The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 127 - Remunerations

PoV: Auxiliary Legate Selene Calla

“With that in mind, I would like to begin immediately, if that is acceptable to both of you?” the Councillor asked with a sweet smile, her gaze shifting between Thea and Selene as she awaited their responses.

Selene quickly checked with Thea, who, after a moment of hesitation, gave a small nod. With that, both of them signalled their agreement to proceed.

“Fantastic,” Lumis replied, her smile widening slightly as she gently folded her hands together and leaned forward just a bit, her posture exuding confidence and control. “Now, before we delve into the actual negotiations regarding the reimbursements, there are a few important points I need to clarify so that everyone in this conversation is fully informed of the facts.

“First and foremost, let us address why this even needs to be a ‘negotiation’ at all: The UHF, as a whole, is limited in the amount of assistance we can provide to any single member of our Faction. This limitation is imposed by the Allbright System itself, meaning that there is no way to circumvent it. We are bound by a hard cap on what and how much we can offer before the System intervenes… And believe me when I say that this is something neither you nor we want to happen.”

Selene noticed Thea’s eyes flicker in her direction, seeking confirmation.

She gave a solemn nod, understanding the gravity of what the Councillor had just explained.

Thea might not have been fully integrated for long, but this was a well-known reality for anyone who had been part of the System for any considerable length of time.

The Allbright System was inherently opposed to any form of nepotism, favouring meritocratic advancement above all else. While connections and access could certainly provide quite heavy advantages, no one could be propelled up the Tiers simply due to family ties or high-ranking acquaintances without proving their own merit—quite literally, in the case of the System.

Selene wasn’t an expert on the specifics of these limitations, but she was well aware that they existed and were stringently enforced across all Factions.

The consequences of failing to comply were severe, likely resulting in heavy penalties from the System itself—a risk no one wanted to take, considering that the System was the source of nearly everything one possessed, including their physical well being.

Seeing that both Thea and Selene had refocused their attention on her, Councillor Lumis continued with a calm, measured tone.

“Secondly, the remuneration offered here is directly tied to the agreement that Recruit Thea McKay and I, Councillor Seraphina Lumis, brokered a little over a month ago. This compensation is intended to address, but not erase, the UHF’s failure to provide adequate warnings and teachings prior to the start of the first quarterly assessment, which placed the Recruit at unnecessary risk.

“Thus, the remuneration is specifically related to this aspect of the original agreement. It is not a new deal between the parties involved, nor is it intended to pressure the Recruit into exceeding the terms of the initial agreement in any way.”

Selene was mildly surprised by how candidly the Councillor outlined the terms and intentions, but she quickly caught the semi-confused look Thea directed her way.

Thea was smart—smarter than one might expect, given her background—but legal jargon was likely not something she was well-versed in. While Councillor Lumis was doing her best to keep things straightforward, it was understandable that Thea might seek a second opinion to ensure she fully grasped the nuances of what was being said.

Leaning in closer to the girl, Selene caught a glimpse of Councillor Lumis discreetly averting her gaze, offering them as much privacy as the close quarters allowed.

“The Councillor is just clarifying,” Selene whispered, “that whatever they’re offering you now isn’t meant to make you do more than what you’ve already agreed to. As far as I know, that deal involved you investing your points up to Level 10, boosting your Vitality to 3, receiving the Solstice Fruit from the UHF, and sharing information on any Psychic Classes offered to you at Tier 1 Ascension. She’s essentially saying they’re not trying to bribe you into actually taking any of those classes or anything like that—that wasn’t part of the original agreement.”

Thea considered Selene’s explanation for a moment, her expression thoughtful, before she gave a small nod of understanding. She then turned her attention back to Councillor Lumis, and Selene, happy to have been able to help Thea navigate the situation, did the same.

Turning back towards them, Councillor Lumis continued with a composed, almost gentle tone.

“Lastly, before we proceed, there are two additional clarifications that are required. The first one would normally be done during the Psychic 101 Classes, but is important for the Recruit to understand their position: During the assessment, Private Zachary informed you about certain unsettling aspects of the Psyker path, particularly regarding the inevitability of a Psyker’s end. To be clear: What he told you was entirely correct. There have been no documented cases of a Psyker dying a natural death. Every Psyker we know of has either perished in combat, fallen victim to a Void Tear, or chosen suicide to avoid such a fate.

“However, it is important to emphasise that you, Thea, are not a Psyker yet. You have not committed to this path, and no one will make that decision for you. You only lock yourself into this fate, if you actively pursue advancing your Psychic Paths, and even further by selecting to become a Battlefield Psyker and picking up a Psychic-related Class.

“As things stand, you are merely classified as a Wielder, or a Psi-Sensitive Marine at best, altough you don't technically even qualify for that classification, as you would normally be required to unlock your Psychic Attribute first, to be considered Psi-Sensitive. It is the direct pursuit of further advancement in your inherent Psychic Powers or altering your Path, a process called "Delving", that would solidify your status as a true Psyker and thereby binding you to the outcomes that were mentioned earlier.

“To be entirely up-front about this: The UHF would be thrilled and deeply appreciative if you decided to pursue this route, and we will undoubtedly make efforts to persuade you in the future. But we are not at that juncture yet. Your fate remains firmly in your hands, and we will not compromise the core tenets of the UHF—namely, the free choice of self-actualization—on this matter in any capacity.”

Selene carefully observed Thea’s reaction to this news, fully aware that this was a significant revelation for someone in her position.

What struck her most was how Thea's expression remained surprisingly composed.

There was no visible surprise or relief; instead, Thea’s face was marked by intense focus and concentration. It was clear she was making a concerted effort to absorb every detail, deliberately keeping her emotions in check.

Selene found this a refreshing and positive surprise, for a change.

Although she also had an inclination for why the girl wasn’t reacting too strongly to the news.

‘If I were in her shoes, learning that I hadn’t inadvertently sealed my fate to a painful death would’ve had me over the moon. But Thea’s different, I guess. Growing up in an undercity probably hardens you to the reality that you’re unlikely to meet a peaceful end... It’s tough to imagine a hopeful future when all you’ve known is poverty, illness and a lot of the worst humanity has to offer.’

Noticing that neither Thea nor Selene had any immediate comments, Councillor Lumis continued her explanation.

“Now, for the final piece of essential information to ensure that these proceedings are as transparent and fair as possible: I believe strongly in rectifying mistakes and ensuring that any wrongs are righted accordingly. Therefore, I personally requested the assistance of both the Sovereign and the Apex to assess the full, conclusive impact that the lack of critical information had on your assessment results, Thea.”

Selene’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

The notion that the Councillor had not only involved the Sovereign but had also requisitioned the Apex—one of only twenty-seven Phalanx Fortresses the entire UHF called their own—was simply staggering.

The sheer level of authority required to fast-track such an operation sent a shiver down Selene’s spine, especially considering that both of these AIs were central players in the ongoing quarterly assessment of this multi-sector's recruiment drive.

Running exhaustive simulations on all the potential outcomes was no trivial task, after all.

The vast number of variables at play in the assessment, compounded by the different ways the lack of crucial information might have influenced Thea’s performance and the subsequent ripple-effects of those performances, made the scope of this undertaking almost unimaginable. Even for the Sovereign’s powerful AI, and the even more potent Apex, this was no small feat, especially given their roles in managing the final stages of the assessment.

She found herself involuntarily leaning forward a tiny bit, only catching herself doing so after she had already revealed her hand—her stark interest in the results of said investigation.

Silently cursing herself for the rare slip in composure, Selene couldn’t help but attribute it to the enigmatic presence of the woman standing before her. But she didn’t have long to dwell on her mistake, as Councillor Lumis promptly addressed the ship’s AI.

Her voice, calm yet commanding, filled the room.

“Sovereign, consider this command as mission critical for the UHF, superseding all previous instructions. Please elaborate on the full results of investigation TMC-13-0039, requested and authorised by Councillor Seraphina Lumis, regarding the impact of misinformation and lack of knowledge on Recruit Thea McKay’s assessment. For the purposes of this elaboration, everyone’s clearance level in this room should be considered equivalent to my own. Leave no details unmentioned that pertain to the resulting conclusion.”

Selene immediately recognized the precision in the Councillor’s words, and she couldn’t help but nod in respect for the meticulousness of the order.

Not only had Lumis ensured that the AI would treat this request as mission critical—thus overriding any prior commands that might have compromised the integrity of the report—but she had also deftly elevated everyone’s clearance level to her own. This move preemptively nullified any potential issues with the AI withholding information due to clearance restrictions.

It was a brilliantly executed strategy, no matter how Selene looked at it.

In fact, it was so thorough that Selene found herself momentarily humbled.

She hadn’t even really considered the possibility of clearance levels being an obstacle in this situation, but in hindsight, it made perfect sense. Everything concerning Thea seemed to be wrapped in layers of classified information, and without this manoeuvre, they might have received only a partial report.

Immediately, the Sovereign’s monotone voice echoed through the room as it began its detailed rundown of the investigation:

"Investigation TMC-13-0039 commenced on the direct orders of Councillor Seraphina Lumis, in conjunction with the Apex AI, to evaluate the impact of misinformation and lack of knowledge on Recruit Thea McKay’s performance during the recent quarterly assessment. The investigation involved the simulation of 9,347,281 different scenarios, ranging from baseline scenarios with minimal, realistic information dissemination to scenarios involving complete and comprehensive knowledge transfer prior to the assessment.

"The initial simulations focused on realistically expected information, as would typically be provided to Recruits prior to entering such an assessment, in addition to mission critical information in regards to basic Psyker knowledge. This included basic training on Psyker interactions, detailed briefings on expected enemy capabilities, and standard operational protocols. Subsequent simulations progressively increased the level of detail, introducing more specific and advanced tactical insights, enemy psyker profiles, and in-depth theoretical knowledge on differing Psyker Paths, Inheritances and Polarities.

"The Apex AI contributed by simulating complex battlefield variables, including enemy tactics, unforeseen environmental factors, and varying levels of Recruit stress and fatigue. Each individual scenario was run through multiple iterations to account for random deviations and human error. The report presents the following findings:

"In scenarios where Recruit Thea McKay was equipped with basic and intermediate levels of information, a measurable increase in her squad's initial performance was noted. This included faster enemy identification, more efficient use of her team’s strengths, and a reduced time to adapt to unforeseen challenges. However, these advantages diminished over the course of the assessment as the complexity of engagements increased, particularly in the presence of enemy Psykers.

"When the simulations incorporated a full suite of all available information—essentially equipping Recruit McKay with the same level of knowledge as a fully trained Battlefield Psyker—the results showed a marked improvement in initial tactical decisions and squad cohesion. Thea McKay’s performance peaked during the mid-stages of the assessment, showcasing enhanced adaptability and precision in combat scenarios.

"Despite these improvements, the final outcome in terms of Recruit McKay’s ranking remained statistically unchanged. Regardless of the amount of information provided, Recruit Thea McKay's overall ranking in the assessment did not alter. The key factors influencing her final standing were primarily tied to her squad’s overall performance, the unpredictable nature of battlefield dynamics, and the inherent limitations of the assessment structure itself.

“While increased information improved certain tactical decisions and reduced some initial risks, these advantages did not translate into a significant shift in her placement within the assessment’s final rankings. The simulations conclusively demonstrate that no amount of pre-assessment knowledge, whether basic or comprehensive, would have significantly altered the ultimate outcome.

"In summary, the lack of provided information, while suboptimal, potentially risky for the Recruit and a factor in some tactical inefficiencies, did not ultimately affect Recruit McKay’s final ranking in the quarterly assessment. The investigation concludes that the final outcome remains consistent across all simulated scenarios, affirming that the UHF’s failure to provide specific information did not result in a disadvantage in the context of her overall assessment’s ranking."

A heavy silence hung in the air as Selene and Thea absorbed the overwhelming amount of information presented by the Sovereign’s report.

The implications were staggering, leaving both women visibly shaken.

Thea’s expression was a mix of bewilderment and disbelief, mirroring the confusion Selene herself was struggling to conceal. The weight of the investigation’s conclusion—that no amount of additional knowledge would have changed the outcome of Thea’s final ranking—settled over them like a suffocating blanket.

Just as Selene began to process the enormity of what they had just heard, Councillor Lumis spoke up, her voice cutting through the thick silence with practised calm. She turned her gaze toward Thea, her expression unreadable but her tone soothing.

“While the results of this investigation may come as a shock,” she began, “I want to make it clear that the purpose of this report was not to undermine your claim to any reimbursement. On the contrary, it was born out of my own curiosity, and a belief that you, Thea, would appreciate the knowledge.

“Given your relentless drive to excel, I thought it important for you to understand that even with the absence of crucial information, you performed at the very peak of what was possible under the circumstances. I hope that this knowledge can offer you a measure of closure, knowing that you truly did everything within your power during the assessment.”

Thea remained silent, her eyes locked on the Councillor, clearly grappling with the mixed emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

Selene, meanwhile, found herself inwardly nodding at Lumis's approach—it was a strategic move, both acknowledging Thea’s efforts while not-so-subtly reinforcing the notion that she had not been cheated out of a higher standing, clearing the UHF of some of the negative emotions that Thea had clearly displayed earlier.

As Selene took a moment to gather her thoughts, she appreciated the silent pause the Councillor offered, allowing both her and Thea time to process the overwhelming information. The significance of the AI’s report began to crystallise in her mind.

‘There’s really only one explanation for the results,’ she mused, her analytical mind working quickly to piece together the implications. ‘If no amount of additional knowledge could improve her ranking, that can only mean one thing—Thea is already somewhere at the very top. Otherwise, even a slight advantage in information would have nudged her up quite a few ranks. But if the outcome remained unchanged regardless of how much she knew, it means she’s either the highest-ranked or very close to it, even without the knowledge she was supposed to have.’

A soft, almost incredulous chuckle escaped her, accompanied by a slight shake of her head.

The realisation was both impressive and daunting alike.

‘Why am I even surprised?’ she thought amusedly, recalling Thea’s extraordinary performance in the Cube Trial, where she shattered records and outperformed simulations as an unintegrated fifteen-year-old.

In hindsight, it shouldn’t be surprising that she’d excel in the first assessment as well. The real question now was whether she had claimed the top spot or if there was someone who had just barely outperformed her.

Either way, Selene knew she’d need to confirm this once they were done here.

‘With the assessment nearing its conclusion in the next few days, preliminary rankings should be available soon… I’m eager to see where exactly Thea stands,’ she thought, the anticipation simmering just beneath her composed exterior.

‘Based on the Sovereign’s report, it can’t be far from the top—if not the very peak.’

Turning her attention to Thea, Selene carefully observed the girl beside her, searching for any signs of how she was processing this revelation. Thea’s expression was concentrated, focused, but there was a weight to it that hinted at the internal struggle she might be facing.

Was she grappling with the implications of the report? Did she need help deciphering the finer details, or perhaps she was wrestling with the emotional impact of learning how close she might be to the top?

Selene held back, however, not wanting to push or guide too forcefully.

Instead, she maintained an open and inviting demeanour, silently signalling that she was ready to support Thea in whatever way the girl needed—whether that meant breaking down the meaning of the report, navigating the emotions it stirred, or simply moving forward with the conversation.

Selene was content to let Thea set the pace, knowing that sometimes the best support was simply being there, ready to assist when the moment was right.

Surprisingly, Thea didn’t take long to make a decision. She nodded a few times to herself, as if confirming her thoughts, and then said, “Alright. Let’s continue, then. What, exactly, are we talking about in terms of concessions?”

Selene noted the quiet resolve in Thea’s voice, impressed by the girl’s ability to quickly process the flood of information and remain focused on the task at hand.

Councillor Lumis, sensing the shift in the room, straightened her back even further—something Selene hadn’t thought possible until witnessing it—before taking charge of the conversation once more.

“Given the stipulations outlined earlier, the UHF is prepared to offer two forms of remuneration and concessions. First, the remuneration: This will be what the UHF considers an appropriate repayment for the risks we have placed upon you, and I assure you, it is quite substantial. However, I must emphasise that the details of this offer cannot leave this room until further notice.”

She paused briefly, ensuring both Selene and Thea acknowledged the implicit gag order with a nod before continuing. The Councillor then produced a datapad, gesturing in the air to project its contents into a hologram.

A lengthy list materialised before them, filled with names and affiliations that Selene couldn’t immediately place, though the significance was clear in the gravity of the moment.

Councillor Lumis didn’t leave them in suspense for long. “These are the manufacturers and designers of Ace-level gear and equipment for the UHF. In light of your exemplary performance in both the Cube Trial and the Assessment, and as a token of our remuneration, the UHF is offering you the chance to choose any single name on this list. You may request an Ace-level, unique piece of equipment designed specifically for you by your chosen manufacturer and designer.”

Selene felt a wave of awe and sheer shock at the offer, understanding the raw value of such an opportunity.

Her brain momentarily ceased to function as it tried to process the implications, so she simply glanced at Thea, who appeared equally struck by the immensity of what was being offered.

When the Councillor had said “substantial”, Selene had immediately imagined quite a few possible options, but Ace-level gear? That was downright absurd.

“This will be an iterative process,” Lumis continued, “in which you will be directly involved in the design and testing phases of the equipment. This piece will be considered yours and yours alone, unless you choose to share the design in the future.

“As Ace-level gear, it will be upgraded alongside you as you ascend through the Tiers within the UHF, allowing for one partial redesign at the beginning of each Tier. This means that while you cannot change the core function of the equipment, you can update its features to align with new Skills, Abilities, or Classes you may acquire.”

The Councillor’s voice took on a more serious tone as she added, “Offering Ace-level gear to a Recruit is… unprecedented, to say the least. If this information were to become public, it could lead to quite... unfavourable... consequences for all parties involved. The manufacturers and designers will be thoroughly briefed on this—rest assured on this front—but it is crucial that you do not accidentally reveal this in an inappropriate setting. I trust you understand the importance of discretion on this matter, Thea.”

Thea was simply frozen at Selene’s side, and Selene couldn’t exactly blame her.

This offer was nothing short of astonishing—an unfathomably generous remuneration for a situation the UHF could have easily brushed off, citing no harm, no foul based on the AI’s earlier report.

While Thea had been understandably upset with the Faction, Selene was almost certain that she would have stayed with them regardless—if for no other reason than to remain with her squad. A simple token of goodwill might have been enough to smooth things over, even if it didn’t fully compensate for the ordeal she had endured.

But this? This was beyond anything Selene had even imagined possible, much less likely.

The sheer scale of the offer made her question not only Councillor Lumis’s judgement but also the sanity of those who supported such a decision. If word of this deal ever leaked, the repercussions would be far more extensive than Selene could even fully grasp at that moment.

The different sectors within the UHF would undoubtedly be incensed, their anger ignited by the perceived favouritism.

Ace-level gear wasn’t just valuable; it was a strategic asset.

The materials, manufacturers, and designers required for such equipment were exceedingly rare. The idea of "wasting" it on a mere Recruit—no matter how valuable the knowledge she could provide—would undoubtedly create significant friction within the Faction.

Selene could already envision the uproar from various UHF Sectors, each one questioning the decision to allocate such a precious resource in this way. The implications were staggering, and Selene couldn’t help but wonder what kind of insane power play was unfolding behind the scenes that had led to allowing such a decision to come to pass.

Thankfully, Councillor Lumis was well-versed in the art of giving space when necessary, so Thea was given quite a lot of time to process what she had just been offered.

Unlike her usual quick decisions, Thea took her time—nearly three full minutes—before she awkwardly cleared her throat and leaned in close to Selene, who had been patiently waiting.

“I… I’m not well-versed in this whole thing, but this is a big deal, right? Like… a really big deal? The way she talked about it being unprecedented and all that. It’s huge, yeah?” Thea whispered, her uncertainty clear in her tone.

“Yes, Thea. It’s quite the reimbursement, to put it mildly,” Selene responded immediately, offering the girl a reassuring and encouraging smile. “To be entirely blunt with you, Thea, this could put a target on your back—more than you might want, or even be prepared for. Not just from our enemies but also from certain factions within the UHF. Handing out a strategic asset like this to a Recruit is... problematic. And handing it out to someone from a Midworld, especially its Undercity, who also happens to be a Cyan, could ruffle more than a few feathers; especially considering that this is the first-ever drive that includes Midworlds like yours to begin with...”

Selene paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in before continuing, “You’ll have to guard this secret very carefully if you accept it. I’m half-inclined to suggest you ask for something—anything—else. But I won’t make that recommendation outright. I trust your judgement here implicitly, Thea.”

This sent Thea into another round of deep consideration, something Selene was grateful for.

The girl wasn’t taking this lightly, and Selene’s initial worry that Thea might be too impulsive in her decision-making began to ease. Though Thea often seemed to act quickly, Selene had noticed that her actions were usually backed by careful thought and planning.

There was a quiet intelligence behind her eyes that Selene was thankful for now.

It spared her the need to break down the complex political landscape of the UHF, its sub-factions, and sectors just to make Thea understand the potential consequences of letting this secret slip—but luckily the girl could infer enough just from the way both Lumis and Selene were talking about the deal.

That positive assessment took a slight hit, however, when she heard Thea mutter quietly to herself, “...practically an ultra-rare item…”

Suppressing the urge to palm her face, Selene maintained her composed expression, waiting for Thea’s thoughts to come to a more decisive conclusion.

Thea’s mix of naivety and insight was a constant reminder of her youth and inexperience, but it also highlighted her potential—if only she could navigate this treacherous situation wisely.

A few more mutterings followed, which Selene tried her best to ignore.

“...dangerous... but also cool...”

“...not just New-Tech... Next-Tech!”

“ together... piece of Next-Tech...”

It quickly became apparent that the longer Thea ruminated on her own, the more she drifted away from the risks and focused instead on the allure of getting her hands on cutting-edge technology.

Selene could see the excitement growing in Thea’s eyes, the idea of designing and owning a piece of Next-Tech gear overshadowing the potential dangers. Recognizing that things were spiralling away from the core issue, Selene gently cleared her throat to recapture Thea’s attention.

Leaning in, she whispered with a note of urgency, “Thea, this is no idle offer. Please, consider it carefully with the risks in mind. It’s tempting, I know, but don’t accept it just because it’s special. You can ask for nearly anything else—something with fewer potential pitfalls.”

Thea looked at her and smiled, giving a firm nod before responding, “Don’t worry, Selene. I’ve thought it through all the way.”

Turning towards Councillor Lumis, Thea spoke up with a level of confidence that took Selene by surprise.

“I will accept this offer of remuneration. I know there’s more going on here than just making up for a mistake, but this is an opportunity I can’t pass up. So, whatever this game is that you and parts of the UHF are playing, I’ll reluctantly play along to get my hands on this.”

With a confident smirk—the first Selene had seen from her all day—Thea added, “I would’ve earned one of these soon enough anyway. They’re given to Aces, right? So if anyone has an issue with it, they can come to me. I’ll prove I deserve this, whether they want to admit it or not.”

Both Selene and Lumis were momentarily taken aback by Thea's sudden display of confidence—perhaps even bordering on overconfidence—but neither could suppress the smiles that spread across their faces.

For Selene, especially, it was a struggle to contain the wave of emotion that surged within her. This was the Thea she remembered from over two years ago in the undercity: A confident, sharp, and cheeky girl, brimming with potential and talent.

Not the broken, emotionally drained figure the UHF had reintroduced to her earlier.

“Very well,” the Councillor replied, nodding in agreement. “I understand that you may not be in a position to make informed choices regarding specific manufacturers and designers at this moment, as you lack critical information on the matter. Therefore, we will postpone the second half of this discussion for a later date.

“You will be granted full access to the UHF’s manufacturer and designer databases, allowing you to research each option at your own pace. Additionally, the Sovereign will be instructed to answer any questions you have about this process. However, please remain mindful of the highly sensitive nature of this remuneration and the implications it carries. Do not squander this opportunity as we, unfortunately, did with the one you offered us—one fundamental failure is more than enough for all of us, I believe.”

The Councillor then picked up the datapad, causing the holographic list to vanish, before making a few adjustments and bringing up a new display—a list that was far more straightforward to understand.

It was an itemised list, counting out four distinct, additional concessions the UHF was willing to make to Thea specifically…

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