The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 46 - Familiar Sensation

Moments after Thea discerned the thunderous roar, its source became horrifyingly clear: a barrage of close-support rockets heading directly for their location.

The urgency was unmistakable in her voice as she relayed the information to the team. "Incoming friendly rockets, get down!"

At Thea's call, Corvus, Lucas, and Desmond pressed themselves more tightly against the shield.

However, Karania, either unable or unwilling to halt her life-saving efforts, merely hunched over Isabella, using her own body as a shield while continuing her meticulous work inside the wounded abdomen.

Caught in a tumult of emotions, Thea felt a pull between the urge to assist and the realisation that any intervention could disrupt Karania's crucial work. She finally joined Corvus, Lucas, and Desmond by the shield, a silent plea echoing in her mind in regards to the medic and her offensive heavy: ‘Stay safe. Please, stay safe!’

Corvus's voice over the comms then pierced the tension. "The rockets are Staff-Sergeant Venn’s backup plan, in case our initial expectations are wrong," he informed, an edge of apprehension discernible in his voice. "They’re Blue-Flames. Get your full-masks on; it’s about to get hot.”

The chilling realisation sent shivers down Thea’s spine.

During the Warfare 101 Lecture together with Lucas, she had learned about these very rockets from Lt. Jorvik, who had explained some of the ordinance options of the medium-sized vehicles.

Blue Flame rockets were a specialised anti-infantry ordnance, engineered with a distinct chemical cocktail that not only amplified the burn rate of their incendiary constituents but also significantly heightened their volatility. This rapid combustion manifested as the signature blue flame, a symbol of searing heat and obliteration.

Their utility was two-fold: On one hand, they swiftly purged areas of enemy infantry, leaving behind minimal lingering fires, thus paving the way for allied forces to progress unimpeded. On the other, the sheer intensity of the heat they produced in such a brief span consumed vast amounts of oxygen, creating a vacuum effect in a massive area. This phenomenon choked the life out of any infantry lacking full-mask protection, as the very air in their lungs was forcibly drawn out to feed the voracious blue flames.

Rummaging hurriedly through her pack, Thea extracted her full-mask from the top, swiftly securing it in place and double-checking the seals. If she was to die during this assessment, it would most definitely not be due to the wrong application of her own equipment!

Glancing towards Karania and Isabella, she was prepared to assist, but found that Karania had proactively enveloped them both with a heat-reflecting blanket. The high-tech material had already expanded into a foam-like substance, creating an airtight seal with the ground, ensuring their safety as Karania relentlessly continued her life-saving procedures on Isabella.

Surveying the wider scene, Thea observed the 32nd's seasoned readiness.

Those marines without masks had efficiently equipped themselves in mere seconds, taking cover while maintaining their fierce defensive onslaught against the Stellar Republic forces. An impressed realisation dawned on Thea, 'They're maintaining this posture to keep the enemy in the dark about the incoming threat... Clever!'

Her eyes then caught the sight of several of the unlucky marine squads that had dealt with the fallen-over hover-shields, who were quickly finishing their makeshift trenches behind them. They traded their shovels for heat-shield blankets, ensuring they were prepared for the imminent onslaught, before similarly continuing to fire at the Stellar Republic’s lines from their new defensive positions.

'If we’re sticking with the 32nd for a while, I need one of those blankets,' Thea mused. 'Venn's usage of those rockets seems far more frequent than what Lt. Jorvik had mentioned in his lecture, if the Staff-Sergeant's entire company is this prepared for them to be deployed…'

As she completed her swift assessment of the battlefield, with the relentless barrage of heavy weapons fire against Lucas' shield as a constant backdrop, Thea noticed several marines shifting their gaze skyward. The distinctive roar of the incoming rockets had apparently grown close enough to capture the attention of the entire company.

Upon seeing the first marines take cover, whether behind shields, beneath blankets, or diving into trenches, Thea didn't hesitate to mimic their actions. Trusting the 32nd's expertise with Blue Flame rockets, she reasoned their actions were the safest path to follow.

Pressing herself firmly against Lucas’ towering shield, she began a mental count, attempting to gauge the speed of the incoming rockets. Yet before she even reached “two”, a deafening roar surged overhead, culminating in a cataclysmic detonation just a short distance from where she hunkered down.

The aftermath of the Blue Flame rockets' impact was a scene from the most harrowing of nightmares.

The sky was awash with a cerulean blaze, painting a grotesque tableau of dancing, blue-tinted firelight against the canopy of the azure forest behind.

Directly in the path of the rockets' devastation, the Stellar Republic's lines were instantly obliterated. The once lush vegetation that once hid the deadly ambush was subjected to such intense heat that it didn't merely catch fire or smoulder—it vaporised, leaving behind scorched earth that still shimmered with residual warmth.

Soldiers caught in the immediate radius met an even grimmer fate. Before they could even register the threat, the conflagration transformed them into little more than silhouettes of ash, dark stains against the rapidly bleaching ground, remnants of lives snuffed out in a heartbeat.

The sheer ferocity of the heat could be felt even from where Thea hunkered down, a full kilometre away from the impact zone, despite her, now fully sealed, armour. Even at this distance, the vegetation around her began to crisp and curl or self-immolate, its vitality sapped away by the relentless heatwave that radiated outward.

But the terror of the Blue Flame rockets was not yet fully realised.

As the initial wave of destruction began to wane, the massive vacuum effect of the explosion took hold.

As though the earth itself was gasping for breath, the air was forcefully dragged back towards the epicentre. The nearby flames and oxygen were greedily consumed, intensifying the heat even further. This culminated in a secondary fireball, one that seemed to burn even brighter and hotter than the first. The sky blazed with an intense cerulean glow, so brilliant that Thea was forced to turn her gaze downwards, even as the light seared through her visor and stung her closed eyelids.

For an ephemeral moment, the world fell silent, as if in collective awe or perhaps mourning the terrifying demonstration of humanity's capacity for destruction. What was once a vibrant, living landscape was now reduced to an ashen wasteland in a mere instant.

As the deafening roar of the explosion and subsequent fireball began to ebb, replaced by the sound of the atmosphere rushing to fill the void, a barrage of odours began to permeate the surroundings. Despite her mask's filters working at full-tilt, Thea was assaulted by a variety of scents.

Among them, an unmistakable, charred aroma, eerily reminiscent of some tragic events she'd witnessed more than once in Lumiosia’s Undercity growing up. The unmistakable stench of scorched human flesh was a harrowing memory she had hoped to leave behind forever, yet she inherently understood that it was an inevitable aspect of the war she was now a part of.

Slowly uncurling herself from the defensive ball-like form she had assumed in order to minimise her exposure to the brutal heat of the explosion, Thea started looking around carefully, her eyes still teary from the stinging sensation before.

The scene that stretched before her was apocalyptic.

Acres of ground once teeming with the Stellar Republic's forces now lay completely destroyed, covered in patches of still-smouldering, blue embers. The landscape bore the scars of intense heat; trees were reduced to skeletal remains, the soil charred to a deep black, and wherever the eye looked, there were shadows – ephemeral silhouettes of what once were soldiers, now rendered ashen and immobile by the Blue Flame's fierce onslaught.

Yet amidst this panorama of devastation, the 32nd Company was already preparing to move on.

Their discipline was evident: not a single soldier seemed shaken by the scenes of ruin, nor by the daunting prospect of having to push up into the ambush location itself. Instead, their focus was already on what was asked of them. The hum of the hover-shields’ grav-engines powering up again filled the air, hoisting their massive plasteel constructs slightly above ground, as the soldiers readied themselves for the next phase.

Thea watched in quiet admiration as, with the precision and coordination of a well-oiled machine, squads began to realign, re-establish their formations, and start their push forward. Their faces, seen through some of the visors of their helmets, were determined and unyielding, almost as if they had not been fazed at all by the ambush or the subsequent bombardment itself.

It was abundantly clear that the 32nd had seen the likes of this exact scenario before, and they were prepared, perhaps even conditioned, to face the horrors of it head-on.

Communications buzzed around her, Corporals barking orders and marines acknowledging them, their collective mission clear: Capitalise on the devastation caused by the Blue Flame rockets and push through the Stellar Republic's weakened defences.

“Alpha Squad, on your feet! We’re not here to be spectators. We've got a forest to sweep,” Corvus barked, pushing himself up with an energy that seemed infectious. He motioned assertively towards the scarred battlefield, driving home the immediacy of their mission.

“Desmond, I want at least one drone airborne at all times, covering our every move. We underestimated their prep once; it won’t happen again. High Command thought this area was 'definitely secure'; the ambush proved them very wrong. Staff-Sergeant Venn has pulled in the 27th and 28th for backup, given we’re in a full-on combat scenario now. We'll also have a team of drone operators linking up. Show them how Alpha Squad does it, understood?”

Desmond gave a crisp acknowledgement while already initiating the close-range support drone's re-purposing to a low-altitude scout drone with his forge.

“Lucas, we need that shield mobile. And by the way, damn good call on getting it. It's the only reason we’re still standing and not remnants on the battlefield.” Lucas, chest puffing out in a mix of pride and acknowledgment, began the process of retracting the massive shield, preparing it for the onward march.

First, disabling the grav-lock, which had taken an utter beating during the engagement, then by hoisting the massive shield out of the ground to dislodge its large spikes from the ground. Finally, via a press of a button, it retracted back to its normal size with the loud mechanical sound of interlocking plates.

Turning his gaze to Thea, Corvus added, “You’ve been spot on so far, Thea. That early detection might’ve saved our skins. But we might need you up front with other scouts soon, ensuring we don’t get blindsided again. Think you can handle it?”

Thea met his gaze, determination evident in her eyes through the full-mask’s visor. “Just say the word.”

Internally, Thea definitely had a couple of issues with that idea, but also knew it was a part of being a scout. It was her job to make sure they wouldn’t run into any ambushes and she’d be running ahead of the group quite often, so complaining now was not really going to do anything for her in the long run, except potentially hit her overall assessment score - something she could not afford if she wanted to go for a high score.

Corvus, sensing the urgency of the 32nd continuing on around them, quickly pivoted the discussion. "Karania, update on Isabella?"

Without missing a beat, Karania reached down, swiftly breaking the foam seal on the heat-blanket. A sudden gush of blood flowed out, momentarily startling the squad members until they saw her reassuring thumbs-up.

"She's stable. I'm about to administer the purple one, then seal her wounds. She'll be operational for a few hours, but brace for a crash when the green one's effects wear off," Karania’s voice emerged muffled, but clear.

Thea was momentarily puzzled by the colour references but then recalled the injectors Karania had showcased during their prep session.

Remembering the session vividly, thanks to her exceptional memory, the “purple one” was a cellular regenerator designed for targeted organ repair. The “green one”, on the other hand, was a potent stimulant, boosting a soldier’s performance exponentially, but not without its repercussions. Karania had cautioned them about its harsh come-down multiple times, emphasising its “definitely fatal” outcomes if overused.

Moments later, the sound of Isabella's muffled groans emanated from beneath the heat-blanket. It was as if she had been submerged underwater for hours and was taking her first desperate breath.

"Fuck me, that thing’s intense!" were Isabella's first coherent words since her earlier outburst of frustration after being injured. The words brought a collective sigh of relief and smiles to the squad—Isabella was unmistakably herself again.

As Karania pulled away the heat-blanket, she quickly scanned the area, locating fragments of Isabella’s discarded armour. In a surprising move, she methodically sliced into her own arm, allowing her blood to pour onto Isabella's stomach. Quickly, she pressed the armour plates against the wound, murmuring, "Coagulate."

Isabella seemed bewildered, her attention more on the transformed battlefield than on the peculiar medical ritual taking place on her torso. "What the fuck went down here? Why's everything charred?"

Before any of her teammates could chime in, Karania was swift with her reply, "You were out for a brief moment. You're powered by a stimulant that'll last a few hours at best. It also disables all your pain receptors, so be careful not to push yourself. I've temporarily sealed your wound using my blood and your armour, but it's not a lasting fix. Stick close to Lucas and try to shield your left side behind him until we can get your armour properly mended, got it?"

"Understood," Isabella shot back instantly, her eyes locked onto Karania's above her. Sweat cascaded down Karania's forehead, a clear mark of her exertions. Somewhere during her frantic work, she'd cast aside her helmet, revealing damp, auburn curls that clung to her cheeks.

Isabella's voice softened, gratitude evident, "I owe you one, Karania. The magic you perform with those bone tools is downright frightening. I've never seen a medic mend a torn apart liver in mere minutes…”

She paused, a mischievous hint returning to her voice, "Thank fuck for the anti-pain stims in my armour. Without 'em, I think the pain might've finished me off. That was fucking brutal. From here on out, I'm sticking to cover, at least till the armour's patched up. That's a promise!"

Corvus, sensing the time for sentiment was over, abruptly broke in, "Alpha Squad, enough chatter. We need to regroup and move forward with the 32nd. We can’t afford to fall behind!" His voice had that clear note of command, brooking no delay.

"Gather your gear, check your ammo, and let's push on. We don’t have the luxury of time.”

As the squad scrambled into action, Desmond worked fervently on his newly re-fit drone, making some last-minute adjustments and ensuring it was primed for a fresh run. The low-altitude scout drone was sleek and matte black, its surface non-reflective, ensuring minimal visibility. Its quad-rotors were completely silent, an innovative design feature that combined the newest aviation technology with some choice anti-grav tech, which allowed for stealthy reconnaissance without alerting the enemy.

The underbelly housed a combination of infrared, ultraviolet, and regular cameras, making it invaluable in various terrains and light conditions. The drone also had a small, but powerful, onboard computer to process data in real-time and plot paths around obstacles without the need for Desmond to actively control its every movement.

Giving it a final, oddly sensual pat, he activated it. The rotors whirred to life, and it levitated smoothly, before zipping off into the distance towards the burned-out remnants of the Stellar Republic’s position, ready to provide an aerial view of what the UHF had wrought.

“Drone's up,” Desmond declared, glancing at his wrist display which mirrored the drone's feed. The rest of the squad, meanwhile, quickly reloaded the remaining weapons, shared a few words of encouragement, and formed up, ready to advance with renewed determination behind Lucas’ shield, as before.

As Alpha Squad and the 32nd advanced toward the charred remnants of the Stellar Republic's ambush site, Thea couldn't help but notice a transformation in the formations around her. Gone was the uniform line of soldiers marching in distinct squad-pockets; in its place, a more staggered and diverse approach had emerged.

Squads equipped with hover-shields, once shoulder to shoulder with their comrades, now held a slightly rearward position, allowing those with more agile shielding systems, like Lucas’ Stalwart, to take the lead. The company's new formation stretched approximately 300 metres from vanguard to rearguard. This new approach provided enhanced flexibility in the heat of combat, a stark departure from the solid front they'd presented earlier.

Yet, Thea observed with a sense of reassurance that Spear Platoon remained unwaveringly aligned with Alpha Squad on the western edge. Their combined presence was clearly intended to serve as the company's vanguard, scouting slightly further ahead and relaying potential threats before the main force encountered them.

Now that it was clear that the Stellar Republic had pushed way faster and way harder towards the UHF’s landing site than originally assumed in even worst-case-scenarios, Staff-Sergeant Venn seemingly pulled out all the necessary resources to make their continued advance as ambush-proof as possible.

As they neared the Stellar Republic's former positions, the devastating aftermath of the Blue Flame Rockets was laid bare for all to see. The landscape was scarred and seared, bearing witness to the brutal ferocity of the weapon's heat. What was once a fortified line, bustling with soldiers and activity, now appeared as a post-apocalyptic tableau, resonant with eerie silence.

Skeletal remnants of equipment and fortifications, twisted and deformed by the intense temperatures, littered the battlefield. Once-sturdy metallic barriers were reduced to warped hunks of metal, their original shapes barely recognizable. Here and there, pools of once molten metal had solidified into grotesque sculptures, a grim testament to the rockets' power. The sandbags, which might've been used for cover, were now melded with the ground, turned to glassy lumps by the inferno's embrace.

The trenches, previously a hive of movement and coordination for the Stellar Republic soldiers, had been transformed into utter death traps. The sides of the trenches, originally dug out meticulously, were glazed over, appearing almost ceramic in nature from the high heat.

As Alpha Squad and the 32nd ventured forward, extreme caution dictated their every move. They were all too aware that even a seemingly empty trench could hide a desperate, injured enemy, or worse, left behind booby traps.

Marines from the 32nd, systematically but warily, approached each trench. Using specialised equipment, they probed for hidden threats. Every so often, a shout would announce the discovery of a rare, left-over piece of semi-functional equipment or a sad remnant of what had once been a soldier of the Stellar Republic.

Around five minutes later, as the last vestiges of the trenches had been scoured for any potentially useful equipment, danger or intel, the 32nd and Alpha Squad continued their slow march towards the Azure Forest beyond.

Their boots rhythmically hit the scorched earth, each step taken with measured haste, echoing a sense of urgency that Corvus soon addressed. "Listen up, Alpha Squad," he started, ensuring his voice was measured but intent. "I know we’re rushing through this quite quickly, especially after that Emperor-damned ambush. But Staff-Sergeant Venn knows what’s important, in the grand scheme of this entire battlefield. Every metre we take in the first 48 hours of a planetary invasion can mean the difference between a swift victory and a protracted conflict. It dictates how much leverage we have in both ground warfare and diplomacy. It’s essential to secure key territories quickly before the enemy can reinforce or reorganise."

While Corvus’ words resonated with his team, Desmond remained partially absorbed in his task.

His fingers danced over his control console, making minor adjustments to the drone's flight patterns while monitoring its feeds. The screens provided live visuals from the drone's high-definition cameras, mapping out the path ahead. Every few minutes, Corvus relayed information received from other drone operators, ensuring all squads remained in the loop.

"We’ve got close to a kilometre clear ahead,” Corvus informed the team, his tone a mix of caution and optimism. “The drones are giving us a fair warning, but don't let your guard down. The forest may look serene, but it’s anything but. There’s tons of creatures in there.”

And indeed, as they closed in, the Azure Forest revealed itself in its full splendour. Towering trees, their massive trunks seemingly made of iridescent blues and purples, reached skywards, their canopies casting dappled shades of azure on the forest floor below.

Bioluminescent plants shimmered in the underbrush, giving off a gentle blue glow that contrasted starkly with the charred battlefield they had left behind. The forest seemed alive, not just with fauna but with an almost palpable energy, as if the very air shimmered with an ethereal light.

Occasionally, a soft hum would drift on the wind, a chorus of unseen creatures or perhaps the natural resonance of the trees themselves. The ground was covered in a soft, moss-like vegetation that looked springy to the step. Even the air smelled fresher, the closer they got to the forest, a mix of earthy undertones and floral hints coupled with a slight tang of ozone.

Thea was also staring intently at the gorgeous forest before her as they advanced, but tried her best to tune out the beauty of it, in favour of doing her job properly. The amount of foliage, different colours and light reflections made it an absolute pain to try and scout ahead via her weapons’ scope or her eyes.

About 600 metres from the Azure Forest's treeline, Thea began blinking incessantly. It was as if her eyes were struggling to adjust to something elusive slightly behind the forest's edge.

Suddenly, she stumbled, nearly losing her footing entirely. Karania, quick to notice, reached out to steady her. "Thea? Are you alright?" she asked, genuine concern etching her features.

Grimacing, Thea pressed her fingers to her temples, trying to abate the burgeoning pain. "I've got this pounding headache all of a sudden," she admitted.

An unpleasant memory tugged at her, taking her back to a Warfare 101 Lecture with Lucas.

The same sensation had gripped her right before she had seen the weird outline of the SADD, and the respawn pod's cloaking fields.

The realisation hit her with an icy dread.

Whirling to Desmond, she ordered, "Turn the drone around. Show me the live feed, now."

Corvus, a few paces ahead, looked back at her in confusion. Thea, realising she had the attention of not just him but all of her squad members, continued, "And get the company to pause, pretend it's for a final equipment check."

Corvus' brow furrowed. "I trust you, Thea. But if we ask the whole company to stop, I need to know: Why?"

"Because," Thea began, her voice laced with a sense of urgency, "I think the Stellar Republic might have soldiers cloaked in a stealth or illusion-field, lying in ambush right behind that treeline. We need to be certain before we take another step closer."

Corvus scanned Thea's face for a brief moment, searching for any hint of uncertainty. Finding none, he quickly raised his hand, signalling for the advance to pause, while also comm’ing the request to Staff-Sergeant Venn. The other nearby squad members exchanged nervous glances, instantly picking up on the gravity of the situation.

Desmond, acting swiftly, manipulated his wrist control panel, bringing the drone back towards their position. A holographic display popped up in front of Thea, displaying a bird's-eye view of the treeline in question. There were no obvious signs of movement, but the technology was designed to pick up slight heat variations and disturbances in the ambient environment.

Karania, who was now watching Thea closely, whispered, "How sure are you about this? I don’t remember hearing that the Stellar Republic employed any stealth or illusion tech…?"

Thea paused momentarily, drawing a deep breath. "Trust me, they have the tech. This feeling... I've experienced it twice before: once during my Cube Trial, and then during the Warfare 101 lecture alongside Lucas. Just moments before Lt. Jorvik unveiled the SADD’s cloaking tech," she stated firmly. "We can't dismiss even the smallest possibility of being right. Another ambush would be devastating, especially considering the state the 32nd is in."

Desmond's eyes narrowed in concentration as his fingers danced over his control panel. The colours of the holographic display in front of Thea shifted rapidly as he cycled through every available scanning mode on the drone. "I'm not picking up anything unusual on the infrared, heat, or UV spectrums," he said, voice laden with frustration. "Am I missing something, Cyan?"

Thea, taken aback by his implicit trust in her instincts, as he had specifically asked whether he had missed something, instead of decrying her as an outright liar, took a moment before responding. "Hold the drone's position and revert to the standard visual spectrum. Let me study it closely."

Recalling her cube trial and the Warfare 101 lesson, she remembered the cloaked figures didn't merely appear — she had to concentrate intensely, honing in on the strange sensation that seemed to envelop her sight. Drawing upon that memory, Thea fixated on the display, willing herself to see the truth.

Upon invisible orders, the members of the 32nd, pretending obliviousness to the looming danger, began a mock equipment check. Soldiers huddled in small groups, inspecting their gear, checking their weaponry, and ensuring communication links were up and running, though their body language subtly conveyed heightened alertness.

Corvus, his face taut with tension, was engaged in a quiet but intense conversation over the comms. "Staff-Sergeant Venn," he began, his voice low and deliberate, "Thank you for the quick response to my request. Our scout has picked up on a potential threat near the treeline of the Azure Forest. She believes the Stellar Republic might have cloaked soldiers waiting in ambush. We’re currently trying to find evidence thereof, it shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes."

There was a brief silence, punctuated only by the soft rustling of leaves in the distance and the murmurs of the marines from Spear Platoon. When Staff-Sergeant Venn's voice finally broke through the comms, it was laced with caution and urgency. "Alpha Squad's intuition has served us well before, although it unfortunately came too late for a number of us. We won’t risk any chances. Have your team stay on high alert and prepare for potential combat. The 27th and 28th are still around half an hour out, so this second round will be ours to take."

Among the members of Alpha Squad, the mood was a mix of anxiety and determination.

Lucas, ever the protector, had moved closer to Thea, his shield raised subtly and his eyes scanning their surroundings. Karania, ever watchful, positioned herself where she could easily access any injured squad member.

Desmond, despite his initial scepticism, now fully engaged with Thea’s request, worked meticulously on the drone's controls, hunting for the faintest sign of the cloaked threat in the data-readouts, while making sure the drone remained exactly in its position to give Thea the necessary time she needed for her task.

Isabella subtly adjusted her Devastation's aim, shifting to Lucas' right. Cleverly positioning herself, she ensured her hastily repaired armour was shielded by the protective breadth of Lucas' Stalwart. Feigning a routine check of her ammo-feed module, her eyes darted across the horizon, seeking any hint of the elusive danger that had triggered Thea's alarm.

Finally, Thea found what she was looking for. The shimmering outlines became increasingly distinct as Thea honed in on her uncanny perception.

At first, they were mere wraithlike forms, but they soon solidified into the unmistakable shapes of soldiers — hundreds upon hundreds of them, camouflaged by some kind of illusion of stealth technology. Her eyes traced row upon row of trenches filled with infantry, interspersed with heavily fortified weapon emplacements that boasted menacing arrays of artillery and autocannons.

Behind them, lurking just within the shade of the Azure Forest, were the silhouettes of formidable utility vehicles — mobile command centres or perhaps even close-range artillery units. The enemy force was staggeringly vast, strategically positioned between 800 and 1500 metres from Alpha Squad's current location.

As she absorbed the staggering sight before her, Thea felt a sharp pain radiate through her skull, the pressure almost overwhelming. Her vision blurred momentarily before she became aware of the warm sensation of blood trickling down from her nose and pooling around the rims of her eyes.

Thea's voice, though weakened, was firm as she relayed her findings. "I see them. Around 1200 of them, camouflaged and ready to ambush us if we get anywhere close to that treeline. Heavy emplacements, utility vehicles... They've set up a fortified front, just past it. There's also... something towards the rear. I think it's the cloaking device. We need to disable it."

Karania, her protective instincts flaring, was immediately at Thea's side, offering support as she struggled to maintain her balance. Thea, now on her knees, reached out and gripped Karania's forearm, using it as a crutch to steady herself.

Corvus, his brow furrowed in alarm and concern, didn't miss a beat. He swiftly relayed the information through the comms to Staff-Sergeant Venn. "Venn, my scout spotted their formations, and it's not good. We're staring down the barrels of a massive entrenched force, roughly 1200 strong. We need a plan, and we need it now."

Thea, still clutching onto Karania, interjected, her voice now lined with determination, "Let me take the first shot. I've got a bead on their cloaking device. If I can disable it, we'll level the playing field and have at least somewhat of a fighting chance, before the 27th and 28th arrive."

Corvus met Thea's gaze, his expression a mix of concern and respect. The tension in the air was palpable, and every member of the squad sensed the mounting pressure. "If your shot can tilt the scales in favour of us and the 32nd," he began, "then it's vital you act swiftly. I'll notify Venn that your shot will be our cue to engage. The Stellar Republic may already be growing suspicious of our halted advance. We need to act before they catch on, as retreating this close to their position is no longer an option."

Around them, they saw squads change positions ever so slightly, retaining their attempts at subterfuge by only shuffling around slowly and in measured distances, to get into a more advantageous position for the upcoming, undeniably challenging battle. But despite the precariousness of their situation, the 32nd, true to their recon nature, responded with unwavering focus as orders were relayed, readying themselves for the impending onslaught with practised ease.

Thea steadied herself, rising with an unyielding resolve, her inner thoughts echoing, ‘They won't catch us off guard again. Not on my watch.’

She settled beneath the protection of Lucas’ shield, laying down her backpack and swiftly unhooking her Caliburn. As she positioned herself on the forest's soft verge, the rifle's bipod dug into the earth, stabilising her aim.

Karania eyed her, voice tinged with worry, “Are you sure you can make that shot? Given... everything?" The toll of piercing the Stellar Republic’s cloaking veil was evident in Thea’s demeanour, but her determination was unmistakable.

Thea nodded firmly, "I have this shot. Just be ready to move. Once the fighting starts, I'm not sure how much help I’ll be."

With resolve, Thea tuned out her surroundings, her world narrowing to the formidable railgun cradled in her arms. Activating the grav-lock on the bipod, the Caliburn found its anchoring point, stabilised and unwavering.

Adjusting her aim, she recalled the exact spot she'd seen on the drone's aerial feed. ‘If only I could process this as swiftly as Karania... she'd pinpoint it in an instant… But no, I’ll probably have to take another look…’ Bracing herself, she focused intently, attempting to peer through the deceptive veil again.

As her eyes pierced the deceptive veil to reveal the world as it truly was, they welled with torrents of blood, and a searing headache struck her immediately. Clenching her teeth against the overwhelming pain, Thea remained steadfast.

Through her blood-tinged vision, she discerned a large, rectangular object on the bed of a utility truck all the way at the back of the Stellar Republic’s line, roughly 1.5km away from her current position, hidden behind a myriad of trees in her line of fire, but now in the crosshairs of her Caliburn's scope.

With her vision rapidly fading behind a veil of red and no time to seek confirmation from the others, Thea pulled the trigger, sending a final mental command to the Allbright System.

‘Penetrative Shot.’

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