The Adventurous Gamer Ninja – Daichi Hekima.

Chapter 29 – Dungeon Boss Fight – 01

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Gamer. Please support the official release.

"Ow… ow… ow… God that hurts..." Daichi was moaning in pain as he cleaned and bandaged his wounds. Once the adrenaline ran out and he came down from his battle high, Daichi felt the painful effects of the cuts all over his body.

"Damn that hurts. If I see those little devil cats again, I'm gonna skin them…"

'Then again I did make the dumb decision to fight them all at once. And I didn't even try to get away...Yeah… Maybe not my best strategy.'

Daichi was hiding behind a large bush hidden from plain view. He periodically kept checking his Minimap to make sure he wasn't taken by surprise again. Several hours went by as he rested. Meditation helped his healing and recuperation. Once he was fully healed and rested he resumed his journey.

The sun was high in the sky. The temperature rose far above that of normal as the sun reached its peak. 'Even the climate of this dungeon is weird. It was really cold last night but now it feels like I'm walking in the desert at noon with no clothes.'

Daichi made his way to a small lake shown on the map. He took a look at the map and saw no enemies near him. Daichi relaxed a bit and reached into the lake. He took a handful of water. 



[A tasteless, colorless, odorless liquid. Composed of chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen. No contamination particles detected. Safe for consumption.]

'Ok. Looks like I found myself a water source. Excellent.' Daichi happily brought his hands to his lips and drank the water.

"Ohh that feels good." He took another handful of water and when Daichi went on for the third time, his danger senses warned him. 

You have sensed killing intent. 

He jerked back as fast as he could and the next instant he saw a giant crocodile snapping its jaws close where his head was a second ago.

"Fuck… This thing almost took my head off. 'Observe' "

[LV.24] [Iron skinned crocodile]

HP: 2970 CP: 2761

[This large crocodile is native to the freshwater habitat in this dungeon. They prey on animals coming to or near the lake. Their skin is dense and as tough as iron so sharp weapons will not be useful against them. They are a very aggressive species of crocodile and opportunistic Apex predators. They have enough bite force to tear through even metal.]

Daichi quickly backed away as he read the information. He jumped and got up on a tall branch and observed the creature. 

It had green blackish scales and a long tail slowly wagging from one side to the other. Daichi watched as the crocodile slowly backed away and into the water. In just a few moments Daichi lost sight of it. 

"If you think I'm gonna come to you, then you're gonna be waiting for a long time."

Daichi turned around and left. He planned on killing it but only after he gained some more levels. 

Daichi jumped through the trees. He felt the wind on his face and had a smile. It was his dream ever since he came here to travel around like a real ninja. Hopping on trees and walking on water. As Daichi traveled some distance he encountered several creatures. 

Daichi spent over six days exploring the dungeon. He encountered various creatures living in the different terrains and successfully killed them. 

The bloodthirsty bats that lived in a giant dark cave attacked him at night while wild saber tooth cats that made the grassland their home attacked him at dawn. 

The strong savage apes that lived up in the trees assaulted him during the day and night. Daichi also fought with vicious wolves and strong Bisons. He also found ways to draw out the crocodiles living in the depths of the lake. He would use some meat with a strong aroma he stored in his inventory and patiently wait near the lake. Once the reptile came to eat he would fight and kill them. 

He got injured several times a day but he always persevered and kept at it. Daichi was extremely cautious. He would always wait for his body to heal completely and his chakra and stamina to become full before engaging in enemy contact. 

During the few times the animals rushed to him during his rest Daichi would find ways to escape. His shuriken jutsu, chakra threads, tree climbing skill and several others increased in level. His stats have also grown along with his level. 

Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)

Class : Student

Age    : 6

Title    : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy.

Level  : 24 (15520/18000)

HP : 2110

CP : 2216.2

SP : 1740

MP : 920

Primary Stats

Strength - 44

Vitality - 45

Dexterity - 42

Agility - 44

Intelligence - 50

Chakra - 55

Wisdom - 30

Special Stats

Sense - 47

Stamina - 52

Indomitable (LOCKED)

Charisma - 25

Persistence (LOCKED)

Dignity (LOCKED)



Stat Points - 235

Ryo - 13650

During the last 6 days Daichi killed over 190 beasts and it gained him 6 more levels getting him to level 24. He was just a few thousand exp away from another level up.  

An explosive growth that was attained through several life or death battles. Along with levels Daichi gained a couple of new skills to his ever growing list of abilities. 

 It was night time and Daichi was currently battling against two giant bats. His new skill chakra sense aiding him in successfully finding the creatures of the night. 

Daichi threw several shuriken at two bats and while one of them evaded the other wasn't so lucky. The force with which Daichi threw the shuriken allowed it to pierce through its body. The other folded its wings and evaded the projectiles and then disappeared into the night. 

Daichi closed his eyes and concentrated. Several seconds passed by with silence and no movements. The next instant Daichi jumped up and twisted his body so that he was upside down to face the bat that was clawing where he stood a second ago. With a single fast slash Daichi bisected the creature and smoothly landed on the ground. 

[Enemies killed.]

+1300 Exp.

+195 Exp

Skill Death blow's level has risen by one.

You have successfully eliminated all the bloodthirsty bats in this dungeon.

You have sensed killing intent.

"I know you're there. Come out." Daichi said, looking at the top branches of a tall tree. Out of the shadows came a giant red ape. It was far larger than the ones before. 

You have encountered one of the three bosses of this dungeon.

[LV.30] [Great Ape King - Ozark ]

HP: 5032 CP: 6847

[The ruler of all apes and one of the three bosses of this dungeon. It has red fur with white streaks running down the middle giving it a ferocious yet regal look. It is far stronger than all the others of its kind. This Ape is capable of using chakra to enhance its limbs and thus makes it more dangerous. A ferocious and savage king. It wants to kill you.]

 'Holy hell. This thing is 6 levels above mine. And it can even use chakra. If I make even a single mistake...I'll die in this place.'

Daichi had sweat rolling down his face. The presence of the enemy boss was on a completely different level than the others. 

Daichi blinked for only a split second but when he opened his eyes he saw a fist headed straight for his head. The great king Ozark blasted Daichi's head into bits. The next second, Daichi's body turned into a log.

Daichi had a cold sweat running down his neck as he looked at the scene from a distant tree. 'If I had been late in using the substitution jutsu for even a fraction of a second, I'd be dead right now.'

The ape lowered its fist and turned around. It looked at Daichi without showing the slightest bit of surprise at what happened.

'It found me even though I'm hiding behind these covers and no sound was made… And it looks like this thing is much smarter than the rest. A direct confrontation isn't to my advantage. Not like last time. And something tells me this thing won't just let me leave… If and when I make it out of this dungeon I'm gonna need to learn the shadow clone jutsu. ASAP.'

Daichi dropped several smoke bombs and moved. 'Stealth and speed will be my greatest assets in this fight. Instead of a frontal assault I'll use an encirclement attack strategy.'

Daichi was suddenly taken out of his thoughts as the ape king landed right in front of him. Daichi barely evaded the giant fist that came his way. Tightening the grip on his daggers he used 'sprint' and started attacking from all directions. 

The ape king Ozark had a strong physique. The cuts Daichi inflicted on its body were shallow. It swung its long arms with enough force to blow apart a giant sturdy tree. Daichi evaded all the attacks aimed at him. Tired of not catching the enemy, it tried a different tactic. 

The ape king raised both its arms up high in the air and then slammed them into the ground. It added chakra to enhance its already fearsome power. The strength behind the attack cracked and ruptured the ground for several meters in all directions with the ape at its center. 

Daichi, who was in the middle of attacking it, was caught off guard by the destruction and the ruptured ground made him lose his balance. The ape waiting for its chance jumped and attacked. A swift powerful fist was thrown at Daichi. 

It was only due to his increased senses and speed that Daichi was able to evade the attack. But even then he was not completely successful. The punch clipped his right shoulder and sent him spiraling several feet away. Even though Daichi evaded most of the damage it was still enough to dislocate his right arm. 

-240 HP

Negative Status - Right Shoulder dislocated.

The red notification status popped up showing the damage. Daichi crashed into the ground and rolled a few times before stopping himself. He didn't even get the time to scream in pain as the ape was already on him. He rolled out of the way as the giant monkey stomped where he was a second ago. 

He got up and ran up the tree trunks and the ape followed. Daichi used 'sprint' and focused solely on escaping for even a few seconds. With one arm useless he would die if he tried to fight it. 

After a minute of dashing through the treetops and using some of his smoke bombs, Daichi lost his enemy and he quickly assessed his arm.

'Damn that fucking monkey…' Daichi looked over his arm. 'There doesn't seem to be any serious damage except for the dislocation. But it's a good thing I know how to fix it.'

Daichi bit down on the handle of his kunai and then held and adjusted his right arm in a certain way. He then rammed his arm into the trunk of a tree, snapping his shoulder joint back in its socket. 

"Ghnnn…." He bit down hard and groaned into the kunai. After several seconds the pain faded and Daichi took several deep breaths. The negative buff notification disappeared. He gently started moving his arm. After a couple of minutes he was able to move it as normal. 

'This isn't working. I need to weaken its momentum. I'll go for its legs first.' 

Daichi formed a plan in mind. He could hear the roars of the dungeon boss not far from where the fight began. He made a few preparations for his second round. 

He started slowly making his way back. He grabbed and held two rocks about half as big as him in both hands and rushed the ape from behind.

Daichi aimed one of the rocks at its head. Sensing the incoming attack the ape turned around and blocked the big rock with both hands. The next second it felt a crushing blow to its left knee. Daichi slammed the second rock into its leg and broke it's knee. He used the first attack to block the ape's line of sight for the second attack.

-546 HP

Enemy Negative Status - Wounded buff in effect.

Enraged, the great ape pounded Daichi into a nearby tree.

-402 HP

"Ghaa…" Daichi spit out a wad of blood from his mouth. He coughed for a couple of seconds and took in large gulps of air as the punch took his breath away. He got up and got out of the way as the ape landed near him. 

Daichi ran around his enemy attacking it from all sides. Slashing its joints and muscles. Daichi mainly focused on the legs to reduce its movement speed. The ape tried to jump away but with one leg crippled and Daichi's continuous attacks it couldn't escape.

Minutes went by and his efforts seemed to be gaining fruit. After a couple more swipes from his sharp dagger the ape Ozark fell to its knees.

Enemy Negative Status - Crippled buff in effect.

Daichi put away one of the daggers back into his inventory. He could see the HP points slowly reducing. He clenched his fist and ran straight into his enemy. With the boss immobilized, Daichi was looking forward to exchanging blows to test his strength and limits. 

Both human and ape started fighting vigorously. Daichi deflected most of the blows because of their strength but some landed on his body. He returned quite a few of his own as well. The strength buff skill along with his speed and physique was nothing to scoff at. Daichi was several times stronger than someone his age had any right to be. 

Skill Strong Hit’s level has risen by one.

Each punch that landed made the other only fight harder. They both knew that only one would leave this place alive. Both their health and chakra were slowly but steadily declining. 

Daichi slashed the apes' chest and tried to inflict a deep wound. It slammed its fist into Daichi's back bringing the boy to his knees. The ninja in training quickly stood back up and sent a swift powerful uppercut to the monkey king's jaws. 

The sounds of powerful blows were heard throughout the jungle. Waves of wind blew everywhere from the collision of their fists. 

Skill Physical Endurance’s level has risen by one.

Despite the dangerous ordeal Daichi was enjoying himself. His lips curled into a small smile as he traded blows with his enemy. Not even the punches that landed and made him spit blood took that smile away. With the moon light shining down at him and his bloody and bruised appearance, that smile gave him a deranged yet glorious beauty. 

As the fight progressed Daichi was analyzing his opponent and looking for his chance to strike. The ape king favored its right arm to attack and left to defend. Daichi used this information to his advantage. 

As it raised its right arm to attack, Daichi quickly stabbed his dagger into its right shoulder joint. And then trapped its left arm in several ninja wire with shuriken at end. He used a nearby tree as an anchor to hold the shuriken in place. With both its arms disabled, it had no way to defend against Daichi's powerful attacks. 

Grabbing the dagger from his inventory he sliced the apes' eyes. The ape roared and tried to break free from its binds but Daichi made it impossible. Daichi sent a fast double ear clap strike to the ape intent on rupturing its eardrums. A somewhat cruel but effective tactic.

Skill Vital Strike's level has risen by one.

Successfully blinding and disorienting his enemy, Daichi kept attacking the vital spots of its body. The neck, joints, and other soft areas. Fast deep cuts and powerful blows rained down on its body. Daichi kept attacking relentlessly for several minutes. 

The ape king's body was powerful. It weathered all of its enemy's strikes for some time before succumbing to its wounds. And soon the battle came to an end. 

Skill Vital Strike's level has risen by one.

[Enemy killed.]

+2500 Exp.

+375 Exp.

You have leveled up.

You have successfully eliminated all the Long Armed Apes in this dungeon.

You have defeated the boss Great Ape King Ozark.

Reward: Skill 'Ozark’s Resilience'. 

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