The Adventurer’s Academy

Blood Ties, Part Nine

Rin breathed out slowly as Eve's healing magic washed over her. 

The pain in her limbs slowly ebbed away, replaced by a gentle warmth that spread through her body.

"Thanks, Eve," Rin murmured, rolling her shoulders experimentally. "How're your wings doing?"

Eve flexed them with a grimace. 

"They're fine. Thanks for breaking my fall, by the way. That was nice of you." 

Rin smiled. 


As Eve finished up, Rin took the opportunity to survey their surroundings. The colorful, odd forest loomed around them, a dense tangle of ancient trees and twisted vines. 

[Great,] Rin thought, her brow furrowing. [We could be anywhere in this green maze.]

She strained her ears, hoping to catch some distant sound of Ysmor or their companions, but all she could hear was the soft rustle of leaves and the occasional bird call.

"Well... We're completely lost, aren't we?" Eve asked with a nervous chuckle. 

"Looks like it. But we can't just sit here and wait to be found."

She chewed her lip, her mind racing as she tried to formulate a plan. Suddenly, an idea struck her.

"Hey, Eve," Rin said, turning to the fairy. "How are your wings feeling now? Think you could fly up above the canopy and see if you can spot the others?"

Eve fluttered her wings experimentally.

"I think so. It's worth a shot, at least."

"Be careful," Rin warned as Eve prepared to take flight. "We don't know if whoever attacked us is still out there. If you take a spell like the one that brought us down..." 

"Eh, I'm smaller than a drake, at least. Harder target, right?" 

Then, without further ado, with a determined nod, Eve zipped upwards, weaving between branches until she disappeared from view.

Rin waited anxiously, her eyes fixed on the spot where the fairy had vanished.

After what felt like an eternity, Eve reappeared, her expression crestfallen.

"Any luck?" Rin asked, though she already knew the answer from Eve's face.

Eve shook her head.

"The trees are too thick. I couldn't see anything but leaves in every direction. Sorry."

Rin sighed, running a hand through her tangled, black hair.

"Thanks for trying."

She stood up, brushing dirt and leaves from her clothes.

"Looks like we'll have to do this the old-fashioned way. We'll pick a direction and start walking. With any luck, we'll run into the others or find some sign of civilization."

"And if we don't?" Eve asked, her voice small.

Rin managed a wry smile.

"Then we continue to keep walking until we do. Come on, let's get moving. The longer we stay in one place, the harder it'll be for Lisa and Jany to find us."

"Alright." Eve took to the air. 

"Hold on," Rin called out. "Come here." 


"Hop on my back," Rin clarified. "I don't want you tiring out your wings. Chances that we get into a fight are pretty high, whether it's against what shot us or against a monster. So, come on." 

Eve nodded, flying over to her. 



With Eve's arms around Rin's shoulders, Rin began their trek through the dense Cardanian forest.

The undergrowth was thick, forcing Rin to push aside branches and vines as they made their way forward.

As they walked, Rin noticed Eve's wings drooping slightly, her face etched with concern. Rin reached up to give her friend a reassuring pat.

"Hey, we'll be okay," Rin said softly. "We've been through worse, right?"

Eve shook her head, her eyes distant.

"It's not us I'm worried about, Rin. It's Lisa and Jany. What if they're hurt? Or, what if whoever attacked us found them first? I... I hope we find them in time." 

Rin's steps slowed as she processed Eve's words.

She was beginning to get a sneaking suspicion of something. She hesitated for a moment before asking:

"Eve... do you still have a crush on Lisa?" 

The fairy's cheeks flushed. She was quiet for a long moment before answering with a small nod.

"I know, I know, I'm pathetic. I've tried to move on, I really have. But she's just so... kind. And smart. And beautiful." Eve sighed, her tiny shoulders slumping. "I know she doesn't like me back like that, but... I can't help it." 

Rin felt a pang of sympathy for her friend.

"I'm sorry. That must be really hard."

"Yeah, well," Eve shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant despite the sadness in her eyes. "It is what it is, right? I just want her to be safe."

Rin opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, a loud crash echoed through the forest.

She whirled around, her body tensing instinctively.

From between the trees, a massive creature emerged.

It looked like a bear, but its fur was an unnatural shade of purple, and its eyes glowed with an eerie green light. Atop the beast sat a man, his face hidden beneath a dark hood.

"Uh... Hello" Rin called out, her voice steady despite her racing heart. "We don't mean any harm. We're just lost and looking for our friends."

The hooded figure remained silent. Then, without warning, he raised a gnarled staff, pointing it directly at Rin and Eve.


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