The arrogant and high-profile history of the pirate's richest man

17. It’s simply crazy.


On top of this, there are a few awesome characters who are born with or have developed their knowledge to the extreme in several fields.

That's really great.

For example, Roger listens to the sounds of all things. Everything in the world is alive in his eyes, even flowers, plants, trees, stones and air.

The manipulative emotions of Princess Otohime of Mermaid Island.

Charlotte Katakuri's Prediction of the Future.

Lone Red's mind-reading or memory-modifying.

Fujitora's all-weather knowledge and ability to smile can sense the existence of meteorites in outer space.

There is also the heart network combined by Enilo through the thunder fruit, but none of them are as clear as the above five.

Either one is one in a million. If Bawang color can only have one in a million people, then these five knowledgeable colors will only appear in one in a billion.

Chaos is very greedy. He has been greedy for these five kinds of knowledge and color abilities for an unknown period of time. Even if one of them is awakened, it is equivalent to a small cheating cheat.

At present, these are too far away and unrealistic for Chaos, and he has not even awakened the most basic knowledge, so he really thinks a bit too much.

But the toad cannot lose his dream, what if he picks up a white swan one day?

After all, his talent has improved a lot because of time travel.

Half a month, a whole half a month, Chaos and Zebra Killer stayed in the mountain stream for half a month.

Khaos has been thinking about it for the past half month, and he has covered his eyes with gold and lived in the mountain stream.

In fact, this kind of training has also been trained in Chaos, the island of goats, and it can be regarded as familiar.

But this time is obviously different, at least the perception is very different.

Chaos can perceive the existence of animals within a certain range, but it is very vague, and he will know some road obstacles, etc., the window paper is getting thinner and thinner.

But it just can't be pierced.

I always feel a little bit worse

Following Zebra Killer's inadvertent words, Chaos had a flash of inspiration.

He knew what he was missing.

Death threat

Only when a person is on the verge of death, will the potential in the body burst out.

So the rest is easy.

Chaos gritted his teeth and decided to go to Demon Valley Town to die.

He will no longer use the golden fruit ability unless his life is on the line.

In order to awaken the color of knowledge and knowledge, he worked hard.

Take a gamble to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, and if you lose, you will die.

However, there is no such thing as dying. When such a serious moment comes, he will definitely run away immediately.

How important is dignity?

He is a man who wants to become the richest man in the world. His high-profile and luxurious life has not yet begun. How can he die?

As long as his life is still alive, he will grind out his knowledge and knowledge, the worst thing is to spend a little more time.

"Hey, did you make a mistake? You're going to put me here like this?"

On the half-wall of the mountain stream, Chaos made a hidden cave during this period of time, and now the Zebra Killer is looking at Chaos with angry eyes, with an expression on his face that you are teasing me.

"You are an animal-type ability user. You should be able to last for ten days and a half months without eating or drinking. I will come back during this time."

The Zebra Killer was still tightly bound with gold, with only one head outside.

If you take a closer look, you will find that there is still a pile of gold in the cave. This is what Chaos sensed from the forest in the past half month, and the amount is quite a lot.

It can only be said that it is indeed part of Sky Island.

There are many herbs in the corner on the other side. If there is a doctor here, they will definitely recognize them. These are herbs that stop bleeding, reduce inflammation, and speed up healing.

Chaos is obviously not a doctor, but these herbs are indeed specially prepared by him.

Moreover, these herbs were learned from Jaw Cub, Lion Cub, and Tiger Cub. Those three guys would always look for these herbs when they were injured.

And in that short period of time it was still used often.

He is preparing in advance.

Chaos raised his hand and waved lightly, and more than half of the gold began to squirm into a golden coffin, at least one meter thick. One can imagine how much gold Chaos has now.

"Damn bastard, it's not enough to tie me up, but put me in a coffin."

Zebra Killer's face turned green. How worried this guy was about him, he was simply insane.

Chaos didn't bother to pay attention to the guy's wailing, the golden chains on his body continued to spread to cover his head, leaving only the nostrils and mouth, and then entered the golden coffin, and then the golden wriggling coffin was integrated, leaving only two thumb-sized The hole allows air to circulate so it doesn't suffocate the guy.

The zebra killer in the coffin was still yelling, but his voice was much lower.

After setting up the Zebra Killer, Chaos looked at the small pile of gold, hesitated, and waved his hand to form a palm-sized close-fitting body covering his lower body. In case his life was really in danger, this was his guarantee of escape.

The rest flew towards the coffin again and blended together to increase the thickness.

After making all preparations, Chaos quickly flew towards Magic Valley Town on moon steps.

Half a month has passed, and there has been no change in Magic Valley Town.

Some pirates left, and new ones landed on the island. It was still chaotic and prosperous, and there would be bloodshed from time to time.

The title of Golden Emperor was still discussed ten days ago, but now it is rare.

After all, there is no shortage of news in Magic Valley Town. Today is the killing of millions of pirates, and tomorrow will be tens of millions of pirates landing on the island. Who will remember what happened half a month ago.

But soon some pirates will remember the Golden Emperor.

"Boy, you're not dead yet"

"The room has expired, and I want to continue to live and pay."

Tropical Hotel, the smoking boss at the counter was slightly startled when he saw Chaos.

"Are you going to provide information here?"

The reason why Chaos came here was to see if he could get any news.

Those who run restaurants must be very well informed.

"One piece of news, ten taels of gold."

The smoking boss takes a puff on his cigarette.

"I want the locations of Tesis the Reaper, Pradanit the Bloodthorn Thorn, and Tepiru the Camel."

Chaos put the fist-sized gold on the counter, as if his wealth and wealth were like a stone.

"You're very lucky. Those three guys haven't left Magic Valley Town yet. Turn left when you go out and walk out. There is a tavern, Reaper and Bloodthorn..."

After confirming the positions of the three, Chaos turned and walked out of the tavern.

Even though his eyes were blindfolded, he didn't touch any of the tables, chairs and benches on the road.

Just like a blind man who has been blind for more than 30 years, he can perceive some obstacles.

To be sure, this is not the color of knowledge.

It is equivalent to a feeling, but it has the same goal as the color of knowledge and knowledge. It only needs a little bit, as long as the little window paper is pierced, the color of knowledge and knowledge will be gathered together.

"This guy disappeared for half a month and thought he was dead."

Spike and Triss appeared from nowhere, leaning half on the counter and watching Chaos who disappeared at the door.

"It's very interesting, isn't it? You actually thought of this way to practice."

The smoking boss clicked on the pipe, then turned his head and cursed, "You two bastards, you are actually lazy during working hours."

"I went to the old fortune teller on the corner of the street yesterday to do a calculation. He said that you will die in three days, and I will be able to inherit your inheritance by then."

Triss still misses the smoking boss restaurant.

"That old thing has been telling you that since ten years ago, and you have believed it for ten years, but I am still alive and well."

The smoking boss looked disdainful.

"Damn it, I'm going to settle accounts with him after get off work."

Triss was furious, she felt cheated.

"But you went to him every time in a rage, but in the end it all went away."

"Damn it, I must give him a punch this time."

"You say that every time."

At this time on the street, Chaos followed the guidance of the smoking boss to the corner tavern. Along the way, many pirates greedily looked at the gold that Chaos covered his eyes, but they didn't do anything.

Perhaps Chaos's ostentation made these pirates more or less undecided. .


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