The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 27 - Humbling Experience

Before Thea could process Lucas moving between her and the incoming shot, the Terra Venator’s Star-cannon's iridescent beam abruptly ceased, roughly two kilometres from their location. The beam, once a magnificent and destructive force capable of decimating mountains, cities, and continents alike, became eerily silent and dissipated into a captivating spectacle of scattered particles, consumed by an unseen void.

The particles remained suspended in the air, a sparkling testament to the once-powerful and now-neutralised force. Trapped in an energetic whirlpool of iridescent light, they gradually faded away, and an unusual event transpired.

The sudden disintegration of such a massive amount of energy created a disturbance in the surrounding atmosphere, significantly distorting the air. This effect was akin to an invisible hand grazing reality's fabric, offering fleeting glimpses of the concealed barrier that had thwarted the catastrophic attack.

The barrier, an ordinarily indiscernible boundary of an invisible dome, flickered momentarily, hinting at its presence to the observers. A faint, dream-like shimmer danced across its surface, revealing the gentle arc of the shield standing between the Terra Venator's catastrophic power and the recruits beyond. This brief exposure of the mind-boggling technology that had protected them was a temporary revelation.

Thea’s eyes grew wide at the implications of what had transpired, just as she started hearing the hearty belly-laughter of Lt. Jorvik behind her. Spinning around on the spot to look at their Professor for the class, she was flabbergasted at the sight.

Lt. Jorvik was keeled over, laying on the ground and laughing hysterically, as if he had just witnessed the funniest thing he had ever seen. In between bouts of laughter, he squeezed out a couple of sentences.

“Holy shit…! That was absolutely worth it…! You guys should have seen your faces, hahaha. I programmed the SADD earlier to block the Star-cannon’s fire… Haha… Ahh man! …My back hurts from all the laughing…” The Lieutenant finished, while holding the left side of his back, still laying on the ground, tears streaking down his cheeks.

Thea stared at him, disbelief creeping across her face as the reality of the situation sank in.

This had all been a setup, a staged lesson, not the imminent danger she and her classmates had believed it to be...!

She wasn't sure whether she should feel relieved, embarrassed, or outraged. Her gaze darted between the now harmless remnants of the Star-cannon's beam and the guffawing figure of Lt. Jorvik on the ground.

Her fellow recruits were in a similar state of shock, confusion evident on their faces. Some looked at each other in stunned silence, others started to join in the laughter, albeit with clear remnants of trepidations apparent, their nerves frayed from the false alarm but their spirits lifted by the revelation.

Lt. Jorvik was still caught in a renewed fit of uncontrollable laughter, clutching his sides as he rolled on the ground, his body convulsing in mirth. "Ah, you should've... you should've seen yourselves!" he gasped, words barely discernible between his barks of laughter. "Terrified of a... of a harmless light show!"

As his laughter finally subsided, the Lieutenant pulled himself to a seated position, wiping away tears from his eyes.

"You see, recruits," he began, struggling to regain his composure, "In real combat, things won't always be as they appear. You've got to stay alert and adapt quickly. And that's the lesson for today."

He gave a satisfied nod, his cheeks still flushed with laughter, and a twinkle in his eye, obviously proud of his own, clearly made-up on the spot, conclusion.

Thea, along with the rest of the class, simply stared at their eccentric Professor, their hearts still pounding from the adrenaline rush.

Thea couldn’t help but think to herself, ‘I guess there really must be a rule for all Lieutenants to be absolutely batshit crazy…’

However, just as she turned around to check up on Lucas, the ground beneath her feet started to shake violently. Her eyes widened in sudden comprehension—she had entirely overlooked the incoming shockwave from the Star-cannon's discharge! While the beam itself had been utterly nullified, the shockwave from the actual Terra Venator's main gun firing had not!

In the blink of an eye, the shockwave hit, giving her no time to react.

An invisible wall of pure force swept over her and the rest of the Recruits, tangible and relentless. Dust and debris that had finally managed to settle after the last firing, once again laying calmly on the ground, were suddenly lifted in a violent whirlwind that raced between the hangars.

The ground undulated beneath her feet like a disturbed ocean, waves of raw energy rolling and cresting. The steel frames of the hangars groaned in protest as the tremors wracked their foundations, rattling the massive doors in their tracks.

Lucas, still standing beside her, stiffened, bracing himself against the blast. But even his sturdy figure could not wholly shield her from the shockwave's wrath. The force hit them like a battering ram, and Lucas was thrown sideways, his body slamming into the nearest hangar with a sickening thud.

Thea was not spared the brunt of the shockwave's fury either. As it blasted through her, a piece of airborne debris—a jagged stone set free by the massive impact of the shockwave itself—slammed into her shoulder. It tore through her skin, muscle, and even bone with brutal force, akin to a bullet fired at point-blank range. Pain radiated through her, sudden and searing, as the impact hurled her off her feet and onto the ground.

All around her, the other recruits were caught in the same maelstrom of chaos. Startled screams and shouts of alarm pierced the air, vying with the cacophony of groaning metal and the raging wind for dominance. Recruits were tossed about like ragdolls, sliding across the ground or brutally colliding with the steel sides of the hangars.

Eventually, the gales stirred up by the shockwave began to die down. To Thea, who was wracked with pain and disoriented by the impact, it felt like an eternity. The Star-cannon's second discharge had proven far more powerful and destructive than the first.

Grimacing, she lay on the ground, her hand cradling her wounded shoulder. It was a bloody mess, torn open by the debris, and each movement sent fresh waves of pain coursing through her body. Despite the agony, she managed to push herself up to her knees.

Suddenly, Lt. Jorvik’s voice echoed over the dying gusts of wind, "Sovereign, restore the Recruits to their pre-training state, please."

Almost instantaneously, Thea felt the crippling pain that had ravaged her body vanish. Her vision, previously blurred by the agony, sharpened, and the sensation of a pristine body flooded her with relief. Drawing in a deep, grateful breath, she turned her attention to Lucas, who had been hurled against one of the neighbouring hangars.

Quickly moving over and reaching out her hand, she helped the hefty man to his feet. "Thanks, Lucas," she said. "I appreciate the gesture."

Lucas seemed taken aback by her address. He blinked, his gaze refocusing on Thea. "Appreciate it…? Appreciate what?" he asked, looking puzzled as he scanned his own body.

"You stepped in front of me, Lucas," Thea clarified. "You were trying to protect me… I think?"

Suddenly comprehending his previous positioning, a faint blush spread across Lucas' cheeks. He stumbled over his words, "I... I didn't... wasn't... trying to be a hero... didn't even realise I did that, to be honest..."

Suppressing a smile, Thea gave a reassuring nod to the towering man, who was now awkwardly scratching the back of his head, seemingly avoiding her gaze.

"Thank you anyway. It's comforting to know you'd step in if I were in danger. Makes my job a lot less stressful."

He looked embarassed and still slightly dazed from being thrown around like a pebble, but managed a faint smile. "Thanks, Thea… I totally forgot about the shockwave… Thought we were safe when the beam disappeared…"

Considering her response for a moment, Thea finally said, "So did I. And I nearly got skewered by a pebble... Lt. Jorvik must have the same brand of craziness as all the other Lieutenants I've encountered. Do you think a certain level of insanity is part of the job description?"

Lucas' eyebrows shot up at Thea’s question. For a moment, she worried she had crossed a line, but his response eased her fears immediately, "Wait… You mean your other Lieutenants were also somewhat... eccentric? I thought it was just me having only run into the strange ones so far…!"

Laughing at the strange bond they had just discovered, Thea and Lucas quickly joined in with the rest of the recruits who were already gathering before Lt. Jorvik.

Lt. Jorvik, facing the less-than-pleased expressions of his students, cleared his throat.

“I trust we've learned a valuable lesson today: Never disregard the shockwave. SADDs block weaponized shockwaves programmed specifically for deflection. But a side effect like the one caused by the Terra Venator’s Star-cannon is a different beast altogether. Predicting its strength and effectively countering it is an enormous challenge due to the varying distances and energy outputs."

He paused briefly, allowing the information to sink in, before he continued, "Now, before we conclude this lesson, I have a question: Why do you think I had the Terra Venator's crew fire at us? And no, the answer is not just for my amusement—though I must admit that your faces were utterly fucking hilarious…"

The recruits exchanged glances, various expressions of bewilderment, resentment, and reluctant amusement etched on their faces. After a moment of silence, one of them hesitantly spoke up, "To... teach us about the dangers of a real battlefield? To remind us that in a war, anything can happen?"

Lt. Jorvik's stern expression eased slightly at the answer, and he gave a nod of approval, "That's part of it. But remember, no battle or training simulation can truly replicate the chaotic nature of actual combat. This lesson could've been taught with a heavy Titan or even a simple grav-bike. So why use the Terra Venator specifically?”

There was a brief silence as the recruits mulled over this question.

Finally, knowing full well that she was about to step into the limelight of the class, Thea took a deep breath and stepped forward, her voice clear and steady, "It's because of the SADD, isn't it? You wanted us to truly grasp the extent of its defensive capabilities. By using one of the most formidable weapons in the UHF's arsenal and showing its effect on that mountain first, you provided a palpable, real-world demonstration of the kind of danger the SADD can shield us from on the battlefield.”

Lt. Jorvik looked at Thea with a mixture of surprise and respect, "Spot on, Recruit. As expected of a member of Alpha Squad… The SADD is one of our most essential defensive tools. Understanding its full potential and limitations can mean the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

“And yes, while it was a bit extreme," he added, a playful smirk crossing his face, "using the Terra Venator made for a more impactful demonstration, wouldn't you agree?"

The recruits looked at one another, some rolling their eyes while others just laughed softly. Despite the ordeal they had just been through, they could not deny the effectiveness of the lesson. It was an unforgettable display of the SADD's capabilities and the unpredictable nature of warfare—lessons they knew would serve them well in the future.

"Now then," Lt. Jorvik continued, standing at full attention with his hands clasped firmly behind his back. His gaze swept over the assembly of recruits, a satisfied glint in his eyes.

"That concludes today's Warfare 101 lecture. You are now primed for your assessment and any potential emergencies that may arise before then. Remember, if any of you have an inclination towards joining the UHF Armoured Division, don't hesitate to let the Sovereign know. They'd be more than glad to welcome you aboard."

He paused, a stern yet encouraging look on his face, "You're all dismissed, Recruits. Good work today."

Lt. Jorvik saluted the assembly of recruits, his arm sharp and precise. Instinctively, they returned the salute, the protocol having been drilled into them during their basic training. His mission accomplished, the Lieutenant turned and leisurely walked toward his grav-bike, effectively signalling the end of the day's lecture.

Thea and Lucas exchanged a glance before starting their journey towards the distant door nestled amidst the rocky-stone desert. The exit from the classroom led back to their reality. They remained silent, choosing instead to soak up the final moments of the natural surroundings, even though it had been marred by the raw power of the Terra Venator.

Once they had left the classroom and began the trek to the Alpha Squad accommodations, Lucas finally broke the silence. "Quite a lecture, wasn't it? I didn't expect us to witness anything remotely close to the Terra Venator. I was surprised we even saw anything above medium weight..."

Thea took a moment to consider her response, mindful of previous communication mishaps. "Yes... It was a lot more impactful than I initially anticipated. Are you considering the UHF Armoured Division after we complete the assessment?"

Lucas furrowed his brows, contemplating her question. After a minute, he finally replied, "I'll have to see. As I said, I prefer a reliable squad to venturing into the unknown. So, if we perform well, I see no reason to switch. I'll definitely hone some vehicle Skills and acquire a few licences, especially those grav-tanks. They looked impressive..."

Relieved at Lucas' answer, Thea, who had come to value his presence in Alpha Squad, hummed in agreement. "Sounds like a plan to me."

The remainder of their journey was marked by a comfortable silence, a stark contrast to the awkward silences Thea was generally accustomed to. With a content smile on her face, feeling like she had made another large step of progress in her social capabilities, Thea felt ready to take on her biggest challenge yet: Her and Isabella’s sparring session…

Having arrived back at their shared accommodations around fifteen minutes later, they found that they were the first to arrive.

Deciding to make sure that nothing would interrupt her streak, Thea immediately excused herself, “I’ll be heading towards the training room… I have a sparring session with Isabella when she gets back from today’s lecture.”

Wide-eyed, Lucas simply stared at her receding form. Just before she crossed the doorway into Alpha Squad’s private training room, Thea heard a muffled voice behind her, “Sparring with Isabella…?! By the gods… May Xagis look over her…”

Unwilling to break her concentration at the task at hand, Thea simply did her best to ignore the strange words of her squad mate and stepped into Alpha Squad’s training room.

Walking into Alpha Squad’s private training room always felt to Thea like entering a different world.

It was a large, open space, the size of one of the arenas that they had used during the Practical the day before, with stark white walls. The floor was composed of the same material that Thea had seen placed inside the arenas as well. The high ceiling, fitted with panels of soft white lights, gave it an overall airy feel.

In its entirety, the room felt polished, clinical, like an operating theatre - a place where precision mattered. Around the room were different sections devoted to various aspects of training.

To the right was a row of high-tech treadmills and weight machines, each with a built-in monitor to ensure correct form and provide helpful training tips. The centre of the room was a versatile, open space for combat practice, which could be easily customised with the touch of a button or via voice commands to simulate different terrains and combat scenarios.

On the far left, there was a smaller, partitioned area for mental training, equipped with full-dive VR rigs for immersive strategy games and reaction tests. Several bean bags were scattered around the area, offering a comfortable resting spot for post-training downtime.

A full length mirror occupied one of the walls, a tool for recruits to watch their form and movement while training. There was an underlying purpose to everything in the room, a calculated functionality that left no space wasted.

On the opposite end waited another door, that Thea had only entered once so far, during their initial exploration of the Alpha Squad accommodations. It led towards their personal shooting range, a place she was going to undoubtedly spend countless hours in the future.

The room she was in hummed with a subtle, underlying energy, the result of the constant electronic buzz and the atmosphere of determined focus that hung in the air. This was a place of growth, of progress, a constant testament to the fact that the members of Alpha Squad were encouraged to hone themselves to become the best they could be, for the sake of the UHF.

Overwhelmed with determination, Thea headed straight for the bean bags in the mental training area. She sank into one, closed her eyes, and let the world fall silent around her as her Meditation Focus activated.

'I need to regain all my Focus before I start sparring... Today has been another rollercoaster of unimaginable revelations... Seeing something as colossal as the Terra Venator was awe-inspiring, but also terrifying... I hope I never have to confront such a beast on the battlefield... How could I possibly contend with that...?'

Reflecting on the day's Warfare 101 lecture, Thea felt a sense of dislocation. As a scout/sniper, she would be virtually defenceless against any of the combat vehicles showcased today. The feeling of utter helplessness at such a thought ignited both fear and rage within her.

'I refuse to be so powerless! There has to be a solution... Perhaps a specialised heavy sniper rifle for anti-vehicle purposes... Surely, such a thing must exist... But would it be available at my tech-level? Wait a minute! I have the tech-upgrade voucher from the Achievements! I could get one from the next tech tier, provided I can afford it...'

A plan began to take shape in Thea's mind, transforming her scowl back into her previous, contented smile. Turning her attention inward, she began reciting a calming mantra she'd practised since her first day of basic training.

'Relax, Thea. Of course there are ways to deal with these issues... Don't let fear overwhelm you. You have your place, you are an integral part of the squad and the UHF as a whole. You won't be replaced just because you encounter a situation you can't handle alone. You're part of a squad and the entire marine corps has got your back. You are not alone. You matter...'

As she repeated her mantra, Thea slipped deeper and deeper into meditation, losing all sense of time and self.

Thea suddenly found herself jerking awake as she fell off the bean-bag she had been sitting on, hitting the medium-hard floor of the training room.

Immediately, she opened her eyes and looked around, wondering what had caused her to suddenly lose balance. Looking up, her gaze met Isabella’s who was towering above her, a mildly amused look on her face.

“Good to see that you’re finally back from outer space or whatever. I’ve been trying to get you to wake up for like two minutes, figured shoving you over would do the trick… And look at that: It did.”

Feeling the tip of her ears get hot, Thea quickly got up on her feet, briefly dusting off her uniform, before addressing the waiting Isabella directly.

“Sorry… I was meditating and lost track of time, while I was waiting for you… We got done early with our lecture and I wanted to get started with the spar as soon as possible.”

With a simple waive of her hand, Isabella indicated not to worry about it, before she headed towards the central area of the room - the combat-training arena - and prompted Thea to follow, “Well then, let’s get on with it. You seem eager enough… Don’t come crying to me afterwards, alright? What rules do you want?”

Briefly going over her prepared plan to get closer to Isabella, Thea nodded to herself, before answering, “The same ones as in the Practical, if you’re fine with it. Close-quarter only, win two out of three, resets on death.”

With a slight raise of her eyebrows, Isabella mustered Thea intently for a few seconds, before shrugging and entering the rules into the terminal on the side.

As Isabella continued down the list of rules, she ended up at the one Thea had been waiting for the most. Raising her eyes towards the approaching Thea, Isabella simply prompted, “Pain?”

Having steeled herself beforehand, Thea replied immediately, with conviction in her voice, “Realistic. Lt. Eifang had a saying during my Practical: ‘Failure should hurt, so that you may learn not to fail again.’ I see no reason to ignore his advice. I’m here to learn, after all.”

A slight chuckle escaped Isabella as she confirmed the ruleset for their sparring session.

With a toothy grin, Isabella turned towards the equipment racks that had just appeared outside the arena and walked towards it, “Very well… You’ve got my attention, that much is certain. Show me what you got, Cy—Thea. I’m definitely interested to know what the winner of one of the other Practicals has to offer…”

Thea made her way towards the equipment racks as well and donned her typical light-armour. Making sure to heed Karania’s advice, especially against an opponent she could absolutely not afford to handicap herself, Thea reached for the vibroknives, attaching two to her belt, while wielding two additional ones in her hands.

Briefly twirling, moving and stabbing the air with her knives, she got a feel for the slightly changed weight of her new equipment. Nodding to herself, Thea thought to herself, ‘That should do nicely… They’ll be a great help against Isabella’s heavy armour… assuming I can get close enough to hit her…’

Eyeing her opponent, Thea watched as Isabella fitted herself with the standard UHF heavy armour. In stark contrast to Thea's light armour, designed primarily to deflect small-arms fire, shrapnel, and ricochets with its layered, reactive plates, Isabella's suit was built to withstand a wide array of attacks.

Constructed of sturdy, composite materials, the heavy armour looked like a behemoth of protective wear. The plates were thicker, layered, and were supplemented by energy-absorbing meshes, all placed on top of a full-body suit of reinforced mesh fibres.

The chest and back pieces appeared almost shell-like, conforming to the human body but offering formidable protection. Massive shoulder guards extended down to the thick bracers that encased the forearms, and the gauntlets, although cumbersome, were practically impenetrable.

The leggings were similarly structured, with hard, plated armour covering the upper legs and flexible joints at the knees for mobility. Greaves protected the lower legs and the heavy boots were reinforced to bear the weight of the entire ensemble. It was a fortress of a suit, designed not only to protect but to intimidate.

Isabella's helmet was the final piece. Once she snapped it on, her appearance changed entirely - she became an embodiment of force, a figure of authority and strength.

As Thea observed Isabella gear up, a flicker of unease traced her spine. She had battled fellow Marines donned in heavy armour just the day before, but witnessing Isabella clad in her formidable gear emanated an aura of supreme confidence and palpable threat, that Thea had no way to reasonably put into words.

Quickly quashing the creeping anxiety however, Thea stepped toward the arena's centre, her gaze fixed on Isabella finalising her choice of weaponry. A pang of dread hit her as Isabella selected a chainsword, her mind echoing a silent curse, 'Fuck… I was hoping she'd pass on the chainsword… The realistic pain settings are going to be brutal...'

Isabella then strode to the arena's centre, her identity concealed behind her helmet's visor. Brandishing her chainsword, she pointed it directly at Thea, issuing a challenge, “Show me what you got, Thea.”

Steeling her resolve, Thea slipped into her signature low-stance, her body and mind prepared for the inevitable confrontation with Isabella. 'Keep calm… Play it safe, decode her patterns. Change the game if need be… Learn from her, whatever you can.' Thea reassured herself as the familiar, blue-hued barrier materialised around the arena and a holographic countdown surfaced between them.

Standing just 30 metres apart, Thea felt a tingle of anticipation race through her. As the countdown ticked closer to zero, she could almost sense the exhilarating grin hidden beneath Isabella’s visor.

The sharp buzz of the arena alarm reverberated, signifying the commencement of the first round. As the sound echoed, roughly a second after the initial blaring of the buzzer, Thea invoked her Ability, triggering a familiar chime from the System inside her mind.

'Sensory Overdrive.'

[System]: "Sensory Overdrive has reached Level 4."

Time seemed to stretch, dilating around her. Yet, even amidst the perceptively distorted tempo, Isabella charged at her like a bullet – an unprecedented speed that made Thea's eyes widen.

Usually, Thea would have darted towards her adversary. However, the sight of Isabella barreling down on her, encased in her hulking armour, altered her approach entirely. She quickly adopted a more defensive mid-stance, bracing herself against the impending onslaught of Isabella's ferocious attack.

Isabella crashed into Thea's defensive stance like a meteor, her chainsword clashing against both of Thea's vibroknives with a screeching cacophony of metal. Despite her preparation and the fact she had used both of her weapons to parry the attack, Thea staggered back from the sheer force, her footing slipping as she struggled to keep her balance.

Isabella however, was relentless.

Thea, feeling that without her Ability, she'd be utterly helpless, quickly refreshed the duration by activating it once again.

'Sensory Overdrive.'

No sooner had Thea regained her footing when another blistering attack was launched. The chainsword arced through the air with deadly precision and the whirring of its vicious teeth, each swing a testament to Isabella's superior strength and speed.

Thea found herself on the backfoot, desperately parrying each incoming strike. She could feel herself straining to keep up, despite her Sensory Overdrive still being active, the world around her a blur of action. Isabella was seemingly everywhere at once, a cyclone of devastating attacks that left Thea no space to breathe, let alone counterattack.

Her vibroknives hummed in her hands as she desperately parried and deflected, the momentum of Isabella's chainsword threatening to overwhelm her at each exchange. Her arms trembled under the ceaseless onslaught, and she knew, even with her enhanced senses, she was barely keeping up.

Thea, used to being the hunter so far, had found herself the prey.

Isabella was like nothing she had ever faced before, a force of nature encapsulated in heavy armour. Each movement, each attack was flawlessly executed, underlining the stark difference in their combat experience. Yet even now, she felt like Isabella wasn’t giving it her all. She had barely manoeuvred around Thea, despite the fact that her vastly superior Strength would make it nearly impossible for Thea to react to Isabella’s explosive movement speed.

The sparring session had barely begun, but it already felt like an eternity for Thea. A bead of sweat trickled down her brow, her chest heaving as she grappled with the startling reality - she was completely outmatched.

The intense sensory experience of the sparring match was abruptly cut short as Thea's Sensory Overdrive expired, resulting in her momentarily stumbling as she grappled with the sudden perceptual change.

Isabella seized the opportunity in an instant.

Her movements, already swift and decisive, transformed into an indistinct whirlwind as Thea was caught off guard. The searing, acute pain that followed marked the successful connection of Isabella's chainsword with Thea's right arm.

Despite a desperate parrying attempt, Thea's vibroknives were woefully inadequate. The chainsword's relentless teeth chewed through skin, muscle, and bone with horrific ease. Thea's arm fell to the arena floor, a grotesque and detached sight, as the chainsword continued its deadly journey unhindered.

A visceral scream of pure agony reverberated in the training room as the chainsword's trajectory took it into Thea's torso. The torment intensified exponentially as it ripped through her ribcage, effortlessly shattering bones and carving through vital organs. The horrifying sensation of her lung being eviscerated by the vicious teeth of the chainsword was the last thing she registered before her consciousness succumbed to the overwhelming pain.

The last thing she felt was the life being carved out of her as the chainsword sliced through her heart.

Then, darkness descended...

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