The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 34 - Full Equip

After enduring about fifteen minutes of relentless teasing from Karania, the facade of their next destination, Starsteel Armory, began to emerge before them.

Much unlike the Bullseye’s Rifles store Thea had been in before, which put a lot of emphasis on being low-key on the outside, the Starsteel Armory went with a diametrically opposed philosophy.

The storefront of Starsteel Armory was grand and imposing, embodying a sense of indomitable strength that seemed a fitting representation for an armour specialist. Its outer walls were made of an incredibly lustrous, silver-hued alloy that sparkled under the artificial lighting of the Tier-1 Technology Deck. This captivating metallic sheen was a clear nod to the store's namesake and acted as a real-world demonstration of the advertised, superior quality of their wares.

Furthermore, towering holographic displays stood proudly on either side of the entrance, broadcasting rotating images of armoured figures in a myriad of designs. Each one was evidently well-crafted, offering glimpses of sleek bodysuits, formidable sets of power armour, and innovative protection gear that seemed to blur the line between technology and downright magic. These breathtaking displays served not only as advertisements but also as a testament to the wide variety of options available to prospective buyers.

At the centre of these flamboyant promotions was the shop's crest, hung right above the main entrance to the store - a gleaming star forged from interlaced bands of steel. It pulsed with a radiant light that seemed to lend a sense of life to the otherwise inanimate insignia.

A simultaneous, awestruck "Wow..." slipped from Thea and Karania as they took in the mesmerising spectacle before them.

"These power armours seem really high-end... They can't possibly be T1 tech, can they...?" Karania pondered aloud, a sentiment that Thea found herself aligning with. The exceptional craftsmanship involved in creating those suits alone suggested the use of exceptionally advanced, potentially even next-tier, technology.

Thea even spotted similar shades of metal alloys within the power armour designs as she'd seen on some vehicles during her Warfare 101 lecture. This hinted that these armours likely surpassed their current technology tier limitations for acquisition.

"Despite it all, this makes me incredibly eager to see what sort of armour they have available... Their marketing is certainly effective..." Thea confessed wryly.

Karania responded with an agreeable hum as the duo proceeded into the store.

Upon stepping into the Starsteel Armory, the pair were greeted by an interior that was every bit as impressive as the exterior. The floor was fashioned from polished onyx marble, glinting under the artful lighting that accentuated the most prominent features of the store.

The armours were displayed prominently around the spacious showroom, neatly divided by type and technology tier.

From lightweight stealth suits to reinforced combat armours, the variety seemed endless. Each piece was showcased on life-sized mannequins, imbuing them with an imposing air of lifelike readiness. The arrangement was such that customers could easily navigate around, comparing specifications and designs at their own pace.

Scattered among the armour displays were holographic information panels that illuminated detailed specifications of each armour model, providing a comprehensive insight into their design, capabilities, and unique selling points.

The store was bustling with customers, ranging from fresh-faced Recruits like Thea and Karania to seasoned Privates with the scars and swagger to match. Conversations echoed across the hall, a chorus of hushed whispers and excited chatter that filled the air with anticipation and thrill.

Serving the customers were AI store clerks who navigated through the space with ease. Dressed in sleek black uniforms that contrasted against the metallic hues of the armours, they attended to inquiries with programmed patience and in-depth knowledge. Their eyes glowed a soft blue, the same hue as the digital interface embedded in their palms, which they used to pull up information or make transactions.

Despite the breathtaking range of products and the flurry of activity, the store managed to maintain an air of class and sophistication, much like an upscale boutique - except offering equipment of war, rather than high-class dresses and suits.

"I have a feeling we could easily lose track of time here if we don't prioritize what we're looking for," Karania mused, prompting a thoughtful hum of agreement from Thea.

"So, I need a medium-type armour with extra storage for medical supplies. Ideally, it should include modules that support battlefield surgery or medical procedures. I'm not sure if such a thing exists, but it's worth checking. As for you, a light-type with enhanced stealth capabilities might be ideal. Perhaps some form of illusion-tech to help you stay hidden when sniping?"

Thea nodded in agreement, "That sounds about right. We also need to consider the type of armour plating. My sparring sessions with Isabella made me realize the importance of this, even for light and medium types. There's reactive, reflective, and more.

"I might opt for a mix of everything, since I'm not certain about my primary adversaries, but for a rear-line medic like you, reflective armour with anti-laser benefits might be ideal. Lucas or Isabella will probably intercept anything else before it reaches you," Thea said, her gaze thoughtful.

Remembering her tier-up voucher, Thea's face lit up. She turned to Karania and said, "Oh! That reminds me. I can also explore all the Tier 2 armours they have here, assuming they cater to Tier 2 Deck - which, judging by the high-tech gear we saw outside, shouldn't be an issue. If it’s possible, would you like to check out the Tier 2 armours with me?"

“Whoa, you can just check them all right here? That’s insane. Whether I want to check them out? Absolutely! Why do you even ask?!” Karania replied enthusiastically, before gently pushing Thea towards the nearest store clerk, eager to get their shopping tour started.

Minutes later, they found themselves in a secluded backroom lounge, taking a seat on an exceptionally comfortable, grey-leather couch. A holographic data screen floated in front of them, displaying a vast selection of Tier 2 armours available at Starsteel Armory. The abundance of choices soon left them feeling swamped.

Even though the overall designs were fewer than the variety of weapon designs at Bullseye’s Rifles’ Tier 2 catalogue, the staggering amount of additional attachments, modules, and options for the armours was simply mind-boggling.

After a short while, Thea found an armour design that suited her aesthetic preferences and specifications. However, she spent a considerable amount of time perusing the auxiliary options before sinking back into the couch with a profound sigh.

“This is going to take forever… Why are there so many things to consider?!” she lamented aloud.

“I get what you mean… This is definitely a lot more in-depth than I had anticipated. I thought I would just go in, pick my armour and main module and leave… But this is just downright crazy,” Karania echoed, her sigh mirroring Thea's.

“Well, either way, we’ll have to get through it. This armour will be our sole protection out there, so I guess it makes sense that it would be the most customizable part of our equipment,” Thea concluded. With renewed determination, she straightened up from her relaxed posture and returned to her browsing.

She had taken a liking to the light-type T2 armour design simply named ‘Wraith’, which ended up being a somewhat apt description of its appearance as well.

The 'Wraith' was a vision of both elegance and efficiency, a feat of modern engineering designed to blur the line between user and environment to almost nothing. Its design was sleek, almost fluid, with streamlined contours that allowed for unhindered movement and a T1 material-alloy that reduced radar and heat signatures to near-nothingness.

The surfaces were crafted with a seamless curvature, eliminating any excess protrusions that could interfere with stealth operations or give away a position. Each curve, each bend, was meticulously designed to minimise its visibility to enemy detection systems, making the wearer a mere wisp - an apparition - on the battlefield.

The Wraith's main feature was its resilient nanofiber hooded-cloak. The fabric was incredibly thin, light, and flexible, yet remarkably strong, able to resist considerable damage while maintaining its cloaking abilities. While inactive, the cloak had a slightly silver colour to it, that seemingly gleamed and sparkled with an inner radiance.

The cloak was designed to be able to cover the whole armour, including the wearer's weapon, creating a practically invisible area of cover that could blend into any environment seamlessly. In effect, it turned the wearer into an ephemeral presence on the battlefield, unseen and unheard until it was too late.

Along with its near-perfect ability to blend in with the environment, the Wraith was surprisingly lightweight, making it an excellent choice for agile operations, scouting missions, or long-range engagements where stealth and mobility were paramount.

The nanofiber cloak, coupled with the sleek and lightweight design of the armour itself, would allow the wearer to move fluidly and swiftly, like a phantom gliding across the battlefield.

It came with two major module and three auxiliary slots, providing the wearer with ample amount of customization for their every need.

There were a myriad of available major modules, such as the Graviton-Boots, Cloaking Matrix, Bio-Regenerative Injectors, Neural Interface Link, Movement Actuators for either Legs or Arms and even an option for a Cybernetic Enhancement Suit, which would allow any and all cybernetics of the user to seamlessly work with the armours internal systems.

Thea found herself wrestling with the decision on which major modules to incorporate into her armour.

Eventually however, she settled on the 'Holographic Decoy Projector' and the 'Nanobot Reserves (Illusion)'. Though initially drawn to the Movement Actuators (Legs) for the potential burst of speed they promised, she reasoned her newly acquired 'Improved Sprint' Ability adequately fulfilled that role.

The function of the 'Holographic Decoy Projector' was fairly straightforward, granting Thea's armour the ability to conjure a remarkably accurate holographic duplicate of her. This decoy could serve as an invaluable distraction for any adversaries, misdirecting their attention when necessary.

On the other hand, the 'Nanobot Reserves' was more complex in its utility. Thea had chosen the illusion variant, designed to support her role as a sniper. The nanobots, upon deployment, would swarm from her armour and envelop her in a protective field. When she took a shot, these nanobots would manipulate the surrounding light and air, effectively obscuring the precise origin of her laser fire.

While a keen observer could potentially deduce her position by studying the point of entry or exit on the target, by that time, Thea would have already relocated. Adding to their worth, these nanobots also offered a measure of sound diffusion, akin to a suppressor, making them applicable even with her laser-based Gram. Choosing this module had been an easy decision for her.

For auxiliary modules, Thea made a selection that prioritised simplicity and functionality.

Two of her slots were designated for a refined grappling hook system, which would facilitate ascension to high locations that her 'Skystep' Ability may not yet be able to reach.

Her third slot was allocated to a ‘Vibro-Weapon Disruptor’.

This module allowed her armour to reactively emit a defensive shock when pierced by a vibro-weapon, momentarily disabling the weapon's vibro function, drastically lowering it’s cutting and piercing potential. Although the disruption was fleeting and the armour required significant time to recharge, this feature could prove to be an effective last line of defence in precarious close-combat situations.

With a satisfied sigh, Thea leaned back on the comfortable couch, while looking at her selection, “I think I’m finally done, Kara. How is yours looking?”

“Should also be just about done… Yep! Just got done as well. Great timing there, Thea,” Karania mentioned, while passing her datapad to Thea.

Although Karania did not have direct access to the T2 catalogue, they had devised a simple, yet ingenious workaround. By allowing Thea to explore the medium-type selections and examine the modules, they gave Karania sufficient time to note down every conceivable option in her datapad.

As Thea was assembling her ideal T2 armour using the data screen, Karania was employing her personally transcribed information to make her choices. Now, with their selections complete, Karania meticulously scrutinised Thea's choices displayed on the data screen, while Thea evaluated Karania's selections on her datapad.

‘Hmm… Medium-type ‘Reaper’ armour…? Not sure I’m a fan of that name for our medic’s choice, but alright. Three major modules, no auxiliaries? Interesting design… So the modules are ‘Movement Actuator (Arms)’ for improved control during battlefield triage, makes sense. Something called ‘Surgeon’s Scan’, which sounds pretty useful for Kara, although I don’t really know what that does… And lastly, ‘Storage Compartment (Major)’. That one’s easy. Seems like a really well-rounded armour setup for Kara,’ Thea thought to herself, as she looked through her friends' would-be choices.

Having completed her swift assessment, Thea waited patiently for Karania to finish reviewing her own design. Roughly two minutes later, Karania broke the silence. "Your choices are well thought out. And that cloak - you're going to look absolutely stunning in it!"

"I didn't pick it for its fashion statement, Kara. It's an excellent illusion-tech cloak for my reconnaissance and sniping duties," Thea retorted, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance.

Karania chuckled heartily. "Oh, of course, Thea. Keep telling yourself that, Mrs. Wraith. So edgy..."

"Well, you're hardly one to judge, given your 'Reaper' choice! You're supposed to be our healer, not a bringer of doom!" Thea shot back, sparking a playful banter with her friend.

However, before their playful dispute could escalate, Thea refocused the conversation on the critical decision looming before her. “So, do you reckon it's better to select armour over a weapon? The Wraith includes a T1 material alloy chestplate, which would significantly boost my defence, and of course, the cloak is an asset... But as far as modules go, none of the ones I've chosen are actually T2, so I wouldn't need the voucher for them, aside from the base design.”

Karania took on a thoughtful expression, pondering the question before offering her insights, “Honestly… I think you might be better off with the weapon. Primarily ‘cause you got that second voucher. But also because the Wraith doesn’t exactly provide anything you desperately need at T2, while the weapon you were telling me about sounds like an absolute beast. We could definitely use an ace up our sleeve like that…”

Shaking her head at Karania’s word joke, Thea replied with a sigh, “All this effort for nothing… Well… Almost nothing. I guess the module choices will work for the T1 design too, but still. Now I have to go through all the T1 armours and find one with the right amount of module slots and an aesthetic I like…”

"Ah, such hardship! The constantly triumphant Thea must make the arduous choice of which formidable piece of tech to select, none of which she is supposed to be able to get yet, with her boundless System Credit budget to boot. Oh, how truly terrible," Karania said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Throwing her hands up in playful surrender, Thea conceded, "Okay, okay… I get it! No point in complaining... Let's head to the front and start hunting for the actual armours we're going to purchase."

An hour later, they finally concluded their selection process, entering all the parameters for their customised armours.

They had quickly realised that the higher material tiers were reserved for higher Tech Tiers as well, as Thea had tried to fit out her choice armour with a T1 material alloy plate as well, but was unable to do so.

Apparently higher Tier materials were limited in a slightly strange fashion. T0-1 light and medium armours were limited to plasteel as the best possible material, with the high-end heavy armours having access to T1 material alloys.

Following that, at T2, light-medium armours were allowed T1 material alloys, while the heavy armours were allowed to move up to full T1 material plates, with the ultra high-end even dipping into the T2 material alloys.

This had come as a surprise to the both of them, as they had not expected the Tiers to be mismatched in such a way.

Thea had ultimately decided on the Tier 1 version of the 'Wraith,' fittingly named 'Spectre,' as soon as she discovered its existence.

Although it didn't come with a nanofiber cloak and instead featured a carbon-synthweave one, which functioned more like a color-changing ghillie suit than the true stealth-tech variant found in the 'Wraith', and despite its chestplate being made of typical plasteel, its overall design was strikingly similar to the 'Wraith.' As anticipated, its specifications were vastly inferior, given it was a Tier 1 model compared to a Tier 2.

Nonetheless, Thea was quite content with her choice.

She selected the same modules, minus the holographic projector, as the Spectre possessed one fewer major module slots than the Wraith. When it came to armour plating, she chose a type referred to as 'Omni-Plating,' which, as the name suggests, offered comparable protection against all forms of damage—be it ballistic, explosive, or heat—without specialising in any one type.

Karania, meanwhile, spent considerably more time creating her new design, mainly because no Tier 1 armours were available with three major module slots. This feature appeared to be unique to Tier 2 armours and above, as far as they could determine.

Karania settled on a Tier 1 design known as 'Ferrous', which bore a striking resemblance to some of the heavy-type armour designs they had observed inside the store.

The 'Ferrous' armour had made an immediate visual impact on them, presenting a robust and formidable aesthetic.

Rendered in varying shades of gunmetal grey, the Ferrous armour bore an industrial, utilitarian aesthetic, purposefully free from any unnecessary embellishments. Its design was a blend of resilience and flexibility, enabling the wearer to move with surprising ease and agility despite its seemingly rock-solid appearance.

The armour's design was very angular, with a lot of flat, wide plates covering the vital areas such as the chest, back, and thighs, offering the most comprehensive protection.

Its shoulder guards were layered and broad, designed to deflect and absorb impacts effectively. Similarly, the gauntlets and boots had added thickness on the outside for better damage resistance, yet offered very delicate and fine control on the inside.

At the core of the Ferrous armour was a network of micro-circuits that pulsed with a soft azure glow, indicating the integration of advanced tech modules. The light was a stark contrast to the rest of the armour, and it added a futuristic vibe to its otherwise austere design.

Despite its robust aesthetic, the Ferrous was impressively lightweight, offering remarkable protection without compromising on mobility. Featuring two major module slots and a pair of auxiliary ones, it was fairly typical of medium Tier 1 armours. They often provided more slots than their light counterparts, just as heavy armours boasted more slots than medium ones.

Karania had configured her formidable-looking armour predominantly with reflective plating, effectively mitigating the effects of any potential laser weaponry. The remaining plates incorporated Omni-Plating to ensure a degree of defence against a broad range of other weapon types.

“I figured going with this one might make the enemy think twice about shooting me. After all, I’ll almost be looking like a heavy,” Karania rationalised her choices. “Maybe they’ll shoot Desmond instead?” She added with a hint of jest, sparking a laugh from Thea.

"I've fitted both auxiliary slots with storage compartments, so it should be nearly comparable to the 'Reaper' in terms of capacity," she continued.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't get the 'Surgeon's Scan' module. I've opted for the 'First-Aid' module instead. It'll allow me to stem bleeding and address minor injuries on the fly, without interrupting my primary duties. That should prove quite beneficial," Karania concluded.

Having finally finished their selections, they both went to different clerks to finalise their purchases. Armours, unlike weapons, had to be bought fully, much to Karania’s chagrin. Due to their customizable nature, “renting” was simply not seen as a viable business model for manufacturers.

Similar to when she had acquired her Gram, Thea was handed a data-pad with the full listing and price rundown for her armour, to confirm the purchase via her biometrics.

[Licence: L-ST-08 ‘Spectre’ - 4,200 System Credits.]

[Major Module: Nanobot Reserve (Illusion) - 840 System Credits.]

[Auxiliary Module: Grappling Hook - 335 System Credits.]

[Auxiliary Module: Grappling Hook - 335 System Credits.]

[Auxiliary Module: Vibro-Weapon Disruptor - 450 System Credits.]

[Total Price: 6,160 System Credits.]

[Accepting this transaction will automatically deduct the System Credits from your profile and grant the listed items to it.]

Swallowing hard at the high price, Thea confirmed the transaction.

This time around, she opted to ignore the incoming notifications from the Allbright System, knowing just what exactly they’d entail from when she bought the Gram just a couple hours earlier.

A mere ten minutes later, Karania joined her outside the store, a stern expression etched on her face. "I wish I had as many Credits as you, Thea. Just how wealthy are you?" Karania asked with a hint of dejection. "I'm practically broke, yet I still need to acquire my melee options and all the other necessary gear..." she lamented, releasing a deep sigh.

Reminded that she hadn't checked her Currency window since her purchases, Thea brought it up for both of them to view.


System Credits: 25,034

System Merit: 304

"FUCK ME!" Karania erupted, startling a few passersby. She quickly lowered her tone, continuing in disbelief, "25k?! Thea, seriously? You earned 15k from the trial you mentioned, purchased a full licence weapon and armour, and you still have 25k left over? Just how many Credits did you start with?!"

"Ehhh, around 22,000… I think? I collected about 10k from Achievement rewards, so I had roughly 12k after my challenge trial… give or take. I assumed that was pretty standard..."

"Seriously, Thea? I started today with barely 8,000 System Credits. I'm down to a measly 1,500 now... What exactly did you do in that challenge trial to earn more than half again of what I have...? Actually, never mind! Hearing about your outrageous actions would probably drive me insane. Let's go get some melee weapons," Karania concluded before stomping off, clearly agitated.

She muttered something about "50%" under her breath, sounding half-amused, half-mad.

Thea, unable to quell her friend's indignant mood, simply trailed after her as they headed to their next destination.

An hour later, they had both successfully procured their melee weapons from a store called ‘Nebula Forge’. Knowing precisely what they wanted, they wasted little time browsing and made their purchases efficiently.

Thea found a glaive-like weapon manufactured by Vortech Modular Arms, just as Isabella had suggested. She ended up choosing a slightly different model than what Isabella had originally recommended, given the significant advancements in technology since her mentor's training days.

Thea spent 3,350 System Credits on a customised version of the 'Throatcutter'-type glaive. Its unique feature was the intricate and cutting-edge modular system that Vortech Modular Arms was renowned for.

This design permitted the user to split the polearm into two equal-sized short glaives, with an additional vibro-blade that would extend at the separation point on the bottom half, just as Isabella had described. Moreover, the weapon could be further modified to suit any agile fighter's needs.

When separated, the user could fully retract the Tier 1 material-alloy shaft into a hilt-sized version, effectively transforming into two slightly larger-than-average knives.

Thea was astounded when she saw the demonstration. This weapon was an ideal match for her; it would not only allow her to maintain her current style of knife fighting in most situations but would also provide the needed reach advantage to combat other melee-focused opponents if necessary!

When connected, the weapon itself was a downright work of art, in Thea’s eyes.

It boasted an exceptionally light yet sturdy shaft made of Tier 1 material-alloy. The clever engineering and superior materials used in the construction ensured an incredible strength-to-weight ratio, making it both easy to handle and remarkably durable.

The vibro-blade, mounted atop the silver-gleaming shaft, featured a broad, crescent shape which lent itself to both slashing and thrusting attacks. The sharp point was honed to an impressive degree, capable of piercing through a variety of materials with ease, even without the added vibro-feature, should the need arise. Its wide, curved edge was razor-sharp, allowing for similarly, devastatingly effective cuts and slices.

Combined, these features resulted in a weapon that was exceptionally balanced and versatile. Its lightweight nature enabled swift, agile manoeuvres, while the robust construction provided assurance of its resilience in combat.

Overjoyed with her selection, Thea radiated excitement, her most significant purchases of the day now complete.

Conversely, Karania had settled for her crescent and straight vibro blade rental options, costing her less than 500 Credits. Given their status as standard equipment, their prices were quite affordable, much to Karania's relief.

After their quick stop at 'Nebula Forge', they proceeded to 'Bullseye’s Rifles' to pick up Thea’s Caliburn.

Thea shrewdly utilised both of her vouchers to bypass the limitations of the 50% discount, securing her T2 anti-material sniper rifle at half its price. This proved to be a financial blessing for her, as acquiring the weapon would have otherwise been solidly out of her reach.

The Caliburn and its accompanying Full Licence cost Thea a staggering 19,500 System Credits, despite the 50% reduction in its price. She had opted to maximise her vouchers' potential by purchasing the full version instead of renting it at half-price.

After this substantial expenditure, she was left with just under 2,200 Credits for the concluding part of their shopping excursion. Their shopping journey's next and final stop was the T0 deck, the go-to place for general, miscellaneous items like backpacks and binoculars that had no specific technology restrictions.

As the two of them arrived at a T0 general equipment store around twenty minutes later, Karania once again blurted, “I can’t fucking believe you spent 19,500 Credits on a single weapon. That’s like more than twice as many Credits as I’ve ever even had! You’re unbelievable, Thea!”

Thea simply sighed at the comment of her friend, as this had been her life for the past twenty minutes, ever since they had left the ‘Bullseye’s Rifles’ together.

“Let’s go get our basic equipment and get some lunch, I’m starving,” Thea muttered while stepping into the store, trying to steer the conversation away from her prior expenditure.

“I think we should split up in here. I’ll need a bunch of med-supplies, which you probably won’t be spending a lot of time on. We can save some time and get you some food earlier that way,” Karania recommended, having seemingly calmed down her irritated demeanour the moment they stepped into the general store.

“Sounds good! Back here when we’re done with the shopping then? Compare things and see if we missed anything?” Thea replied.

With an affirming nod from Karania, the two of them split up, making their way through the massive general store.

Thea started listing off all the equipment she figured she’d require, as she started throwing one item after another into the AI-cart that accompanied her, ‘Alright, I need a large backpack, rope, binoculars, infrared laser designators for the squad, canteen, rations, a tent or something for when I need to camp away from the base, first-aid kits, ammunition boxes to store my ammo in when I get it, sleeping bag, a tactical flashlight, flares, extra clothing, moldable explosive compound, tons of adhesive tape… I think that’s about it.’

Thea decided on a 75-litre backpack featuring an adaptive camo module and two high-tech weapon mounts, ideal for stowing and transporting her Gram and Caliburn on long journeys. Initially, she had considered a 100-litre variant, but the absence of a second weapon mount made her settle for the slightly smaller but more versatile option.

As for her other miscellaneous choices, she opted for the most popular items in each category. The store conveniently displayed this information at the forefront of each item, simplifying her decision-making process when selecting reliable products.

As she was about to confirm her purchase, a crucial addition sprang to mind: Netting.

She recalled James teaching her numerous applications for simple netting, ranging from rudimentary traps and camouflage to makeshift weapons in desperate times.

She chuckled at the memory of his emphatic advice, “If you're ever in a situation where you can bring your own gear, always include netting. And plenty of it. You can never have enough netting! …and adhesive tape.”

Adding four sets of netting to her selection, she authenticated the purchase with her biometrics and waved goodbye to another 742 Credits. This left her with a remaining balance of only 1,442 System Credits at the conclusion of her shopping spree.

Despite feeling somewhat destitute compared to her initial wealth, she recognized that even her residual 1,442 System Credits represented a considerable sum, thanks to Karania's consistent reminders during their trip down to the T0 deck.

Once her shopping was complete, she found herself waiting nearly twenty minutes for Karania to meet her outside the store.

"You took your time. Got everything you needed?" Thea inquired, infusing her voice with playful teasing.

"Yes...You have no idea how many items we medics have to carry around. I had to choose a 100-litre backpack just to accommodate everything... It's so heavy, I might even have to enlist Lucas to carry it for me," Karania sighed in response.

"On the bright side, there were some fascinating stimulants available. Some I've never even encountered before. I spent a bit of time reading about their effects, which is why I was delayed. My apologies, Thea," she explained before suggesting, "Let's grab some food, I know how much you love your food!"

"Don't make it sound like I'm a glutton..." Thea responded halfheartedly, eliciting a cheeky laugh from Karania.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Massive-Breakfast," Karania teased, her voice brimming with sarcasm. "You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night."

Too drained to muster a comeback, Thea initiated their trek back to the entertainment deck with Karania trailing behind, in search of a spot for their well-earned lunch break. Though weary, she felt a profound sense of satisfaction with her acquisitions and the day's events thus far.

This shopping excursion with her friend had been a remarkable success, and she felt grateful for the last-minute research she had done on the galactic net. Many of the tips she found had been instrumental in navigating the intricacies of her first genuine friendship.

Inwardly expressing her gratitude to the unknown individuals who had shared the helpful information, Thea then redirected her attention to the pressing matter at hand: What food did she want to try for lunch…?

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