The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 20 Peanuts, melon seeds and eight-treasure porridge, beer, drinks and mineral water

Chapter 20 Peanuts, melon seeds and eight-treasure porridge, beer, drinks, mineral water...

At about half past twelve, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

A salesperson whose mouth would have dimples when he smiled pushed open the box and asked with a smile:

"Kids, do you want to buy anything?"

"Have a helping of everything."

Cassandra immediately stood up, grabbed a handful of gold galleons from her pocket, and said proudly:

"One for each person!"

Harley didn't fight her, even though she also had a lot of gold galleons in her pockets.

As a result, the empty seat opposite them suddenly had an owner and was filled with all kinds of snacks - Ron was right not to come.

Cassandra tore open the package, put a piece of bubble gum into her mouth, chewed it and said:

"I think she should be a squib."


Harley asked, then realized that she was talking about the salesperson just now, and asked doubtfully:

"What does squib mean?"

Cassandra said:

"You can understand that Muggles who come from wizarding families are just the opposite of wizards who come from Muggle families. They are born in wizarding families, but they have no magical talent themselves and are unwilling to leave the wizarding world, so most of them work as servants for wizards. .”

Kassandra paused and explained, "Squib is not an insulting word."

Harley nodded silently to express understanding, but Ash shook his head and said:

"She's not a squib."

"Why?" Cassandra was a little unconvinced.

Ash smiled and said:

"She's been working as a shop assistant here since this train line has been running. Do you think someone like that would be a squib?"

Harley exclaimed:

"Then she is over one hundred and sixty years old? Do all wizards live that long?"


Cassandra was defeated and whispered:

"Most wizards will not survive. Only very powerful wizards can do it, such as Dumbledore. But Dumbledore is only 110 years old this year, and many wizards cannot live that long..."

Cassandra blushed, what had she just done? She actually called a powerful wizard a squib? !

Ash continued:

"But even if they are Squibs, their descendants actually have a chance to become wizards, because there has always been a theory in the wizarding world."

Cassandra and Harley looked over at the same time, and Ash continued:

"This theory holds that the ancestors of all Muggle-born wizards must have been wizards or squibs. From this, it can be inferred that all wizards have one or a group of common ancestors."

Cassandra frowned slightly:

"I've never heard of that theory."

Harley asked curiously:

"Ash, do you think this theory is correct?"

"Maybe it's true, maybe it's not."

Ash did not give a clear answer, but said calmly: "Because no one knows whether this theory is credible, unless you can travel back thousands of years to see the reason for the birth of wizards."

"If this theory is accepted, it means that the birth of wizards was no accident. The first wizard, or the first group of wizards, was influenced by certain factors and became 'wizards'."

"And I prefer that the 'original wizards' are a group of people rather than one person. These 'original wizards' became 'wizards' under the influence of some special factors that cannot be copied. For example, if a meteorite falls from the sky to a village, it will The entire village has become a wizard. But there is only one meteorite, and the 'power' in the meteorite has been absorbed by the people in the village, so it cannot be copied."

"This can explain why only the 'original wizards' and their descendants can become wizards, and not everyone has the opportunity. And judging from the history of the wizarding world, magic is gradually being lost, and the overall strength of the wizarding world is getting stronger and stronger. Weak, the number of dumb guns is also increasing.”

"Many truly powerful magics have been lost, and ancient magics have only become legends."

"And as time goes by, perhaps the entire wizarding world will die out, and even the existence of wizards will become a distant legend."

Ash actually believes in this theory, which is the basic setting of this world. So there must be some reason why the 'original wizard' was born. As the wizard's bloodline continues to continue, the 'power' contained in the bloodline becomes thinner and thinner, which leads to the overall strength of the wizarding world becoming weaker and weaker.

Based on this inference, Ash conducted a large number of human experiments, and more than twenty black magicians paid their precious lives for this. Of course, this experiment was the one with the least loss among all Ash's experiments. After all, only about twenty people died in total.

Of course, this cannot be told to outsiders casually.

So Ash stopped there and didn't go any further.

But even what he said had silenced the two girls.

This forced him to liven up the atmosphere and interrupted with a smile:

"Of course, this is based on the fact that this theory is true. But even so, it will take at least another thousand years until the wizarding world dies completely. What's more, this theory is probably just pure blood Made up by supporters to prove the theory of pure-blood nobility."

"So, don't take it to heart." Ash said lightly.

The girls received some comfort. The topic just now was too heavy for them, and Harley would rather believe that it was not true. Cassandra thinks so too, even if this theory can better support the 'pure-blood nobility theory'.

Cassandra wrapped the spitted bubble gum in tin foil, took out her wand and pointed it at it:


The tip of the wand bloomed with light, and then the tinfoil on the ground disappeared immediately.

Harley picked up a small package of chocolate frogs and asked with some suspicion:

"Isn't this a real frog?"

Upon hearing Harley's inquiry, Cassandra put away her wand, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, and said in a normal tone:

"It's just that the name is weird. There are ordinary chocolates inside. You can open it and take a look."

Harley naively believed her and opened the box. A black frog transformed from chocolate immediately burst out and jumped on Harley's face.

"Yeah!" Harley screamed in fright. She hates frogs!

"Pfft!" Cassandra couldn't help laughing. She liked to see Harley's frightened expression.


The frog croaked and climbed into Harley's hair, but the next second it was caught in Ash's hand.

Ash patted the girl on the shoulder and comforted: "It's not a real frog, it's just chocolate. You can eat it and see."

There was a cry in Harry's voice:

"No! Absolutely not! Take it away!"

"All right."

Ash shrugged and brought the frog to his mouth.


With a crisp sound, Ash bit off the frog's head, and the rest of the body was still twitching and moving, just like a real frog.

Harley looked at Ash in horror, did you just eat it in one bite? How can you say it?

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