The Adventurous Gamer Ninja – Daichi Hekima.

Chapter 22 – One Year Training 03

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Gamer. Please support the official release.

Daichi opened his current training quest. 

Current Quest - ‘Get ahead of your peers’

Train hard and prepare for the academy. Become stronger than everyone in your generation. The path to the strongest begins here. Time limit: 10 Months



Increase your level to 13 by the time you join the academy

Learn Beginner Taijutsu and increase it to LV.15 

Learn Basic Chakra Control Technique and increase it to LV.15 

Increase your Basic Body Conditioning to LV.15 

Learn Beginner Shuriken Jutsu and increase it to LV.15 

Learn 1 E-Rank Ninjutsu or more (0/1)

Find out your Chakra Nature. 

Unlock any 2 special stats. 



1500 Exp, 

+1 Level

+3 To all awakened stat points

+1 LV. to all Skills

+12 Stat Points

Rep increases with everyone.

Rep massively increases with Kensei Yasaji.

New Title

Special Reward



-2 Levels

Rep decreases with the Leaf Village citizens.

Rep decreases with Kensei Yasaji.

Rep decreases with Academy Teachers.

Rep decrease with the ‘The Leaf 12’.

New Title


'Looks like I'm about to complete most of this quest but based on the amount of exp I need for each level, getting to 13 will take at least 7 or 8 more months. Still… I have 10 months remaining before joining the new semester. I'll be ready by then. Hmmm… what E rank Ninjutsu should I learn? The clone technique, substitution or transformation? I'll ask the old man later. I'll ask him for the chakra paper as well. Gotta find out my affinity. The sooner I get things done the easier it'll be.'

Daichi was able to quickly complete most of his current quest because of his efficient and constant training. He kept a steady pace and only took the weekend off to relax. It also brought him new ideas to implement in his training. He went to find Kensei after closing the notification boxes. It was time to find out his chakra nature. 


Kensei's library.

Kensei was rummaging through some boxes on the shelf and after a few minutes he found what he was looking for. He took a special paper from the box and turned around to face his grandson. He held the paper in front of Daichi.

"I take it you understand what this paper does?" He asked.

"Yeah. It shows my natural chakra affinity. I focus my chakra on it and if it's wind it tears, if it's water it gets wet, earth it crumbles to dust, fire it burns to ash and if it's lightning the paper wrinkles." Daichi replied.

"Training in chakra nature is advanced stuff. Most shinobi start this after they become chunin. You realize that don't you?" Kensei knew Daichi understood the difficulty of the task but he said it anyway. 

Daichi nodded but had a smirk. "I know but you and I both know I'm not going to be like most shinobi." 

"That remains to be seen. Here. No point in wasting anymore time." Kensei gave Daichi the chakra paper. 

Daichi held the paper between his index and middle finger. He took a breath and let it out. Closing his eyes he focused and concentrated some of his chakra through his fingers and onto the paper. When he opened his eyes the result was something he didn't expect. The paper turned to dirt and crumbled to dust in seconds. 

"Earth nature. Interesting." Kensei rubbed his chin looking at Daichi. "You look surprised!"

Daichi, hearing the old man, looked up at him and replied. "Yeah. I thought I'd be lightning or fire natured. Earth is a surprise." ‘More like I wanted it to be those. But it isn’t so bad. Earth element in the right hands could be quite versatile’.

"What do you think about Earth nature affinity?" Kensei asked, wanting to know the boy's opinion on his natural affinity. 

Daichi thought about it for sometime before giving him the answer.

"It's a powerful nature. We're surrounded by earth elements and it's perfect for defense and offense. With enough chakra reserves one can reshape the entire terrain to suit their needs. And in a battlefield having control over the terrain means increasing the odds of victory. A true master can turn earth into as malleable as water or as hard as a mountain. At least that's what I think."

Kensei had a smile on his face after hearing his reasons. "Good. But for the moment, train and improve the skills you have. Those being your taijutsu and shurikenjutsu and then focus on increasing your chakra reserves and strength. When you're ready in a couple years and depending on your progress we'll start with nature chakra and its applications. A tower with a weak foundation won't last long after all."

Daichi agreed with him. Right now his main priority was increasing the level of all his current skills. As Daichi thought about it he got curious.

"Hey gramps. What's your chakra nature?" Daichi asked him.

Kensei just smirked as he listened to the quest. "You'll find out one day." As he said those words, Kensei handed him a small scroll.

"Is that?" Daichi wondered.

"This is an E rank jutsu taught in the academy. The rope escape jutsu."

"Huh.?" Daichi didn't think the first jutsu he would get from the old man was this basic supplementary technique. 

Kensei chucked watching the dumb expression on Daichi's face. "You have to learn to crawl before you can walk. This is a basic straightforward and simple jutsu but it's quite useful when you least expect it. Learn it. And a couple months later based on your progress I'll see if you're ready for any other techniques…" The old man was having fun watching Daichi's expression. 

Hearing the cheery and somewhat smug voice of his grandpa, Daichi sighed to himself. "Yeah. I'm gonna learn it and I'll be ready to learn clone jutsu and more by the time I'm ready for the academy." Daichi replied back with a grin and cheeky voice. 

"I look forward to it." Kensei walked out of the room having the last word. 

Daichi took the scroll and went outside. He read the scroll detailing the technique.

When the user is bound, they find ways to escape by untying the knot or dislocating the joints to get free. Although it is the most basic of the escape-based jutsu, it is still fairly complicated to perform. 

'Let's get to work.' Daichi sat down and went through every inch of the scroll, determined to memorize and learn it by the end of the day. 


The sound of fist hitting flesh could be heard throughout the room. Both Daichi and Kensei were sparring in the dojo. Neither one intending to give the other victory. 

Daichi rained fast precise punches aiming at Kensei's head. All of which were deflected or dodged. Because of the height difference Daichi was at a disadvantage. Kensei stepped forward, throwing a fast powerful punch towards Daichi's face. The boy raised both hands and blocked the punch aimed at his face but the force from it pushed him backwards. 

-66 HP

‘Damn the old man hits hard.’

Daichi slid a few feet before taking a step back and stopping himself. Before he could even put his hands down Daichi saw movement from the corner of his eyes. Kensei threw a roundhouse kick aimed at the left side of his torso. 

Daichi planted his feet and gripped the floor. He braced himself and took the oncoming blow. "Arh…" He couldn't help grunting at the strength of the attack. But as soon as the kick struck he trapped the leg under his left arm and threw a fast jab aiming at the thighs of the trapped leg.

But before it could even reach halfway Kensei threw several quick punches forcing Daichi to block and parry them. But they were mostly unsuccessful since he only had one arm to counter the old man's assaults. Several strikes landed on his body forcing him to let go of the leg and compelling him to jump back and gain some distance. 

Daichi had a haggard breath. His chest expanding and contracting, gasping for some precious air. He'd been fighting with such intensity for over thirty minutes. Barely a couple of seconds passed and Kensei was already on him. 

"Your enemies won't give you time to rest or catch your breath. Never show weakness. It would definitely be used against you."

Those were the words he heard while desperately parrying the oncoming attacks. Daichi sharpened his senses to their absolute maximum to sense the speed and position of the attacks. He didn't even have time for any useless thoughts.

Both grandfather and grandson exchanged fists at a speed civilians could barely see let alone fend off. Daichi was carefully waiting for an opportunity to strike but his grandfather was careful. 

‘He’s blocking and parrying every one of my punches and jabs. Don’t know how much longer I can keep going like this. Got no choice. Need to use ‘strong hit’. Even if it will drain almost half my remaining stamina.’  

Deciding to make his own opening, Daichi met one of Kensei's punches with a punch of his own. 

Both fists colliding knuckle to knuckle. Daichi used the skill 'strong hit' and put enough force in it to make even Kensei wince. Feeling the pain and his hand becoming slightly numb, Kensei lagged for a second. But that single moment presented an opportunity for Daichi to move past the old man's defenses and land a strike on his chest.  

A powerful strike that made even Kensei slightly grunt. 

But that was the only attack Daichi was able to land on his opponent.  Kensei clenched his fists and resumed his vigorous attacks. Several strikes landed on Daichi's body but he refused to take any more steps back. 

He gritted his teeth and stood his ground. Each time Kensei landed a successful attack on his body Daichi could see his HP falling. Slowly but steadily.    

Just when it looked like it would stay like this there was a change in the flow of the battle. 

Kensei took a single step forward, and arched his punch changing the trajectory of the attack from a straightforward punch to an uppercut. He accomplished this feat without losing any attack speed. Even though Daichi could see the punch coming he knew he wouldn't be able to block it. And if it landed it would be over for him. 

Daichi quickly leaned back, avoiding the uppercut by centimeters. Just when he thought he had passed the danger he felt a strike on his right leg. A quick precise attack that took his balance and footing.

-41 HP

Kensei knew the boy would dodge his attack. His uppercut was a distraction and his real goal was to make him lose his footing. 

Daichi fell backwards hitting the floor. "Ooh" He couldn't help exclaim.

Seeing his goal accomplished the old man moved in for an axe stomp. He launched a downward strike with the heel of his foot straight at Daichi's chest. Daichi quickly rolled to the right dodging the attack and was about to get up when he felt a hand on the back of his neck and it froze him.

Daichi was kneeling on all fours with Kensei standing beside him with a knifehand strike placed on the back of his neck. The old man didn't strike him but simply placed the hand on the boy's neck. But this was enough for Daichi to know that the fight was over. 

It was only after a few seconds had passed by that Daichi heard his own panting breath. He could hear his heart, beating in his chest like a giant drum. He felt the adrenaline and the blood coursing through his body. His aching and twitching muscles. He slowly stood up on shaky legs. And turned to face his grandfather. 

Kensei had a wide smile on his face. Even though he wasn't as exhausted as Daichi he was still slightly out of breath. Sparring with someone like Daichi for so long at his age took its toll. But he never felt as good as he did at that moment in a long time. 

"It's been almost 6 months since we've started our sparring sessions. And every time you impress me. Your speed of improvement is incredible. And you're talent… It's unbelievable. I have no doubt you'll be even greater than the 4th Hokage one day." 

Kensei didn't hold back in his praise. Based on the speed of Daichi’s improvement and his inborn talent, he truly believed Daichi could reach great heights.

Hearing his grandpa's praise made Daichi blush a little. He scratched the back of his head lightly laughing… 

"Aww you're making me blush Gramps…" Just then his stomach growled like a lion. 

"Hahaha…" Kensei laughed heartily. "We're both a mess. Let's get ourselves cleaned up. We'll be going out for dinner tonight. How are you feeling about BBQ?" He asked. 

"That sounds awesome. Let's go to Yakiniku Q." Daichi replied in an instant. The best BBQ place in the leaf village was the Yakiniku Q. He had only been there once but that single visit was enough to make him captivated with the place. 

Kensei chuckled looking at Daichi's drooling hungry face. "Sure. Go get cleaned up and meet me downstairs in an hour. We'll head out." Daichi nodded and went to his room. Kensei went to his own room to get himself ready.


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