The Ascension

Chapter 37 – Actions Over Words

Up to Chapter 49 available on Patreon for first tier, and 51 for second tier.


"Master, what are you doing?" For the rest of the day, Aila had run out into the forest and brought a few dozen trees back before she processed them into logs.

"I broke these trees in order to get the boulders I need to repair the manor. So these trees will become some products I want to make." Ellie watched as Aila turned the logs into planks, and made a large stack.

"Okay, there is a lot of water in these trees, so I need to remove eighty percent of it along the entire length, but not too quickly." She pursed her lips. "I should dry them slowly, but let me try something."

The first plank she tried to dry started to bleed water on the surface, but Aila groaned.

"Master, what's wrong?" Ellie asked, but her answer was the wood popping, and splitting.

"I took too much water far too fast. I didn't do it evenly, so the inner part forced the outer part to crack. I wonder how this works." Aila thought for a moment.

"Master, wood seasons before it becomes firewood. The surface dries easily. The rest takes time. If you try to force it, the same thing will happen, just faster." Ellie said.

"I agree." She sighed. "I could build a kiln to dry it, but I don't know how."

"You could always put it away so that it dries over time, and use the pieces you need to use right now. Even if it's not completely dry, as long as you don't oil it, it will still dry." Ellie said, and watched Aila's response.

"You're right, Ellie. I wanted it to be perfect, but that will take time." She smiled a bit. "I'll need to add sticks between the layers so that the layers dry. For now, did you want to help?" Ellie perked up.

"How can I help, Master?"

"I'm going to make two thick posts. Once I put them down, you can help me to stack the planks on them. Once we make a layer, we'll put a short plank between the layers, and stack another layer." Ellie nodded, so Aila squared two lengths, and made a place to set the planks.

Ellie could barely keep up, but Aila smiled each time she laid a plank. Once the layer was done, Aila handed her a short plank she split.

"Put this down at the other end like this." She put her piece on the planks. Ellie did the same thing, which made Aila smile.

"Well done, Ellie. I didn't even need to tell you to stack it above the post. The reason we do that is so the planks lay flat and don't bend. Each layer stays straight." Aila said. Ellie smiled, and continued to help until Aila stopped her.

"Alright, these are the pieces we're going to use inside. Hm, did you want to keep helping?" Ellie nodded eagerly. Aila smiled and gestured to her.

"We're going to make some furniture."


* * *


"Master, it's suppertime!" Elena called out the front door. "Ellie, you're out here?"

"Yep!" She said with a bright smile. "We're making things!" Elena looked at each of them.


"Elena, can you come help? Your sister and you should be able to bring in a piece if you work together." Aila said, and watched as Elena nodded. The girl's eyes had registered a bit of sadness since she felt left out, but now that was gone.

"I hope they can get over the details, and learn that it isn't an insult." Aila sighed as the girls carried in a regular sized piece of furniture. It wasn't heavy, but even Ellie didn't know what they were for.

They came outside a minute later.

"Master, we set that piece inside the main room!" Ellie said happily.

"Take another one in and set it near the first. I'll take two in, and if you two have enough strength, you can take one more in." Aila said, and watched both girls nod.

Once all the pieces were gathered, there were seven in total, one for each person.

"Shaala, Kaala, come out here please." Aila called. Both women came into the main room, but were unsure why they were called. It normally wasn't a good thing when both were called together, but then again, it was never a good thing if they were called separately.

"Yes, Master?" Kaala asked.

"I'm starting to realize that there are things I've not been able to address until now." Kaala looked confused, so Aila explained. "Other than the clothes you wear, you don't own anything."

"Of course. We are slaves." Kaala said.

"Ah ah ah." She waved her finger, like she was saying no to a child. Her mother had done that to her countless times when she wanted to rebel and try to escape her hospital room. "You were slaves. Now you're free, so you should have something to signify that you have belongings." Aila looked at Ellie. "Come here, Ellie." Ellie came forward.

"This is called a nightstand." She said. Ellie nodded.

"I've seen something similar in the clan, but not as nice as this." She said honestly. Aila smiled. She put the tip of her finger on the wood.

"E. L. L. I. E. That spells Ellie." Aila used her finger to carve her name in the side. Ellie's eyes held a bit of shock. "This is Ellie's nightstand, and she can store the things she owns within it. No one is allowed to open it, or take anything out of it unless she says it's okay to do so." She looked at Ellie.

"Ellie, put this on the side of the bed you sleep on. It's supposed to be near your bed, and when I finish making you a bed of your own, that is where it will go." Ellie put her hand over her mouth.

"Actions." She whispered. Aila smiled.

"Yes, Ellie. Actions over promises." Aila went to the second one. "Elena, this is your nightstand. Put it near your side of the bed you sleep on." After she labeled each stand, the women who were given the stand couldn't help but tear up.

"In the future, you'll have a chest to put your precious items in, a set of drawers to put clothes in, and a room that will be yours alone. You can choose to let someone sleep in your room, or even share a room if that is what you desire, but each of you will be able to have their own room, and their own things. Do you know why?" Aila asked.

The others around the room were speechless, but Nuri was not.

"Master, we can each have these things because you are our Master." She said firmly. "I may be free, but I still choose to belong to you." Aila was about to say something to dissuade her, but the rest also nodded.

"I may also be free, but I choose you as my Master." Nadya said. Aila blushed brightly. She spoke in a small voice.

"So mean. Saying you belong to me. How can I let you go when you want to belong to me, and you make me so happy?" She looked so shy, the ladies all smiled.

"Because to us, you are the kindest Master we could ever belong to. Do you know that if we were to return to the slave dealer, and were sold to the best possible master Toral knew, we wouldn't be treated so well there?" Nuri said quietly. Shaala nodded.

"She's right, Master! We have food, and a warm place to sleep! You made us beds, gave us furs, bought fabric to make clothes to stay warm!" Shaala said.

"And you gave us things to show we are valued." Kaala said. "Did you know that if I picked up a sharp knife in front of any master, good or mean, I would be whipped?" Shaala nodded quickly.

"And you bought me a knife to cut fabric!" Shaala said quickly. "No master would trust us near them with sharp things. No master would go to sleep without a guard nearby. To us, being your slaves is a privilege meant for the blessed few."

Elena and Ellie came up to her side and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Master." Elena said. "Thank you for buying us, even when we are useless." Aila hugged them both.

"Who said you are useless?" Aila said firmly. "You're my precious girls. If anyone ever says that you are useless to me, they had better not let me catch them." Aila's hands trailed down to their ribs, and lightly moved her fingers in that place that most people had trouble staying still.

"Master!" Elena squealed as she was tickled. Ellie, on the other hand, giggled and turned to face her.

"Let's tickle her, Elena!" Thump! Aila was shocked as she was bowled over, but she soon started to laugh. She had to forcefully control her strength as the two teenage girls found her highly ticklish spots on her ribs, and under her arms.

Nuri and Nadya laughed, and gently rolled their girls up into their arms, and held them affectionately. Aila laid back on the furs, and smiled with bright red cheeks.

"I used to hear stories about how siblings played, and tickled each other. Wow. I didn't know it could be so fun!" She sat up. "Girls, each day, we're going to play something fun. Whether its a little jog around the manor, a piggyback ride, or just sitting outside, and enjoying the sun, we are going to enjoy our lives." Aila smiled.

"We are going to be together for a long time. I can't wait to show you how much fun it is to run faster than a horse on the wasteland!"


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