The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 17

Chapter 16

Yun Feiwu wrote… No, to be precise, he drew a bunch of stick figures.

Stickman fighting each other with swords, stickman walking hand in hand with schoolbags on their backs, stickman who looks like aliens, two stickman hugging like a word “soft”…whatever type have.

The point is, she’s still pretty ugly.

The kind that is so ugly that both people and gods are angry and indescribable.

It’s really hard to imagine how Yun Feiwu drew such a ghostly thing with such a serious look.

Xia Shutong tried hard to hold back her laughter, but her eyes softened.

She vaguely remembered that when she was a child, she also liked to draw stick figures with branches on the river beach behind her home.

At that time, few people went to the dirty old river beach, and she could play there all afternoon by herself.

No one bullies her there, and no debt collector looks at her with strange eyes…

Speaking of which, she was always a very timid and cowardly child when she was a child.

I dare not take the initiative to say hello to my neighbors, dare not speak loudly to others, and only dare to hide behind my mother when I am bullied.

I remember that there used to be three boys near my house, who would throw stones at her when they saw her. After my mother accidentally found out about this, she was so angry that she dragged her sick body and went to the houses of those boys with a stick.

As a result, one is an orphan whose parents died, and the other two are left-behind children with only grandma left at home. Both are a group of weeds growing everywhere, and no one is more noble than the other.

After returning home, her mother educated her earnestly, telling her not to be so cowardly, and if she was bullied, she had to learn to fight back and protect herself.

It seems that when my mother was alive, she taught her a lot of great principles, but she couldn’t understand a word at that time.

Later, the mother died. She couldn’t remember a single thing after that.

Xia Shutong gently caressed the stickman on the paper with his fingers, and his heart also surged emotionally.

She is more and more curious about what she has experienced in these years and how she became what she is now.

“How about Mr. Xia? Isn’t Xiaoyun’s acting skills particularly good? Tsk tsk, you can draw the feeling of drawing a world-famous painting, it’s amazing!” Dai Su didn’t notice what Xia Shutong was thinking at all, and chirped.


Xia Shutong nodded absently, folded the paper and put it in her bag.

Xia Shutong flipped through the audition list again, and asked casually, “Director Dai, do you have a suitable second female candidate in your mind?”

“Bian Xin.” Dai Su’s attention was successfully diverted, “Although Bian Xin is taking the traffic route, her acting skills are still good. I looked at the list of auditions to come, and if there is no accident, it will be her.”

Xia Shutong nodded, silently remembering the name.

Soon, the next round of auditions will begin.

Not many actors participated in the audition for female number two, there were five in total, and Bian Xin happened to be the third.

Her appearance is sweet and cute, and her figure is petite, which really fits the image of the second female lead, Zhou Lingxue. There was no fault in her acting skills, so after this round of auditions, the casting of the second female lead was decided.

After the audition, Dai Su went to Bian Xin and chatted excitedly for a while as usual.

Xia Shutong frowned as she watched from the side. She found that when Dai Su was so excited that he would forget himself, he would have a little habit of shaking hands. Of course, Xia Shutong would never let him hold his hand. I shook hands with him once, and never reached out again.

But Bian Xin kept reaching out his hand obediently, letting Dai Su hold it straight each time.

If it wasn’t for Xia Shutong’s knowledge that Dai Su was infatuated with his deceased girlfriend, coupled with his idiot character, looking at this scene, Xia Shutong would have thought that he was a woman who wanted to be an unspoken actress.

As for whether Bian Xin has such an idea…

Xia Shutong squinted her eyes and shook her head slightly.

She knew that this kind of atmosphere had always existed in the industry, so as long as Bian Xin had outstanding professional skills and didn’t cause any trouble for her during the filming, then she didn’t bother to take care of it.

Anyway, it’s impossible for Dai Su’s heartlessness to have anything to do with Bian Xin. As for the staff of the film crew, Xia Shutong is watching, and no one dares to make trouble under her nose.

Next, I auditioned for several main supporting roles. After a day’s work, it was almost evening.

Xia Shutong was about to get up and leave, but was held back by Dai Su.

“Mr. Xia, I asked Xiao Yun and Xiao Bian to have dinner together, do you think you want to go together?”

Xia Shutong was startled: “I won’t go.”

It’s too late for her to hide from Yun Feiwu, how dare she eat with her!

But soon, Xia Shutong took off his sunglasses and raised his eyebrows vigilantly: “When did you make an appointment? Why did you invite them to dinner?”

It’s not that she doesn’t believe in Dai Su, it’s just that he is too much like a perverted director playing with unspoken rules.

After the audition, you asked the two heroines to have a meal together, what did you want to do?

Dai Su didn’t know what his image was like in Xia Shutong’s eyes, so he answered honestly:

“Oh, I made an appointment when I was chatting with them after the interview. Both of them played the main roles in the movie. I just wanted to communicate with them more before filming started, so as to get in touch.”

Indeed, “Chasing the Light” is a leading female lead film, almost the core of the whole film is carried by the heroine alone. Apart from Du Xian, the most photographed character is the female Er Zhou Lingxue.

Xia Shutong nodded, thinking: “Well, I won’t go, Xiaoqian will go with you.”

Dai Su himself was asking politely, since he doesn’t know how to exchange plots with Xia Shutong anyway, it doesn’t matter to him who goes, so he nodded without thinking.

Yun Feiwu hadn’t made any announcements these days, so she and her manager Tao Wei were the first to arrive at the dinner party in the afternoon.

As soon as he was seated, Yun Feiwu immersed himself in the script and read the script carefully, with a cold demeanor, naturally revealing a trace of the aura of a giant thousands of miles away.

After getting along for a few days, Tao Wei has gotten used to her indifferent and alienated character.

Tao Wei is one of Wutong’s top managers, and she brought out several top trainees in the company.

Before this, Tao Wei was still a little worried. After all, Yun Feiwu was making movies, whether she would look down on their company or even play big names, but soon, she realized that she was worrying too much.

Yun Feiwu is indeed indifferent, and she will not speak when she can, but she is very serious about her work and respects the staff around her, and she will hardly cause them any trouble.

It’s no wonder that Yun Feiwu’s reputation in the circle has been good all these years after his debut.

Because of this, Tao Wei made up her mind. Since Yun Feiwu trusts her and their company, she can’t live up to their trust. No matter what, she must provide Yun Feiwu with a development space far beyond Xinghui.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the box door.

Yun Feiwu looked away from the script and looked at the people who came in.

First the director Dai Su, and then Qian Lingling behind him…just the two of them.

Xia Shutong, are you not here?

Are you avoiding her?

Yun Feiwu suppressed the doubts and disappointment in his heart, and was about to insinuate and ask, Tao Wei went up to meet him: “Director Dai, Xiaoqian, good evening. Hey, isn’t Mr. Xia coming tonight?”

“President Xia still has work to do,” Qian Lingling said.

Tao Wei: “Hey, as expected of Mr. Xia, we only have work in our eyes. Xiaoqian, you have to persuade Mr. Xia to pay attention to your health when you go back.”

How do you say it is like asking your wife to go back and tell her husband who is dedicated to work?

Yun Feiwu lowered his head calmly, the corners of his mouth drooping for a moment.

My heart is a little sour.

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