The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 41 - Assessment Prep V

In the quiet that followed Corvus' unsettling revelation about the drop-pod descent, he rekindled the conversation, a spark of unwavering resolve in his eyes.

"Moving forward, we’ll be planetside within the simulation for up to an entire month. That’s the time-limit for our mission.

“The earlier we finish our mission, the earlier we can get back. Make sure to pack everything you need for the mission. This shouldn’t have to be said, of course, but I’d rather be thorough than someone miss something crucial once we’re planet-side. There’s no shops down there. If you forget something, you’re shit out of luck.”

His voice, steady and composed, echoed in the room. "As expected, the UHF will supply each of us with a basic kit for the mission. It contains a compass, rudimentary radio equipment – although your suits' built-in communication systems will likely prove superior, a collapsible shovel, provisions, a few lengths of rope, along with several other utilitarian odds and ends. I have compiled a comprehensive list here," he gestured to his data-pad, "which we can review before discussing additional necessities."

He paused before addressing the squad again, "Does anyone have any questions regarding the information shared so far, or are we all on the same page? It would be best to address any confusion now, before we delve into the finer details of the strategy and discuss our part in it."

A thoughtful silence filled the room as Alpha Squad members absorbed the overwhelming cascade of information that Corvus had laid out.

Thea found herself wrestling with her thoughts, 'The sheer scale of this battlefield is utterly insane... How am I supposed to make my mark amidst tens of thousands of other Marines, many of which are vastly higher Level than me…? And the prospect of encountering an enemy Ace is scary as fuck. Without Lt. Frost, I would’ve gotten completely overrun back in my initial challenge trial, when Captain Ionheart showed up... I only hope we're up to the task.'

Karania was the first to break the silence with a query. "What about other squads undergoing assessment? Are we the only ones participating in this one?"

Corvus nodded in response, "Great question, Karania. Yes, other assessment takers will share our instance." He paused momentarily, seemingly choosing his next words with care. "In addition, squads from other recruitment drives will also be present. We won't be the only Alpha Squad dispatched to this mission."

This piece of news struck the rest of Alpha Squad like a lightning bolt.

The team fell silent, all eyes riveted on Corvus, each pair brimming with the expectation of a more detailed explanation.

"Okay, let me clarify," Corvus began, maintaining an even timbre to his voice. "We won't be the sole Alpha Squad in action. This assessment involves multiple drives, and our instance was picked for the Alpha Squads. Therefore, the majority of squads involved will either be Alpha Squads or adjacent." He delivered this with a business-as-usual facade, attempting to downplay the gravity of the news.

Yet, Thea, with her extraordinarily heightened Perception, detected nuances others likely missed. Minute inflections in his voice, barely perceptible movements of his eyes, fleeting expressions that spoke volumes.

All these subtle cues collectively painted a picture that sharply contradicted Corvus's nonchalant words: He was nervous.

It was an emotion rarely seen in their confident leader, which made its presence all the more alarming to Thea. But, at the same time, she couldn’t fault him one bit.

‘Other Alpha Squads as well… This mission is going to be an absolute bloodbath, isn’t it…? So, we have to navigate through tens of thousands of enemies, take on T3 Aces, and compete with the T1 Marines. All this while also having other Alpha Squads aiming for the same objectives? The UHF isn't fucking around with this first assessment, are they?' Thea pondered.

Isabella was the first to break the silence, her voice reverberating with a thrilling blend of anticipation and barely constrained energy. "Just to confirm: We're all on the same team though, correct?" It seemed the prospect of going head-to-head with other Alpha Squads didn't deter their melee Ace in the slightest.

"Absolutely. We're all part of the UHF, after all," Corvus reassured, his head bobbing affirmatively.

Unexpectedly however, the follow-up didn't come from Isabella, but Desmond instead, who casually shrugged and remarked, "Sounds straightforward enough: We simply have to be better than the rest."

His unexpected comment created a pause, a palpable quiet hanging heavy in the air, as everyone turned their stunned gaze to Desmond, who was usually the most reticent and prone to a more negative outlook.

"Why are you all gawking at me like that?" he queried, his voice laced with genuine confusion.

"We simply need to be better than them, isn't that right?" he continued.

"Major Quinn, our Professors, the LTs... they all continuously say that we are one of the most promising drives they've ever come across. So, what's there to fear?"

He turned to Corvus. "Do you reckon the other Alpha Squads have someone as competent and strategic as our leader, here?" He shifted his gaze to Isabella, "Or someone possessing the raw, physical dominance of our melee Ace?"

His eyes landed on Lucas. "And who among them has a massive meat-slab wielding a colossal, impenetrable shield like us?"

His gaze swept across the rest as he gestured towards Karania and Thea, “Fuck, even the scary one over there and the Cyan Princess have some insane things they’re bringing to the table. You really think we’ll be struggling to outperform the others, when we have a fucking blood-morphing monster and a T2 anti-materiel Railgun on our side?”

His words did little to ease the stunned expressions, as this was uncharted territory for Desmond, who had never been known to shower praise on anyone in Alpha Squad before.

Nevertheless, the validity of his statements was hard to dismiss.

Even Thea, who found herself bristling at the 'Cyan Princess' moniker assigned by someone like Desmond, was forced to concur with his assertions after giving it a moment of rational thought.

After all, what were the odds that another contender had achieved multiple Silver-ranked accomplishments in their challenge trial, while simultaneously securing the top spot in a shooting trial, which had resulted in a sizable credit boon, to secure a T2 rifle for their first assessment?

The conclusion was glaringly obvious: The odds were exceedingly slim.

As the truth of Desmond's surprising words began to permeate the room, the atmosphere subtly shifted from one of nervous anticipation to a kind of measured confidence.

Thea watched as her teammates' expressions gradually morphed, their anxiety replaced by a dawning realisation of their collective strength.

Isabella's smirk widened at the praise, a glint of cockiness evident in her eyes, while Lucas, the always stoic defender, gave a slight nod of acknowledgment at Desmond's words. His calm demeanour remained unchanged, but there was a certain firmness in his eyes now, a silent resolve that spoke volumes.

Karania, already high on the prospect of the drop-pod ride, seemed to feed off the confidence in the room, her radiant smile reaching new heights. Her excitement was infectious and Thea found herself grinning back at the jubilant medic, heartened by the optimism her teammate displayed.

Corvus, back to being the ever composed leader, merely offered a small smile - an unmistakable sign of approval at Desmond’s words. "Desmond's right on the money, as strange as it feels to say that," he declared.

"We do have exceptional talent in this squad. Each of us brings unique abilities to the table, making us a formidable force. And yes, there will be challenges, and yes, there will be other squads trying to outperform us. But that should not be a deterrent for us. We’re Alpha Squad for a reason. We just need to trust ourselves and each other."

Pausing, Corvus surveyed each team member, his gaze penetrating, as though affirming their tacit agreement with his words.

His face broke into a grin before he resumed speaking. “For that matter, let’s get another opinion on this. It’s easy to pump ourselves up with nobody to compare to, after all. Let’s ask the System how it views us, that should give us an objective idea of where we stand. I’ve managed to get a list of Point Values for previous drives’ Alpha Squads, so let’s compare ourselves. How about it?” he proposed, punctuating his words with a confident wink.

“Thea needs to go last,” Karania interjected immediately, inciting a chorus of consensus from the rest of the squad.

It was clear that the proposal had piqued everyone's interest, as their gazes became distant almost instantly - a clear indication they were privately requesting their individual Point Values from the Allbright System.

Shaking her head with an amused smile at her Squad’s insistence on her being last, Thea sent her own silent command to the System.

'Please evaluate my current Point Value.'

[System Prowess Evaluation]

Point Value: 411

Her eyes widened at the displayed figure.

She remembered that her initial PV had been 130, only a few days earlier during the System 101 lecture. But now, it had already surged to a staggering 411!

'I wonder how much of that is due to my gear... I suspect the System takes that into account in the PV evaluation. After all, it does implement the entire Tier-based locking system. My five Silver-ranked Abilities must also contribute a substantial portion...' she mused silently, patiently waiting for the rest of Alpha Squad to complete their dialogues with the System.

One by one, their eyes regained their typical focus as they wrapped up their brief exchanges with the System.

"Alright then. Let's compare ourselves to past drives' Alpha Squads at this point in their careers," Corvus initiated, his face donning a wide grin, after ensuring everyone had concluded their evaluations.

"The lowest average PV for the past 50 drives - which is, of course, all Alpha Squad members' PVs divided evenly - stood roughly around 173. The average PV of all 50 drives hovered around 212, while the highest average reached 248... Given our circumstances, I think we can outstrip that. After all, my PV is already at 221 and it's most likely the lowest among us," he declared. "Especially when compared to a certain few of us," he teased with a knowing smirk.

What ensued was a swift sequence of PV declarations, beginning with Desmond.

"253, probably lower because I spread my points too thinly," he mused.

Lucas was next, who merely grumbled, "256, most likely for the same reason."

Isabella, donning a victorious grin, confidently announced, "268. I believe you guys might be right. High individual Attributes seem to favour PV more than a spread."

"235. I am inclined to concur with that observation, Isabella. The rarity of Abilities also seems to have substantial influence, however. I possess quite high Attributes, having mostly focused on Finesse, but only my one initial Silver-rarity Ability. That's likely what cost me a fair chunk of points," Karania added, a strained smile visible on her face.

With everyone having revealed their current PVs, Thea couldn’t help but be simultaneously shocked and somewhat amused.

She had realised that she was likely going to be the one with the highest PV amongst her peers, at least during this first assessment, but the sheer gulf between them was something she had not seen coming.

It did indeed seem that higher rarity Abilities, especially, were highly valued by the System. Her five Silver-Rarity ones were likely doing a large portion of the heavy lifting for her massive PV, no doubt.

“So, Princess, don’t leave us hanging. Do we beat the highest average PV of the past 50 drives or not?” Isabella prompted, anticipation riding in her voice.

All eyes zeroed in on Thea, their anticipation palpable.

An unexpected facet of this scenario immediately struck her: Where before, she might have been consumed by acute anxiety, she now felt remarkably composed. It seemed that the days spent bonding with each member of Alpha Squad had significantly quelled her anxiety.

She was even able to momentarily relish the spotlight, where everyone's eyes were fixed on her, their breath held in eager anticipation of her response.

A smile unfurled across her face as she confidently declared, after a swift mental calculation, “Oh, we beat it, alright. As a matter of fact, we’re utterly crushing them.”

She savoured their heightened anticipation for a moment longer before announcing, ”With me, we’re coming in at 274 average, beating the highest average of the last 50 drives by a solid 26 points.”

An electrifying surge of elation swept through the room at Thea's declaration, enveloping Alpha Squad in a bubble of euphoria. Triumphal grins and victorious cheers echoed around, the team members exchanging enthusiastic high fives. Their collective confidence rose starkly, everyone seeming poised and ready to take on any assessment that the UHF could throw their way.

However, amidst the jubilant outpouring, a ripple of incredulity permeated the atmosphere as the magnitude of Thea's individual PV fully sank in.

"Wait, that puts you at 411?!" Desmond blurted out, his eyes wide with disbelief. Lucas looked similarly flabbergasted, his gaze fixed on Thea as though trying to comprehend this new information.

The buzz in the room had transformed from mere jubilation to a mixture of awe and bafflement. "411? Fucking really, Thea?" Isabella asked, her eyes gleaming with a combination of respect and playful envy.

On the other hand, Karania, who had kept quiet up until this point, simply nodded, her subtle smile, while shaking her head, conveying her approval and admiration. She was well aware of Thea's capabilities and seeing them recognized in such a stark way only reaffirmed her belief in their squad's potential.

Corvus couldn't help but chuckle at their reactions. Raising a hand to command silence, he addressed the squad, his voice filled with pride. "Alright, alright, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Yes, Thea has an exceptional PV, and yes, we have beaten the highest average PV of the past 50 drives. But remember, we still have a mission to accomplish. Let's use this momentum and get ready to show the UHF what a true Alpha Squad is made of."

Corvus' words struck the right chord, effectively recentering the group's attention on the pivotal task at hand.

"Our mission will largely be within an intricate urban sprawl, laden with an array of sightlines and plenty of hiding spots. Best part of all: These also serve as potential danger zones, as enemies might use them for ambushes. Our movements should be measured, alternating between cautious advances and swift sprints. The open is no friend of ours here, and careful preparation before each move is crucial," he counselled, his gaze sharp and serious.

He paused momentarily before admitting, "I must confess however, my knowledge of urban combat is purely theoretical, gleaned from books, basic sims and lectures." His gaze swept across the squad, seeking any insights from personal experiences, "Anyone here have any first-hand knowledge they could impart?"

The room filled with the negative shaking of heads, save for Isabella, who fell into a brief, silent contemplation.

Thea's own encounters with urban environments had been limited to arcade games, none of which rendered the intricacies of urban warfare with any semblance of reality. They were typically corridor-type shooters, featuring enemies charging head-on in open areas - or corridors, much like the name implied - rather than employing realistic strategies like ambushes or surprise attacks.

This would mark her first plunge into this type of experience, and though eager, Thea couldn't shake off a sense of inadequacy. Having nothing to contribute to the discussion felt unsettling. She had always taken pride in the comprehensive array of experiences she had amassed from simulation games and immersive sims over the past dozen or so years. It was a discomforting reality check to realise that she might not be as prepared as she'd hoped.

With a resolute expression, Isabella straightened her posture and said, "I have some experience. Not all good, mind you, but I suppose the past is just that... the past."

Corvus began to interject, "You don't need to dredge up painful memories, Isabella. We can figure it out ourselves if—"

She cut him off, a determined smile on her face, "No, it's alright. Really."

Taking a deep breath, she began, "Urban warfare... It's utterly fucked. It's arguably the most challenging environment you can encounter. Every window, every alleyway, every seemingly harmless civilian, they could all potentially turn into enemies. It's a breeding ground for paranoia, especially if you're on the offensive.

"We have to assume that no civilian we encounter is innocent. They could easily turn hostile, pulling out a firearm as we walk past. We have to be on our A-game, 110% of the time, treating every single person as a potential target.

"As for our scouts," she continued, her gaze landing on Thea and Desmond, "every window, every hidden corner that might serve as a perfect ambush spot should be under your scrutiny. If a location seems like an excellent position for you to set up an ambush in, triple-check it. Chances are high, the enemy might be thinking the same thing.

"Lucas," she said, turning her attention to the silent behemoth, "you need to stick close to Thea as we navigate the cityscape. Be ready to deploy your shield at a moment's notice. Consider yourself our movable stronghold - a secure point we can fall back to when needed. With you up front, we can always count on one side of ours being somewhat safe. This will be instrumental to our success in this mission.

"Lastly, supplies. We're going to need a hefty amount of those, specifically blue-foam and white-foam grenades. If we can get a hold of a white-foam sprayer, even better. This will allow us to block off paths we don't want to deal with, reducing the number of potential threat areas for our scouts to monitor.

"Yes, it might impede our retreat routes in case of an unexpected confrontation, but I'd much rather meet my end in battle, with a wall at my back, than be shot from behind," she finished, her words bristling with a stark resolve.

A fleeting pause ensued, before her stern demeanour was replaced by a broad grin. "Oh. And let's not forget about explosives. Be it plasma, shaped charges, moldable charges - we'll be needing them in droves. It will help us carve our own way through the labyrinth that is urban combat. True, we're not supposed to be a demolition crew or cause too many civilian casualties, but if given the choice, I'd rather bring down a few buildings than try to make our way through a vast city square or something."

Corvus let out a soft chuckle, "Well, I suppose that's one way to level the playing field - quite literally." His remark punctuated the tense silence, eliciting a smattering of groans from the group. The atmosphere had been intense, and his lighthearted comment served to lighten the mood.

"But jokes aside," he continued, his face becoming serious again, "Isabella brings up a good point. We will need to be highly strategic and discerning about our movements - throughout the entire mission. The ability to manipulate our environment to our advantage could be invaluable… Despite the UHFs hesitation on civilian casualties, I doubt a couple of explosives will get us into any serious trouble."

Corvus then addressed the whole squad, "Regarding supplies, let's compile a list of essentials and make those purchases as soon as possible. We have a few hours before we should all head off to rest. I don't want anyone turning up tomorrow bleary-eyed and sluggish, understood?” He swept his gaze across each member, securing a nod of agreement before proceeding.

“Now, I'll share with you all the list of standard-kits that the UHF has assembled for each of us. We’re all getting a specifically designed kit, so we’ll likely have to do some comparing. The items on these lists will be replenished with each respawn, so there's no need to waste resources buying anything on these lists - we’ll have it for the whole mission.”

With swift taps on his data-pad, Corvus disseminated the list to the squad. Moments later, each member's data-pad chimed with the incoming information.

As Thea perused her list, she couldn't help but admire the thoroughness of the items assembled, 'Whoever composed this list has done an excellent job. The focus is clearly on scouting operations. This will save me a ton of Credits, no question…’

Her list contained nearly a dozen unique items, aside from the standard equipment that was provided to all - which Corvus had earlier highlighted in his briefing.

Three items, in particular, caught her attention. The first was a corner-peek camera, a tiny yet powerful piece of equipment attached to a sturdy, flexible band. This camera would allow her to inspect what was around corners without the risk of exposure, its minuscule size making it incredibly difficult to detect, even for the most watchful sentries.

The second item, which she had already decided to procure, was an assortment of differently coloured smoke grenades. There were six colours in total, each with a secondary variant that also functioned as a mild chemical weapon. These could serve numerous purposes like marking targets, shielding their retreat, or obstructing sightlines.

While the smoke emitted was dense, it was otherwise normal, posing no threat to visibility to anyone with advanced gear. However, considering that most T1 soldiers of the Stellar Republic weren't exactly renowned for their top-of-the-line equipment, it was highly improbable that they would be able to pierce through the smoke without a specific System Ability.

The third and final item that intrigued her was a tool she had never encountered before. Upon examining its description, however, she immediately recognized its potential utility.

Named 'XIR-View', this device reportedly used a combination of x-ray, sound, and infrared technologies to penetrate walls up to approximately 5m in thickness, providing the user with real-time imaging of what lay beyond. For the duration of the operation, it would supplant her wrist-band, as it included a compact screen—about half the size of her data-pad—that could be fastened to her wrist to display the XIR's output.

Although the XIR-View had limitations in terms of coverage and range, its benefits were undeniable. It would enable Thea to swiftly scan rooms before they entered or charge through the walls to gain access. This tool would undoubtedly be an invaluable asset in their upcoming mission, and she was grateful to the individual who had thoughtfully included it in her list.

With a satisfied smile, Thea turned her attention back towards the rest of the squad, who were still busy purveying their own lists with a varied mix of emotions visible on their faces.

It seemed that the UHF had really pulled out all the stops for their individual kits, making sure to include important utility items for everyone.

After everyone had finally finished their initial reading through their own lists, Alpha Squad fell into a deep discussion, going over their strategies and potential contingencies in great detail, as well as listing off additional pieces of equipment that they felt were missing in their current loadouts.

Everyone, even the usually more quiet Lucas, was actively involved, pitching in ideas and solutions, turning their collective anxiety into focused preparation. It was a testament to their unity and determination, a team ready to face whatever came their way.

Their diverse set of skills and talents was going to be their strength, and they were ready to make the most of it.

Despite the challenges ahead, Thea felt a growing sense of confidence in her team. As she glanced around at her squadmates, she couldn't help but feel a warm sense of camaraderie.

‘We can definitely do this. We’ll show the other Alpha Squads just what we’re capable of and make sure the UHF doesn’t regret their choice in naming us the most promising drive in recent history,’ Thea silently rallied herself, her competitive spirit igniting brightly at the prospect of having a competent team at her side - after all, there was nothing worse than having a bad team when trying to beat a high score…

Two hours later, their strategy session concluded, resulting in a final shopping list which Corvus and Isabella left to procure. Each squad member had contributed their remaining Credits, ensuring that the pair had more than sufficient funds to complete the list - and even some to spare, for future missions.

Naturally, Thea ended up contributing the most, possessing a significantly larger remainder of Credits than the rest. From her initial 1,112 Credits, left over after her shopping escapade with Karania and the subsequent indulgent lunch she had covered for both of them, she decided to commit 800 Credits to the pool. This brought the collective pot to approximately 1,200 Credits, with Thea being the predominant benefactor - a fact that did not perturb her in the least.

As she readied herself for bed, Thea felt a surge of anticipation.

There was nothing more thrilling than finding a team that meshed well with her. The notion of spending hefty amounts of cash didn't bother her if it bolstered her team and heightened their collective chances of success.

While Thea had predominantly favoured solo games over team ones, this preference was primarily due to the challenge of locating a team that gelled not only in terms of playstyle and proficiency but also in their objectives and emotional maturity.

Despite the lingering concern about Desmond's behaviour towards her, he had surprisingly acknowledged her positive attributes and complimented her that day - an entirely unanticipated turn of events. Now, her squad leader and Ella were en route to secure an extensive list of additional equipment that they had meticulously put together - as a team.

Thea felt like she couldn’t have asked for a better preparation for her first ever assessment as part of the UHF Marine Corps. Everything felt perfectly aligned and ready to go.

The only thing tempering her enthusiasm now was the impending drop-pod deployment come morning.

With those thoughts and a mixture of excitement and lingering anxiety in her head, Thea drifted off to sleep - the last time on-board the Sovereign for quite some time…

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