The Adventurer’s Academy

Blood Ties, Part Two

Rin's heart pounded in her chest as she trailed behind Cara.

They reached the lobby of the academy, and there, amidst some older students and faculty, stood Jany.

The sight of her was a shock. Jany, the Cardanian girl who'd helped save Lisa's life a month ago, so far from home.

She also... Well, she stood out, given that she was literally only wearing a loincloth and a bra made of animal fur.

Her fierce eyes scanned the area before fixating on Rin.

As soon as she saw her, Jany pushed past the group, her urgency palpable.

"Rin!" Jany's voice cut through the hectic scene. "I require your aid!"

Before anyone could react, Jany was at Rin's side, her grip on Rin's arm both firm and pleading. Rin, still stunned, found herself ushered out of the academy and into the warm afternoon light.

"Now, allow me to explain," Jany said, but Rin cut her off.

"Hold on, hold, on. We're, uh, we're still in public. Come on, I'll take you somewhere."

Jany looked slightly annoyed but nodded.

"Very well."

They found a quiet corner table at a cafe a few streets away. The aroma of roasted beans and warm pastries filled the air. Once they were seated, Rin pressed Jany for answers.

"Rin," Jany began, her voice barely a whisper, "a sickness. A terrible sickness has swept across our land shortly after you… after you all left." Her jaw clenched. She looked equal parts angry and confused.

"What kind of sickness? And how… how am I involved?"

Jany leaned forward, her voice filled with urgency.

"The healer we visited, he believes foreigners are at the heart of this issue. He says there's a chance the cause could be outsiders within our region." Jany crossed her arms. "If so, I want you to help. If you do not..." Jany trailed off momentarily. "I fear this will end in bloodshed."

Rin was absolutely stunned.

Some sort of illness had befallen the region almost as soon as the railroad project had been terminated and everyone left.

To Rin, that didn't make much sense.

"But, if we caused this illness, shouldn't it have occurred while we were there? And, shouldn't our leaving have alleviated it?"

Jany stopped to consider that.


"Then, how can foreigners be the cause when all we did was show up and leave?"

The question hung in the air for a few seconds. Jany considered that as a server walked up to their table.

She looked at Jany and her eyes widened but, to her credit, the lady quickly regained her composure.

"What will you be having?"

"Uh… We'll get back to you on that."

"Perhaps you weren't the only ones," Jany finally said, ignoring the lady standing beside them altogether. "What if others came? What if these others did more than just stand and leave?"

Rin crossed her arms.

"Then, maybe they're responsible." She conceded. "But, Jany, if you want help with this, I'm going to need some details. Give me something to work with here, cause right now all you're saying is that a sickness happened and you don't really know why. I'm an adventurer," Rin said, trying to be as gentle as possible. "I specialize in kicking people's butts, not curing diseases."

"… You are correct," Jany said slowly. "Could you come with me, then? We could look at what's happening together and if you still feel like there is nothing you can do, then, I will take you back here."

Rin sighed.

She took a moment to think about it. Curiosity was the main force making Rin hesitate to just say "no". If there was something she could actually do here, Rin wanted to help.

After a while, she sighed.

"Fine. We'll go take a look around. Maybe we can talk to a few people. But, like I said, I'm no doctor. If this is literally just a normal disease then I'm coming back, okay?"

"That is fair," Jany replied. "Come."

"Actually, now that I think about it, how did you even get here!?"

"Ysmor, my drake companion, took me," Jany responded. "That…" She paused. "That is part of why I want to deal with this problem, Rin. This illness, it mainly affects creatures."

Rin stopped.


"Come," Jany said once more. "I'll show you."

Outside the city, Jany and Rin walked a long away out from the gates to the trees in the far distance. There, a drake waited patiently in a small clearing, stirring as Jany and Rin approached.

The difference between the drake now and a few weeks ago was immediately noticeable.

"This color is not natural," Jany said, gesturing at the blue scales Rin's eyes were currently roaming. "Ysmor has been especially sluggish as of late as well. Indeed, most creatures seem to be feeling this way as of late."

The drake's slitted pupils fell on Rin as she stood before it. A certain feeling flickered over its face. Recognition?

An idea came to Rin, then.

"Wait! What am I doing? If this is a medical issue, I have someone we can talk to about it!"

"What do you mean?" Jany asked, one brow raised.

"The girl you saved," Rin replied, beaming. "Lisa!"

"Lisa," Jany said the name, as though she were tasting it on her tongue. "She is a healer?"

"Yeah. Comes from a family of healers, even. I'm far more confident in her ability to solve an issue like this than my own."

[Actually...] Rin thought, as a second person came to mind. [Maybe I could bring her too. If she's not busy right now.] 

"Very well," Jany shrugged. "If you feel it is wise to bring this person, then let us head back to your city. Indeed, if you believe anyone could be of use, bring them. My people require any assistance you might be able to give to us."

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