The Adventurous Gamer Ninja – Daichi Hekima.

Chapter 305 – All Eyes on Fire Nation

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Gamer. Please support the official release.

Earth Country - 6 Pm.

In a grand stone-built chamber adorned with intricate carvings and filled with ancient scrolls, a weathered and authoritative figure, sat at the head of a massive long table. Around him, the council members, each bearing the insignia of the Hidden Stone Village, were engaged in a tense discussion.

Tension filled the air as reports from the Hidden Leaf Village reached the council's chambers.

One of the council members read the reports and then leaned back in his chair crossing his arms. "For some reason the Leaf village is on high alert, increasing patrols and reinforcing their borders. And it's something they're not even trying to hide from our intelligence network."

The Tsuchikage, a stern-faced leader with a distinct air of authority, narrowed his eyes as he thought about the situation. Silence filled the room as the other high ranking members looked at the old leader of the Hidden Stone Village.

After a few moments his gravelly voice echoed through the chamber, "The Hidden Leaf's actions are not without reason. It's evident they're preparing for something significant. This change in their stance is concerning. Hiruzen isn't someone who does anything without a good reason."

The councilors exchanged worried glances, their expressions a mix of concern and wariness. One of the senior council members, a seasoned strategist known for his caution, spoke up. "Lord Tsuchikage, might this not be a mere show of strength? The Hidden Leaf may be flexing its muscles to deter any potential threat."

The Tsuchikage's gaze pierced through the room. "I refuse to take this lightly. The Hidden Leaf does not act without cause. We need to be vigilant and ready for any possibility. Send word to our scouts. I want detailed reports on Leaf Village movements, their recent missions, and any unusual activities."

Another councilor, a younger and more impulsive voice in the chamber, spoke up. "Should we not respond in kind? Increase our own patrols, bolster our defenses?"

The Tsuchikage leaned forward, and shook his head. "No. Right now I do not wish to escalate tensions unnecessarily. However, we must be prepared for any eventuality. Order our shinobi to remain vigilant, but refrain from aggressive actions unless absolutely necessary."

The council nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in the Tsuchikage's words. The atmosphere remained tense as plans were laid out to gather more intelligence and secure the Hidden Stone Village.

"Tighten the defenses around the border and gather intelligence from our assets in the bordering small villages. We need to know the movement of the Leaf ninjas at all times." Onoki gave the orders.

Akatsuchi who was standing near the kage nodded. "I'll send word and make sure we get the information as soon as possible."

The people in the room discussed and the gravity of the situation was palpable. Soon after a viable defense plan was created the councilors dispersed with a sense of urgency, each tasked with specific responsibilities to ensure the village's safety.

As the chamber emptied, the Tsuchikage remained, deep in thought. His body slowly floated from his seat and he flew to the nearby window overlooking the village. 'What is that old monkey thinking? Something must have happened for him to take such drastic measures. Were there any threats or attacks from the Cloud or Mist I don't know about?'

Onoki couldn't help but let out a sigh as he recalled the last time he saw the third knew that the delicate balance between villages could easily tip into conflict, and the safety of his people rested heavily on his decisions in these critical times. With a heavy heart, he resolved to navigate these troubled waters with caution, aware that the shadows of uncertainty loomed large over the ninja world.

Onoki's fists clenched as he remembered the faces of his enemies. 'Hiruzen, Rasa, Ay, Yagura... No matter what the situation or who it is, if this escalates into a war then I won't show any of them mercy.'


Hidden Sand Village

In the well lit council room of the Hidden Sand Village, the Kazekage, the highest figure of authority of the village sat at the head of a long, ancient wooden table with a calm stony facade. Around him, the village's most esteemed council members gathered, their faces etched with tension and curiosity.

The room, usually filled with the sounds of the desert wind, is now heavy with anticipation and the undercurrents of strategic planning.

The Kazekage's voice, authoritative yet composed, broke the silence. "We've received reports of increased activity in and around the Fire nation. The Hidden Leaf has heightened patrols, stationed additional guards along their borders, and there are rumors of a significant prison break accompanied by a large battle at the Fire country's border. The reports are all in front of you."

Everyone was surprised and quickly began going through the information on the documents in front of them. Chiyo and Ebizo were also among the council and their faces showed no emotions as they read the reports their spies sent.

After several moments one of the council members with a shrewd mind and keen eyes, spoke, "This is an unusual level of activity. It could mean they are expecting a significant threat. We must consider the implications for our village."

Another council member, a strategist known for her insight, spoke "Such turmoil could signify internal strife or an external threat of considerable magnitude. Either scenario could weaken the Leaf, presenting us with a unique opportunity."

Another council member, a seasoned ninja with decades of experience, adds, "However, we must also consider the risks. Engaging with the Leaf under these circumstances might expose us to unforeseen dangers, especially if they're already on high alert."

The Kazekage nods thoughtfully, acknowledging each point. "True. Our primary objective remains the safety and security of our village. Yet, this chaos within the Leaf could offer us strategic advantages if approached with caution."

A younger member, representing the village's tactical units, suggests, "Perhaps this is an opportune moment to send scouts to gather more intelligence. Understanding the true nature of the Leaf's turmoil will allow us to make a more informed decision. If we can use this opportunity to expand our borders, it will significantly strengthen us."

At that moment Ebizo gave his thoughts. "Yes but we need to be cautious. If this is an internal strife then I have a feeling that Danzo Shimura would be involved. But if the Leaf village is facing an external threat then we don't know who their enemy is and that lack of information could be costly for us if we make the wrong move."

The room buzzed with murmurs and speculation, each member weighing the situation with a mix of concern and opportunism.

At this time Lady Chiyo suddenly spoke. "Don't forget, right now we have an alliance with them. Even if it's just on paper for us, they might expect our help if this is an external threat. But we can also use our alliance to figure out what's really happening over there."

The Kazekage agrees. "I agree. Gathering intelligence is our first step. We'll deploy our most skilled scouts to gather information discreetly. Additionally, we'll increase our border patrols as a precautionary measure, ensuring we're prepared for any scenario."

Turning to a council member skilled in diplomacy, the Kazekage instructs, "Begin drafting a message to the Leaf. Offer support in managing their border security. It will serve as a gesture of goodwill and provide us with closer insights into their situation."

The room fills with a sense of purpose as the council members nod in agreement, each aware of their role in the delicate dance of ninja politics and power plays. The Kazekage concludes, "Let us proceed with caution and wisdom. Our actions during this period could redefine our village's standing in the world. We need to be smart, stealthy, and, above all, united in our approach."

As the council members disperse to enact the Kazekage's orders, the room's heavy atmosphere begins to lift, replaced by a focused determination. The Hidden Sand Village, amidst the whispers of chaos in the Hidden Leaf, began to prepare to navigate the treacherous waters of opportunity and risk, guided by the hand of their Kazekage.


Hidden Cloud village. 6:30 pm

The Raikage, a muscular and imposing figure with a demeanor that exuded authority, listened intently as the reports were presented. His councilors, a mix of seasoned veterans and shrewd advisors, exchanged concerned glances, understanding the significance of the Leaf's actions.

"The Hidden Leaf's sudden increase in patrols is no trivial matter," the Raikage spoke, his voice commanding attention. "This indicates a serious concern or a potential threat. We cannot afford to ignore it."

One of the council's elder members, a wise strategist with a wealth of experience, offered his perspective. "Lord Raikage, this could be a response to an external threat. However, it's imperative that we assess the situation carefully and prepare accordingly. Should we not reinforce our own defenses?"

The Raikage nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed. Dispatch our elite scouts and intelligence operatives. I want detailed reports on Leaf Village activities, recent missions, and any signs of imminent conflict or instability within their borders. We need to grasp the full scope of this situation."

A younger council member, known for his boldness, interjected, "Should we not show our strength in response? Increase our border patrols and readiness to send a clear message?"

The Raikage's gaze softened slightly as he addressed the council. "Yes. I don't care what their reason is. Those leaf ninjas are acting so aggressively. I'm not someone who runs away from a challenge. Send troops to the border. Increase our defenses and conduct military drills. And heighten our surveillance."

"But boss, we need to avoid actions that might be perceived as too aggressive. We don't wish to escalate tensions needlessly. Right now, we don't know what's really going on in the Fire country." Darui, the right hand man of the Fourth Raikage spoke.

C who was standing near his friend, also spoke. "Darui's right, Lord Raikage. At the moment, it's not just about the Leaf Village. I'm sure the other great nations are also keeping a close eye on the situation."

Ay heard their arguments and slowly nodded after giving it a few moments of thought. 'They're right. That damn old Onoki is always looking for any opportunity to take advantage of everyone. I need to be careful.'

A council member spoke. "We should consider sending a team to our bordering small nations. We can do it under a gesture of our willingness to maintain peace and to protect them against Leaf ninjas if they attack. This would be a good way to gather intelligence if those tree huggers cross borders and act. It's crucial we stay informed and ready for any action."

The Raikage nodded, pondering the suggestions. "We'll deploy a team of our best stealth ninjas to monitor the situation discreetly. They'll gather information on Leaf's state and any potential threats that could affect us."

Acknowledging the delicate balance between vigilance and restraint in a time of uncertainty, the Raikage nodded. "Darui, ensure the teams are assembled and deployed by midnight. Inform them their mission is of the highest priority and secrecy. We must protect our village and be ready to act in the interest of peace and stability of the Cloud Village. This situation requires our utmost attention and swift action."

The councilors agreed to discreetly gather intelligence and fortify the Hidden Cloud's defenses and increase border patrol without inciting conflict.

As C and Darui were about to leave the room the Raikage turned to them. "Make sure my idiot brother doesn't leave the village and assign additional security to Yugito. There are many who will be looking to take advantage of the turmoil coming in the next few days."

"Yes boss. Leave it to us." The two trusted ninjas nodded and soon left the kage to his thoughts.

Land of Water - Around 9 pm.

Under the veil of night, the hidden village of Mist was ensconced in its own turmoil, the civil war reaching a pivotal moment. Mei Terumi, leading the rebellion against the Fourth Mizukage Yagura's tyrannical rule, convened with her closest confidants in a secluded safe house. The tension was palpable, mirroring the unrest that divided their village.

Mei sighed as she spoke. "The Hidden Leaf is on high emergency alert. This development is unusual and it could signify a threat."

One of her advisers, expressed concern, "This alert from Leaf Village could indeed be the precursor to a larger conflict. If a war breaks out, our divided village stands to lose the most. We're already weakened by this civil strife."

"Since the Leaf has increased their activities, is it possible for us to make an alliance with any other nation?" A much younger man asked.

Ao, who was standing near them, disagreed. "No. Right now we're alone. Our resources are scarce. If this civil war goes on for much longer then we'll be severely weakened. At that time, no great nation will want an alliance even if we want to. We'd be lucky if they didn't take advantage of our desperate state."

Everyone nodded somberly as they listened to Ao's insights. But Mei had different thoughts.

'Alone(Me)… Much longer(Older)... No alliance(Single forever)'

The rebel leader Mei suddenly had a vein bulge in her forehead and exuded an ominous aura. "Ao. Shut up!"

"Ehh!" The one eyed ninja was taken back by Mei's hostile look and shivered. 'What did I say?'

"Should we send any troops into the Fire country to gather intelligence?" A ninja quickly asked, trying to distract their leader.

And the tactic worked. Mei forgot her hostility and was considering the situation. A few seconds later she replied. "At the moment, we're stretched thin as it is. We don't have the manpower to send any troops to investigate this matter."

"I'm sure Yagura would be in the same situation as us." Ao spoke up.

Mei nodded. "Yes, but unlike us, he can't afford to sit back and do nothing." The redheaded ninja was silent for a few moments before a smile came to her face. "We can use this opportunity to our advantage. No matter what, Yagura will be forced to send some troops to show strength to the other nations. We can use this time to attack and weaken him."

The ninjas present had their eyes lit. "Yes. He'll be forced to confront us and we can finally defeat him and take control of the Mist village."

Ao quickly gave his thoughts. "Yagura could also be anticipating this move from us. So we need to be careful about what route we need to take to get inside the village."

The future Mizukage nodded. "Don't worry. I have a plan. Gather the troops. I have a feeling it won't be long now. When the time is right we'll launch our attack."


Author's Note

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