The Adventurous Gamer Ninja – Daichi Hekima.

Chapter 8 – Training 02 – Unlocking a Special Stat.

"Daichi. Wake up, it's time." Those words from Kensei brought Daichi back from his meditative state. Daichi nodded at the old man and was about to get up but he saw several notification boxes in front of him. 

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[Through continuously focusing on your breathing, and entering a calm state, a skill to enter the meditative state, 'Meditate' has been created.]


Meditate - Active(LV. 1): A skill obtained through continuously focusing on breathing and avoiding distractions. Helps the user enter a calm meditative state. Increases the regeneration of the body.

Effects : +2% to base HP regeneration per minute.

               +2% to base CP regeneration per minute.

               +2% to base SP regeneration per minute.


Skill ‘Meditate’s level has risen by one.

Meditate - Active(LV. 2(34%)): A skill obtained through continuously focusing on breathing and avoiding distractions. Helps the user enter a calm meditative state. Increases the regeneration of the body.

Effects : +3% to base HP regeneration per minute.

               +3% to base CP regeneration per minute.

               +3% to base SP regeneration per minute.

As Daichi read the notifications he couldn't help but feel a little smile appear on his face. 

'I'm definitely gonna abuse the hell out of this meditation skill.' 

He looked to his stamina points bar and found that it had regenerated to 73 points and was slowly but steadily increasing. 

"Alright. Now let's test the strength of your body. Since we're just starting how about we take things small. 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 50 squats should do."


Quest Created - ‘Complete the exercises’

Complete 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 50 squats before the time runs out. Time limit 30:00 minutes.


Complete the exercise in 30:00 minutes.

Complete the exercise in 20:00 minutes. (Bonus)

Complete the exercise in 10:00 minutes. (Bonus)



Skill: Basic Body conditioning.

+300 Exp

+600 Exp (Bonus)

+1000 Exp (Bonus)

Rep increases with Kensei Yasaji.



New Title.

Rep decreases with Kensei Yasaji

Accept (Y/N)

Daichi didn't say a word as he heard his Gramps talk. He accepted his next quest and got down and started doing push ups first. He had the status page opened in front of him. As he completed the 8th push up the blue translucent notification box appeared. 

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 STR

Daichi just looked at it and kept going. 

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 STR

It appeared again when he was almost done with his 1st set of the 3 exercises. His stamina points have been reduced to 51. 

Taking a deep breath, Daichi got into position for the sit-ups. Laying on his back with his legs bent and feet firmly on the ground for stability and his hands locked behind his head, he started his next set. He curled up his upper body all the way to his knees. 'One, two, three…' Daichi started counting in his head as he completed each round. 

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 STR

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 STR

By the time he was done two strength stat increase notification boxes were visible. He felt like every part of his body was torn. Especially his torso and arms. But after a minute the pain went away. Daichi saw that his stamina points decreased to 20. And that only a little over 12 minutes were remaining for him to complete the last exercise. 

He quickly got into position and started the last set. Standing with his feet wide apart, his chest up, he pushed his hips back into a sitting position. He started counting in his head as he went back up each time.

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 AGI

 Daichi was slightly surprised when he saw that it was his agility and not strength that increased. But he quickly realized that this exercise strengthens the leg muscles and improves lower body mobility. As he kept completing each round of squats he realized that different exercises increase different stats. 

It seems running increases vitality and agility and stretching exercises increase dexterity. And it looks like my upper body training improves my strength. Fascinating!’ 

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 AGI

By the time he completed the set his stat went up one more time. Daichi noticed that his SP only had 2 more points left. 


Quest ‘Complete the exercises.’ Completed.


Skill: Basic Body conditioning. 

+345 Exp.

Rep increases with Kensei Yasaji.


"Well done Daichi. Above average. Acceptable. But definitely needs work. How are you feeling?" Kensei asked, smiling. 

"My legs... feel like they're on fire. Other than that...peachy." Daichi gave a cheeky reply as he took deep breaths.

Kensei smirked when he heard the answer. He liked the kid's spitfire attitude.


Basic Body Conditioning - Passive (LV. 1): This skill gives the user’s body an increase in strength, speed, vitality and stamina through training.

Effects: +1% to Damage inflicted.

              +1% to Movement speed.

              +1% to Physical stat growth.

               -1% to Damage taken.


Daichi was happy he was able to complete the exercise within the time limit. Even though he couldn't complete the bonus parts of the quest he received a new skill and some exp. He knew this new skill would increase his stat growth speed over time and every exp got him closer to the next level. As he looked at the remaining stamina points, he got curious. He wanted to know what would happen if all his stamina got depleted. So he decided to run a lap around the compound to find out. 

Daichi started to slowly jog and then he picked up the pace. It was extremely difficult for him to run. His limbs felt like they were made of lead but he kept going. A few minutes later his stamina points reached zero. Suddenly for the first time a red notification box appeared. 


Your SP has reached zero. You have reached a special condition. Special stat Stamina is opened. 


Since one of the special stats is unlocked you can view the special stat list. 

This stat increases the stamina points of the player. 


You have unlocked a special stat. 

Reward: +500 Exp.

+75 Exp. 

You have leveled up.

Despite being out of breath and struggling to stand, Daichi couldn't help but have a wide grin on his face. Suddenly most of the fatigue left his body and he felt rejuvenated. He had an idea as to what happened. But he needed to confirm it. With a broad smile he opened up his status page.

Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)

Class : Civilian

Age    : 5

Title   : Capable Child

Level  : 4 (150/1325)


HP : 315/315

CP : 215/215

SP : 85/170 


Primary Stats

Strength - 9

Vitality - 6

Dexterity - 4

Agility - 8

Intelligence - 10

Chakra - 3

Wisdom - 9


Special Stats - (Unlocking these stats requires certain actions or reaching specific conditions. Different stats are unlocked with different methods. Stat points cannot be allocated to these stats.)


Sense (LOCKED)

Stamina - 2

Indomitable (LOCKED)

Charisma (LOCKED)

Persistence (LOCKED)

Dignity (LOCKED)



Stat Points - 30

Ryo - 0

Daichi chuckled. ‘So every time I level up I get half my stamina points. It looks like my primary stats won’t go up with each level up but special stats do. And every level up rewards me with 5 stat points. I’ll need to think this through.’

To see the physical representation of his efforts and to watch them grow was a great motivator for him. He didn’t want to stop. One could say he became slightly addicted to training and watching his stat and points increase. He started running at a much faster pace and completed the lap around the house quickly. He didn’t say anything to the old man and simply went under the tree to meditate. 

Kensei had a strange look on his face as he watched Daichi meditate. ‘Is it just me or did his chakra increase?... Increasing one’s chakra is not something that can be done in a few minutes with an hour of training. And yet… It feels like his chakra capacity has increased by a small margin…’ 

‘Or maybe old age is catching up to me. Guess I really am rusty if I can’t even assess the chakra capacity of a kid fresh into training.’ 

Kensei sighed to himself. He was content with just sitting there watching his new adopted grandson train himself.

Daichi meditated for about 2 hours. His SP bar was fully regenerated. His 'meditate' skill went up another level. He stood up and did some stretching exercises. He remembered watching different types of them in his previous life. As he got his body limbered up again he got a notification informing him of his increased dexterity.

Due to successful control of your body and senses, you have obtained +1 DEX

He ran 10 laps around the house but this time he went at a faster pace than before. There was no quest this time but he was able to complete the run in 14 minutes and he was nowhere near as tired as the first time. 

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 AGI

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 VIT

During the run, he was able to increase his agility and vitality stat by 1 point each.

He quickly got down to complete the next 50 rounds of push-ups, sit-ups and squats.

Around the time of completion…

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 STR

Due to the continued physical training, you have obtained +1 AGI

He got another stat point in strength and agility. And his 'Basic Body conditioning' skill also leveled up. As his SP got below five he got a notification showing a growth in stamina. 

+1 Stamina

Daichi got under the tree and sat in the meditative pose for the third time that day. By the time he was done the sun had begun to set. He felt refreshed and happy at his progress on his first day. He got up and went to sit near Kensei. 

"You've certainly exceeded my expectations." Kensei said with a smile. 

Rep increased with Kensei Yasaji.

"Thanks Gramps."

Both of them sat in comfortable silence as they watched the last rays of the sun disappear. They got up after a few minutes and went inside. The old man had someone deliver their dinner by evening. They ate and Kensei shared some stories of his time as a shinobi. Both of them retired to their rooms shortly after. 

Daichi had a lot on his mind and there were a lot of things he had to confirm regarding his abilities. As he walked upstairs to his room he looked at his fists and slowly clenched them. He could feel the strength coursing through them. 

'In one day I was able to increase my strength by this much. Even though it's a small margin, this was still achieved within the span of a day. Moving forward I know increasing my stats will become difficult but if I keep with it I can definitely stand at top.' 

Daichi slid open the door and went inside his room. 

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