin our talk, there is someone else that is yet to join us”

Xeron said, which somewhat confused the Azazel, but he didn't say anything.

Don't underestimate him, he saw it coming based on the presence of an extra teacup on the table, but it still made him wonder who the guest was.

For a moment, his eye darted towards the still unconscious boy that was now moved towards the end of the room, but being sprawled on the ground away from the main seats meant that it wasn't him, so who was it?

“Ddraig Goch, would you like to join us in this lovely conversation we're about to have?”

Xeron turned his face towards Issei and spoke to the dragon inside him, which after a second made a red gauntlet with a green orb in the middle appear on the boy's hand.

“Xeron Kezgenoth, it is a pleasure meeting the Abyssal Prince of Despair himself”

The moment the gauntlet appeared, and the voice of the dragon was heard around, Azazel's face snapped towards the voice's direction and he was grinning widely. It seems that the man didn't expect that the seemingly ordinary boy was the holder of the Boosted Gear Longinus.

“The Welsh Dragon? I certainly didn't expect that after you practically threatened me to come here”

Despite the words that he was speaking, Azazel didn't seem to actually hold a grudge, the opposite actually. He was excited, and knowing his love and fascination with sacred gears made it all make sense.

And at the complete opposite of the spectrum was Raynare, who was shivering slightly at the sudden revelation, the boy she was about to murder was the holder of a Longinus, it seems that death surrounded her from every angle, but nobody in the room seemed to care much.

“Oh? You actually know about me? Interesting, I have been led to believe that most of this world's denizens are unaware of my or my species existence”

Xeron commented slightly in an unconcerned tone, but that only received an eye roll from Azazel.

“Please, how can we forget the single most dangerous war that ever happened. A war so devastating that even our asshole of a father, only let the elite of the angles participate in”

He then continued while shivering slightly.

“I still have some not so pleasent memories of that by the way, as I believe every one old enough to have witnessed that war”

It seems that only those who preceded humanity are aware of the demons as a whole, and those who did, chose to not reveal about their existence, which was to avoid panic by Xeron's guess.

Of course, knowing that at any moment some otherworldly monstrous race, can invade your world and conquer it can put a strain on anyone's mind, even the most resilient of the bunch.

So, they choose to hide it, hoping that the demon race remains banished from their world for as long as possible. Which unfortunately ended at the hand of the demon currently present.

“Tiamat, or the ‘Chaos Karma Dragon' as they call her, made sure that all dragons conceived during her lifetime were aware of the existence of demons, and especially aware of your existence, but we never knew why that was the case”

The statement drew question marks at the head of each on le present, but the man concerned himself, didn't have any particular reaction. He just laughed a little and stayed silent.

“As for the request to join you all, I would've loved to, but as I currently possess no physical body, I cannot participate, but no worries I can still converse from here”

“Heh, that won't do. Come here so we can have a proper conversation”

“Wha!!!” x3

Xeron, just chuckled slightly and snapped his fingers, and what happened had every one in the room dangle their mouth half open. Yes, even Grayfia, who was only silently observing up until now.

Above Issei's unconscious body there was something or someone floating, it was a soul of a man in his late twenties, he had white skin, crimson eyes and crimson starightend hair that went all the way down to his shoulders.

He was wearing a long black robe, with crimson patterns splattered across it, and a black pants accompanied by matching black shoes.

The man’s eyes widened slightly and he snapped them down to his body and ran his hands all over it, but the moment his hands were about to touch the rest of his body, they went through it like it was a mirage.

This deflated the man and he appeared visibly irritated, but he appeared to have noticed something and his eyes sprung to life again. He then floated towards an empty sofa and sat on it while crossing his legs. 

“Let me introduce myself again, my name is Ddraig Goch, an I am the being known as the Red Dragon Of Domination”


“...I see, so you made a contract with the major two powers governing the world huh”

Azazel was the first to speak, after that was Ddraig who just nodded silently in his soul form and lastly there was Raynare, who looked like a little kid being taken to her father's work, which funnily enough wasn't inaccurate.

“...T-Then you mean to say that, there is a world that's full of bloodthirsty demons and they are all under the command of single being which is you?”

Xeron smiled an innocent smile, full of sunshine and rainbows….Which didn't fit the two rows of point teeth in his mouth, but the expression as a whole was quite welcoming and said in the most friendly voice he can muster.

“Indeed, but don't fret little girl! They won't bite you unless you bite them first!”

“S-Stop c-calling me little girl! I have been alive even before God created humans!!”

It's unknown whether Raynare snapped because of being called little girl, or because of Xeron's attitude but, one thing is for certain, she couldn't win a verbal skirmish with the demon himself.

“And? I don't even know how old I am? Maybe even before your entire world came to be, so to me you're still a little girl. Heck, even your father is a little boy in front of me but calling him that disgusts me, so I don't do it”

Azazel rolled his eyes again, and Raynare just huffed. It seems that they really are father and daughter.


A clapping sound was heard, gathering the attention of everyone present on Xeron, and after they were all silent, he started speaking again.

“Now that the boring stuff was over, let's move onto the juicy bits, starting with Azazel, because it's a pretty simple topic”

Azazel, now completely relaxed due to Xeron having explained to him about the contract and it's implications was all ears, and based on the personality of this demon that he both knew from before and now, he can say with certainty that whatever he has in store is sure to be interesting.

“After coming to this world again and researching a bit, I discovered what you call ‘sacred gears' which were created by your father, and where designed for humans. And they seem to be interesting, don't you agree Azazel?”

Xeron said with a grin, which the fallen returned to him before he spoke himself.

“I agree, I didn't like that shitty father of mine much, but he was sure talented, I'll give him that”

The fallen spoke with a scowl but it carried a hint of respect in it, which brought a nod from all present, except for the dragon.

“That Goddamn bastard was a thief!! He went around collecting souls like it's fuckin christmas and shoved it all in his so-called ‘humanity’s ultimate weapons' and called it a day!! If I knew at the time I would end up as a tool I would've killed him myself!!”

The dragon growled out the words making his displeasure with the heavenly father clear, which no-one blamed him for, but no-one commented on it either.

“Continuing, after further research. I discovered that he didn't just make the gears and called it a day, he chose 13 and empowered them with powerful souls thus crowning them as ‘Longinus’, restricted access of sacred gears’ to only humans and finally made a system for said gears to manage and circulate themselves automatically”

He stopped a minute for the people present to process what he said and then continued again.

“When I first heard about this, it drew my attention and following my tradition of stealing ideas from the heavenly father, I decided to make a similar system of my own. I have more than four times the power of a prime time Heavenly Father, so energy isn't an issue, but knowledge however is another story”

The reactions varied, Grayfia just raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, Ddraig was a little interested and was paying attention, Azazel was practically drooling and Raynare's face was as pale as a snow.

“And that's when you come in Azazel. You have a great deal of expertise on the topic, from what I've heard, and you seem like a nice guy so I thought why not? Let's have him aboard, demons aren't good creators after all, so it's always good to have someone more knowledgeable on the subject”

Azazel toned down the excitement levels a bit and spoke lightly to Xeron.

“I agree!! what I would've liked to say but, I'm sure the all great demon king won't just give us free lunch, so what's the catch?”

Xeron nodded at the fallen, seemingly pleased.

“It seems that time has matured you Azazel, the young Azazel I knew at the war, would've accepted immediately, then delt with the consequences afterwards”

Azazel at least had the decency to look away, while mumbling something about being a faction leader.


Raynare, for her part was seeing her father treated like child for the first time in her life, and she's not ashamed to say it was really funny.

But, after Azazel glared at her, she snapped her mouth shut and looked straight at the ground.

“And you are correct there is a catch, more specifically a few things you have to agree on before working with me”

“Alright, get it out. I'll read it over and decide if i should sign it or not”

Xeron smiled at the man, he begin to like him more and more….not in a romantic way of course, fuck that.

He then snapped his fingers and a flash of flames appeared in front of Azazel, revealing an old piece of paper, which we know is a Demonic Contract.

And it seems that the fallen was used to this from god knows where, he immediately grabbed the paper out of the air and started reading it loudly.

“Firstly, the individual known as ‘Azazel’ agrees not to share the research specific data to anyone, without the consent of the individual known as ‘Xeron Kezgenoth’.

Secondly, the system and artifacts that resulted from the corporation would be accessed by only the individuals that ‘Xeron Kezgenoth' agrees upon, which include the entirety of Grigori

Lastly, upon any breaking of the above rules, the the system will restrict the individual responsible and he will be held accountable by the individual known as ‘Xeron Kezgenoth'”

After he finished reading the contract, Azazel just nodded to himself and poured a drop of blood on the paper, sealing the contract and after it vanished in flames he held his hand up for the demon to handshake.

“A pleasure working with you Xeron”

He smiled a handsome smile, which Xeron returned while shaking his hand.

“Likewise Azazel”

Then after they both sat down again, Xeron turned to Ddraig, who was silently wondering what Xeron had in store for him.

“You however are another story, I'll tell you what I want from you but first I need you to answer a question”

Ddraig didn't say anything and just waited, he'll see what the demon wants of himself first then decide what shall be done.

“How does it work, this boosted gear of yours?”

The dragon just raised an eyebrow at the question, he guessed the demon would have probably asked about something more impactful, but it seems that he was after something, so the dragon contemplated if he should answer him or not.

But in the end, he chose to answer him. Mostly because Ddraig was curious about what will happen after.

“The boosted gear draws upon my authority as the Red Dragon Of Domination to draw raw power equivalent to mine in quantity from the dimensional gap then I lend it to the boosted gear user in the form of my very own powers, but not all at once of course. Only an amount the user's body can handle”

The words made Xeron nod his head a couple of times in acknowledgment, he seems to have known this but wanted to confirm it.

Azazel however, was scribbling madly at a notebook he got from god knows where, his grin that was from ear to ear was somewhat creepy looking.

“So it doesn't get the power from your soul? That's certainly interesting. I always thought the the heavenly dragons where the source of power”

Azazel asked Ddraig, which made the latter scoff and reply bluntly.

“How can it draw power from me if I don't possess a body anymore? Power needs a vessel to hold it, while the soul shapes said power. That is the way of every living being there is”

The room then becomes silent with only the sound of notes being scribbled echoing around.

And after a minute or two, Xeron's voice was heard again.

“Then I have an offer for you, Ddraig Goch, would you become my familiar?”

“I accept”


A mind-boggling question followed by an equally immediate mind-blowing response.

Words alone cannot express the consequences of this decision, the famous unyielding and arrogant Red Dragon Of Domination is a familiar to someone is unheard of, news like this will shake the entire supernatural world!

“That quickly? I assumed that you'll think about it at least”

Xeron said what's on everyone's mind, but the dragon shakes his head left and right lightly while sighing.

“I am not fond of living my entire life as a tool, if I am to be a familiar, then so be it”

It seems that the dragon was expecting a similar offer, so he didn't hesitate when presented with the chance.

Azazel shuddered slightly. Honestly, the only saving grace is that the Red Dragon Of Domination doesn't have a bod-.....wait a minute!!

“It is settled then, no need for a contract because a familiar bond is already in place. You verbally confirmed it after all”

He says lightly then with the dreaded snapping sound he always does, a body manifests on the ground.

The body is that of a male demon, but without the charred black skin, it looks mostly human, if you ignore the horns and the massive 7foot figure.

“But I ask you to leave a small part of your soul in the boosted gear, I'll make it work as an anchor and allow the boosted gear to keep working as intended. It'll just require the wielder to work extra hard that's all”

Ddraig narrowed his eyes in contemplation and didn't outright refuse, and after seemingly coming to a decision he speaks.

“Will this weaken me in any way?”

Xeron just shakes his head while gesturing towards Issei and making the boy's body float in the middle of the room.

“No, the small part of your soul will only be there as an imprint of sorts, and I'll leave a part of my power to do the actual process of fetching raw power from the dimensional gap to the gear”

“Then I agree”

Ddraig ethereal body spits out a small crimson glowing orb, much larger than the one Shuri's body made and much more potent. It was about the size of a ten-pin bowling ball.

Then the orb floats towards the gear that has appeared in Issei's hand and enters inside.

Xeron raises his hand and a similar orb glows above it, but the one that Xeron made is pitch black and two times the size of the one Ddraig made.

It didn't carry the ethereal feeling of Ddraig's soul fragment, because it wasn't a soul. It was a semi sentient spell of sorts, that Xeron casted for the single task of gathering power from the dimensional gap and channeling it to the gear while sustaining itself.

After the two orbs were absorbed by the gauntlet it disappeared, and Xeron casted a spell on Ddraig's soul and unbinded him from the gear.

The moment the dragon found himself unshackled, his soul rushed into the demon's body that's lying on the floor.

Xeron layed Issei's body down on the far away sofa, and cast a binding spell on Ddraig's new body.

The body's shape slowly morphed into what Ddraig's soul form looked like and after a few minutes the Red Dragon Of Domination opened his eyes again after a very long time.

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