The Adventurer’s Academy

Blood Ties, Part Seven


Eve watched as the Elder led Rin away to meet with the shaman.

She couldn't help but feel a small amount of envy at Rin's unique ability, wishing she could do something similar to help the poor, afflicted creatures.

Just as she was about to follow Rin, Lisa's gentle hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Hey, Eve?" Lisa asked, her voice soft as ever.


"Would you mind staying here with me for a bit? I'd like to inspect these monsters a little more closely. Would be nice to have a second mage's opinion." 

Eve's heart skipped a beat. Her wings began to flutter just a bit quicker. 

"S-Sure, no problem!" she stammered, hoping Lisa couldn't hear the nervousness in her voice.

As Rin walked away, she shot Eve a knowing look, a smirk on her face making Eve's cheeks heat up, and she quickly turned away, pretending to be fascinated by a nearby cage.

Lisa, oblivious to the silent exchange, began examining the creatures more closely, her brow furrowed in concentration.

She moved from cage to cage, taking note of the glowing blue veins and the monsters' erratic behavior.

"You know," she mused, "this reminds me of a few Essence-based diseases I've studied. The way the veins glow. It's kind of similar." 

Eve, trying to focus on anything other than the way Lisa's bright, emerald hair shimmered under the dim light, forced herself to pay attention.

"Really? What kind of diseases?"

Lisa launched into a detailed explanation, comparing the symptoms of the afflicted monsters to various illnesses she'd encountered in her studies.

"The aggression is the main difference. But, I've seen these types of veins before. Darker though, never quite this... intense." 

"Ah, I... I see." 

Eve tried to follow along, but she found herself constantly distracted by the sound of Lisa's voice, the way her hands moved as she gestured, and the cute little wrinkle that appeared between her eyebrows when she was deep in thought.

[Ugh... And here I thought I'd moved on. Shit.] 

As they moved further into the chamber, Eve couldn't help but steal glances at Lisa whenever she thought the healer wasn't looking.

She took in every detail, from the way Lisa's green hair cascaded over her shoulders, to the kindness that shone in her eyes, to the gentle curve of her smile.

And then... there was also her huge rack. 

[By the divine...] 

Eve found herself unable to look away.

Eve shook her head, trying to clear her mind of the inappropriate thoughts.

She'd genuinely believed she was over her crush on Lisa, that she'd managed to push those feelings aside and focus on their friendship.

But being here, alone with her like this, made it all come rushing back.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

This wasn't the time or the place for such thoughts. They had a mystery to solve, creatures to save, and a potential crisis to avert.



Rin followed the Elder through the winding corridors of the palace, her mind still reeling from the events that had just transpired. 

As they approached a set of heavy wooden doors, the Elder paused, turning to Rin with a solemn expression.

"The shaman is just beyond these doors," he said, his voice low and reverential. "He is a wise and powerful man, deeply attuned to the ways of Spirit. If anyone can shed light on your gift, it's him."

Rin nodded, steeling herself for the encounter. The Elder pushed the doors open, revealing a dimly lit chamber filled with strange, arcane objects and the heady scent of incense.

In the center of the room, an old man sat cross-legged on a woven mat, his eyes closed in meditation. As Rin and the Elder approached, he opened his eyes, fixing Rin with a piercing gaze.

The Elder explained to him what was happening and the shaman just nodded. 

"Please, sit."

Rin did as she was asked, settling herself on the mat opposite the shaman. The Elder bowed respectfully and took his leave, closing the doors behind him.

For a moment, the shaman simply studied Rin, his eyes roaming over her features as if searching for something. Then, he reached into the folds of his robe and produced a small, ornate knife.

"I require a sample of your blood," he said, holding the knife out to Rin. "It will aid me in understanding the nature of your gift."

Rin hesitated for a moment, eyeing the blade warily. But something in the shaman's gaze, a quiet assurance, made her reach out and take it.

With a quick, decisive motion, she pricked her finger, allowing a few drops of blood to fall onto the mat between them.

The shaman leaned forward, his eyes widening as he watched Rin's blood begin to glow with a soft, pulsing light. He reached out, hovering his hand over the drops, and closed his eyes, as if sensing something beyond the physical world.

"Fascinating," he murmured, more to himself than to Rin. "Your... Essence, it's unlike anything I've ever encountered."

Rin shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what to make of the shaman's words.

"I... I don't really understand it myself," she admitted, her voice hesitant. "All I know is that I seem to exchange Essence with others without even realizing it. It's like a constant give and take, happening in the background."

The shaman nodded, his expression thoughtful.

"And have you always been aware of this ability?" he asked, his gaze intense.

Rin shook her head.

"No, it's a recent discovery. I only found out about it a little while ago."

The shaman hummed, stroking his beard as he considered Rin's words.

"Intriguing," he mused. "If you'll excuse me for a moment, I may have something that could shed some light on this matter for you." 

With that, he rose to his feet, disappearing into a small alcove at the back of the chamber. Rin sat in silence, her heart pounding as she waited for the shaman to return.

When he emerged, he was carrying a large, leather-bound tome, its pages yellowed with age.

"Read this," he said simply. 

And, Rin had to hold herself back from tearing the cover off then and there. 

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