The Ascension

Chapter 100 – Giel’s Mate Is Out There

There was a rant here, but it has played out. There was a question asked. Here is the question.  "How do you know the aspects of Aila will never turn on her?"  The answer is simple.  I am the author.  The story answer is also simple, and stated many times over the coming ten chapters.  If it has to be spelled out, please read the chapters again.  The answer is there.


Aconia watched her sister, and how she handled the situation. She nodded solemnly, while her sisters could see the satisfaction that their sleeping sister, Aila, obviously felt.

"She had the enhanced soldiers cut Liam's tendons, and now he's strapped to one of the soldier's backs." Aconia said, and felt her middle surge outward. "Easy, Naha. He won't have a chance to touch them." Her belly surged again, this time with more strength.

"Calm yourself, Hulda." Aconia said softly. "Our sister has made the plans necessary to dispense justice." Aconia smiled a little. "Not just Liam, but the entire clan will be eradicated this time." The two within her settled down, which made her smile down at herself gently.

"Those are but small fishes in a small pond. We are surrounded by three kingdoms, and none of them are friendly. I do not wish to start a massacre, but examples must be made to quiet those who are too noisy." She said as she watched her sister, Nuldeir, and murmured a bit. Her two sisters within her belly had calmed down, but they could sense her emotions quite easily.

"It must be done, my precious sisters." She said quietly. "Those who wish to wage war with us will realize something so profound, they will either behave themselves, or fight to the death." She lightly caressed her belly, and smiled gently.

"I think you two need some company." She said, and grinned at her other two sisters nearby. Her form began to grow larger, her belly opened again, while both Daria and Phyria blushed brightly.

Just like Hulda and Naha, they were enveloped, cocooned, and pulled within Aconia's belly to be with their sisters. Her belly closed up once again, and she sighed happily.

She waved a hand, and beneath her feet, a tree began to grow. Her belly moved a bit, which made her smile. She opened her belly, merged the cocoons into one, and closed it back up again.

"You girls be good in there." Aconia said softly as she rubbed her large belly. She sat down on top of an oak tree, her large body cradled gently as she had the tree shaped to fit her properly.

"Now, let us look in on our dear sister, and see how she deals with that monster in a human skin."


* * *


"That one, and those three." Sol said. The dead soldiers pulled the four women to the carriage, and pushed them inside. Giel grinned from the side.

"Mother, I should help my sister subdue those ones." Giel said as she looked at their wild eyes. "I don't trust them. They might hurt Thay." Sol looked down at her daughter, and noticed that her grin disappeared, and she looked ready to move. There was no hunger in her eyes, only concern.

"Then go. Help your sister properly, or the goddess will be most upset with us both." Sol said, and watched Giel grab the last one and force her to her knees.

"Stay still!" Giel said with a fierce expression. She looked into the carriage. "Sister, send one out. It is not good to be outnumbered, and one of her eggs be injured." Kana looked down at her sister, and smiled gently.

"When it's time, Giel, I will teach you how to subdue your own mate properly." She pushed the last one out, and into Giel's waiting arms. She thrust her to her knees when the woman tried to struggle.

"Do not make me break your bones, woman." Giel growled. "My sister does not need you intact. Only alive." The woman cringed fearfully, while Giel turned her attention to her sister and her beloved mate.

Thay licked her lips softly, a vision of seductive beauty, and one that grabbed the attention of the woman in her hands. She watched her tongue run over her plump lips, and how she opened her robe to reveal her large plump breasts.

"Do you like what you see?" Thay asked silkily.  The woman slowly nodded, unwilling to speak, but unable to prevent herself from giving a response. She was not gay, but she could not help herself. The flesh revealed made her feel warm.

Thay's skin was so pale white, the veins beneath could be easily seen. The woman's gaze lingered on her large breasts, and that plump nipple. She wanted to taste it, even if she had never had the desire to taste a woman before.

"You look so sweet." Thay said softly. She continued to open her robe, and lightly traced out a lump. "This is one of my babies, still so young and vulnerable. She would like to meet you. Did you know that she can sense you?" The woman shook her head slowly.

"She's so hungry right now, but she can not eat at all. Won't you kiss her goodnight?" Thay said, her eyes shining as she used one of her abilities. The woman slowly nodded, and looked down. She followed Thay's finger, and lowered her lips to that small lump.

"That's it. Leave your lips right there." Thay gently prodded the egg. "Baby, she wants you to kiss her back." Thay's belly moved a bit, the woman left her lips on Thay's belly, but her eyes closed, and she grunted. Her throat bulged a little, but the lump did not leave Thay's belly.

Thay lightly traced another egg's bump, and looked up at the second woman. Her eyes began to shine once again.


* * *


Giel watched with an odd look in her eyes. As the last woman fell to the carriage floor, a lifeless and dried up husk, Giel stood up and pulled each corpse from the carriage.

"Mother, these may have tried to touch Master's wives, but they have served her properly. Should we give them a proper burial, like Master said to?" She asked. Sol tapped her lips, and nodded.

"Master said that since they have performed their final duty without anger, and properly, they will be given a Final Rest ceremony. Those who do not, will be fed to the wolves." Sol said. She looked at a few soldiers.

"Gather wood and set up a funeral pyre. Put them on the pyre, and light it. They will be sent to Imera, as we have been instructed." Sol said, and a group broke off to do as they had been told.

"Thay, your belly is real big." Giel stepped up into the carriage, and knelt down. She put her hands on Thay's belly, and smiled warmly. "I can feel them. They are curious about where they are. They feel affection for you as well." Giel looked up at Thay, with a bit of awe in her eyes.

"Master said I'll need to hibernate soon." Thay said, and watched as Giel moved in between her thighs, and laid her head on her large belly.

"You should start talking to them, Thay. Let them know how much you love them."  Giel said quietly, afraid her voice might wake them, if they wanted to sleep. Thay reached down and ran her fingers through Giel's hair.

"I already am." She sighed, and leaned back against the carriage cushions. "Master made it possible for me to talk to my babies while they are in my belly, but without using my voice." She smiled happily.

"I am pregnant with my lovely wife's babies, and they are so curious about the world we live in." Thay sighed happily, and yawned delicately. Kana lightly stroked her belly from the side.

"You must hibernate, Thay. Until our babies are more mature, you will need to sleep, and teach them how to leave your belly when it is time." Kana sighed a little, her gaze focused on her mate's belly, with not only a wistful look, but also a concerned one. Giel put her hand on her sister's thigh.

"You'll need to hunt for her, Kana." Giel said, and looked thoughtful.

"What's wrong?" Kana asked.

"I can help, but I am not as strong as you are, Kana. Didn't Master say you needed to get her wolves to feed on?" Giel frowned slightly. "Why not eat more of those?" She felt a hand lightly stroke her neck.

'For the only reason that counts. So that we do not take too much human life, and taint the cores of her babies.' That hand ran down the back of her head, which neither Kana nor Thay saw. They were still focused on Thay's eggs.

'She is out there, little one. Waiting for you.'


* * *


"Mistress, please, you must get ready. The master has called for your presence." The heavy chested maid said to the mistress of the house, and the head wife of the family. The mistress sat on the edge of the bed.

"I told you to kneel, Giselle." She said in a firm tone. "If I'm going to serve that pig again, I need a little bit for myself." Her harsh glare softened. "Only you have ever given me consideration." Her eyes turned smokey.

"And that tongue of yours is divine. Now come over here, Giselle. Let me see your eyes as you show me your affection." The maid blushed brightly and knelt down between her mistress's thighs.

She appreciated how her mistress let her pleasure her with her mouth while she was clean. Later, after she was roughly handled by her husband, the slob would leave her feeling dirty, and unsatisfied.

After her mistress climaxed, she firmly held Giselle's head with her inner thighs, and didn't let her back away. This was her exerting a bit of control over her maid, which made her more excited. Giselle let her do it every time, and didn't complain. She actually liked how her mistress held her with her thick legs, and pulled her in like a lover should.

"Please, mistress. I will help you bathe and get clean when you come back." Giselle said, imploring her mistress not to dally any longer. If she did, the master of the house would hurt her even more for his own deviant desires.

"I'm such a lucky woman." She said in a husky tone. "I can not wait to return to your gentle embrace."

Once the mistress was properly dressed, and adjusted so that her husband would not know of their affair, she left the room with a bit of dignity. Giselle knew that the master of the house would rip that away for his own pleasure, no matter the effect on his wife.

Giselle looked out the window cautiously. She saw several dead soldiers walk through the small city, but didn't feel any fear at their appearance, or when they looked up at her.  She did lightly tap her chin with her fingertip.

"That's not the first time they looked at me. I wonder why."


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