The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 38 - Assessment Prep II

He rose from his seat and made his way toward the now seemingly designated presentation spot, ready to showcase his own chosen loadout.

Desmond began his description with his signature assured tone, "I'm the team's drone specialist. I'll be handling reconnaissance along with the Cyan, offering limited aerial support, coordinating our movements, and taking on the hacking duties. For that, I needed a specific T1 medium armour, simply known as 'Forge'. It was one of the few medium-type frames offering three major modules, specifically designed to hold a single major module.

"Without a doubt, I had to go for the 'Drone Factory' as my primary module, as it is crucial for my role. It occupies all three slots, so there aren't any other modules to discuss. I chose four different drone designs: two for reconnaissance, a high-explosive suicide-type for heavier engagements - which i’m fairly happy I picked up, now that I know Isabella didn’t bring any anti-tank stuff -and a close air-support drone equipped with 300 rounds of .303 caliber ammunition. Admittedly, I'll need some practice with drone handling, as I’ve never tried these particular ones, but I trust I'll become proficient quickly.

"As for my weapons, I chose the standard-issue 303 AR Mk.5. It's considered T0 by now, but its reliability is unmatched. Considering I won't be on the front lines often, it didn't make sense to allocate a substantial portion of my Credits on high-end weaponry. For my secondary, I picked a laser-type SMG, and for close-quarters, a simple vibroblade. My focus when selecting weapons was a balance between affordability and dependability."

Having finished his summary, Desmond directed the Sovereign to equip him. In an instant, his casual attire was replaced by the impressive and sturdy 'Forge' medium armour, the built-in Drone Factory module a standout feature.

Constructed primarily from plasteel, the Forge featured a robust, angular design that was a blend of utilitarian efficiency and bulky defence. It covered Desmond from head to toe, with its characteristic gunmetal grey finish providing an air of unyielding resilience. The armour was sectioned strategically to ensure optimal flexibility and motion, and the cleverly designed articulations further enhanced the user's mobility, despite the armour’s more than average weight for its class.

The most distinctive feature of the Forge was the integrated Drone Factory module.

Located on the back of the armour, it was essentially a compact manufacturing hub. The module resembled an oversized backpack, its outer surface interspersed with numerous vent-like openings and various status lights blinking in harmony.

Inside this module, the latest in miniaturised fabrication technology worked ceaselessly to create a variety of drones according to Desmond's requirements and designs. Each drone could be assembled, deployed, and even retrieved for repair or modification. The factory module itself was heavily shielded, able to withstand significant damage to protect the valuable assets within.

Thea remembered the SI-AR303 from her own challenge trial, as she had tested it during her initial training with Sergeant Selene. The Mk5 variant looked almost identical, aside from a few minor alterations here and there, such as a slightly lengthened barrel, and the fact that the holographic sight was adjusted slightly further towards the back of the rifle. There were undoubtedly more changes than these inside of the weapon, but Thea had no way to actually look inside of it at the moment.

Following Isabella and Corvus’ examples, Desmond stretched out his left hand and displayed his acquired Abilities.

[Active (Silver) - Burst Of Speed (Drone) - Level 0]

Description: Allows the participant to use up a certain amount of Focus to increase the speed of their drone(s) for a short time.

Cost: 40 Focus - Maximum Target(s): 1 - Maximum Distance: 1,000 Metres

Effect Duration: 5 seconds - Effect Factor: 200%

[Passive (Iron) - Focus Expertise - Level 0]

Description: Increases the participant’s Focus recovery rate, when not actively engaged in combat for at least 10 minutes.

Effect Factor: 10%

[Active (Copper) - Target Designator - Level 0]

Requirements: Line of Sight

Description: Allows the participant to use up a certain amount of Focus to mark (a) target(s) in sight. Marked target(s) are visible to allies in the participant’s group.

Cost: 30 Focus - Maximum Target(s): 1

As the squad delved into Desmond's Abilities, he proceeded to explain the reasoning behind them and their functionalities. "Burst of Speed will help me in keeping my drones safe, allowing them to evade incoming fire and manoeuvre out of harm's way. It's something I wouldn’t want to go without, it’s that crucial for their survival. Focus Expertise was an obvious choice for me after the Councillor presented it, as I'll require a substantial amount of Focus for all the marking I'll be doing. Target Designator is another Ability I'm glad the Councillor pointed out, and it happened to be quite affordable too.

"We'll need to conduct some tests to fully gauge its effectiveness, but my initial experiments yielded promising results. It enables me to mark targets with a distinctive red outline visible to anyone in our ‘group’, which seems to primarily mean squad members. It even allows the outline to be seen through walls, which is incredible. The only caveat is that I must maintain visual contact to sustain the target designation. However, it does work through my drones, which is awesome."

Thea's attention was instantly piqued when Desmond mentioned the target designation being visible through walls. Thoughts raced through her mind, realising the immense potential it held, particularly when combined with her Caliburn or even her Icicle and Penetrative Shot. She silently lamented her previous oversight in not acquiring a ballistic DMR during her shopping spree, realising the massive advantage it would have been to be able to shoot through walls with her main-stay; laser-types weren’t exactly known for their penetrative capabilities, after all.

Corvus interjected with a comment, expressing his satisfaction with Desmond's versatile and well-rounded loadout. "Your loadout seems to cover exactly what we need at the moment. Excellent work, Desmond," he praised, nodding approvingly.

Isabella joined in, endorsing the value of the target designator for the entire squad. "That target designator might be worth considering for all of us, at least while we still have available slots for Active Abilities. The ability to designate targets for each other through walls is stupidly good, especially considering its affordable Copper-rank price."

The squad voiced their agreement with Isabella's suggestion, accompanied by a few additional questions and remarks. With the discussion winding down, Desmond signalled the Sovereign to retrieve his gear, and he returned to his seat at the table, ready for the next presentation.

Lucas, making his way to the designated presentation spot, turned towards the squad and began giving a rundown of his choices. He spoke with a laid-back and casual demeanour, setting a contrast to Desmond's more serious approach.

"I'm the defensive heavy, as you all know. So I've got a shield. A big one. The B-S14 'Stalwart,' made of T1 material plating, provides ample cover whenever we need it. As for my armour, I went with the T1 'Heavy Bulwark.' It's, well, heavy armour. Pretty self-explanatory," Lucas explained with a shrug.

Moving on to his weapon choice, he continued, "For weapons… I had to go with something that can be used from behind the shield, so I opted for the T1 G-4RP 'Havoc,' a rotary grenade launcher.

“I can carry around a hundred or so grenades, thanks to my Ability. They're surprisingly light. It's the space that becomes more of a concern, really..." Lucas trailed off momentarily, lost in thought.

Shaking his head to refocus, he resumed, "Ah, right! Let's not forget the modules. I equipped arm and leg actuators to enhance my mobility since the 'Stalwart' shield is quite heavy, even with my Active Ability in effect. The Heavy Bulwark only had two slots, so that's it for modules... I think. Did I miss anything...?"

Thea couldn't help but grin at Lucas's laid-back attitude. He brought a refreshing change of pace to Alpha Squad, standing in contrast to the sheer intensity of the rest of the group. She was genuinely glad to have him as part of the team.

As if struck by a sudden burst of inspiration, Lucas continued, "Oh, I almost forgot! My sidearm is a laser-type variant of the AR303 Mk5. Figured I might as well have a big sidearm since weight won't really be an issue for me. I'll just strap it to the inside of the shield for easy transport... hopefully. And for my melee option, I went with a good ol' chainaxe. Can't go wrong with those, right?" He finished with a goofy grin, which elicited a wave of smiles from the squad.

With his rundown complete, Lucas called upon the Sovereign to equip his gear. In an instant, the hulking figure of Lucas transformed into a formidable fortress, practically radiating an aura of invincibility.

Thea’s eyes were drawn immediately to the colossal B-S14 'Stalwart' shield in Lucas’ hands.

It was a tangible monolith of defensive prowess, crafted entirely from T1 material plates. At rest, it stood around 2.5 metres tall and spanned 3 metres wide, easily capable of covering even Lucas behind it without him having to duck. But when extended, it could surge an additional half metre upwards and an entire 2 metres to the side, creating an impregnable barrier of glistening, reinforced plating.

She quickly found her gaze drawn to the lower edge of the shield, where five intimidating spikes jutted outwards like the claws of a prehistoric beast. Each was masterfully fashioned to a razor's edge, promising the ability to bite into any terrain and hold steadfast. As she watched, Lucas anchored the shield into the ground of the training room, the spikes driving in with ease, before he activated a grav-lock on the shield, further reinforcing its defensive capabilities and formidable stability.

Meanwhile, Lucas's frame was enveloped in the 'Heavy Bulwark' armour.

A second skin of ultra-heavy, angular plates of T1 material alloy encased him, turning him from a large man to a veritable mountain. The armour was a marvel of functional design, prioritising protection over aesthetics. Its structure was a masterwork of angles and curves, designed to deflect or absorb impacts and shield the wearer within. The massive pauldrons adorning his shoulders provided an extra layer of security, their shape a shield unto itself, closing off the generally vulnerable neck region of heavy armours from any lateral assault.

Each plate of the armour was thick, forged from the same T1 material, albeit in alloy form, as the 'Stalwart', and gleaming dully under the room's light. With the armour equipped, Lucas's silhouette became even broader, more imposing than usual. Yet, despite the inherent weight and bulkiness of the armour, Lucas carried it with apparent ease, his movements surprisingly swift and accurate. Thea assumed that his Active Ability likely played a huge part in making this monstrous looking fortress armour a viable option for him.

Lastly, her eyes were drawn to the T1 G-4RP 'Havoc.' Immediately, she could tell that this was not an ordinary rotary grenade launcher.

Housed in a sleek, matte black casing, the Havoc featured six rotating barrels that spoke of devastation to come. But its true distinction from older, more traditional designs, lay not in its looks, but in its mechanisms and the impressive tech that powered it.

At the heart of the Havoc was an advanced, rapid-auto-cooling system designed to vent excess heat from the firing process almost instantaneously, allowing it to be used without any real cooldown periods. This system, visible through a narrow, reinforced panel running along the weapon's top, pulsed with an eerie blue light. Each pulse a testament to the system's efficiency and the icy chill it produced even while the launcher was in standby.

Coupled with this, was a smart auto-feed mechanism which was not only capable of recognizing the types of grenades loaded, but also prioritised their use based on a pre-programmed firing sequence based on conditionals. This feature enabled the Havoc to switch grenade types on the fly, adapting to changing battlefield conditions in real-time and unleashing a tailored, torrential rain of destruction onto Lucas's enemies.

This weapon not only amplified his firepower, but also turned him into a formidable controller of the battlefield, making Alpha Squad as a whole an even more threatening force to be reckoned with.

Similar to the rest of the squad so far, Lucas extended his heavily armoured right hand and displayed his array of Abilities.

[Active (Silver) - Remote Detonation - Level 0]

Requirements: Explosives, Line of Sight, Line of Effect

Description: Allows the participant to use up a certain amount of Focus to remotely detonate any explosives deployed by them. Explosives detonated in this fashion have their energy output increased up to a certain maximum.

Cost: 30 Focus - Maximum Target(s): 1 - Maximum Distance: 1,000 Metres

Effect Factor: 25% - Effect Maximum: 10 PU

[Active (Iron) - Stalwart Stance - Level 0]

Requirements: 4 Base Vitality, 4 Base Strength

Description: Allows the participant to reserve a certain amount of their Stamina to increase their stability and resilience to physical impulses that would otherwise move them.

Reservation Cost: 100 Stamina - Effect Factor: 33.33%

[Active (Copper) - Improved Sprint - Level 0]

Description: Allows the participant to use a certain amount of Stamina to briefly boost their movement speed, based on a percentage of their baseline, up to a maximum speed.

Cost: 30 Stamina - Effect Duration: 10 seconds - Boost Factor: 50%

Maximum Movement Speed: 30m/s

As the Ability boxes appeared before them, Lucas began explaining their functionalities to the squad. "Remote Detonation is pretty cool and was recommended by the Councillor. It complements my Havoc grenade launcher perfectly and allows me to reach enemies who would otherwise be out of its range. Being able to detonate the grenades at will should prove very useful... I hope," he remarked with a hint of anticipation.

He continued, "The Stalwart Stance is a pretty cool Ability. It enhances my steadfastness and resilience. I doubt even Isabella could push me around... although I'd rather not test that!" He quickly added, catching a subtle raise of Isabella's eyebrows.

Lucas then touched upon the reservation mechanic, explaining, "This Ability, while Active, affects my Stamina pool, preventing it from regenerating beyond a certain point. Currently, I'm locked at a maximum of 111.5 Stamina instead of my usual 211.5. It's a unique mechanic that I haven't seen before, but it's manageable since I don't have many Active Abilities that consume Stamina. I do hope the reservation cost decreases with higher levels, but even if it doesn't, I should be fine."

With a thumbs-up gesture from his heavily armoured hand, he concluded, "Lastly, Improved Sprint will help me keep pace with everyone. Despite my high base Strength, my loadout is quite heavy even with my Active Ability. So this should allow me to catch up quickly if we need to get somewhere in a hurry."

The squad nodded in approval and understanding, impressed by Lucas's well-thought-out Abilities and the practicality of his choices.

“That reservation mechanic is very interesting… I wonder what other reservation Abilities there are. Having a permanent bonus like this, similar to a Passive Ability, with the benefits comparable to an Active Ability, seems really good. The diminished resource pools might be a problem for some, but I could definitely see it being worthwhile if the bonuses are large enough…” Karania mused to herself, prompting a row of agreeing nods and hums from the rest of the squad.

“I love that shield of yours, Lucas. That thing looks utterly menacing! I can’t believe you can carry that around with just one hand… How heavy is it?” Thea asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“Ehh… I think it weighs around 140kg, without my Ability. So around 60kg now,” he mused, seemingly unsure of the exact numbers.

Thea’s eyebrows rose at the information and she blurted out, “Holy shit… That’s literally around a full me, just strapped to your arm at all times. That’s insane, Lucas! Are you certain you can handle that?”

“Doesn't seem to be a big deal so far,” he merely shrugged, lifting the monolithic mass of metal with his left arm simultaneously, as if to prove his point.

Thea shook her head in amazement at Lucas’ strength. Wielding a massive shield like that, while also clad in ultra-heavy armour, seemed beyond anything that she had ever thought possible before, yet here he stood in front of her, nonchalant and relaxed as ever.

After the rest of Alpha Squad asked a couple of clarifying questions, as had become standard by now, Lucas’ equipment disappeared after a brief gesture towards the Sovereign, and he returned to his seat at the table.

With an excited jump, Karania quickly rose from her seat and rushed over to the presentation spot. She immediately began her explanation, even before she had turned around to face the rest of the squad again.

Karania's energetic voice filled the room as she excitedly shared her loadout, "I'm the medic! I went all out and purchased a wide range of stims, meds, coagulants, and fixer-uppers. I might have run out of Credits, but don't worry, I'll make a killing during the assessment and pay Thea back for covering my lunch! Speaking of Thea, we checked out some T2 armour options together using her tech-up voucher from an Achievement. The stuff there was mind-blowing! I took tons of notes that I'll share with all of you later. But let's get to my loadout!"

She continued without missing a beat, "I got myself a T1 medium armour called the 'Ferrous.' It's pretty hefty and looks more like a heavy armour, but I thought it would make enemies think twice before shooting at me. As for my modules, I focused on storage compartments and also added a 'First-Aid' module. It'll autonomously fix up minor injuries and control bleeding while I perform medical procedures. Don't worry, I'll be gentle while poking around inside of your guts!" she added with a playful wink, attempting to ease the tension of her description.

Thea couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine at the thought of Karania digging around inside her body with her unnatural shaped-bone instruments, despite the attempt to make it sound less intimidating.

Karania quickly moved on to her weapon choices, her excitement evident, "For my primary weapon, I went with the EX-BR-02 'Ruin,' a powerful T1 ballistic Battle Rifle chambered in 8.2x61mm ammunition. It packs a punch, has excellent penetration capabilities, and should make any unlucky target regret crossing our path. I also grabbed a case of 200 incendiary rounds, just in case we need some extra firepower."

She paused for a moment before adding, "My sidearm is a standard laser-type SMG, similar to what Corvus and Desmond have, and for melee options, I've got a straight and crescent vibroblade. I did spend a significant portion of my budget on meds and stims, so my loadout might not be as top-of-the-line as some others, but it should do the trick regardless," she glanced playfully at Thea, causing the rest of the squad to turn their curious gaze toward her. It was clear that everyone was eagerly awaiting Thea's turn at this point, fueled by the continuously teased hints from both Corvus and Karania.

Capitalising on the distraction, Karania had swiftly commanded the Sovereign to fully equip her selected gear. As the attention of her squadmates turned back towards her, she already stood fully armoured in her chosen 'Ferrous' ensemble, a sight that rendered them momentarily surprised.

The gunmetal grey hues of the armour were stark against the backdrop, every angular piece and plate reflecting the subtle glow of the training room's surroundings. It was as though Karania had been enveloped by a silhouette of liquid metal, angular and unyielding. The azure lines coursing through the armour pulsed gently, their glow softened by the plating, adding a subtle futuristic vibe to her appearance.

The helmet, sculpted to perfection, fit snugly around her head, the visor catching the light and reflecting it in a myriad of prismatic colours. Her shoulder guards were large and layered, offering comprehensive protection, their broad expanse looking like wings of steel resting at her sides - adding to the appearance of the armour being a heavy-type, despite its true nature.

In her hands, Karania held the 'Ruin' Battle Rifle, a Tier 1 weapon that struck an imposing figure against her robust armour.

The 'Ruin' was a long, sleek weapon, its surface a mix of matte and gloss finishes that played with the light in fascinating ways. Its body was streamlined, tapering towards the barrel, and had an ergonomic grip designed for both comfort and excellent control. It came equipped with a 24-round quick-release magazine, as well as a simple hand-stop.

The weapon featured a prominent display panel that provided real-time information about ammo count, target distance, and other, similarly vital data, visible only to the wielder.

The truly unique feature of the 'Ruin' was its dynamic barrel, however.

An innovative series of metallic segments made up the barrel of the weapon, designed to extend or retract for optimal performance at varying distances. Although a retracted barrel might compromise power and penetration capabilities, it allowed Karania to manoeuvre effectively in tighter environments where she might otherwise need to rely on her secondary SMG. Furthermore, the individual barrel segments could seamlessly replace one another if damaged during combat, providing a layer of redundancy.

Karania's back sported a massive 100-litre backpack, visibly bulging at several points, indicating it was filled to capacity. Both of her chosen vibroblades were securely attached to the pack, one on each side, while her laser-type SMG dangled at her waist.

With her typical gusto, Karania stretched out her left hand, proudly revealing her chosen Abilities for her squadmates to inspect.

[Active (Iron) - Coagulate - Level 1]

Description: Allows the participant to use a certain amount of Stamina to instantly cause a certain amount of their own nearby blood to coagulate. Blood coagulated in this way is automatically sterilised and has increased tensile strength.

Cost: 45 Stamina - Effect Factor: 75% - Effect Maximum: 1.2 litres

[Active (Iron) - Blood Transfusion - Level 0]

Description: Allows the participant to use a certain amount of Stamina to cause a certain amount of their own blood to leave through any designated opening and transfer to (a) nearby target(s). Blood transferred in this way is automatically compatible with the recipient, regardless of blood types.

Cost: 45 Stamina - Maximum Target(s): 1 - Effect Maximum: 1 litre

[Passive (Iron) - Sanguine Pool - Level 2]

Description: Increases the participant's overall blood volume. The enhancement does not burden the circulatory system or induce any health complications on its own. The extra blood reserve is located close to the heart.

Blood Volume Increase: 55.5%

[Passive (Copper) - Eyes Of A Medic - Level 0]

Requirements: Line of Sight, Line of Effect

Description: Allows the participant to perceive nearby targets vital information.

Maximum Range: 10 metres - Functionality: Minimum

As the Alpha Squad members examined the ability descriptions, their eyebrows knitting further and further in concentration, Karania eagerly laid out her reasoning.

"So, everything ties together here, starting with Sanguine Pool. Essentially, it turns me into a walking blood bank. Through Blood Transfusion, I can safely donate my blood to any of you, irrespective of blood types. Cool, right?

“Plus, if you're bleeding out—like if you lose an arm or something," she made a cutting motion with her hands for emphasis, "I can just bleed a bit of my blood onto the wound and use Coagulate to seal it instantly! The additional tensile strength is a neat bonus too, although it does make the blood somewhat chewy. Wouldn't recommend it as a snack...unless you're desperate, I suppose. It should be able to keep you going for a bit in an emergency…” she trailed off briefly, before snapping back to reality.

"Eyes of the Medic provides basic vital signs like current HP and blood volume. The Councillor mentioned it could become more precise as it evolves, so I thought it was worth a shot considering it's a Copper-rank ability," she concluded with a shrug.

An echoing silence filled the room following Karania's revelation, as Alpha Squad members wrestled with the fact that their medic would primarily employ her own blood for healing. Moreover, she'd be transferring it in litres at a time.

Thea broke the silence first, somewhat prepared due to a hint about Sanguine Pool during their shopping spree. "These Abilities are incredibly useful, I can see that... but why blood of all things?" she asked, struggling to hide her discomfort.

Karania responded enthusiastically, the smile clear in her voice even behind the visor, "Because it's so efficient! With Sanguine Pool, I can carry a ton of it! It made sense to base the rest of my abilities around blood, too. Plus, it solves the problem I had with my initial Active Ability—losing blood during the transformations of Surgeon’s Toolkit. Now, I can use Coagulate to stop any residual bleeding. I'm genuinely excited to start using this whole set of Abilities!"

The only other response came from Corvus, the rest of Alpha Squad seeming almost entranced. "Well, I'm profoundly glad you're on our side, Kara. It's comforting to know that we won't be bleeding out on the battlefield, one way or another."

Karania's excitement surged further with Corvus's endorsement, a triumphant raise of her head an obvious indicator thereof.

With no more comments or questions forthcoming, Karania signalled the Sovereign to remove her gear, then returned to her seat beside Thea. While massaging her shoulders, she muttered, "I really should invest in some actuators or something… That backpack is going to kill me…"

Now, it was finally Thea's turn to present her loadout. All eyes turned to her, anticipation mirrored in her squadmates’ faces.

Internally, Thea sighed and mentally chided Corvus and Karania for their earlier comments as she moved towards the presentation spot. 'Couldn't they just keep quiet and not build up so much expectation...' she thought.

As she arrived and turned to face her squadmates, she felt a twang of anxiety rush through her core. But just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished.

The recent days had been a marathon of social horrors for Thea, especially in regards to her squad.

However, in the past 30-or-so hours, she had managed to grow a lot closer to almost all of them, and even Desmond had backed off from his prior, standoff-ish, demeanour to a more neutral dislike.

As a result, she felt a lot more confident with her current situation, despite being the centre of attention for the whole squad. Thea still had a long way to go when it came to social encounters, that she knew, but she was proud of herself for having gotten through these first few days mostly unscathed, with a lot of experience to boot.

Taking a deep breath, Thea began.

“I went on a bit of a shopping spree yesterday, as you have already heard from Corvus and Karania’s remarks. I had been given a Tech Tier-Up voucher and made good use of it, if I do say so myself.

“It allowed me to look at any and all T2 weapons and armour that was available in the relevant stores, as long as they had a presence in the T2 tech deck as well. I've noted down several interesting things about rifles, pistols, and the like, which I'll be sharing with you, just like Karania did with her armour notes," she said, pointing towards Karania who acknowledged the mention with enthusiastic nods.

Without skipping a beat, Thea delved into her shopping exploits. "My final choice was a T1 light-type armour known as 'Spectre'. Its design prioritises stealth, agility, and minimal noise. It also features a hooded cloak—akin to a ghillie suit but with tech enhancements that allow it to blend better with the environment. I opted for full omni-plating as a precautionary measure against any unknown threats.

"For my major modules, I picked a 'Nanobot Reserve (Illusion)' for enhanced stealth during scouting and sniping, and a 'Vibro-Weapon Disruptor' for emergencies when someone tracks me down and closes in. Recent encounters with vibro weapons have been more than enough to convince me I want them malfunctioning if they make contact," she added, casting a wry glance at Karania, who returned it with a sheepish grin.

“As my primary weapon, I opted for the X-27R-L ‘Gram’, a T1 laser-variant DMR and the successor of the gun I used during my initial cube trial. I ended up using it for a shooting trial inside the store where I bought it and actually ended up placing first on the Recruit leaderboards, which got me a bunch of extra Credits and a free sidearm of choice.”

The mention of Thea's triumph in the shooting trial, her first-place position, and the substantial rewards she received led to a noticeable rise of eyebrows among the squad members. Karania watched the expressions of the team as much as she listened to Thea, seemingly basking in their incredulous reactions.

Unperturbed, Thea proceeded, “The complimentary weapon I chose was the ICE-13 'Icicle', a T1 ballistic pistol named for its proprietary shard-like projectiles. Its penetrative capabilities are, frankly, quite insane, allowing it to pierce medium-type armour effortlessly. It may lack in power, but I value precision over brute force anyway, so it suits me well.

"For my melee weapon, I selected a modular glaive from Vortech Modular Arms, thanks to Ella's recommendation. I must say, I'm thoroughly impressed with it and can't wait to improve my skills," she said, directly acknowledging Isabella.

She then drew the two knives from her waist, having kept them nonchalantly at her side since the squad first entered the training room. This caused Isabella to stare in confusion.

Flashing a cunning grin, Thea held up the knives and demonstrated a series of swift cuts and jabs she had practised the previous day. She then pressed a button on one knife handle, triggering the segmented cable to connect into two distinct shafts. Suddenly, she was wielding two short-glaives.

Isabella gaped in astonishment at this transformation, exclaiming, "That's your glaive?! They incorporated a knife mode as a third configuration?!"

Sporting a broad grin, Thea flowed through a few stances, making sure to maintain her form, then pressed the same button again. Instantly, the vibroblade of her left-hand glaive retracted into the shaft, before both shafts snapped together, landing perfectly in Thea's ready grasp.

Suddenly holding the full-sized glaive, she did a few of the polearm moves that Isabella had taught her during their sparring session, before finishing off with a overhead strike that whistled through the air, before slamming into the ground of the training room, leaving a sizable gash.

“That’s the Throatcutter! I’m extremely happy with the options it provides, as it has a transformation for any eventuality. Knives for super-close-quarters and transportation, double-glaives for general close-quarters and exploration, with the full-sized glaive as an option against any dangerous foes. Thanks again, Ella. I never would’ve found this weapon without you!” Thea concluded, beaming broadly.

A moment of stunned silence settled over the Alpha Squad following Thea's riveting demonstration. They stared, slack-jawed at the imposing weapon that was the Throatcutter, which gleamed menacingly in the artificial light of the training room.

Finally, Corvus managed to break the silence, a chuckle escaping him as he clapped slowly, "Well... That's certainly a showstopper, Thea. I saw it earlier, but wasn’t paying too much attention. That thing’s a straight up work of art."

"You can say that again… That weapon is pretty awesome, I can’t deny that," Desmond added, much to Thea’s surprise, the usual gruffness in his voice tempered by a hint of begrudging respect. He was eyeing the Throatcutter with a mixture of fascination and wariness, his usual dismissive demeanour nowhere to be seen.

Karania was practically bouncing on her heels, her eyes shining with unadulterated excitement. "That was so cool, Thea! The transformations, the manoeuvres...everything! Now I get why you spent like 3.5k on it!" she gushed, her earlier teasing forgotten in the face of Thea's impressive display.

Even Isabella, who had initially recommended the Vortech Modular Arms to Thea, seemed taken aback.

"I knew those weapons were good, but I didn't know they had a model with three forms by now… I can already tell you’re going to need a lot of training, but when you get used to it… I can’t wait to face you, Thea.”

As the responses echoed around the room, a wave of relief and pride washed over Thea. It felt good to have impressed her team, and the glint of respect she saw in their eyes was more than worth the momentary anxiety of being the centre of attention.

Yet, Thea was far from being done.

"While that wraps up my standard gear," she paused, sharing a secretive wink with Karania who sported a puzzled look, fully aware that Thea had not yet mentioned her T2 Caliburn purchase.

Turning her attention to the Sovereign, she continued, "Sovereign, would you kindly equip me with all my registered gear, excluding the backpack and its contents? And, hand me my reserve rifle, please."

Even as Thea finished her request, a strange sensation enveloped her. She felt a cool, ethereal touch, as her gear materialised around her in the blink of an eye. The experience was surreal, a bit like a soft whisper against her skin.

A sense of profound satisfaction welled up within her as the Spectre armour's carbon-synthweave and plasteel composite contours seamlessly wrapped around her form. The sensation was akin to being ensconced in a layer of sleek shadows, ethereal yet tangible, as the lightweight, flexible material fit her like a second skin.

From Alpha Squad's perspective, Thea was a sight to behold.

Observing the Spectre armour invoked an undeniable sense of elegance. Its sleek lines and fluid design transformed Thea's silhouette into a streamlined phantom, accentuating her inherent agility and stature. Seamlessly curved surfaces, devoid of any disruptive protrusions, were specifically crafted for stealth operations.

The robust, carbon-synthweave hooded cloak was elegantly draped around her form, partially veiling her rifle and fully immersing her face in unpenetrable shadows.

Fully cloaked in the Spectre, Thea appeared as an elusive wisp of smoke, a phantom poised to dissipate into thin air at any moment. The lightweight armour, engineered for swift operations and stealth, seemed an organic extension of her being, harmoniously merging her with the environment as the cloak’s inbuilt camouflage operations started to kick in.

The way the armour transformed Thea, the usually shy and socially awkward girl, as Alpha Squad had gotten to know her so far, into an elegant and deadly apparition, left her squadmates awestruck.

The final strike was yet to come however.

Thea had always been someone to humble-brag, if the opportunity presented itself. After all, what good was there in being a top-tier professional gamer, if she didn’t get to point it out to people at times?

Her grin, hidden within the shrouding shadows of the Spectre's hood, broadened as she lifted her Caliburn, liberating it from the cloak's partial cover. With this, she presented the colossal anti-materiel railgun in all its intimidating splendour to her squadmates.

"I almost forgot to mention," she nonchalantly added, holding back the surge of giddy excitement threatening to make her voice waver, "I did make use of the Tier-Up voucher. Secured myself a T2 anti-materiel Railgun for any potential encounters with vehicles and the like."

The revelation of the T2 anti-materiel Railgun was met with an array of stunned expressions, as Thea brandished the monstrous weapon. Alpha Squad was plunged into a collective, stunned silence.

Isabella's normally stern face fell slack, her lips parted in a wordless gasp as she stared at the enormity of the weapon in Thea's hands. She was a heavy by training, through and through, used to handling large and intimidating weaponry, but seeing the Caliburn in Thea’s hands only elicited a single, disbelieving expression from her, “What… the… fuck…?”

Lucas, who usually carried himself in a relaxed, nonchalant way, was equally taken aback. His eyes widened noticeably as they scanned the length of the Caliburn, a spark of disbelief flickering within them. He blinked, as if trying to adjust the image in front of him. The sight of Thea, small and slight in comparison, wielding such an enormous piece of weaponry, nudged him into muttering, “Wasn’t Isabella supposed to be the offensive heavy…?”

Even Corvus could hardly keep his astonishment at bay. His normally cool and composed face was disrupted by a crease of surprise, his eyes flicking from the weapon to Thea's shadowed face, clearly amazed by the unexpected display, as he broke into unadulterated laughter, “By the Emperor’s light, you got us good, hahaha.”

As for Karania, while she had been prepared for the revelation, the actual sight of the massive railgun took her by surprise. She blinked a couple of times, her gaze lingering on the gun longer than she had intended. A faint smile tugged at her lips as she shook her head in disbelief, genuinely impressed by the sheer audacity of her friend.

Out of all reactions, Desmond's was the most striking, however.

Being an inner-worlder, his encounters with Cyans had usually been relegated to tales of treachery and deceit that had afflicted his family in the past. He'd been conditioned to view them with a mix of suspicion and condescension. His preconceptions had painted Thea in the same light, attributing her achievements to potential ulterior motives, thus casting a deep shadow of distrust.

However, Thea’s reveal had abruptly shattered certain, crucial, parts of those misconceptions.

Her casual handling of the colossal railgun, a symbol of raw power and unmistakable commitment through it's sheer cost, contradicted the stereotypical image he held of the cautious, discreet and trecherous Cyans. The Cyan mid-worlder he had previously dismissed as a liability, had suddenly revealed herself to be a substantial asset, a force to be reckoned with - potentially for the worse.

Desmond's face was a mask of sheer disbelief mixed with unrestrained discomfort and terror, eyes wide and jaw slack. His usual air of apathetic cynicism was nowhere to be found. Instead, his gaze was locked onto the railgun with a sense of horror and trepedition.

For a moment after, they all sat there, silently taking in the image before them of the almost ethereal being that was Thea's current form.

Being clad in the Spectre’s adaptive hooded cloak that hid her features despite the bright, artificial lighting of the training room, wielding a gun almost as long as she was tall, with a level of confidence that was downright frightening, made it seem like the Emperor himself had sent down a Reaper to end their very lives...

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