The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 1021  Doctor's checkup

1021  Doctor's checkup

Maya brought several baby outfits for Violet.

Violet barely stirred as they were putting a diaper on her.

"Shouldn't she wake up from this?" Talia asked, and everyone around her shrugged.

'There is nothing wrong with her,' Liseli assured Talia. 'She is just sleepy. Who wouldn't be after absorbing all those energies?'

Talia believed Liseli, but she wanted Violet to be checked by a doctor. She didn't want to waste time putting a complicated onesie on Violet, so she swaddled her in a receiving blanket while a how-to video played on the side.

By the time they were ready to leave the packhouse, Keith, Arya, Zina, Owen, Dawn, and George were there also. They all gathered around the bed where Violet was sleeping, unaware of the crowd.

Talia looked at Maya, Zina, Dawn, Arya, and Cornelia. They were all pregnant. But one female was missing. "Where is Mindy?"

The door opened, and Mindy waddled in. Actually, the first one to come in sight was Mindy's belly. One step behind Mindy was Gideon, whose arms waved around Mindy, ready to catch her if she lost her balance.

Talia hugged Mindy, and it took her a moment to see the ad-on Gideon had. "Is that a baby sling?"

"Sorry we are late, Lia," Mindy said. "It takes forever to put that carrier on properly. Gideon is practicing for when Lavender is born."

"Lavender? What a wonderful name," Talia said, and Mindy looked at Gideon with sparkles in her eyes.

Mindy picked the name Lavender because that's how Gideon smells to her. Gideon agreed with the condition that their second child has a pumpkin-inspired name.

Mindy looked at the bundle on the bed. "I see you went on your honeymoon and came back with a baby."

"Meet Violet."

"Aww… she is adorable," Mindy gushed and rubbed her belly. "They both have flowery names. Lavender and Violet will play together and be best friends."

Talia loved the idea, and she thought of asking, "Is it normal for babies to sleep so much? We put a diaper on her, and she barely moved."

Mindy put Talia's worries to rest. "It is normal. Travis told us to enjoy it while lasts because it's only the first week or two after they are born. After that, we will wish for them to sleep. When did you give birth?"

Talia was not sure. "A few hours ago."

"Woah. You are holding on nicely…"

Damon waved for Mindy to stop the chatter. "We are on our way to see Travis. He is expecting us."

Talia reached to lift Violet. Wrapped in a blanket, she resembled an adorable loaf of bread.

Talia's heart swelled as she cradled Violet in her arms.

Only now Talia realized how light Violet was. She turned to Damon to see him smiling at her.

"Do you want to hold her?"

Damon's eyebrows shot up. "Me?"

Talia could feel his excitement, anticipation, and the amount of insecurity uncharacteristic for her willful Alpha, but she knew that he was worried about not harming the child.

Talia stepped toward him.

"Hold out your arms, daddy."

Damon licked his lips nervously. Why was his mouth dry? Talia called him daddy, and he didn't dislike it. He was a father now.

"That's it," Talia encouraged him while placing Violet in Damon's hands.

Damon stood still like a statue, and Violet's lips twitched.

"Did you see that?" Talia asked. "She smiled because you are holding her."

"She likes it?"

"Of course, she does. She can feel your love and protectiveness. Do you want to carry her to the hospital?"

Before Damon could respond, Keith stepped forward. "You shouldn't carry any weight right after the delivery, Talia. If Alpha doesn't carry her, I will."

"I can carry Violet!" Arya volunteered while standing right next to Keith. She was pregnant, but her stomach was not showing yet.

Damon released a low growl, making Keith and Arya take a step back.

"I will carry MY child," Damon snapped while holding Violet closer to his chest.

Now that Damon looked around the room, it was crowded, and he wanted everyone out.

Damon and Talia stepped out of the packhouse and paused at the sight of the people.

Members of the Dark Howlers pack came to welcome their young Alpha.

People lowered their heads, and no one said a word as Damon and Talia walked through the path the crowd opened for them.

Damon held Violet with his left arm while his right one was around Talia, and his heart swelled with pride. That was his mate and his child, and their people were showing respect without being asked. The best part was that he could feel Talia's emotions. She was happy, and he was happy with her.

Maya, Caden, Mindy, Gideon, James, Cornelia, Dawn, George, Keith, Arya, Zina, and Owen walked behind Damon and Talia in a display of hierarchy.

Talia smiled at the sight of familiar faces, and she allowed positive emotions to wash over her. The joy was nearly tangible, and Talia basked in it.

The pack hospital was completely silent when Damon and Talia arrived with Violet.

The Alpha couple entered the pack hospital, and Maya, Caden, and the others stayed outside because the whole pack was following them, and if they got in, it would cause a mess.

Nurses, doctors, and patients stepped into hallways and stood with their heads lowered.

The only ones who approached Damon and Talia were Travis and Olivia, who ushered Alpha parents to the examination room.

Olivia beamed while looking at Violet, who was sleeping through the whole weight and length measurements, but Talia didn't miss the sadness in Olivia's expression.

"What are you thinking about?" Talia asked Olivia.

"It's just…" Olivia shook her head. "I am glad things turned out well for you and your baby." She didn't want to talk about her miscarriage because of Luis' violent ways. Her child would be about two years old if things didn't turn out as they did.

Talia wrapped her arms around Olivia. "I can feel your sadness," Talia spoke in a low voice, only for Olivia to hear. "I thought you would be happier now that you have a loving mate and a pup on the way."

Olivia's body stiffened. "What did you say?"

Talia smiled at Olivia. "Didn't you have your heat?"

"I did, but…" She turned to Travis. "A pup."

Travis didn't get it. "Yes, young Alpha Violet is a pup. She looks healthy, but we should still give her a full checkup."

"No, that's not what I was…" Olivia said weakly and pressed her hands against her stomach.

Travis' brows came together as he realized the meaning behind Olivia's actions. "Our pup?"

Olivia nodded, and Travis engulfed her in his embrace.

"Don't worry, Livi. I will take care of you and our pup. You will be a wonderful mother. I won't allow anyone or anything to harm you…" He spoke in a low voice as Olivia sobbed into his doctor's coat as happiness and insecurities overwhelmed her.

Talia tugged Damon to step aside.

'Let's give them a moment,' Talia said to Damon through their mind link.

Damon didn't like this. They came for a checkup, and now the doctor and his mate (aka assistant) were hugging and crying. What kind of a hospital was this? This is not what he is paying them for!

Before Damon voiced his displeasure, Talia's voice sounded in his mind again, 'Olivia has a lot of burden. She was abused and…'

'I know,' Damon grumbled back. He didn't like to be left to wait, regardless of the reason.

Talia looked at their little bundle of happiness.


"Our pup, Damon," Talia said dreamily while gently touching Violet's forehead.

Violet's eyes snapped open, and she looked straight at Talia.

"She has blue eyes, like her father," Talia said, and she knew that Damon was grinning even though she didn't look at him. Black hair and blue eyes. Violet resembled Damon and Talia loved it.

After a few long seconds, Violet's eyelids became heavy, and she went back to sleep.

"It's a girl, just how you wanted," Talia said.

"I would be OK with a boy also. I want us to have five pups. Three girls and two boys."

Talia blinked at him. "Did you ever see an Alpha family with so many pups?"

"Did you ever see an Alpha family with godly powers? In a way, I agree with Gregory. There are only a few of your kind, and we should do our share to ensure you don't go extinct, so… five pups. Six sounds even better. How about seven?"

Talia giggled when she realized that Damon was just thinking about sex.

After Violet's exam, it was time for Talia's.

Two nurses came in to help, and even though Travis was only looking at the ultrasound and did above-the-waist tests, Damon was growling and releasing a menacing aura, so they had to send him out of the examination room to wait.

Damon couldn't believe this. They kicked him out! He was the Alpha, damn it!

But Talia said that the longer her objects, the longer it would take, so he went out with an excuse that he needed to handle some important pack-related business.

Talia was glad that Damon obeyed without destroying the place.

A minute after he left, Violet stirred and was licking her lips, so nurses showed Talia how to breastfeed.

Talia was unsure how Damon would react because Travis was right there while Talia's breasts were exposed. It was medical, educational, and nothing sexual or pervy, but Travis was a man, and Damon was a possessive Alpha, and… it wouldn't end well.

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