The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 88: The Dominion

I got more and more nations to join the union and I returned to Selethon to check the rebuilding process.

It was going well, and I helped a bit with magic.

“Rose, we are currently rebuilding the guild hall, but we are planning to make it a training ground.”

“That’s a good idea, if you reinforce it with advanced barrier magic, we could also train our higher-level skills without needing to leave the city.”

Then I received a system message.

[The Faction (Dominion) has requested negotiations on their capital world, do you wish to travel to their world?]

“What happens during negotiations?”


“The system is talking to me.”


[When a faction requests negotiation, the leaders meet in a selected spot, during that time, neither leader can attack the other. Note: the armies are not bound by nonaggression.]

“What’s Dominion’s relation with the God Slayers?”

[You do not have access to that information.]

“Rose, what’s happening?”

“A faction wants to negotiate, but I’m worried that it’s a trap.”

“I think you should do it, we can defend here, and if we get more allies, then that’s a win in my book.”

Everyone agreed, so I went back to the system.

“I will travel.”

[Travel beginning. Please stay a solid 3 feet away from anyone.]

I moved far enough.


A light struck down and I was pulled into it. It was like a flashbang. When it cleared, I was sitting in a chair, and a woman was sat in front of me.

“Hello, Cat.”


It was my sister, the nature dragon. We called her Reg, short for oregano, because of her love of cooking.

“My name is Regala now, but you are the leader?”

“Are you the ruler of Dominion?”

“Yes, I after that elf destroyed our nest, I ravaged nations until I reached 1000, then I entered the system and joined a faction. I worked my way up from there.”

“What level are you?”

“273, how about you?”


“Low, but since our native world is new to the system, that’s quite impressive.”

“Yes, also my name is Rose.”

“Rose, nice name, but how did you get classified as the leader?”

“You know my nature?”

“Yes, shard of the evil god.”

“Things have changed since then. The evil god was actually just corrupted by muck. I am the core of the creator of that world; therefore, it recognized me as the leader.”

“I see, I certainly missed things. Do you have word on the others?”

“Greeny, or Elren, is married and has a child. Crimson, or Thalia, just lost the person she loved in the attack by the God Slayers. Onyx took over our home nation. Ravi was killed by the elf, Saliad.”

“I see, so quite a bit has happened. It was good to reach out as an ally.”

“What prompted you to do so?”

“I heard that the Supreme Faction sent a force to protect that world, and I kind of wanted to see who they sent a force to protect.”

“I see, but yeah, the people slaughtered them with ease.”

“It makes sense, the lowest level in the Supreme Faction’s fighting force is 600.”

“That’s insane.”

“Yes, but since their ruler designed said system, He doesn’t have much trouble with it.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah, it’s not a secret, but it’s not exactly common knowledge.”

“I could see it, given Kala’s memories of the ruler.”

“Wait, the god you’re a piece of met Him?!”

“Yes, she originated from Earth.”

“Incredible, no wonder the God Slayers want her. She has access to that world.”

“Is that something incredible?”

“No one can reach Earth. The ruler of the Supreme Faction specifically blocked it off.”

“Wow, so the fact that we can reach it with ease is…”

“A rather useful trait… Tell me, sister. What do you think of the enslaving of the Supreme Faction’s ruler.”

“A fool’s errand.”


“He is far too powerful.”

“What level would you put him at?”

“I don’t know if there is a way to properly level Him, but if I had too, I’d say well over a million.”

“A million!?”

“Yes, we can consider ourselves transcendent all we want, but He is simply beyond.”

“I see…”

“So, what did you call me for?”

“I want to form a pact between our factions.”

“But I’m not recognized as a faction. We have no higher beings.”

“And? Your world counts as the faction until the higher beings are made, then you can claim other worlds.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

She stood up.

“I want to agree to two things. First, a nonaggression pact. Second, a mutual defense pact.”

“You are far stronger than us. What do you gain from this?”

“Please, not anyone can stand against a higher being as less than a 1, and with only 4 combatants you killed one over 300. Your world has massive potential, plus grinding to get everyone in the system is certainly ingenious.”

She smiled menacingly.

“Also, don’t think your world was the only one to see you gain a level without killing someone. Making unique skills is one way to level, but simply using them shouldn’t be.”

“I think the system was also confused.”

“Of course, it was. A person of Earth reincarnating at all is a unique thing, but to not only reincarnate, but as someone that strong…”

She looked me dead in the eyes.

“Not to mention, that’s the first time the system has had an error.”


“In all of recorded history, never once has the system had an error. Yet, not only do you originate from Earth, but you also can do that.”

“Is it related to the creepy smile?”

“Creepy smile?”

“It activates when I use a major amount of my power, it terrified Sal.”

“Hm… something new is involved.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, let me state it this way. Sal was an old man who never really focused on leveling, he explored and learnt of pretty much everything. For him to not only not know of something, but to be terrified by it… That is scary in of itself.”

“I see…”

Regala stood up.

“So, do we have a deal for the two terms?”

“Any fine print I should know of.”

“No. I have no reason to cheat you.”

It wasn’t a lie, so I also stood, and we shook hands.

[An alliance has been made between the junior faction ruled by Rose Hood, and Dominion.]

“Nice, so, I want to visit the world, just to see all that’s changed.”

[The Leader of the Faction (Dominion) has requested entry. Motive: Exploring home world.]

“Sure, why not?”

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