The Ascension

Chapter 82 – Mother’s Milk


"A few dozen strong zombie guards, mother." Salia said as she counted the guards. "It appears that a few squads are still out in the city."

"Yes. They will bring more here to convert into soldiers. Soon, we'll have enough to move on. We don't need to kill everyone. Just thin them out, and keep them from filling the death pits back up." Sol said and pursed her lips.

"Will we have enough to eat, mother?" Salia asked in concern.

"We won't kill them all, Salia. Nor will we destroy every city. We'll weaken them to the point that they won't be able to slaughter the innocent like they have been." Sol looked at the mountain, and quietly considered what her Master had imparted to her in the form of memories, or to be more precise, a memory of a letter for her alone.

"What are you thinking about, mother?" Salia came up to her side, and hugged her arm. She let her medium sized breasts press against her arm. Sol smiled.

"Master lives on the other side of the mountain. Far in the future. I have to wait a long time to see her again." She sighed.

"The other side? But are there people there?" Salia asked.

"Not yet." Sol said with a grin. "In the future, there will be cities, and more than a few kingdoms. Master was strong enough to cut through time, and take my daughter back with her." Salia frowned.

"Is she a god, mother?" Salia asked, and watched as Sol grinned.

"She certainly appeared to be a goddess to me." Sol looked up at the sun above. "She glowed as bright as the sun above, and shone with the light of all the elements, death included." Salia was surprised at the description, as it did sound like a god.

"But why would she appear to you, mother? What did she look like?" Salia asked. Right now, Salia had the curiosity of a young child, though from a human standpoint, she was twenty years old at least.

"Master was beautiful, Salia. Like a god should be. As to why she appeared to me alone..." Sol tapped her lips. "I do not know why she chose me, but I am glad that she did." She lifted Salia in her arms and put her face against her breast. As the girl's fangs sank into her breast again, Sol groaned softly.

The death elements had gathered within her, and like a mother's milk, it nourished Salia's new core so she could grow and mature. Sol would find out that she was the central point that her daughters would revolve around, and they would need her like babies did their own mother.

It didn't hurt that Sol enjoyed the bite just as much as Salia did.


* * *


"There are some nobles left that are part of the group that murdered the innocent." Sol said as the dead soldiers brought in two more well dressed people. Salia grinned.

"Oh, momma, I'm so hungry." She said softly as she looked at both the man and woman who clung to each other in fear.

"They are well fed, Salia. Take the male for his life force. You can properly eat later." Sol gave directions to the dead soldiers, and watched as he tried to fight them off. When Salia approached, he was able to free an arm, and generate a flame upon his palm.

"Hold him properly! If he struggles too much, break his arms!" She snarled. "I don't want my daughter harmed by this futile resistance!" The soldiers broke his left arm, which made him cry out, lose his focus, and the flame fizzled out. Salia dashed forward, and sank her fangs into his neck.

He gasped in shock as she weakened his body, and her decadent moans and slurping on his wound made the woman frown.

"Is she having sex with him?" She asked, no longer struggling. Sol smirked.

"It might seem like sex to you, as she is quite excited. The feeding process might even give him some pleasure as Salia is quite pretty, and plastered to his body like a set of tight clothes." Sol sighed. "Even her hands rove over his body as she feeds on him." Both the noble woman and Sol watched as he slowly shriveled up, and developed a death core.

"His time is up. We never let men stay around us unless they are servants." Sol said. Salia sighed happily, and climbed down off his body, as she had climbed up in order to feed.

"He was delicious, momma." Salia said and licked her lips. She looked at the woman coyly. "May I keep her for a while?" Sol suppressed her laughter.

"You must care for her properly, Salia. If you do, you may keep her alive." Sol put her palm on the new corpse, shattered his core, and reformed it with her imprint. Salia's core would have no direction, and he would show no loyalty. The corpse waited, as patient as all the dead soldiers, and stood in place.

"Go acquire proper armor and a weapon. You shall join the dead soldiers. Once outfitted, find any guards who remain alive within the city. If there are none, find a noble." Sol pointed. "Every time you find someone, bring them here. Leave the slaves and commoners alone. Once the city is empty, we'll leave." The guard turned and walked away, now on the path of absolute obedience.

Sol turned back and watched as the woman carefully obeyed Salia so she wouldn't be killed like the man had been. Sol knew what her daughter had in mind.

Let her have some hope, keep her alive, and when she was feeling affectionate enough, she would consume her in the most erotic way she could. She would let this woman die, but not like she was a meal.

It would become a pleasant farewell to life for the woman who didn't treat Salia with disdain. She was not as arrogant as other nobles, nor infected with the superiority complex that made Sol hate the entire noble class.

Sol would not make her one of her daughters, as she still had some blood on her hands, but she would not die in fear, or agony.


* * *


"Hm. I'm not sure I like how much attention she's giving her temporary pet." Sol said with a frown on her pretty, and pale face as she listened to the noble woman's moans.

When she last checked up on her daughter, Salia had stripped the woman of her clothes and put her on the large bed in the manor they used as a base. She had climbed up on the bed, laid beside her, and gently incited the woman's lust.

The woman was so aroused, even when Salia started to bite into her flesh, nothing could stop her from having a hard climax.

Somehow, Salia learned how to control her own hunger, and heighten her victim's arousal to the point that pain equaled pleasure.

"It must be a side effect of death elements." Sol said, and held back her dissatisfaction with the event.

With each slow bite, the woman offered herself to Salia and encouraged her to take another. Salia knew she felt the pain, as she grimaced each time she bit her. However, at the same time, she encouraged her to continue taking small slow bites.

"Thank you, Mel." Salia said softly. "I wanted you to have a nice warm release, and not be in pain at all. This way was more intimate for me, but harder for you." Mel smiled down at her, now fully in love with this pale dead girl.

"It's fine, love. Please, take it all now. Let me go in peace." Mel's breath came in slow shallow gasps now, which made Salia a bit sad. It was too bad that she had not learned how to be a good woman before she killed other women in jealousy, and added to the pile of corpses in the pit.

Salia put her mouth over the woman's left breast, bit deep, and sent her death essence deep into the older woman's body. Once she sucked it out again, Mel's breath ceased, and she died quietly.

Though she was now a corpse, Salia started to eat her body as she was inflamed with a ravenous hunger.

"You paid a price for that gentle death, Salia." Sol said quietly. She sighed and closed her eyes. "You could have consumed her like that from the beginning, but didn't."

Once Salia filled her belly with flesh, she slid onto Sol's lap and bit into her breast to drain her of more death elements. Sol murmured a bit as the girl's hand slid down between her thick muscular thighs.

"Naughty girl. Still not sated?"


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